Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 950: 10 people, unprecedented record

Chapter 950: 10 people, unprecedented record
"Yes, although English must still be learned, its importance cannot be denied."

“But why should it continue to dominate the world?”

"The influence that English can achieve, we Chinese may be able to achieve one day."

When communicating with Xiang Changle, Cao Yang basically spoke casually, saying whatever he thought.

As they talked, the two started talking about this year's campus recruitment.

October will soon be over, and many large companies have officially started their campus recruitment.

Both Venustech and its sister companies are naturally preparing for this year's campus recruitment.

"This year, the total number of campus recruits by our five major groups reached 11, which is a historical record."

There is naturally nothing that cannot be said about something that is about to be officially announced to the public.

"There are 11 people recruited on campus alone?"

"Then your groups combined would have about 100 million people, wouldn't that mean?"

Xiang Changle knew that Nanshan Group’s companies had great influence and a large number of employees.

However, since Honor Technology's production is outsourced to BYD, he always wondered if the number of people was not that large.

I didn't expect it to reach 100 million.

"We estimate that we will have 100 million next year, but we are still a little short of that now."

"However, we generally do not publicize the number of employees of all groups at the same time. Each group only recruits its own subsidiaries together."

The scale of campus recruitment of more than 10 people is absolutely unprecedented.

Although the number of students enrolled is increasing every year, the number of graduates in 2014 was only 727 million. As a result, 11 of them went to work for Nanshan-affiliated companies.

These are the graduates who directly entered Nanshan-affiliated companies. If the graduates who entered companies in the industrial chain for seven days were also included, the estimated number would be close to 30.

Such exaggerated data can be regarded as a side confirmation of the huge influence of Nanshan Group's enterprises.

"You originally split up Nanshan Group because you were worried that a big tree would attract the wind, right?"

"But now it doesn't really matter whether it is demolished or not. Even if you want to keep a low profile, none of the subordinate groups can keep a low profile."

"Nanshan Automobile Group, Honor Technology Group, Venusstar Technology Group, Nanshan Energy Group, and Nanshan Media Group are all top companies in their industries."

"But your various groups are indeed very competitive and have come up with some technologies that are not available internationally or that we have not yet mastered."

Xiang Changle has been dealing with Nanshan-affiliated companies over the years and is very familiar with the situation there.

The fact that Guangzhou has become the city with the highest GDP in China, and even Lingnan Province has become the province with the highest GDP, is absolutely due to the contributions of Nanshan-based companies.

"That being said, dividing it into several groups doesn't give people that much excitement after all. Otherwise, the scale is too large and it's a bit scary."

Nanshan-based companies are not like Foxconn, which relies on OEM to expand its labor force.

A large proportion of our current staff are R&D personnel.

The automation rate of the production line ranks among the highest both domestically and globally.

It is even more extraordinary that there are so many employees under such circumstances.

The most important thing is that the companies in the Nanshan Group are all international giants, and they have not developed by competing with other domestic companies on costs.

Therefore, even though the Nanshan Group’s companies have blocked the development path of many companies, their reputation in China is very good.

"That's true. Lingnan University of Technology has been expanding its enrollment in recent years. After the expansion of some schools, the employment rate and quality of graduates have declined."

"But we have not seen a decline. The number of graduates each year has exceeded 1, and next year it may even reach 1.2."

"When the students who enrolled this year graduate, the number will reach 1.5."

"Thanks to the existence of Nanshan-affiliated companies, they can easily find jobs, which has also affected countless families in Lingnan Province."

There are not many good universities in Lingnan Province, at least compared with cities like the Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital, there is no comparison at all.

However, because the employment quality of graduates from several universities in the province has been very high in recent years and the pace of enrollment expansion has been very rapid each year, the enrollment rate of high school graduates is actually quite good, and their final employment quality is even more extraordinary.

In Guangzhou, a student graduating from an ordinary undergraduate university may find a job with a better income than those from many local 211 or even 985 universities.

This phenomenon has gradually been noticed by many people.

So some second-tier schools began to appear, and many of their admission scores were actually higher than the first-tier line.

This situation is especially obvious for admissions from other provinces.

I have to say, this is also a very remarkable existence.

"As long as we have more companies that can make breakthroughs in high-tech fields, the employment issue won't be a big problem."

