Chapter 24 Mastery of the government order, driving out the common people and eliminating the rebels

Liu Bei was startled, and subconsciously thought of Zheng Ping's instruction to Hu Zhao just now: "Sir, do you want me to borrow grain and rice from the rich and powerful merchants in Gaotang County? But we have gold and silver, so we can just buy grain and rice directly. Why bother?" Borrow again?"

"King Nan of Zhou borrowed money from the rich because of the emptiness of the treasury, and finally had no money to return, so he hid in the high platform of the harem. People in the Zhou Dynasty called the high platform a 'debt escape platform', so there is a saying that the debt is high."

"When Emperor Jing of the previous dynasty conquered the rebellious Seven Kingdoms, he borrowed a thousand taels of gold from the Wuyan family, but the interest was ten times the principal."

"In the fourth year of Emperor Yonghe's reign in this dynasty, the Qiang people rebelled, and they owed money year after year. "

"When I was under Master Lu's school, I once heard Master Lu lament that officials borrowing money from the people not only lowered their official prestige, but also bred profiteers and indulged the powerful. Hence the prevalence."

"Sir, does this move have other intentions?"

Liu Bei originally wanted to say, "Master Lu once said that this is a disaster for the country", but he was worried that if he said this, he would kill the topic and add embarrassment, so he asked back.

Read history to clarify aspirations, know the past and learn from the present.

Zheng Ping secretly admired Liu Bei's example of the past where officials borrowed money from people.

But all wise masters will often read history books, use history as a mirror, and correct their own words and deeds.

Even if a strategy is adopted, it will be compared with the past events recorded in history books to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

"The county lord's worries are not unreasonable." Zheng Ping said calmly, "But today is different from the old days."

"Fang's world is full of powerful people."

"There are hundreds of houses in the houses of the rich, the fields are full of ointments, thousands of slaves and maidservants, and they possess tens of thousands of money."

"Boats and carts are sold in all directions; abandoned houses are accumulated and stored in the capital."

"A rich family cannot accept bribes and loans; horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs cannot be tolerated in valleys."

"The rich have endless fields, the poor have no place to stand, and the imperial court imposes so many miscellaneous taxes that it is difficult for the common people to bear the burden, so the Yellow Turban was born."

"I still remember that at the beginning of the founding of the country, Emperor Guangwu ordered the states and counties to check the hectares of land and household registration."

"At that time, this decree was resisted by the powerful, and the local officials even colluded with the powerful, favoring the powerful and the right, and invading the weak."

"The surname of the county and the country even rebelled."

"But Emperor Guangwu did not compromise with the powerful because of this, and defeated the enemy with the strategy of division, and moved the commander-in-chief to other counties and states, where he was endowed with land, so that these big surnames and military commanders could no longer do evil and harm one side."

"That's why there was a scene of prosperity with cattle and horses grazing and the gates of the town not closed before the rule of Mingzhang."

"For the county to borrow debts, it is not to lower the official prestige, let the powerful be domineering, and let the profiteers profit."

"It's about establishing a new rule for the rich and powerful merchants in Gaotang County!"

Liu Bei is awe-inspiring.

In addition to the corruption of the imperial court, the troubles of the powerful and powerful in various places were also one of the root causes of the demise of the previous dynasty.

It is also the root cause of the turmoil in this dynasty.

If the people have houses to live in, clothes to wear, and food to eat, who would have nothing to do to be a yellow scarf and gamble on a chance of survival?

But Liu Bei also knows that the problem of being powerful is not a temporary problem, nor can it be easily resolved in a short period of time.

Listening to Zheng Ping talking about the troubles of being powerful, Liu Bei felt something in his heart.

"What rules do you want to establish, sir?" Liu Bei's expression gradually became serious.

A hint of cunning flashed in Zheng Ping's bright eyes, and his tone was also thought-provoking: "Government orders are issued from the county's honor, and should be accessible to the townspeople and common people. Those who openly disobey orders and those who violate the law will suffer the disaster of the Yellow Turban!"

