Chapter 10 Journey to the Godswood

Clay was not interested in the banquet that was about to start, the only thing that interested him was probably the delicious food at the banquet.

The material conditions of Winterfell and White Harbor are a bit worse, but the quality of the kitchen is indeed surprisingly good. Of course, it may also be related to Clay's crooked eating of fish every day in White Harbor.

In order to get out early, Clay, who was originally arranged near the main table, served his own plate after eating, and left for the long table near the gate where the guards gathered.

"Clay, why are you here?"

The one who spoke was Jon Snow, who was among the crowd. This usually reticent boy was breathing alcohol and asked Clay with a little blurred eyes.

"I can't help it. I can't understand the jokes of the adults in the king's land. I feel like a fool sitting there."

Clay spread his hands and pointed to the seat he had just left.

"Indeed, you can still leave. Look at Rob, sitting there and biting the fork, right?" Jon pointed to Rob, who was looking extremely stiff opposite the queen at the main table, and poured himself a drink with a grin. Take a sip of wine.

On weekdays, Duke Ed seldom let his children drink, but today no one cares about him.

Clay took a grilled and oily chicken wing from the table and threw it to the white direwolf nestling under the table. This direwolf named Bai Ling had been familiar with Clay for a long time.

With smooth movements, the wolf grabbed the chicken wing that hadn't landed in one bite, lay down at Clay's feet, and began to chew.

Clay liked to touch the white wolf very much, and Bai Ling did not resist Clay's touch.

Under Jon's resentful eyes, Clay became more and more vigorous, and Bai Ling was touched on the floor and let out a comfortable snoring sound.

"Is this your wolf, young man?"

Someone asked questions behind Clay, Clay looked up and heard Jon say: "Uncle Banyan!"

He already knew who was coming, stood up, and looked back at the tall night watchman in black standing behind him.

"No, this is Jon's wolf. Sit down. I'll go outside. It's not decent to spit out after drinking too much."

Clay took the opportunity to leave his seat. The chief ranger who was full of wind and snow didn't know Clay at all, but just treated him as an ordinary guard, nodded slightly to him, and sat down to chat with Jon.

Slipped out of the hall, pretended to be drunk and quickly returned to his room. Clay scooped up a small basin of cold water from the water tank to wake himself up.

Picking up the small bundle of clothes, Clay pushed open the door and walked towards the godswood very naturally.

Sure enough, Clay's guess was right. The Stark family attached great importance to the king's security. Duke Ed moved more than half of the guards to the vicinity of the Winterfell hall.

At the entrance of the Godswood, Clay finally found two Stark family guards wearing mail armor, but there were only these two, and they were dealing with the burritos in their hands, and they were very focused. .

good chance!
Clay immediately walked away from the door. The city wall of the godswood on the inner side of Winterfell was relatively low. Now that the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a good time to kill...ah no, it is a good time to climb over the wall.

Very smoothly, Clay climbed over the wall of the Godswood in Winterfell, where the defense was weakest. When his feet just stepped on the soft ground of the Godswood, a faint smell of corruption immediately penetrated into the tip of his nose. .

That's the smell of layers of fallen leaves piled together, and mass leaf fall in summer isn't a good sign.

Although it is still long summer, as the family language of the Stark family says: Winter is coming...

It was pitch black in front of him, and the thick and thick black tree trunks occupied most of the line of sight, while the branches high above were densely piled together, blocking the few moonlight. Clay moved forward cautiously, and would be caught on the ground Raised roots trip over.

It's too dark here, and too quiet. Clay always feels that there is a pair of eyes staring at him in the blackness that is as sticky as ink, and has been staring at him...

Clay understands why the people who used to live here have the obscure and unidentified belief in the old gods. In this environment, people always want to find some hope in everything, and those who refer to it The definite gods of the times cannot meet their needs.

On the short road, Clay walked for nearly half an hour, passing through the seemingly endless leaves, and finally saw the ancient weirwood standing quietly in the black cold pool.

Strangely, there is no other vegetation growing around this weirwood tree, which may be the largest in the north. Clay speculates that the Stark family may have cut down the surrounding trees. After all, it is a place where the lord often comes, so it must be spacious Some.

In the moonlight, the tall weirwood trunks appeared silvery, and the dark red leaves were forced to bow their heads and turn themselves black at night.

Taking a deep breath, Clay stepped forward. Whether his magic pool can be replenished depends on a one-shot deal!
Ignoring the eerie face on the tree trunk under the moonlight, Clay finally came to the heart tree. He had a feeling that this face seemed to be staring at him, but at this moment he couldn't control it. So many.

He took off his finely crafted leather gloves and stretched out his hands to the tree trunk.

next second...

A huge and heterogeneous force rushed along Clay's arm into his defenseless body. This force was too violent, like a wild bull, which made Clay almost lose consciousness immediately.

Thoughts flashed, and an illusory dark blue system unfolded in front of his eyes. Clay gritted his teeth, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the numbers behind the magic pool.

"75..." The number didn't move.

But the next moment, the number became 76, followed by 77, and then faster and faster!
In Clay's dazed effort, this number has already broken through 100, and it is still increasing at an even faster speed.

The humming sound filled his ears, and Clay couldn't hear the rustling sound of the tens of thousands of leaves of the huge heart tree that was automatically moving without wind.

After a few breaths, Clay's magic pool has accumulated more than 150 points of magic power, which is more than double the magic power stored by Clay when he first had the system, and has been able to push the success rate of the grass trial to the limit and save There are two negative effects.

Clay wanted to stop, but he found that he couldn't, his hands seemed to be firmly pressed on the trunk, and he was about to merge with the heart tree.

The magic power was still pouring in, and the greedy magic pool seemed to have no upper limit, but Clay's body was about to fail.

A strange feeling of blockage filled his whole body. Clay breathed hard, but the oxygen he breathed in was like a turtle crawling in his lungs. He was like a person who was about to drown, and his face gradually turned pale.

"Fuck." A beautiful language that does not belong to this world came out of Clay's mouth, and Clay, who had gained a glimmer of clarity, used all his strength to slam his head against the tree trunk.

Among the rustling leaves, there was a heavy muffled sound first, and then the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

Clay, who fell on the ground, was dressed roughly, and looked at the extremely conspicuous number behind the magic pool, revealing a row of white teeth.

And far away from the Great Wall, in a deep cave, a blood-red eye suddenly opened in the darkness, and he let out a silent roar of anger, because just now, his biggest eye in the northern border was unexpectedly shot People got hurt!

The invisible sound waves spread, and countless crows gathered in the cave fluttered their wings and flew into the sky in the dark night. They flew south, with only one target—Winterfell!

 The website short has been received, and the status will be changed in the next few days.

(End of this chapter)

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