Chapter 261
Xun You was grateful, and then raised his bottle and saluted Zheng Ping.

Although Xun You intended to serve Liu Bei on his own initiative, before that, Xun You had declined Liu Bei's invitation many times. If he rashly told Liu Bei that he would serve Liu Bei in the future, it would be a bit embarrassing.

However, Zheng Ping told Xun You that Liu Bei made wine with peach blossoms in Linzi City to treat the sages, which resolved Xun You's embarrassment.

If peach blossom wine is used as a guide, and the power is discussed because of the wine, the wise ruler and virtuous ministers will cherish each other, and it will be a matter of course.

Coming out of Xun You's house, Zheng Ping became very happy.

With Xun You returning to his heart, Qingzhou will gain another great talent!

In Zheng Ping's mind, Xun You is an even rarer talent than Xun Yu.

Xun Yu cherishes his own feathers too much, and cares about his own safety and family inheritance more than national affairs.

But Xun You is a bit more heroic, and national affairs are more important than personal safety.


When facing Dong Zhuo's chaos, Xun Yu chose to resign and return to Yingchuan to migrate his family to Jizhou, while Xun You directly gathered righteous men to conspire to kill Dong.

For Qingzhou.

A Xun Yu whose selfish desires are more important than national affairs is not suitable to follow Liu Bei.

Xun Yu and the power of the Yingchuan gentry represented by him will impact the existing order in Qingzhou.

Xun You, whose national affairs are more important than selfish desires, is more suitable for Liu Bei to seek the general situation.

Liu Bei has the advantages of benevolence and faith, but also has the disadvantage of hesitation.

If Zheng Ping is by Liu Bei's side, Liu Bei can make up for his indecision with his advantages of accepting advice.

But if Zheng Ping is not by Liu Bei's side, it will be difficult for Liu Bei to make decisive decisions on major issues.

Although Jushou and Tian Feng also have the ability to make decisions, but now Liu Bei's family has a great career, Jushou followed Tai Shici to Yangzhou, and Tian Feng also went to Xuzhou to assist Guan Yu.

Apart from Zheng Ping, besides Liu Bei, there are few people who can make big decisions.

Xun You knows that he can beat Ning Wu, his virtue can match Yan Yuan, and he has a good and peaceful plan.

If Liu Bei could have Xun You, it would be like Guangwu had Deng Yu.

Before Zhuge Liang grew up, Xun You was the most suitable person to make decisions for Liu Bei when Zheng Ping was not in Linzi City.

It is also because of this that Zheng Ping came to Jicheng in person after finding out that Xun Chen had entered Qingzhou, and had three games of great power between wise men with Xun You, which finally made Xun You determined to serve Liu Bei.


While thinking about it, two handsome young men rode their horses. It was Zhuge Liang who falsely called "Liu Liang of Linji City" and Lu Xun who falsely called "Zheng Xun of Linji City".

"How is the foolish brother?"

Zhuge Liang shakes a feather fan that is one size smaller in his hand. The comfort between his conversation and the wisdom between his brows make Zhuge Liang look like an exile from the world.

Lu Xun carried a shoulder-high sword on his waist, and his small body was covered with a layer of leather armor, and he also had the style of a Confucian general.

"And me!" Lu Xun was also not to be outdone, with his head held high.

Although both of them are geniuses, Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun are still young men, and like most other young men, they both hope to be praised by their fathers, brothers and elders.

"Ah Liang and A Xun are quite good at deception if they can fool Xun Chen." Zheng Ping did not hesitate to praise, and then asked: "Ah Liang, tell me why you were able to deceive Xun Chen this time? "

Zhuge Liang saw that Zheng Ping was determined to take the exam, thought for a moment, and said, "I thought that the reason why Xun Chen was able to deceive Xun Chen was because Xun Chen made three mistakes."

"First, Xun Chen disguised himself all the way, thinking that he had tricked the soldiers at the checkpoints along the way from Jizhou to Qingzhou, but he ignored the monitoring of passing merchants and pedestrians by Qingzhou's bright guards and spies. This is his own fault."

"Secondly, Xun Chen deceived me and Asun when we were young, and only regarded me and Asun as more talented noble boys in Linji City, but failed to guess that Asun and I would deliberately cheat. This is a mistake of underestimating the enemy .”

"Thirdly, Xun Chen was too eager to visit Mr. Gongda, or Xun Chen had no experience as a spy. An experienced spy would not show his desire to visit Mr. Gongda in such a hurry. It's a mistake to seek success."

"Xun Chen is self-confident, underestimating the enemy, and eager for success. With these three mistakes, how can he not be deceived by me and Asun?"

Zheng Ping clapped his palms and smiled: "A Liang's insight into people's hearts is even better than before. A Xun, do you have other ideas?"

Lu Xun's eyes were excited: "Brother A Liang's three mistakes are only aimed at Xun Chen. Brother Yu thinks that the key to deceiving Xun Chen is that my brother deliberately released the news that Mr. Gongda is in Linji City."

