Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?.

Chapter 279 The zombie god is the strongest!Bullshit 3 ban!

Chapter 279 The zombie god is the strongest!Bullshit three bans!

During the festival, all monks in Dade Temple have the right to participate in the festival.

This Qingsha guarding one of the four pavilions of Yuanmen didn't even know that today was the wedding ceremony. After knowing it, his violent nature suddenly emerged, full of aggression.

This gave Yang Yu a reason to fight with him.

The reason why Old Man Zhuanyu asked him to take advantage of this day to destroy the Four Pavilions of the Round Gate was probably because he already knew that the guardians of the Four Pavilions of the Round Gate were like this.

In this case, as long as he destroys the stone tablet in the end, it will only be considered to be caused by the battle with the defenders, rather than revealing the true purpose.

"Get out of the way."

Guang An casually asked Guang An to hide next to him. If a fight broke out later, the two of them would not care who was next to them.

Guang'an also knew that it was very dangerous at the moment. After hearing Yang Yu's words, he ran out quickly, fearing that he would be left behind or be affected if he ran too slowly.


Yang Gu and Qingsha looked at each other, and Qingsha's eyes soon became bloodshot, and a powerful aura surged through his body, directly knocking down the pavilion and the surrounding walls.

He raised one hand and held it together, making a clicking sound.

"You said you are a disciple of the Buddha, so you must be a new disciple of the Buddha. But did you know that even the former disciple of the Buddha was defeated by me?"

"I am guarding this place because those guys are jealous of my talents. I have reached the strongest level among the zombie gods. They are afraid that I will break through the path of worms. If I become a Bodhisattva, then I should be guarding this damn stone monument. It's them!"

Seeing Qingsha say with a sneer, Yang Yu was a little surprised that there was such an inside story.

But he didn't agree with Qingsha's words.

"You said you are the strongest among the zombie gods? Then who am I?"

"You? You're just an arrogant guy who relies on your past life to become a Buddha. A person who is about to die in my hands."

Qingsha didn't pay attention to Yang Gu at all, his eyes were full of contempt.

Yang Yu was speechless and didn't bother to refute.

Whether you are strong or not is something you type, not say with your mouth.

"Let me see what your so-called Buddha relies on, and let me see what the real Zombie God is."

Qingsha's clenched fist suddenly hit the stone tablet at his feet. In an instant, a large amount of black energy emitted from the stone tablet engraved with Sanskrit, spreading from his hand to his whole body like a chain.

There was a terrifying aura in the black air, which even filled the surrounding air with coldness, and the temperature dropped to the extreme in an instant.

The black energy spread from Qingsha's body, fused with his flesh and blood, and began to distort his form.

The original black monk's clothes and cassock were shattered into pieces in an instant, his body began to swell, and red spots appeared on his bald head, with horns growing out of the red spots.

His bloodshot eyes quickly turned red, filled with murderous intent and madness.

"See? This is..."

Qingsha seemed to have turned black, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

But before he finished speaking, a golden figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next moment, the stone tablet connected to the earth broke at its roots. Qingsha's body that was not completely twisted suddenly flew out, knocking a palace down and causing a large amount of rubble to pour down.

Yang Yu shook his hand and entered the strongest form of Yujia Vajra Body, with a smile on his face.

Can I still watch you slowly transform?
go to hell!
The ground shook, and Yang Yu kicked off countless cracks. Yang Yu's figure shot out like a cannonball, punching through the collapsed rubble and heading straight towards Qingsha.

Qingsha obviously didn't expect Yang Yu to attack suddenly. The blow just now caught him off guard, but the punch actually didn't cause much damage to him, and he also completed the transformation at this time.

When Yang Yu rushed towards him again, Qingsha raised his hand and punched him as well.

His hand was wrapped in a large amount of black energy. Under the impact of this punch, the black energy collapsed, revealing a thick arm covered with complex black lines.


The two did not directly collide with each other, but their fists had already intersected, and the impact caused everything within a few hundred meters to fly away, instantly clearing the area into a wide area.

With one punch, Yang Yu retreated for more than ten meters, and Qingsha also dragged the heavy stone tablet backward for more than ten meters.

He had completed the transformation at this time, his body had become extremely tall, and his flesh and blood swelled, but his feet were still connected to the stone tablet.

Compared with him, the stone tablet seemed much smaller at the moment, giving Yang Yu the funny look of an adult riding a toy car.

