Chapter 255 The Six Battalions Set Up a Flag
The situation in Guanzhong had already been expected by Zheng Ping.

The original intention of defeating Cao Cao with Sun Jian's power in Huainan was to let Cao Cao seek a new way to break the situation and go to Guanzhong to welcome the emperor.

An emperor ruled by Lu Bu, Zhang Miao and Chen Gong is not in the interests of Qingzhou.

Liu Bei can boast that he is the father of a great man and is willing to work for Liu Xie, but Zheng Ping will try his best to change this situation.

Although the Water Margin is a fiction, the fact that Song Jiang surrendered and was given poisoned wine truly reflects the darkness and embarrassment above the court.

Power, only in the hands of truly benevolent people, will not be liquidated afterwards.

Throughout the entire late Han Dynasty, only Liu Bei would not kill his subordinates indiscriminately.

Liu Feng, Peng Yi, Zhang Yu, and Yong Mao who were killed by Liu Bei's order all happened for a reason.

As the adopted son, Liu Feng besieged Fancheng and Xiangyang from Guan Yu, calling Liu Feng and Meng Da repeatedly, and ordered them to send troops to help.However, Liu Feng and Meng Da did not respond to Guan Yu's order on the grounds that the mountain county had just been attached and could not be shaken.

With courage and pride, and pride in his identity as a righteous son, even Zhuge Liang said to Liu Bei, "Liu Feng is fierce, and it will be difficult to control Liu Bei after he passes away."

After offending Liu Bei's core civil and military all over the place, Liu Feng is so stupid.

Peng Yi was originally recommended by Pang Tong and Fazheng, and Liu Bei also appreciated Peng Yi quite a lot.

But after Peng Yi was appreciated, he became arrogant and conceited.Like Liu Feng, he looked down on Liu Bei's most trusted Zhuge Liang, so much so that Zhuge Liang told Liu Bei and Peng Yi that "the heart is big and ambitious, and it is difficult to be safe."

But Liu Bei decided to stay away from Peng Yi because of Zhuge Liang's persuasion, and demoted Peng Yi as Jiangyang prefect.

Good guy.

After Peng Yi was demoted, he even said to Ma Chao, "Old Ge is rebellious, but he can return to evil!" "You are outside, I am inside, the world is not settled.".

This means that Liu Bei is a veteran ruffian, there is nothing to say, General Ma, you are outside, and I am inside, killing Liu Bei is enough to run rampant in the world.

If you succeed, you will be arrogant and arrogant, and if you are frustrated, you will breed rebellion.

If such a person is not killed, it is a disaster.

Zhang Yu was the only person Liu Bei killed willfully.

This person seemed to be born at odds with Liu Bei, and repeatedly ridiculed Liu Bei, Liu Bei wanted to go east, and Changyu wanted to go west.

Liu Bei wanted to fight Hanzhong, but Zhang Yu refused to let Liu Bei fight, saying that it was useless.

He even secretly told people that "the age is Gengzi, the world will be changed, and the Liu family will be exhausted", isn't this deliberately disgusting Liu Bei?

Liu Bei wanted to help the Han Dynasty, but Zhang Yu was lucky. Everyone said that the Han Dynasty was about to perish.

So much so that when Zhuge Liang pleaded for Zhang Yu to save him from death, Liu Bei couldn't help but say "Fang Lan's family must be eliminated."

This means that a virtuous person is naturally resistant to straightness, and when he violates the rules, the superior will not tolerate it and will definitely go.

Changyu is also strong enough to make Liu Bei so disgusted that Zhuge Liang would not listen to his advice.

The last one, Yongmao, although not well-known, is Liu Bei's chief bookkeeper. With such a close person, it is reasonable to say that Liu Bei's interests will be the main priority.

As a result, after Cao Pi usurped the throne, this person, together with Liu Ba and Fei Shi, openly opposed Liu Bei's proclaiming emperor.

As Liu Bei's secretary-type confidant, for the sake of a reputation of being outspoken and persuasive, he did not communicate with Liu Bei in private, but openly opposed proclaiming himself emperor.