"If it wasn't for this, Xun Chen wouldn't have come to Jicheng."

Zheng Ping also praised: "A Xun's analysis is also very good, but there are other reasons?"

Lu Xun shook his head: "Brother Ah Liang has finished talking about the rest, Brother Yu has nothing to say."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, and said contemptuously: "Axun, what do you mean you have nothing to say after I finish talking?"

"In order to take care of you, I deliberately left two inducements for you, but you only said one."

Lu Xun's eyes widened immediately: "There is one more?"

Zheng Ping looked at Zhuge Liang with a smile: "Ah Liang, Axun came to Qingzhou later than you, and he doesn't have as much information as you. You are not kind."

Zhuge Liang said without hesitation: "Soldiers never tire of deceit. My elder brother's examination of me is also my examination of Asun, so that Asun can recognize his own shortcomings and study hard in the future."

"Not everyone can read well without seeking deep understanding."

Lu Xun suddenly became a little angry: "Brother Ah Liang, my stupid brother calls you elder brother every day, and you still have the heart to test the school. You can't ask for a deep understanding, why can't the stupid brother not ask for a deep understanding?"

Zhuge Liang retorted: "I don't seek deep understanding because I read a lot, so I can infer other things from one instance; but you can't help but seek deep understanding because you read too little and can only swallow jujubes."

"If you only specialize in the art of war, your future achievements will only be as a general in charge of the army, and you will not be able to be like me. You can rule the army when you get on a horse, and rule the people when you get off a horse. You have the ability of Guan Zhong and the talent of Le Yi. "

"Only in this way can we inherit brother Xianmou's practical knowledge, govern the country with literature and secure the people, and secure the country with martial arts."

Lu Xun was immediately discouraged.

Zhuge Liang said again: "This fifth reason is also the most critical one."

"Brother Xianmou wants to pull Xun Chen into the game, and use Xun Chen's hand to disrupt Yuan Shao's original layout in You, Ji, and Bing."

"Using people as chess pieces, using force to fight against force, achieves the effect of the superior military strategy in the art of war."

Lu Xun looked at Zhuge Liang in astonishment: "Brother A Liang, your analysis is too biased, right? Brother just asked us to answer the reason why we were able to deceive Xun Chen this time, but your answer deviated too far."

Zhuge Liang tapped the feather fan lightly on Lu Xun's forehead: "That's why, I said, you read less."

"Reading is not about reading dead books. It is not about finding a few fixed answers in the book, but about drawing inferences from one instance."

"Brother just asked a random question to test you and me. If you and I answered step by step, how can we discuss the deeper reasons behind this question with brother?"

Lu Xun lowered his head and whispered: "Brother A Liang, you are too frank. If you want to discuss the deeper reasons behind this problem with your brother, just ask directly. I have to say that this is the fifth reason, and what is the most important reason?" a reason."

"Just bully me for being two years younger than you."

Zhuge Liang's lupine froze suddenly, and a thin blush appeared on his neck.

"Ha ha!"

Zheng Ping's loud laughter echoed on the official road.

a long time.

Zheng Ping's laughter gradually subsided, and he praised softly: "Zi said: three people walk together, there must be my teacher. The way to study, don't stick to the old system, A Xun, you should learn more from Ah Liang on this point."

"I know you are good at the art of war, but in this art of war, the strategy is based on the strategy, and the technique is the bottom."

"Only specialize in art, and achievements are limited to conquering cities and defeating soldiers and horses, but cannot surpass art."

"If you can't understand the situation, a small divorce may make you fall short, and even lose your life."

"In the past, Le Yi went down to more than [-] cities in Qi State. In terms of his skills, it is rare in the world. However, Le Yi is specialized in skills but neglects them. Although he knows how to return more than [-] cities to Yan State, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat. It will make King Yan suspicious."

"In the end, let the Tian SLRs chain up, the Fire Bulls defeated the enemy, and restored more than [-] cities in the Qi Kingdom."

"The same is true for Tian Dan. He can break Leyi with magic, but he can't protect himself with magic."

"The chain of events led to King Yan expelling Le Yi; and Tian Dan also fell into the trap of alienation and was expelled by King Qi."

"Those who are good at using soldiers must not only be proficient in small techniques, but also understand the general strategy. If one of the two is missing, neither can be called a master in the art of warfare."

"Even if the skills are as strong as Han Xin and Wu Qi, they will die in the hands of villains in vain in the end, so we must pay attention!"

"Through the past and the present, there is only Jiang Shang who can proficient in both the art of war and strategy in the art of war."

"Tai Shigong also said: The words and soldiers of the later generations and the Yin power of the Zhou Dynasty are all based on the plan of the Taigong!"

Zheng Ping's earnest teaching immediately made Lu Xun a little more ashamed.

"My brother's teachings, I will remember them carefully." Lu Xun saluted solemnly: "From now on, my foolish brothers will definitely study hard, not only in terms of expertise, but also in learning strategies."

Although Lu Xun was disdainful at first, after being taught by Zhuge Liang and Zheng Ping one after another, he also understood in his heart the bias in his current study.

