From Fist Wishing Blade to Muscle King Ming

Chapter 748 Feeding on Planets!

Chapter 748 Feeding on Planets!
"It's a pity that your appetite is too small!"

With the planet's delicacies in front of him, Leng Kong was in trouble again.

He spent several days eating just on the gourmet island.

How long would it take to eat the food on Food Week, which is dozens or hundreds of times the size of the Earth?
Moreover, the energy in the mantle rock layer is solidified and has a low absorption efficiency. It is definitely unrealistic to consume it brute forcely. It seems that we have to try another method.

Fortunately, he still has divine seed!
If you can’t finish it, pack it up and take it into your own little world.

"Come out, God Seed!"

Thinking of this, Leng Kong spread out his right hand, and the colorful divine seed floating on the giant peak in the center of the small world flew out of his palm, and then was attracted by the energy and automatically pierced into the dark rock layer.

With the nourishment of huge amounts of energy, the roots of the divine seed spread rapidly. In just three minutes, a finger-thick sprout of the divine tree broke through the rock and shone through space.

At the same time, the huge shadow of the sacred tree in the small world also turned into a bud shape accordingly.

Compared with the Naruto world, this is like planting the sacred tree in a pool of energy liquid formed by natural energy, and the absorption efficiency directly increases by dozens or hundreds of times.

It would only take a few years, not a thousand years, for the sacred tree to grow to its full form.

"very good!"

"But it's not enough!"

Seeing that the divine seed successfully broke through the soil, Leng Kong closed his eyes again, connected his mind to the divine tree, and consciously controlled the divine tree to catalyze seven attribute roots, one each for wind, fire, thunder, water, earth, yin, and yang.

A month later, the sacred tree had grown to 3 meters thick and 20 meters high, although it was still tiny compared to the thousands-meter-long pit dug by Leng Kong.

However, the seven attribute roots that concentrated energy supply penetrated the thick soil layer, drilled out of the riverbed, and appeared on the seabed a thousand meters away from the Gourmet Island.


The conditions were met, and Leng Kong roared silently again.

A black vortex suddenly emerged from the top of each of the seven attribute roots that emerged from the seabed. At the same time, seven black gates of time and space appeared above the small world!
The whirlpool swallowed the seawater, and a large number of plankton, shellfish, corals and jellyfish were brought into the small world.

"All right!"

After triggering the black hole, Leng Kong opened his eyes with satisfaction.

The sacred tree absorbs the delicious energy from the mantle layer, and its roots transform the energy into maintaining the black gate, forming an energy cycle. Once it is opened, Leng Kong no longer needs to be distracted to operate it.

Moreover, the devouring vortex formed by the space-time gate can also serve as a line of defense to protect the sacred tree located underground in the Gourmet Island.


Looking down from the sky, seven whirlpools suddenly appeared more than a thousand meters away from the sea centered on the Food Island. Although it doesn't look big now, as the roots absorb the food energy and continue to grow, Leng Kong believes that the seven whirlpools will expand into a perfect circular defense line.

In this way, Leng Kong can go out to enjoy delicious food without worrying about the safety of the sacred tree.

"Water leak?"

"Is the sky leaking?"

“Is it empty?
Zhu Mei, who had been trapped in the small world for more than a month, was really surprised and happy when she saw the black door in the sky.

"Sora, can you hear me?"

"it's me!"

Looking at the seven waterfalls of seawater falling from the sky, Zhu Mei immediately shouted toward the sky: "Have you forgotten me?"


"Why are you here?"

Hearing the sound, the black gate behind Leng Kong flashed, and his figure appeared in the small world with a large amount of sea water. (The black gate of the roots of the sacred tree does not conflict with the black gate he released himself.)
"You're still saying that!"

As soon as she saw Leng Kong, Zhu Mei's pink lips pouted high.

The next second, a three-meter-tall giant body pounced over and crushed the normal-sized Leng Kong until only one small foot was exposed.

bang bang
Then he punched Leng Kong's chest with his huge fist, tears streaming down his face.

"You have been meditating and practicing (listening to the sounds of the various worlds), so I wanted to come in and explore the small world. But the black door suddenly closed."

"I can't get out, woooo." She was just bored, so she packed her bags and entered the small world to play an adventure game with the two little ninetails.

As a result, he was locked up inside.

If I hadn't drunk the serum, which supported the divine energy in my body and allowed me to drink a sip of the anode spring from time to time to restore my strength, I would probably have starved to death by now.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. It's my fault."

The beauty's tears kept falling on his face, and Leng Kong's heart melted. He used his feet to hold Zhu Mei's hand and stood up straight from the ground.

"I am so hungry!"

"I haven't eaten for more than a month, woo woo."

Zhu Mei didn't feel anything was wrong with her three-meter giant body pressing on Leng Kong's standard body. After all, she had unlocked a lot of postures. She immediately hugged the back of Leng Kong's head with both hands, pressed her face against her chest and started crying again.

"Okay, let's go out and eat right away!"

“There’s delicious food out there!”

I had just been under the sea for over a month, and as soon as I came out my face was completely covered in tender flesh, and the cold air felt a bit suffocating.

He immediately released Heimen and instantly appeared on the bare food island with Zhu Mei.

"Ah woo woo"

"You lied to me again!"

"Where is the food?"

But when Zhu Mei saw the Food Island where several layers of the surface had been eaten away by the cold air, she cried even harder.

I have been trapped in this small world for more than a month, without seeing a single person and without anything to eat. It's really like crying out to heaven and earth for help but no one can help me.

As a lady from a wealthy family, Zhu Mei had never had such an experience.

If it weren't for the two little ninetails accompanying me, I would have collapsed long ago.


Speaking of Nine-Tailed Fox, two palm-sized little foxes, one red and one white, jumped onto Zhu Mei's shoulders, stared at Leng Kong with their watery eyes, and cried together with the hostess to accuse Leng Kong of being a scumbag.


“I think I ate it all.”

Faced with this scene, Leng Kong, whose bottom line was unfathomable, began to blush.

"But it's okay. There are plenty of delicious foods in this world. Let's go to the next island right away!"

Leng Kong looked forward and flew into the air holding Zhu Mei.

The mantle layer is not perceptible because the planet is too large, but there is no problem in detecting the surrounding oceans.

Leng Kong just took a quick look and discovered dozens of food islands.


The speed broke the sound barrier, and in just a few minutes, Leng Kong had landed on a new island.

The island is crescent-shaped, with white clouds floating in the sky filled with the sweet aroma of snacks. The clouds are connected by a rainbow bridge, and whenever the sun shines, colorful candy rain falls.

The most eye-catching thing below is a towering Bread Mountain, and the crescent moon on the top is an enormous croissant.

With the Croissant Mountain as the center, there is a super giant fried egg on top, on which grows a food forest that can produce all kinds of delicious ham, bread and desserts.

Below is a huge steak with a diameter of several kilometers. The steak has clear texture, the meat is fresh and tender, and the rich meaty aroma is accompanied by a refreshing scent of plants and trees.

At the two corners of the crescent, one end is a mountain range of delicious ice cream, and the other end is a chocolate forest with sweet fruits.

There are also various delicious juices and refreshing drinks forming rivers that spread across the island.

The cold air landed on the huge steak. The impact of its landing caused the steak to emit a large amount of rich meaty aroma, and I almost drooled on the spot.

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