Liu Bei's face changed: "Sir, do you want me to collude with the Yellow Turban?"

"Then what's the difference between me and my predecessor, Gao Tangling?"

Liu Bei was horrified, never expecting Zheng Ping to speak like this.

This is to use the hand of the Yellow Turban to eliminate dissidents!

Zheng Ping shook his head lightly: "The county respects the words seriously, since only the heads of thieves and recalcitrants are punished, then most of the five thousand yellow scarves are Li Shu from Gaotang County."

"As the magistrate of a county, the county official seeks a chance for Li Shu to survive, how can it be called collusion with the Yellow Turban?"

"If a tyrant annexes the land and hides the people of the big man privately, if it is just for self-protection, it is justifiable; but if you resist the order by force, you are no different from a traitor."

"Expelling the common people and eliminating the traitors, and accepting the hearts of the scholars and the common people, what's wrong with that?"

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment.

Is it wrong to drive out the common people and eliminate the rebels?
How could this be wrong!

The tyrants who support government orders are naturally justifiable, and the tyrants who resist orders are naturally treated as rebels.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is how to appease other tycoons who support the government order in the process of driving out Li Shu and rebels.

Liu Bei fell into deep thought.

Before he became the county magistrate, Liu Bei's idea was very simple: get rid of the Yellow Turban Bandits, and Gaotang County will be stable.

But when I became a county magistrate, I realized that it is not easy to govern Gaotang County.

The document Hu Zhao gave to Zheng Ping was related to the Yellow Turban Bandits, while the document to Liu Bei was related to Hao Qiang.

The document clearly records the fields that can be taxed by the county magistrate and the fields that cannot be taxed, and the number of fields that can be taxed by the county magistrate has dropped sharply in the past three years.

All this means that Gaotang County is being eroded by the continuous mergers and acquisitions of the powerful.

In the future, there will be more and more people joining the Yellow Turbans because they cannot survive due to lack of food and rice!

There is a yellow scarf on the outside, and a powerful inside.

It is simply impossible to get rid of two hidden dangers at once.

And these two hidden dangers are far more dangerous than the yellow scarves.

If the trouble of tyranny is not controlled, the trouble of the Yellow Turban will always exist!
Liu Bei suddenly understood the former Gao Tangling's collusion with the Yellow Turbans. Although the purpose was to raise the bandits' self-respect, it was very effective in consolidating his own power.

Understanding is understanding, but Liu Bei did not approve of the behavior of his predecessor Gao Tang Ling, and he also did not regret reporting to Chen Ji to get rid of his predecessor Gao Tang Ling.

But now, Zheng Ping gave Liu Bei a new idea.

After pondering for a long time, there was a trace of firmness in Liu Bei's eyes.

It can save the people, and Emperor Guangwu followed suit in the past. This is an act of benevolence to the people!
"Mr. Gao Yi!" Liu Bei bowed solemnly to Zheng Ping once again: "I am determined to report to the country and bring peace to the common people. As long as it is beneficial to the people, why should I be afraid of borrowing money? I would like to hear about Mr.'s strategy!"

Zheng Ping shook his feather fan lightly, showing his mastery of planning: "The county lords don't have to worry too much. With the reputation of my Zheng family, the tyrants in Gaotang County will probably give them a little bit of shame."

"Even if a county is powerful, they may not be friendly and harmonious with each other."

"Those who are good at planning and guide them because of their power may not necessarily lead to strong disobedience and violators."

Seeing that Zheng Ping's method tends to be courteous before fighting, Liu Bei's heart immediately relaxed.

If there is no conflict, Liu Bei still hopes that there will be no conflict.

After all, the Yellow Turban is the people, and the powerful are also the people.

As long as the powerful can abide by the rules and discipline, and support government orders, Liu Bei tends to make friends.

"Please tell me more, sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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