"Only by developing more high-tech enterprises can we need more high-end talents."

"Otherwise, if everyone goes to the factory to screw in screws, a junior high school diploma will be enough."

Cao Yang felt quite emotional when he thought about the scenes of future graduates becoming unemployed right after graduation.

Although there are many reasons for this, China's lack of strength in the field of high technology is definitely an important reason.

Take a look at high-tech companies like Nanshan Semiconductor. More than 1% of the company's employees have a bachelor's degree, and the number of employees with doctoral degrees exceeds .

Why would an ordinary company need so many PhDs?
The total number of doctoral graduates in 2014 was only 5.4.

In this year's campus recruitment plan, Nanshan-affiliated companies want to recruit more than 1 people with doctoral degrees.

In the future, the number of people with doctoral degrees in the entire Nanshan Group of companies may exceed 10.

That's even more exaggerated.

By then, any product will be possible.

Ordinary companies simply cannot afford to support so many highly educated and highly paid talents.

After Cao Yang discussed this year's campus recruitment with Xiang Changle, the various companies in the Nanshan Group quickly and officially announced their schedule and plans for this year's campus recruitment.

Needless to say, even netizens with average computing ability can figure out with a quick calculation that the number of campus recruitments by Nanshan-affiliated companies exceeds 10.

This is definitely good news.

After so many years of development, Nanshan-based companies have undoubtedly become one of the companies that Chinese graduates most want to work for.

Almost all of Nanshan’s companies were on the list of best employers by relevant organizations last year.

There are even many graduates who, after receiving multiple offers, ultimately choose to work for Nanshan-affiliated companies.

Various related news have spread all over the Internet.

Even the China Channel spent more than ten seconds briefly introducing this news in the news broadcast.

Some companies that have already felt the benefits of this kind of publicity will naturally not miss this rhythm.

"Mr. Wang, all our campus recruitment plans are carried out during the same time periods as the Nanshan-affiliated companies."

"As long as Nanshan-affiliated companies hold presentations at universities, we will go there."

BYD Group is the largest OEM manufacturer of Honor Technology. Relying on OEM of Honor mobile phones, PADs and other products, their scale in the OEM field is no smaller than that of Foxconn.

Even with the rapid development of customers such as Honor Technology and Warwick, BYD will soon become the world's largest OEM company.

The sales contributed by their OEM business is definitely much higher than that of the automotive business.

Wang Fu didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad about this.

However, it closely follows the development pace of Nanshan Group companies and maintains a consistent pace.

Wang Fu never hesitated about this insistence.

"We have recruited more than 20000 people on campus this year. Although we cannot compare with Nanshan-affiliated companies, we are still among the best in China."

"You can arrange for some good marketing and create a ranking of campus recruiters to let everyone know the scale of BYD."

"In the past few years, most of the people we recruited were undergraduates, and some even graduated from junior colleges or colleges."

"In recent years, the profits contributed by the OEM business have continued to increase, and the market value of the group has also continued to increase. We have invested more funds in human resources."

"Recruiting more students who graduated from good universities will be more meaningful for the long-term development of the group."

No matter what kind of enterprise it is, as its scale of development becomes larger, the requirements for the graduate schools of students recruited on campus will definitely continue to increase.

Just like in the past, before 2020, it was quite difficult for BYD to recruit students who graduated from 985 universities.

It’s not to say that no one goes there, but the proportion is definitely not high.

But by 2024, that will no longer be the case.

Not to mention the ordinary 985, even schools like Tsinghua and Peking University have many students going to BYD.

It is already difficult for ordinary undergraduate graduates to get in, unless you are particularly outstanding.

In just a few years, the situation has changed a lot.

Now, as BYD's automobile business is developing faster, its OEM business is booming.

Therefore, the situation of campus recruitment has already changed in advance.

"Well, I plan to promote this topic on Weibo so that more people can know about BYD."

"But relying on our own strength to market is probably a bit weak."

"Warwick's campus recruitment this year also exceeded 10000 people. I think we can get them to join in this marketing campaign, and the effect will definitely be better then."

After Zhong Qiang said this, Wang Fu's eyes immediately lit up.

Huawei is also an important customer of BYD.

All Warwick mobile phones and computers are outsourced to BYD for production.

There is absolutely no competition between them.