Zheng Ping was quite satisfied with Lu Xun's attitude.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great.

No dynasty can avoid the fate of turning from prosperity to decline.

Zheng Ping also knows very well that although the Han Dynasty can be rejuvenated by personal power, it cannot prevent the Han Dynasty from turning from prosperity to decline again.

When the people in Liu Bei's era passed away one after another, can the successors still inherit the ideas of their ancestors and comfort the inside and outside?

Zheng Ping can't change the torrent of ups and downs, but can make the ups and downs of the torrent of ups and downs smaller.

The reason for the rapid decline of a prosperous dynasty is probably that after the first generation passed away, the second generation could neither reform and innovate, nor inherit the wisdom of their predecessors.

If you want to make the ups and downs of the ups and downs smaller, the key lies in the heirs!
Not only the heirs of the emperor, but also the heirs of civil and military officials.

Zheng Ping did not set up a scheme to kill Sun Jian, the core of which was that Sun Jian had a good son, Sun Ce, and Sun Ce had a good brother, Zhou Yu.

These two have not reached the championship yet, as long as they are guided well, they will definitely become the pillars of the country after the great Han rejuvenation!

After Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, there were Liu Ye, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun and other juniors.

As long as the inheritance continues, and there are heroes with lofty ideals who continue to inherit the ambitions of their ancestors, the ups and downs of the ups and downs will become smoother.

It cannot change the core of the torrent of prosperity and decline, but it can affect the operation of the torrent of prosperity and decline. This is the core of Zheng Ping's countermeasures to deal with the torrent of prosperity and decline of "the long-term must be united and the long-term must be divided".

Back in Linzi City, Zheng Ping came to see Liu Bei and informed Liu Bei of Xun Chen's entry into the bureau and Xun You's intention to serve.

Liu Bei was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Xun Chen's entry into the game, even if he can't save Brother Bogui, he can save Brother Bogui's family. Mr. Gongda told Xun Chen for me, which is also a great contribution."

"Since Mr. Gongda is coming, why don't I prepare wine and wait in Taoyuan!"

Ever since Jushou went to Yangzhou and Tian Feng went to Xuzhou, Liu Bei felt very troubled by the decision of military and political affairs.

When Zheng Ping was around, he could still ask Zheng Ping; when Zheng Ping was not around, Liu Bei could only think about it by himself.

However, Liu Bei would always hesitate to decide on some important military and political matters in Qingzhou, which not only affected the efficiency, but also made the backlog of documents in Liu Bei's office more and more.

Although Zheng Ping is still Qingzhou Biejia in name, the focus of Zheng Ping's duties has already shifted.

In the past, the documents and corresponding approval authority of Biejia Mansion in Qingzhou had been directly belonged to Liu Bei.

Zheng Ping spent more time planning the general situation and helping Liu Bei govern the manpower, material and financial resources of the three states, rather than focusing on military and political affairs in Qingzhou.

If Xun You came, Liu Bei would be at ease.

Liu Bei's eyes were burning, and he had already rehearsed in his mind a series of seeking skills such as walking upside down, swimming with his arms together, tasting wine in Taoyuan, holding a long talk, sleeping with his feet on his feet, weaving mats and shoes, and entrusting him with important responsibilities.

Zheng Ping did not disturb Liu Bei's meditation, but returned to Zheng's other courtyard.

Now it is June of the first year of Xingping, and Liu Bei's eldest daughter, Liu Yi, can already call out "Uncle Xianmou" in a childlike voice.

Zheng Ping and Kong Su have also been married for a year.

However, shortly after Zheng Ping got married, he had been planning Xu Yangerzhou.

This year, Zheng Ping and Kong Su got together less and separated more.

For the married wife, Zheng Ping felt somewhat guilty.

Kong Su stayed away from his parents and came to Linzi City alone with Zheng Ping, and Zheng Ping was busy with state affairs and neglected his children's affection.

However, in this chaotic world, it is extremely difficult to survive.

Even if Zheng Ping can take care of the overall situation, there is little free time in this day.

Even if he was sitting quietly and fishing, what Zheng Ping was thinking about was how to guard against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others' schemes, and how to scheme against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others.

Taking the world as the chessboard, and all living beings as the chess pieces, I only hope that Liu Bei will help the Han Dynasty and make the world a reality as soon as possible.

Looking at Kong Su, who was jumping happily, without any complaint or blame in his eyes, who was hurriedly serving the food on the table, a trace of tenderness flashed in Zheng Ping's eyes.

As the saying goes, home and everything flourish.

People like Zheng Ping, who are determined to make great things happen in the world, are destined to rarely have the opportunity to enjoy the warmth of Xiaojia.

However, Kong Su did not play petty temper to interfere with Zheng Ping's official affairs, but silently supported Zheng Ping behind his back.

If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?
 I got a call, and I wrote the manuscript overnight.The little author is still full of sincerity, thank you brothers and sisters for your monthly tickets!

  There will be no shortage at the third watch today, ahem, I can't make up for what I owe, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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