This is tantamount to letting Liu Bei publicly admit that Cao Pi is orthodox. In the future, everyone will become officials under Cao Pi's command, and seeking death is not such a way to die.

In addition to Liu Bei, Yuan Shao killed Tian Feng because he was ashamed to see Tian Feng because of his defeat. Not to mention Cao Cao, he would rather kill by mistake than let him go.

Such people are suspicious and suspicious.

The same is true for Liu Xie, who is the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The way that the warrior can put the knife on the neck when Cao Cao is in the audience is also shocking.

According to the Han system, when the Sangong led troops to meet the emperor, he had to be held hostage by men of fishing, gulls and tigers with knives.

It means that two big men with tigers and ben, with weapons around Cao Cao's neck, can see the emperor.

Liu Xie even threatened Cao Cao, it is your luck to assist me, if you don't assist me, you will die.

This kind of imperial means is barely enough in a prosperous age, but in a chaotic world, isn't that the way to survive.

No matter what Liu Xie's character is today, Zheng Ping will not bet that Liu Xie is a kind and benevolent king.

Liu Xie, who grew up in the palace since he was a child, and experienced the turmoil of Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun, Li Jue and others, could not be as open-minded as Liu Bei, who was born at the bottom, was good at making friends with heroes, and knew the suffering of the people.

Forcing Cao Cao to meet the emperor was originally designed by Zheng Ping to break the situation where Lu Bu, Zhang Miao, and Chen Gong assisted the emperor.

A trio of Lu Bu who served the emperor and returned power to the emperor, and Cao Cao who held the emperor and wanted to take power, obviously the latter is more in line with the interests of Qingzhou.

The ruler is the guide for the ministers, if the ruler is not righteous, the ministers will vote for other countries.

The country is the guiding principle of the people, if the country is not upright, the people will attack it.

Seeing Zheng Ping mentioning the war in Hebei, Liu Bei's eyes became more and more serious: "When Yuan Shu was conquered in the south, Yuan Shao sent Zhang He to garrison troops at the border, to prevent Qingzhou from taking the opportunity to enter."

"Now there is news from the north that Yuan Shao has defeated Brother Bogui seven times in a row, and Brother Bogui has been trapped in Yijing."

"Liu Kai of Zhuocheng sent an imperial edict to regard brother Bogui as rebellious, ordering Yuan Shao to destroy the whole family of brother Bogui after breaking Yijing."

"Xianmou, I want to save Brother Bogui's life."

"No matter how bad it is, I hope to save the life of Gongsun, the son of Brother Bogui!"

After all, Liu Bei still misses the past.

If Gongsun Zan is still Liu Kai's general, Liu Bei can only fight Gongsun Zan due to his position.

But now, Gongsun Zan has been ordered by Liu Kai to be rebellious, so the hostile position between Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan is not so obvious.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei closed their mouths knowingly.

It's not easy for the two of them to participate in such a big event, they just looked at Zheng Ping quietly.

After all, Gongsun Zan helped Liu Bei a lot. Even if Liu Bei publicly expressed his disapproval of Liu Xing, Gongsun Zan sent Liu Yu, Zhao Yun, Jushou, Tian Feng and others to Qingzhou.

Gongsun Zan could have kept Liu Yu and used Liu Yu's reputation to stabilize Youzhou, but he chose to send Liu Yu to Qingzhou.

Knowing that Zhao Yun, Jushou, and Tian Feng are all great talents, they still send them out of the country.

If this is another cruel person, it will be killed if it is not used for me.

As far as Yu Gong is concerned, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan's positions are hostile.

Personally speaking, the friendship between Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan has not disappeared because of the hostility.

Liu Bei looked at Zheng Ping eagerly.

Even if Zheng Ping could save Yuan Shu's life, there must be a way to save Gongsun Zan's life.

The feather fan shook lightly, Zheng Ping frowned while drinking.

Liu Bei's idea is indeed very difficult.

Zheng Ping temporarily saved Yuan Shu's life because Yuan Shu was captured alive, and this life and death can naturally be controlled by Zheng Ping.

