Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?.

Chapter 293: I don’t study well, Master, you won’t lie to me, right?

Chapter 293: I don’t study well, Master, you won’t lie to me, right?
The person who came was none other than the owner who was suffering from cold.

He smiled softly under the mask, and with a casual move, he took the unused arrow that had lost its color and faded into his hand.

"I saved your life, so consider this sealed artifact as my reward for saving your life. You have no use for it anyway."

He threw the unused arrow back to Yang Yu.

Yang Yu stood up from the ground, put away the unused arrows, and also smiled.

This is why this guy took action at such a critical moment. Otherwise, how could he be a businessman?

Looking at the silver bead in the owner's hand, Yang Yu glanced left and right again and thought of something.

"What about the forbidden device?"

He remembered that the seal in the arrow would separate the sealed person's forbidden weapons.

"What are you thinking about? The fusion of the Tao and the Forbidden Weapon is a complete fusion. It can be said that the body embodies the rules. Once fused, it becomes one and cannot be separated. Unless the body dies and the Tao disappears, the rules are shattered and broken into pieces again."

"Then am I at a loss?"

Yang Gu muttered.

If the shop owner takes the sealed item, doesn't it mean he has taken a complete forbidden weapon?

The forbidden weapon rules of Bald Donkey are really weird. Yang Yu has never encountered such a power of rules that is difficult to deal with.

Not only could he not kill the opponent, but he could not even escape. He had never felt so powerless.

Yang Gu is also very tempted by this powerful forbidden weapon.

The shop owner laughed, and then threw something to Yang Yu.

It was a crescent-shaped seal made of a necklace made of something like white jade, with a shallow groove on it and some mysterious and simple patterns.

"I rushed to make what you wanted. I originally wanted to trade this magic weapon with you, but now how about treating it as compensation to make up for the fact that I took the sealed artifact?"

Yang Yu took it in his hand, and an information box immediately appeared in front of him.

"[Moon Talisman]: From the hands of Chu Han, the master of Yulang Weapon Refining Workshop, it is made of Yin Moon Stone. It can forcibly shrink and store bound objects.

Cost of use: Every full moon night, this object will corrode the user's mind and absorb the user's blood essence.

Status: Cleanable! "

"Is this a container to store Gong Niang?"

Seeing the information in it, Yang Yu subconsciously asked.

"Gong Niang?"

Upon hearing this title, the boss smiled slightly.

"It seems like you guys get along very well."

"Why do I still feel so bad? I don't study well. Boss, you won't lie to me, right?"

Yang Yu held the moon talisman in his hand, and the image of the shop owner in his heart had completely turned into a profiteer.

"You kid... well, I originally planned to use this sealed artifact to make some kind of magic weapon, so that I can extract and borrow the power of rules from it. How about I give you one as a gift?"

"It's like not being used as an arrow?"

The way the shop owner said it sounded familiar to Yang Yu.

"Naturally, it can be compared to Wei Dang Xie Arrow. It comes from Tianzong. How can I compare to Tianzong with my own strength? But I won't let you down."

"Okay, but can the owner agree to a small condition?"

Compared with a complete and powerful forbidden weapon, Yang Yu still felt that he was at a disadvantage. He didn't want to suffer a disadvantage, so he had to have a guarantee.

"What conditions?"

Regarding Yang Eucalyptus, the shop owner was also helpless, but he did take advantage of it.

"Next time this happens again, let me know and take action in advance."

He had truly died once before, and if he had not been replaced by the power of the rules of the foolish old man, he would have had little hope of making a comeback.

"Do you still want to encounter this situation?"

Fangzhu smiled.

"Of course I don't want to, but you have been watching the show next to me, which makes me feel helpless, so I boldly want a promise from you. Otherwise, I don't know how long you will see this kind of thing again. This is very dangerous for me. .”

The two parties had reached an agreement before and became collaborators, so Yang Yu's attitude was not as restrained as before, so he simply let go and spoke openly.

"Okay, it's up to you."

The shop owner nodded, and then Yang Yu gave up.

Then he asked Yang Yu to go to the Fusheng Domain to gather the people of the rebel association as soon as possible, and left first.

This time he also used a container to teleport, so he came and went quickly.

After the shop owner left, Yang Yu didn't stay, and walked towards Beng Jia at high speed, while communicating with Gong Niang in her heart.

"Gong Niang, Gong Niang, I was killed alive in front of your eyes just now, and you didn't show even a little bit of sadness? It really hurts my heart."

"Young bitch! Don't pretend to be stupid, I don't know you?
With so many back-up tricks, it would be weird if you were really fooling around with that bald donkey. "

Gong Niang had already seen through it all, and expressed her disdain for Yang Yu's behavior, and even wanted to laugh.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

Yang Yu laughed and then talked about the moon talisman.