And when he saw that Yang Gu's whole body was filled with golden dust, and the dust overflowed from his pores every time he breathed, constantly circulating between his flesh and blood, Qingsha's eyes became solemn.

"It turns out to be the Yujia Vajra Body! How wonderful! You can actually learn the Yujia Vajra Body. You are indeed qualified to be my opponent.

But...you still have to die! "

Yang Yu was a little surprised that Qingsha could recognize it as the Yujia Vajra Body, but didn't say much.

It can be seen from the previous fight that this guy is following the path of body refining, and his strength is not inferior to him. As he said, he is the strongest among the zombie gods. This is not an exaggeration.

But precisely because of this, Yang Yu's heart arose with a fighting spirit.

Although the time to break through the Zombie God is still short, he has never really encountered an opponent. In a battle with such a powerful enemy, Yang Yu does not think that he will lose.

It can only be said that those who can be sent to guard the four pavilions of the Round Gate are definitely not ordinary people.

"Monument Town!"

An angry shout came, and Yang Yu looked up, only to see Qingsha leaping high with the stone tablet, his feet and the stone tablet fused together, and he was smashing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Just before landing, there was a flash of light on Yang Yu's body, and he had already used the light and shadow escape method to easily avoid it.

The stone tablet hit the ground, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the place where it was hit, and countless black energy erupted from the ground like a volcanic eruption.

"Fist Dragon!"

Another roar came from the erupting black air, and a huge dragon formed by the black air suddenly sprang out from the erupting black air, heading straight towards Yang Gu.

Yang Yu didn't hide, he had already left an air mark on Qingsha's body. Judging from the position of the air mark, this guy was not in the black air, so he punched Qingsha with his backhand.

This punch directly defeated the long dragon formed by the black energy and exploded suddenly.

When these black gases touch the dust on Yang Gu's body, they collapse at the first touch.

"The Buddha's path is prosperous!"

The next moment, countless Sanskrit words appeared on the black air that filled the sky, and quickly condensed into the image of a Buddha holding a staff. The staff in his hand seemed to weigh ten thousand kilograms, and it suddenly swept forward.

Yang Yu pushed hard with her feet and sank into the ground. She faced the sweeping staff with both palms and pushed hard.

Crash.His feet drew a long ravine on the ground, and he was pushed tens of meters away by the huge staff before stopping, drawing an arc on the ground.

The staff stopped in front of Yang Yu, but Yang Yu punched out again. This punch directly shattered the staff in front of him. At the same time, countless dust particles quickly impacted out of his body, along the Following the trajectory formed by the staff, he rushed into Qingsha's location.

You've taken action so many times, it's time for me to take action!

The dust is incomparably restrained by these black energies. Any black energy that touches the dust will dissipate in an instant. Yang Yu's body shoots out again, using the dust to open a path in front, blowing away countless black energies. In the blink of an eye, it is Rushed into the erupting black gas.

Everything around was originally extremely dark, but the arrival of the dust brought light.

Qingsha was brewing something under the cover of black energy. Yang Yu had already appeared in front of him, and a sudden punch directly knocked him out of the monstrous black energy.

The fine dust turned into a storm and suddenly rippled away, like countless stars bursting out from the darkness, tearing this large black curtain into pieces.

Qingsha fell to the ground, and the stone tablet also hit the ground heavily, leaving a huge deep hole on the ground. His eyes were full of shock.

The power displayed by Yang Yu made him very shocked. He did not expect that Yang Yu's body training would be so powerful.

He could see that Yang Yu only mastered the tempering of a kind of dust and the physical transformation, but the strength he exerted completely suppressed him.

Although he has never really seen the power of the Yujia Vajra Body, this is somewhat inconsistent with what he has heard. The Yujia Vajra Body is just a kind of dust. How can it be so powerful?
call out!
There was a sound of breaking through the air, and two huge boulders quickly hit Qingsha. Qingsha just raised his hand and smashed the boulder into pieces.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Is this what you said the zombie god is the strongest?"

A disdainful smile appeared on Yang Yu's face at this time, and at the same time he punched out again.

Golden dust swirled from his fist. As long as Qingsha dared to take this punch, all these dust would enter Qingsha's body, and the outcome would be doomed.

Qingsha let out a cold snort. It was true that he underestimated Yang Yu's strength, but so what.

"What a shame! Do you know that the person fighting you is only a quarter of my body? If you have the ability, do you dare to fight me in the monument?"

While speaking, he suddenly grasped Yang Yu's fist with one hand, firmly blocking Yang Yu's punch in front of him, and immediately made a decisive decision to tear his own arm that had caught Yang Yu's punch into pieces, and appeared in a flash. dozens of meters away.