Gongsun Zan was different. Gongsun Zan was now in Yi Jing, and Yi Jing was surrounded by Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses. How could he easily save Gongsun Zan's life?
Liu Bei's earnest eyes were in front of him, but Zheng Ping had to think about it.

This is Taoyuan, not the State Shepherd's Mansion.

Liu Bei chose to talk about this matter in Taoyuan, in fact, he was talking about personal friendship rather than state affairs.

a long time.

Zheng Ping frowned: "Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not impossible."

"The envoy can deploy troops in Pingyuan National Banner, and send Yunchang's Xiandeng camp, Yide's Ruishi camp, Zilong's Baipao camp, Ziyi's Feijun camp, Shuzhi's Baizhu camp, and Sun Jian's broken camp. The military camp and the banner of the Sixth Battalion are all standing on the border of the Pingyuan Country."

"Create the illusion of going to the Northern Expedition."

"Most of Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses are in the north. At this time, he must not dare to fight the envoy."

"The counselors under Yuan Shao's command must also be able to guess that the envoy's six battalion banners are bluffing."

"At that time, Yuan Shao will definitely send someone to negotiate terms with the envoy."

"As for whether we can save General Gongsun, it depends on God's will."

Man proposes, God disposes.

Although Liu Bei had the heart to save Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan was so arrogant that he might not accept Liu Bei's kindness.

However, since Liu Bei asked for advice, Zheng Ping would naturally offer advice to Liu Bei in the most optimal way.

Liu Bei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and stood up and bowed to Zheng Ping: "Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Even if I can't save Brother Bogui, I will have no regrets if I can save Brother Bogui's wife and children!"

Most of Sun Jian's [-] Jiangdong soldiers stayed in Yangzhou.

Zheng Ping only asked Sun Jian to select [-] elite infantry to form a broken army camp and stay in Qingzhou.

On the one hand, Zheng Ping believes that soldiers are more expensive than elites, so the banner battalions in Qingzhou are all 5000 people in size.

On the other hand, it is to limit the military power of the generals and prevent a single general from controlling too many soldiers and horses that cannot be restrained.

The first camp, the Ruishi camp, the Baipao camp, the Feijun camp, the Baima camp and the Pojun camp, the six battalions have a total of [-] elite infantry.

Unless there is a decisive battle, Liu Bei does not need to recruit soldiers and horses from the states and counties.

Too many soldiers and horses will waste money and food.

Zheng Ping also didn't want Liu Bei's military aggression to cause soldiers, people and common people to suffer disasters in vain.

The line of better troops and simpler administration is also to use more money and food for the national economy and the people's livelihood.

After the discussion.

Liu Bei adopted Zheng Ping's suggestion, while sending people to report the memorial of moving the capital to Chang'an, and at the same time falsely setting up the banner of Liuying in Pingyuan County.

He also ordered Sun Jian to personally lead [-] troops to dismantle the barracks and station them in Leling, as if they were going to attack Bohai County.

In Linzi City.

Two handsome teenagers walked hand in hand on the street.

It was Sun Ce, Sun Jian's eldest son, and Zhou Yu, Sun Ce's righteous brother.

After Sun Jian was ordered to stay in Qingzhou, he sent Sun Ce and Zhou Yu to Linzi City.

Originally, Sun Jian wanted Sun Ce to join the army and his second son Sun Quan to enter Linzi City, but Zheng Ping vetoed it.

Zheng Ping believed that although Sun Quan was intelligent, he was not open-minded enough, while Sun Ce was as brave as Sun Jian, and he was a rare good general in the world. Such a good general should go to Linzi City to study under famous teachers.

Originally, Sun Ce didn't have much affection for Zheng Ping, but after being praised by Zheng Ping, he was a little bit flustered, and he was shocked to realize that there are still famous officials and heroes like Zheng Ping in the world who can understand him.

The same is true for Zhou Yu. Zheng Ping praised Zhou Yu's talent and his ingenuity and strategy with the fact that "the song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu".

It is even asserted that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are a perfect combination of jade and jade, and it is no problem to kill Hebei general Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

This praise directly praised Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, two teenagers who had not reached the championship.

