Chapter 64 Riding the Horse and Swinging the Knife, Restoring the Han Dynasty

Huangfu Songkeng killed the Yellow Turban and surrendered, and built a Beijing temple to warn the world.

Although deterrence disintegrated the Yellow Turbans, it also buried the hidden danger of the court's untrustworthiness, so that few Yellow Turbans would choose to trust court officials.

Even if there are occasional surrenders, they dare not really think that the shepherds of all counties will treat them equally.

Unless it is a last resort, the Yellow Turban will not choose to surrender.

Guan Hai was not one of the Yellow Turbans back then, so he didn't feel deeply about Huangfu Songkeng's killing of the Yellow Turbans, but Xu Qi was the little Qu commander who followed Zhang Jiao back then, and he hated such things as surrendering.

Seeing Xu Qi getting angry, Guan Hai hesitated to speak, and then sighed secretly.

Although he wanted to tell Xu Qi that Liu Bei and Huang Fusong were different, Xu Qi's current attitude, let alone Guan Hai, would not be able to persuade Zhang Jiao to come.

"Guan Hai, I know what you're worried about." Xu Qi obviously didn't want to make this brave general too frustrated, and said in relief: "Taking Gaotang City is just a stopgap measure, our goal is to go to Montenegro! That's where we are. Waiting for the real home of the Yellow Turban!"

Just talking.

The minions rushed to report: "Shuai Qu, Guan Yu of Gaotang City, led his army out of the city! Looking at his direction, he is coming towards us!"

Xu Qi was overjoyed for a moment: "How dare Guan Yu go out of the city? If I have the dangerous location of Gaotang City, it will be really difficult for me to take down Gaotang City in a short while. But Guan Yu dared to leave the city, wouldn't he come to die?"

Guan Hai cautiously said: "Shuai Qu, something is wrong! How dare this Guan Yu leave the city at this time? Beware of fraud!"

Xu Qi laughed loudly: "What deceit can there be? Guan Yu thinks that he has more than a thousand soldiers under his command, and the armor is more complete than ours, so he wants to go out of the city and win a battle."

"How can such a trivial trick be hidden from handsome Ben Qu?"

"Guan Hai, I will assign you two hundred soldiers. Gaotang City will be empty if Guan Yu leaves the city. I will lead the army to contain Guan Yu. You can take the opportunity to attack the city."

"When the city was attacked, Guan Yu must return in panic. If you and I attack back and forth, Guan Yu will be defeated!"

"The defeated general dares to be arrogant in front of Commander Ben Qu. This time, let Guan Yu know what the art of war is!"

Guan Hai was a little worried: "Shuai Qu, you assigned two hundred soldiers to me, and you have less than three hundred soldiers under your command. How can you restrain Guan Yu? Although the other families have some soldiers, they may not obey orders."

The corner of Xu Qi's mouth twitched: "Guan Hai, we are the Yellow Turbans! Who told you that you have to use the young and strong main force to contain Guan Yu?"

Guan Hai's expression changed, and he immediately understood what Xu Qi meant.

There are young and strong Yellow Turbans, as well as old and weak women and children, and there are also a large number of coerced civilians among the Yellow Turbans.

Xu Qi was planning to use the old, the weak, women and children and the coerced people to contain Guan Yu.

"Shuai Qu, many people will die." Guan Hai's tone was a little low.

But Xu Qi would not change his mind because of Guan Hai's grief, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Guan Hai, if you break the city as soon as possible, those old and weak women and children will die less."

"Compassion does not lead soldiers, you have to learn to be ruthless, otherwise you will not only fail to save people, but will only harm more people!"

For Xu Qi, whether it is the old and weak women and children in the yellow scarves, or the coerced people, it is better to die!
After all, if you die, you can save a lot of money and food, and it can also make the Yellow Turban soldiers more motivated to fight.

Guan Hai clenched his fists subconsciously, then remembered his uncle Guan Ding's persuasion, and then secretly sighed.

"Uncle, I'm sorry."

"Nephew is incompetent!"

Soon, Guan Hai's eyes also became cold.

Only by destroying the city can the old, weak, women and children who followed in exile and the people who were coerced die less.