Engaging Warwick in marketing the topic of campus recruitment is definitely more effective than simply posting a few Weibo posts saying how many people you have recruited.

"No problem, you can decide on this matter yourself." "Anyway, we just need to make our name known and attract more outstanding talents to join our team."

"Especially since our automobile business has been declining in the past year, it would be of great significance if we could take this opportunity to gain more recognition from young people."

Throughout 2014, China's auto market can be described as a world of difference.

Nanshan Hongqi, Nanshan Automobile Group, Changan Automobile and other companies have been experiencing sustained growth.

However, the sales of Chery, Great Wall and BYD have declined to a certain extent.

Although the recent crackdown on Volkswagen has given us some room for development, the overall poor sales situation has not changed.

Wang Fu was actually a little anxious about the development of the automobile business, which he attached great importance to, into this state.

However, he does not regret his idea of ​​developing various technologies independently.

Especially in the accumulation of technology in the field of new energy vehicles, he has invested a lot of money in the past two years.

Gradually, these technologies will surely achieve some breakthroughs.

By then, BYD Auto is expected to stand out from other domestic brands and take off again.

"Well, the age of consumers who buy cars is constantly decreasing."

“Ten years ago, there were very few people aged 25 who bought cars.”

"But now many college students start thinking about buying a car as soon as they graduate."

Although Zhong Qiang is not directly responsible for the sales area, he is naturally very clear about market changes.

China's automobile market and consumers can be said to be the most special and fastest changing in the world.

For countries like Japan and Korea, the current market structure may not have changed much from that of ten years ago.

But in China, if you still use the same tactics from ten years ago, the market will probably teach you a lesson.

"That's right. Young people are much more receptive to various high-tech products, and they are also very receptive to electric vehicles."

"This is an opportunity for us. In the next few years, we will rely on the increase in electric vehicles to achieve the goal of annual sales of 100 million. It is entirely possible that we will become the second largest company after Nanshan Automobile Group in the future."

Wang Fu's expectations for BYD Auto have never lowered.

Especially in the development of new energy vehicles, he has very high hopes.

But so far, it seems like they got up very early and arrived late.

Although it was one of the earliest car companies to launch electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles, its electric vehicle sales have been surpassed by Changan Automobile, Yangcheng Aion and Future Auto.

This is definitely not something Wang Fu can accept.

"Mr. Wang, the overall selling price of electric vehicles is still relatively high. I think the group can focus on reducing the cost of electric vehicles so that the sales price of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles is on par with that of fuel vehicles of the same level."

"In this case, considering the purchase tax benefits and the reduction in vehicle operating costs, the market prospects of these vehicles should be very promising."

“This is also where our strengths can be best demonstrated.”

Except for Nanshan Automobile Group, no other company has a layout of three-electric components that exceeds BYD.

Zhong Qiang was also very clear about this.

That's why he thought of suppressing competitors from a cost perspective so that BYD could stand out.

First, expand and strengthen the mid- and low-end markets, and then consider the high-end market after the brand influence increases.

Unlike new forces such as Qiantu Motors and Xiaopeng Motors, which initially targeted vehicles priced at hundreds of thousands of yuan, it is obviously still very challenging to quickly achieve high sales targets.

"Your suggestion is very good. Please make a report about it and we can discuss it thoroughly within the company."

Wang Fu is still very confident in Zhong Qiang's vision.

So he actually tends to agree with this development plan, but when it comes to major adjustments to future strategies, he must be cautious.


Zhong Qiang acted quickly. After receiving the topic of hype about campus recruitment, Warwick quickly realized the benefits of it.

In terms of popularity, Warwick clearly still has a lot of room for improvement in this regard.

Even if it hadn't developed its consumer electronics business in recent years, many people in China wouldn't even know there is such a company as Warwick.

After all, America doesn't have the energy to deal with Warwick right now.

The Nanshan Group of companies alone have caused them to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

"Mr. Cao, topics related to campus recruitment have been very popular on the Internet these days. Several of our companies, along with BYD, Huawei and other companies, have received a lot of attention from graduates and netizens."

“I think we can use this opportunity to encourage companies to expand various competitions and scholarships in major universities.”

"This will be very helpful for us to select some high-end talents and increase our visibility."