So after receiving the transfer order, the two hurried from Huai Ling to Linzi City.

"Ayu, I heard that among the outstanding youths in Linzi City, Zhuge Liang, Liu Ye, and Lu Xun are the leaders in Wen, while Guan Ping, the son of Marquis Guan, is the leader in Wu."

"I have seen Guan Ping's martial arts, and there is no young hero in Linzi City who can match my martial arts."

"But this article, Gong Jin dares to compare it?"

Sun Ce's tone was frivolous.

There are quite a few titans under Liu Bei's command, but they are all adult generals who have reached the crown, while the second generation of Guan Ping, who has not reached the crown, is much inferior.

Even though Guan Ping and Guan Yu personally trained him, because Guan Ping spent most of his youth wandering with Mrs. Hu, he had almost no foundation in martial arts, so he only started practicing martial arts after he came to Qingzhou.

On the other hand, Sun Ce has practiced martial arts since he was a child, so his bravery is naturally unrivaled.

Zhou Yu was a little embarrassed, and said, "Brother, although you and I are teenagers, we will be crowned next year. Let me compete with young men who are sixteen at the most and ten years old at the youngest."

"It's not honorable to win."

Zhou Yu is talented, but also arrogant.

Luckily, Liu Ye was a bit better, barely considered his peers.

But compared to 12-year-old Zhuge Liang and [-]-year-old Lu Xun, Zhou Yu really couldn't bear this face.

It is disgraceful to win, and even more disgraceful to lose.

"Then Linzi City is too boring." Sun Ce felt a little bored.

Zhou Yu encouraged with a chuckle, "If brother really feels bored, how about going to the White Robe Army to find Zhao Yun for a competition?"

"I heard that Zhao Yun was famous in Changshan before reaching the crown, and he became the captain of Changshan at the age of 20. Now he is only a few years older than his brother, but he has become the leader of the White Robe Battalion."

"I heard that under the command of the Marquis of Linzi, he is the best general with spear skills and riding and shooting."

"Brother is also good at spearmanship, riding and shooting, don't you want to compete?"

Zhou Yu's instigation really moved Sun Ce: "Then go to the White Robe Camp!"

Sun Ce was decisive in his words and deeds, and left as soon as he said, and soon found the training camp of the White Robe Camp.

The Sixth Battalion of Qingzhou has a separate training camp for recruits, who will be used to fill vacancies in the establishment of the Sixth Battalion after they are qualified.

Anyone who wants to join the Sixth Battalion of Qingzhou will come to the training camp in Zicheng to participate in the assessment.

Seeing that Sun Ce was about to challenge the chief general of the White Robe Battalion, Xia Houlan, who was in charge of the recruit assessment, was immediately delighted: "Since the establishment of the White Robe Battalion, there have been warriors wanting to challenge Zilong every month. Your courage is commendable!"

"But the White Robe Battalion also has rules. Warriors who dare to challenge Zilong will have to stay in the recruit camp for a year if they lose, and they are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"One year later, I will join as a cavalry pawn of the White Robe Battalion. I will start to sharpen from the bottom, and I will have to obey the command of the corporal, chief, and Dubo who are probably weaker than myself."

"Young man, I think you are quite extraordinary. If you take part in the recruit assessment of the White Robe Battalion normally, you will at least be a Dubo. If you are appreciated, you can be promoted to lieutenant general. The future is extraordinary."

"Are you really going to challenge Zilong, and then become a cavalry pawn after being a recruit for a year?"

Sun Ce was full of confidence: "I won't lose! What if I win?"

Xia Houlan laughed and said: "If you beat Zilong, you will be the leader of the White Robe Camp!"

Sun Ce suddenly became interested: "There is still such a challenge to the rules? Then I get excited."

"Register my name. My name is Sun Ce. I am Sun Ce from Fuchun, Wu County. I, Sun Ce, will be the leader of the white-robed battalion!"

Looking at the arrogant Sun Ce in front of her, Xia Houlan's small eyes narrowed into slits: "Another tough pawn has been cheated, Zilong, Zilong, you have to thank me."

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(End of this chapter)

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