Although Xu Qi's words are rough, the truth is not rough.

To reduce casualties, the only way to attack Gaotang City in the shortest possible time!
After the troops were given to Guan Hai, Xu Qi notified Qu Shuai of the other six Yellow Turban families to join forces to face Guan Yu.

More than [-] yellow scarves, old and weak, and more than [-] people who were coerced, headed for Gaotang City in a mighty way.

And the rest of the yellow scarves, young and strong, were hidden behind by Xu Qi.

Xu Qi's thoughts were very straightforward, these yellow scarves and the common people rushed towards Gaotang City, no matter what Guan Yu's plan was, it would be useless.

If they didn't stop them, the Yellow Turbans would have arrived at Gaotang City directly.

If he stopped, Guan Yu would have to be surrounded by the Yellow Turbans.

"Didn't Liu Bei claim to be benevolent?"

"Hmph, there are three thousand old and weak women and children and these four thousand ordinary people. I don't believe you, Guan Yu, dare to charge and kill them!"

Xu Qi hid behind, sneering again and again.

Xu Qi despises Liu Bei's promotion of benevolence in Gaotang County!

Xu Qi doesn't believe that Liu Bei is truly benevolent, and thinks that Liu Bei is just a hypocritical image of benevolence and righteousness created in this hypocritical way.


Guan Yu led [-] soldiers and horses, ready to fight.

After discovering that the Yellow Turbans had wiped out the mighty Chen Ying's Wu Bao, Guan Yu realized that the time had come.

The reason why Xu Qi didn't send out troops when Xu Qi started sweeping up the tyrants in the four towns was also because these tycoons were the enemies that Zheng Ping had planned in advance to get rid of with the help of the Yellow Turban.

Now that Chen Ying and others are dead, Guan Yu doesn't have to wait any longer.

Hu Zhao and [-] county soldiers were left to guard the city, while Guan Yu led [-] powerful private soldiers to attack Xu Qi.

At the crossing of the road, it was found that the yellow scarves wrapped the people, the old and the weak, women and children as the vanguard. Guan Yu immediately ordered the formation of the army to be laid down, and built several temporary passages with stones, branches and other sundries.

This is a special countermeasure against the Yellow Turbans coercing the common people, the old and the weak, women and children!
"Zicheng, the yellow turban bandits are engulfing the old and the weak, and they will definitely hide their troops behind them."

"Later, you will be responsible for letting the old and weak pass through, and Guan will be responsible for killing the enemy!"

Guan Yu squinted his Danfeng eyes, looking at the old and weak people who came to help him one by one, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

When he was in Hedong, Guan Yu was a bitter person at the bottom of society.

Although there is some bravery, personal bravery can kill evil officials but cannot save the people, and he himself has a tragic result in exile.

Not only that, Guan Yu even lost his wife and children on the way to escape!

And all of this was caused by the collusion between scholars and officials in Guan Yu's eyes.

After fleeing, Guan Yu's mentality also gradually changed, from a passionate young man who killed evil officials with righteousness, to a taciturn and lonely king who looked at everyone coldly.

If he hadn't met Liu Bei and was infected by Liu Bei's benevolence, Guan Yu would probably have become a lonely fugitive with a heart ashamed.

Perhaps, it is also possible to join the Yellow Turban!

But because of Liu Bei's existence, Guan Yu knew that there is another way to live in life.

Riding a horse and wielding a knife, secure the world and restore the Han Dynasty!

Accepting Liu Bei's kindness and adhering to Liu Bei's ambition, with this sword in hand, we can clear away the turbidity of this chaotic world.

"The common people are already suffering because of corrupt officials, tyrants and tyrants, but now they still have to be coerced by yellow turban thieves. How sad!"

"The world is in turmoil, only elder brother can make peace in this troubled world."

"A traitor who is a disaster for the country, Guan must kill him for the eldest brother!"

In an instant, Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes suddenly opened.

 The previous poisonous point has been changed. In order not to affect the perception, I deleted some comments. I hereby explain.

  After all, I stood at attention and was beaten, let the past be the past.

(End of this chapter)

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