"Try it!"

After purifying the price of the moon talisman, Yang Yu put Gong Niang into the moon talisman in an instant.

The bow was shrunk countless times, just stuck in the groove on the moon talisman, and he wore it around his neck and hung it on his chest.

He only needs to lightly touch the moon talisman with his hand, and Gong Niang can restore herself, and even if she is absorbed into the moon talisman, the communication between the two will not be affected at all.

That's it.

Yang Yu nodded with satisfaction. If he was a swordsman and had such an extremely sharp knife, how could he not have a scabbard?

The rest of the journey passed smoothly without any obstruction, and Yang Gu entered Bengjia again.

This is the second time Yang Gu has come to the land of Bengjia. It has been a long time since the last time he entered Bengjia.

When I saw those familiar modern urban ruins again, I was surrounded by loneliness and desolation.

Yang Yu couldn't help but think of what the shop owner said about what Zhongzhou was doing.

He didn't know how the collapsed armor was formed, and he had never heard of anyone knowing such information.

But could it be related to Zhongzhou?

Is it not the first time that this method of forcefully attracting a world happened in Sansong Mountain in Dingzhou?
Maybe the collapsed armor is the result of a previous experiment that failed?But no matter what kind of guess it is, it needs clues, and he doesn't have any clues.

Quickly walking through the Bengjia, as expected, he soon encountered a large number of Bengniao attracted by the overwhelming force.

As soon as any strange living creature appears in the collapsed armor, these collapsed birds will be attracted and launch a crazy attack.

However, the Eucalyptus poplar that entered the armor collapse for the first time is no longer the same as the Eucalyptus poplar now.

Not to mention that he can use the true feathers of the spinal cord to easily deal with these strange birds. Even if he does not use the true feathers of the spinal cord, his body has been tempered by two powerful body training methods, and he can deal with these strange birds even with bare hands.

However, for convenience and trouble, it is best to use spinal cord feathers.

Bai Yu formed a line of defense like a gust of wind and rain. All the birds that attacked him were cut into pieces in an instant and could not get close to the poplar.

Although these collapsed birds are immortal, they are no longer a big threat to Yang Eucalyptus. Yang Eucalyptus is too lazy to use Hong Yu's blood poison to kill them completely, as long as he is fine.

Soon, Yang Gu successfully passed through the collapse armor and walked out of the barrier, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

This is not to say that it is completely safe after entering the Fu Sheng Realm. Those strong people can easily pass through the Collapse Armor, but the territory here already belongs to the Golden Soul Sect. If the strong people in the Qi Dao Realm appear here, they will definitely be attacked by the Golden Soul Sect. Compared to the Soul Sect's targeting, he would not be in a difficult situation.

Yang Yu already had an idea of ​​where to go after entering the Fusheng Domain.

He is going to Chongwen Prefecture, where he will wait for Wenyin's arrival, and at the same time summon all members of the Economic Rebellion Society.

Chongwen Prefecture belongs to the peripheral area of ​​Fusheng Territory and is also one of the prefectures closest to Bengjia.

If Wenyin followed what he said and passed through the weakest Bengjia area from Pushan Prefecture in the Baosha Area, he would appear in Chongwen Prefecture.

Yang Yu won't worry about whether Wen Yin will appear there. What he worries about is only when Wen Yin will arrive in Chongwen Prefecture.

After all, Wenyin has an eye problem, so he will definitely reach the destination, but he will take many detours along the way and waste a lot of time.

One day later, Yang Yu entered the Chongwen Prefecture area and came to a city called Yinwu City.

He took off his mask, changed into ordinary clothes, and used illusion magic to cover up his aura.

In this way, anyone whose cultivation level is lower than him will look no different from an ordinary passerby, and at the same time, he will not attract the attention of the Golden Soul Sect.

Yinwu City, in a teahouse.

Yang Gu sat down by the window on the second floor. On the recommendation of the waiter, he ordered a pot of ear flower tea which he heard was quite famous.

The waiter in the shop said that this ear flower tea is made from the greenest buds on the mountain. Because the buds curl up and unfold, they resemble the tip of an ear, so it is called ear flower.

It is not easy to pick these ear flowers. They are only found in some very remote mountains and forests. Because the ear flowers have already been picked in safe places, you can only go to those places to take risks.

Therefore, this pot of tea is of high value.

However, money is nothing more than an external possession to Yang Yu. There are many magic weapons among them, but he doesn't care about their value.

After tasting this scented tea, he summed it up with just one sentence: wild boar cannot taste fine chaff.