The moment he retreated, the dust had already entered his broken arm. Unfortunately, Qingsha retreated in time and decisively abandoned one of his arms, so the dust did not enter his body.

A new arm grew back from his broken arm, and he waited for Yang Yu's answer.

A quarter of a body?

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, seeming to notice something.

There are four pavilions in the round gate. He said that this is only a quarter of his body. Could it be that he has three other bodies that are also guarding the stone tablet?
Is there one person guarding the four pavilions of the Round Gate?

"Do you dare to enter the monument and fight with me? This is not my true strength. Even if you have the strength to kill me, I will reappear unless you can kill my entire body.

How about it?Are you sure you have that ability?Face the true and complete me! "

For some reason, Qingsha seemed a little complacent, and seemed to be deliberately motivating the general, trying to arouse Yang Yu's desire to fight.

"Why should I go? And... why are you laughing? So what if you are not a perfect body? If I kill your body, I will publicize my victory over you. Then everyone will think that I am better than you. Strong, haha.

Who is the strongest self-proclaimed god?When everyone thinks that I am stronger than you, then in their eyes you are a weakling who cannot defeat me! "

Yang Yu smiled, even more wildly and unscrupulously than Qingsha.

This is called four or two strokes.

Although he had guessed a possibility, as long as he entered the monument mentioned by Qingsha and killed his complete body, it would be equivalent to destroying the four pavilions of the round gate at the same time, and his mission could be completed at the same time.

But why should he go?
Qingsha wanted him to go in, but he wouldn't go.

Hey, I won’t go!Just playing!

He even smiled and extended his hand to Qingsha, making an insulting thumbs-down gesture.

"Weak people are only worthy of guarding the stone monument and barking!"

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Yang Yu's gesture and hearing what he said, Qingsha fell into a state of rage.

Yang Yu's words seemed to have directly touched his inner skin. After all, he already had a grudge against this matter, which could be seen from his previous conversation with Yang Yu.

But Yang Yu was deliberately uncovering his scars and humiliating him severely.

This made Qingsha unbearable all of a sudden.

"Bei Town! Three Buddhas shine in the world!"

He instantly appeared above Yang Eucalyptus and slammed down the heavy stone tablet.

Seeing the irritated Qingsha, Yang Yu felt more and more ecstatic. The brains of these guys were indeed abnormal. Just words could easily anger them and make them lose their minds.

And when he wanted to activate the light and shadow escape method again to avoid it, he saw three phantoms of giant Buddhas carrying stone tablets appearing simultaneously within a radius of a hundred meters, blocking all his escape routes.

The stone tablet at Qingsha's feet was smashed down with great force, and the three phantoms of the Buddha also raised the stone tablet and smashed it towards Yang Yu.

There was no way to avoid it, but Yang Yu didn't show any panic. She looked at the falling Qingsha and called Gong Niang in her heart.

A sharp pain suddenly hit his soul. Yang Yu's body expanded a little in an instant. Facing these stone tablets that were attacking him at the same time, he rose into the sky.

A powerful force directly shattered the stone tablet that the three Buddhas had smashed down, turning it into countless fragments. At the same time, Yang Yu punched through the stone tablet at Qingsha's feet, and pinched Qingsha's face with a big hand. The door took him straight to the sky.

Countless dust particles crazily poured into Qingsha's body, quickly burning his body and decomposing his body, so that a large amount of black smoke was emitted from his body, shooting towards the sky like a rocket.

But under Yang Yu's big hand, in addition to the pain on Qingsha's face, there was also a smile and madness that showed success.

The next moment, the surrounding space changed in an instant, and the two of them suddenly entered a void and dark space in the blink of an eye. It was like an endless land without any living creatures.

At the same time, Qing Sha in Yang Yu's hand was also burned by the dust, and his body completely collapsed and turned into countless ashes.

Yang Yu's figure was stagnant in the void, unable to keep his feet on the ground, and he looked at this place unexpectedly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qingsha's arrogant smile suddenly came from all directions.

"What a shameless talk! Aren't you very impatient? Why did you come in? Let me see if you can still say what you just said in this monument!"

"Before I do this, let me remind you that no matter what happens here, no one will know!

The three bullshit prohibitions are just a chain to tie a dog. I will use the power of rules here, and those bald donkeys will not know anything, and you... I will make you pay for what you just said! "

(End of this chapter)

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