Liu Youmei has been in charge of personnel affairs over the years and is deeply trusted by Cao Yang.

So even though she is not well-known in the outside world, she has a huge influence within the Nanshan Group of companies.

She has a strong say in the appointment of many department-level personnel in the company.

"Various competitions?"

Cao Yang immediately thought of several popular competitions among colleges and universities.

"Challenge Cup", "Mathematics Competition", "Entrepreneurship Competition"...

There are quite a lot of different competitions.

It would be truly meaningful if the Nanshan Group's companies could combine their own development needs and organize a few competitions that would influence universities across the country.

At least it is very effective to make a name for yourself among college students.

For example, the "Morning Star Cup" Aircraft Design Competition, the "Nanshan Automobile" Cup Energy-Saving Vehicle Competition, the "Nanshan Semiconductor Cup" Chip Design Competition, the "Nanshan Robot Cup" Robot Design Competition and the like are definitely worth organizing.

As for scholarships, they are not a pressure for Nanshan-based companies today.

After all, a scholarship of 10,000 yuan per student during college is basically a very high standard.

Even if 10,000 people receive this scholarship each year, the total amount is only 100 million yuan.

It is obviously worth spending hundreds of millions to gain a good reputation and actually do something good.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang agreed without hesitation and said, "You discuss with each company to see which competitions you want to organize."

"Since we are going to do it, we must do it well and make a name for ourselves."

"As for the scholarship, I'll just take a look at it after you make your plan."

Cao Yang definitely supports Liu Youmei's proposal.

Holding competitions can be seen as a way to select talents.

As for the scholarships, on the one hand they are for charity, and on the other hand they are also for building reputation for Nanshan Group’s companies.

This kind of thing is certainly worth doing.

After talking to Liu Youmei about the competition and scholarship, Cao Yang, led by Mi Ying, went to the conference room to listen to the report from Nanshan Automotive Group.

"Mr. Cao, due to the increase in the number of automobile exports this year, the transportation costs of ro-ro ships have risen sharply."

"Wenchong Shipyard took the initiative to communicate with us and wanted to cooperate in the customized production of large ro-ro ships."

"Then the two sides can jointly establish a transportation company to transport various export vehicles for domestic automobile companies."

Zeng Tingting talked to Cao Yang about automobile transportation issues today.

In China, automobile transportation is generally a combination of railways and automobiles.

Regardless of the method, the transportation cost is actually not particularly low.

The average transportation cost of a car worth one hundred thousand yuan is about three to four thousand yuan.

For luxury cars, it certainly doesn't matter.

But for economy cars, the reduction in transportation costs is very important.

If vehicles are to be exported, they mainly rely on sea transportation.

Although the cycle is relatively long, the cost is relatively low.

The key point is that in many places, even if you want land or rail transportation, the conditions are not met.

In the past, Nanshan Automobile Group has cooperated with outside companies in its transportation business, but Zeng Tingting now feels restricted and needs to get involved herself.

It just so happens that Wenchong Shipyard is also interested in producing roll-on/roll-off ships for transporting vehicles, and the production of such ships is not very difficult.

At least compared to LNG tankers, ro-ro ships are child's play.

If we produce roll-on/roll-off ships in a targeted manner in line with the needs of Nanshan Automobile Group, we will definitely be able to maximize the transportation efficiency. For Nanshan Automobile Group, there is really no harm in this.

So after some planning, Zeng Tingting specially arranged this report to Cao Yang.

“What are the characteristics of the ro-ro ships that Wenchong Shipyard plans to produce?”

Cao Yang is not so concerned about logistics, but considering that if this thing breaks down, it will actually be very troublesome.

So if Zeng Tingting wanted to do it herself, he would not object.

Although there have been many collaborations with Wenchong Shipyard, they have never produced car roll-on/roll-off ships.

Therefore, it is necessary to discuss whether it is necessary to cooperate specifically to produce this type of ship, or to directly purchase it from other shipyards.

"Their current plan is to produce the world's largest car transport ro-ro ship, which can transport 10000 passenger cars at a time."

"Not to mention the needs of other domestic customers, our group's annual transportation needs alone require at least five ro-ro ships of this level to meet the demand."

“So I think this project is feasible.”

Zeng Tingting had done various investigations beforehand, so she could answer Cao Yang's questions quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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