On the other hand, this Fusheng Domain is pretty good. I originally passed here when I was going to the Baosha Domain, but now I can feel the difference between the two great domains when I come back.

The two major forces in the Baocha region have been competing against each other all year round. Unification is the general trend, and they don't care too much about the people in the jurisdiction. It doesn't matter whether they live or die.

The Fusheng Domain is ruled by a big force like the Golden Soul Sect. Although there are many small and medium-sized forces below, they can't make any waves.

The Golden Soul Sect pays more attention to preaching, that is, spreading the faith. These ordinary people are relatively stable under the rule of the Golden Soul Sect.

As long as you believe in religion and don't do anything stupid, you can live in peace.

The reason why Yang Gu appeared in the teahouse was to hear if there were any rumors circulating among these ordinary people.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, anything that can be heard from ordinary people is already a big deal.

This really made him hear something.

The first thing was that the state leader of Chongwen Prefecture died, and Yang Yu heard the big news as soon as he came.

The state territory at the border is an important area, and those who can guard it are at least zombies and their ilk.

Recalling that he accidentally killed a state leader of the Golden Soul Sect, the guy's cultivation level was only flesh and blood. Now it seems that he is well connected.

I don’t know if things have been going on for so long. Will he be found again this time when he returns to the Fusheng Realm?

Ordinary people will naturally not know how the state leader of Chongwen Prefecture died, but the Golden Soul Sect recently sent a new state leader to Chongwen Prefecture to investigate the matter thoroughly.

This still made Yang Yu feel a little defensive, but he wasn't too worried.

Compared with the first thing, the second thing is a little weird.

A strange place suddenly appeared in Chongwen Prefecture. Everyone in a city mysteriously disappeared overnight, even the practitioners guarding the city, and no clues were left behind.

The Golden Soul Sect is also investigating this matter and prohibits anyone from approaching.

When Yang Yu heard this, the first thing he thought of was the Land of Immortal Source, but he was not sure. After all, he had only entered the Land of Immortal Source once.

Sure enough, it is no small matter that these ordinary people can spread word of mouth. Although it is difficult to tell the truth from the false, it can be regarded as something rewarding.

In addition, there are some unimportant chores or chats after tea and dinner.

Before the tea was finished, Yang Gu left Yinwu City.

After he left, many people eagerly grabbed the tea he had not finished drinking, as if they were grabbing a rare treasure.

Yang Yu found an uninhabited hilltop outside, cleared away all the wild beasts in the forest that might disturb him, and then temporarily settled down here.

Once Wenyin passes through Bengjia and enters Chongwen Prefecture, Yinwu City is the first place she has to pass.

With the aura mark left on Wenyin, he would be able to spot Wenyin as soon as she appeared.

Yang Yu has decided to try his best not to be contaminated by the forces in the Fusheng Domain. No matter what type of forces they are, once they are contaminated, there will be a lot of trouble.

There is only one goal for the next step, and that is to improve our strength and enter Central Continent as soon as possible.

After settling down in the mountain forest, Yang Gu entered the Carnitas Tree and announced the news of the gathering in the Fusheng Domain to everyone in the Kei Rebellion Association.

This was what the boss meant, but it was conveyed by him. Everyone understood what it meant and responded one after another.

If nothing unexpected happens, within a month, everyone from the Kei Rebellion Society will be able to gather in the Fusheng Domain and truly have their first offline meeting with their true form.

After completing the announcement of the convening of the Economic Rebellion Association, Yang Gu then entered the Earthly Dharma Monument.

He had already decided before that he would try to master as many other methods as possible, maximize his purification ability, and make perfect use of his own advantages to deal with different situations.

Although light spells are very powerful, you should not use light spells as a conventional means to fight the enemy. Instead, use light spells as your own trump card.

There are many things to do next. In addition to learning and mastering more spells, he also needs to find fragments of forbidden weapons and new light spells to use as destiny techniques.

Find the forbidden fragment of the opposite rule as early as possible in order to purify it and merge it with yourself.

His current cultivation base has absorbed so many demonic obstacles in the previous Huanban Meeting, and he is already very close to the middle stage of the Zombie God. However, without the fusion of forbidden weapon fragments, even if his cultivation base reaches the peak of the early stage, he will not be able to break through to the middle stage. of.

These are all things that must be done.

Whether it is to master new spells or to find more forbidden weapon fragments, the Earthly Dharma Monument and the Land of Earthly Origin are top priorities.

 Today I spent some time organizing the outline. I asked for six days of leave last month and used six leave requests. I used the leave requests for the next two months in advance. There are basically no requests for leave this month. Otherwise, if you ask for leave, you will have full attendance and motivation. Gone.

(End of this chapter)

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