Chapter 121 Price
"It failed again. It's not that simple to use the central cooling method to cast the barrel!" Wei Jiahui said with heartache as he inspected the burst barrels one by one.

In order to make iron molds and various small tools, he led hundreds of his men and fought hard for several days and nights. Only now that he officially started casting cannons did he realize that everything was not so easy.

I touched the tiny cracks in the inner layer of the gun barrel with my hand. Those with obvious cracks must not be used, and the chamber will explode when used.

"This should be because the internal cooling rate is too fast, resulting in a large gap between the internal and external cooling rates, because of the cracks caused by thermal expansion and contraction." Liu Ze touched the growing beard on his chin and said.

"Try to control the speed of water entering and exiting the water pipe of the inner core, and use the middle cutting method."

"Central cut? What is that?" Wei Jiahui scratched his head and asked.

"For example, if your water speed is 10, then you will use water speed 5 next time. If it doesn't work, then use 3 and 8. If the water speed of 8 gives better results, then use 7 and 9 next time. , if 7 is better quality, then next time we will use 7.5 flow rate, which is equivalent to cutting half each time to exhaustive experiments."

Wei Jiahui suddenly realized and clapped his hands: "Good idea!"

Liu Ze patted him on the shoulder and said: "There is another simple and tricky method, which is to cast it in an iron mold, then put it into a tempering kiln, and let the gun barrel slowly anneal into gray iron, but you still use the center cooling method. Let's go first."

"Accumulate experience well and record every situation. Metals have different thicknesses, different alloy formulations, different structural shapes, and the annealing temperature and time required are different. This experience must be recorded, don't just Keep it in mind, the students I send to you need to use it, the steel industry is too important, it is our lifeblood."

"Work hard. It is said that this method took 10 years from proposing the theory to demonstrating scientific and reasonable technical parameters through experiments. We don't need to be optimal now, as long as we can create the best we can. Improve slowly, leave it to you, and ask me if you have any problems. When it’s done, I’ll congratulate you!”

After finishing speaking, Liu Ze waved his hand, and took Sun Mo away to another small bastion a little farther away. This place was specially built for Sun Moxin. As the only technician in the team who was familiar with the configuration of gunpowder, he wanted to Go do something else dangerous but useful.

Inside the bastion, Liu Ze held up a vermilion block crystal and said, "This luster is called cinnabar stone?"

"That's right, that's right. This can be used to refine mercury, which can cure skin scabies, stubborn ringworm, and head lice. My father used this kind of stone to refine it." Lu Wan'er stood aside and said softly.

A month ago, Liu Ze was looking for someone in the team who could understand cinnabar, but he couldn't find it for several days. Then one day, Lu Wan'er came to report the latest situation of the medical team to Liu Ze, and heard about cinnabar by chance. Then he recommended himself and asked Liu Ze for the job.

Liu Ze remembered that there were often cinnabar mines in the volcanic rocks, so he sent Lu Wan'er back to the volcanic island where he had crossed to look for it, and he found it before he expected it.

There is a not-so-small cinnabar mine on the small island, which is located in the valley to the south. Lu Waner found it with great effort and hurriedly reported it back to Liu Ze. Then a team of hundreds of red-haired barbarians was sent to mine cinnabar stones. Although she didn't know What Liu Ze wants to do, but she believes that as long as it is what Liu Ze wants to do, it will be useful to everyone.

During this period of time, Lu Wan'er has also been a bit irritated by Liu Ze's change of attitude, but she can't complain when she sees Liu Ze running around with students every day. She has been in the People's Army for so long, and she knows Liu Ze has been thinking Leading everyone to live the ideal life he described, so she also wanted to do something meaningful for Liu Ze.

After listening to Lu Wan'er's introduction, Liu Ze said thank you, then turned around and waved his hands, "Ask Tao Dayuan to come over and bring some capable red-haired pretty boys, it will be useful."

Lu Wan'er's own medical team also had a lot of work to do. Seeing that Liu Ze had other things to do, she said something and turned around to leave.

Not long after, Tao Dayuan came, and after Liu Ze took him to explain in detail, after the translation, the four red-haired youths began to smelt mercury with their bare hands.

"Stay far away, that mercury is highly poisonous!"

When the four teenagers reached the equipment that had been prepared in the distance, Liu Ze explained something to his subordinates. After everyone heard this, they all followed Liu Ze and stood at the upper windshield to watch, staying far away.

The four red-haired barbarians in front of the equipment did not hear this sentence. They were refining mercury with their bare hands according to Liu Ze's order, with gentle and innocent smiles on their faces. This was a direct order from the godlike commander in their hearts. Enough to show them off for a long time.

Mercury is also called mercury, and its preparation method is extremely simple. Mercury can be produced in large quantities as early as the Qin Dynasty.

I saw that one of the four red-haired barbarians smashed a large piece of cinnabar ore with a hammer, and then another person used an iron mill to grind the broken ore into powder, put it into a clay pot, and put it on a wooden jar. Cover, seal the gap with mud paste, and lead the pottery pipe connected to the cover into the water tank.

A young man added some firewood to the bottom of the pot and lit it on fire. After a while, the cinnabar in the pot was heated and began to release mercury vapor. Looking at Tao Dayuan in the distance, he shouted: "Master, this bright silver color has come out!"

The red-haired man said, holding the quicksilver from the water with his hands, and turning his left and right hands back and forth, this is to let everyone in the distance see more clearly.

"Mercury vapor meets water and cools into mercury, that's it." Wang Shanbao clapped his hands and repeated what Liu Ze just taught.

Liu Ze was also full of surprises. This is the smoothest thing he has done in this period of time. This is the process of making materials. The heart tortured by the constant failure of casting cannons is much more comfortable again.

"This, is it highly poisonous?" Tao Dayuan said with a twitching face, especially when those young people called him Master, which made him turn pale. After all, a teacher for a day is a father for life. He has a different meaning.

"Relax, there is nothing we can do about it. If we don't let them go, we can't let us go by ourselves. We just have to treat them well in the future." Liu Ze comforted Tao Dayuan with his right hand around Tao Dayuan's shoulder.

The cruel reality always has trade-offs.

"Then...they won't die, right?" Tao Dayuan asked tremblingly.

"Don't worry, generally not. The typical symptoms of mercury poisoning are nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal distension. Sometimes there may be tremor paralysis, dizziness, headache, disturbance of consciousness, short-term convulsions, etc. In addition, there may be palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, or skin discoloration and hair loss, etc. .”

"If that's the case, why don't you let those old stubborn people in the naturalization camp go? Anyway, they don't really obey the people's army." Tao Dayuan asked, he really couldn't bear to let those innocent and obedient young red-haired man This bad luck.

"I'm afraid that those stubborn old men will be disobedient!" Liu Ze looked at Tao Dayuan's expression, and changed his words: "Then let Lao Hong go wild next time, it's okay to be disobedient, and there are ways to do it." He patted the waist knife that he carried with him, his expression was self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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