Chapter 107 In My Name, I Sentence You to Death

The sun finally reached the eastern castle of the Twin River City. No matter what, the sun was never late.

The resistance of the Frey family is over. In the scuffle last night, the [-] Frey legion who were resting in the army camp were suddenly attacked without armor or horses.

Therefore, after paying the lives of more than 100 people, the cavalry in the north had conquered them, and 3000 people were completely disarmed, and they were still arranged in the big camp in the city of Twin Rivers.

The remaining [-] defenders scattered in all directions were not so lucky. Almost all the more than [-] soldiers guarding the east gate last night fell under the long sword of the northern border.

It's not how strong their will to fight is, but it's not an easy task to surrender in that chaotic situation.

Even the Frey commander of Stevron's line who was defending the city was cut in half by Lord Jon Umber, who was charging forward with his horse.

On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, no matter whether you are noble or not, here, there are only comrades-in-arms or enemies.

The cavalry team rushed quickly, and the Mandalay family cavalry who led the charge rushed in there before Weiheta could react.

After quickly resolving the battle, the remaining cavalry, in the bewilderment of the western castle, handed the long sword of the northern border to their throats. Because the attack speed was too fast, these people were not injured, and they just knelt on the ground and surrendered.

When all the Frey banners in the Twin Rivers were cut down to the ground, and the banners of the northern nobles were flying in every position above the Twins, the Twins officially surrendered.

Stepping on the scorched ground with cowhide boots, Roose Bolton came under the main castle that was once the power core of the Frey family and was now in ruins.

The fire started from the warehouse next to the main castle and the room at the top, and it was only now that the raging flames were about to be extinguished.

For some reason, the charred ruined tower in front of him reminded him of Harrenhal, just as suffocating.

The Frey soldiers who surrendered were driven in to check, and one after another the charred corpses were carried out. These were the unlucky ones who didn't escape.

The bodies of Lord Walder Frey and Ser Aenys Frey were also found, and the fire started from them, so they were also in the worst condition.

However, after examining the two corpses, the well-informed princes of the northern border found that they were not burnt to death, but died of sharp weapon injuries before the fire started.

At the scene, the dagger that was pressed under Aenys Frey was well preserved.

The only murder weapon at the scene of the crime was quickly recognized by the surrendering Freys.

This is Stevron Foyle's dagger, his favorite.

This also means that Stevron committed the crime of kinicide that is not tolerated by the gods. As the current owner of the Twin River City, Rob Stark must make a verdict on this.

As for who set the fire, even if the princes in the north had some guesses in their hearts, they all kept silent at this juncture, and blamed all the evil deeds of killing relatives and setting fire to cover up the evidence. Foyle's head.

As for Stevron Frey himself, because he was busy with the woman when the fire broke out last night, he was terribly frightened. When he ran down from the high tower of the main castle, he might have inhaled a lot of smoke. Kneeling on the ground for a while, unable to say anything.

Robb Stark and the Lords of the North, no one is going to Clay Manderly now.

Although each of them knew that in this battle, without Clay Manderly risking his way into the city to launch a surprise attack, the Twin River City would never have fallen so soon.

But to be honest, it is still inconvenient to talk about stealing a house in the middle of the night. Besides, doing so is also protecting the reputation of Clay Mandalay and the Mandalay family.

Who exactly caused this scuffle? Everyone has an idea, but the Freys don't know.

A thick wooden stake was placed on the ground, which was a temporary execution platform.

All the adults in the North have gathered here, the war is over here, so now they want to watch Rob Stark make a judgment on behalf of the North.

Two big and three rough Stark soldiers escorted the heavily tied Stevron Frey over, and knelt down before the execution platform.

At this time, Stevron Frey's muddled head finally came to his senses.

With cloudy eyes, he looked at Robb Stark, who was standing in front of the stake with a long sword, and seemed to understand what was going to happen.

Fear made him tremble all over, and his face and lips were bloodless.

This is a very graphic scene. The white-haired Stevron, except for himself, has lost all the things that represent the Frey family of the Twin River City, including the flag and the family crest.

And in front of him, the new owner of the Twins, Rob Stark, stood in front of a huge direwolf banner, his young face was expressionless, and he just stared at him coldly.

He actually didn't know what happened last night until now. In the middle of the night, when he was working hard, he suddenly smelled a strong burning smell, followed by screams.

Just as he opened the door with barely dressed clothes, a puff of thick black smoke rushed to his face, almost suffocating him in an instant.

Later, when he tried to rush out of the fire, he was smoked and fell to the ground.

Just being dragged out by the soldiers of the Frey family who came to rescue, the Mandalay cavalry wielding long swords killed the Frey soldiers from behind.

When he regained consciousness again, he had already become a prisoner of the Stark family. In the Twin River City that he was thinking about, he couldn't even see the Twin Towers flag of the Frey family.

All the flags have been changed, the Direwolf flag of the Stark family, the iron fist flag of the Glover family, the battle ax flag of the Seven family, the winter sun flag of the Karstark family, and not long ago The Mermaid banner of the Manderly family that only appeared in the Twins.

Stevron Foyle was confused, his mind was in a mess, and he was already wondering how long he had been asleep.

In the dreamlike memory, the woman's body, the bursting fire, the suffocating black smoke, and after that, the sharp long sword on his neck.

It seemed to be a dream, closing and opening his eyes countless times, Stevron Foyle wanted to get out of this terrible nightmare as soon as possible.

However, all was in vain.

Because, the current owner of the northern border, after staring at him coldly for a long time, finally asked a question:
"Ser Stevron Frey, do you admit to your kinicide?"

Although it was a question, Robb Stark's tone seemed to be stating a fact.

Stevron Foyle's mind was even more confused.

parricide?who me?Who did I kill?

Several questions popped up in his mind one after another, completely staining his newly sober mind into a mess.

Robb Stark waited for a long time, and Stevron Frey, who was kneeling on the ground, could not speak a word.

Sighing in his heart, he waved his hands at the two soldiers who were pressing Stevron Foyle, motioning to push him down on the stake.

"In the name of my father, the Duke of Winterfell and the Warden of the North, I, Robb of House Stark, sentence you, and Stevron Frey, to death for kinslaughter."

After Robb Stark finished speaking in a loud voice, the long sword stuck on the ground was unsheathed, and he raised the sword high above his head.

It wasn't until death was about to come to his door that Stevron Foyle just reacted, and he was just about to open his mouth to defend.

A cold light fell, and the blade of the sword fell to the ground. Half a second later, the head with gray hair also fell to the ground with vigorous blood.

Even when his head fell to the ground, Stevron Frey opened and closed his mouth a few times. He really wanted to say something, but unfortunately, it was destined to be something no one could hear.

Among the princes in the northern border, Clay, who watched all this silently, finished the execution with a blank expression.

The surrounding nobles who noticed him no longer had the previous contempt in their eyes, each of them knew clearly that the young man in front of him had directed the situation in front of him single-handedly.

In their view, although the owner of the Frey family, Walder Frey, and his third son, Aenys Frey, did not die at the hands of Clay Manderly standing beside them.

But in the bottom of his heart, who can deny that the three fires that almost destroyed the Frey family have nothing to do with the young man who led the team into the Twin River City?

Moreover, when the city was broken, the cavalry of his Mandalay family also charged forward, and half of the casualties of the Frey soldiers in the city were related to the cavalry who charged into the city first.

After the execution, with the death of Stevron Frey, this bloody drama finally came to an end. Now, it's time to clean up the battlefield and sort out the losses.


"Master, we lost eleven of the five hundred cavalrymen we entered the city, and the remaining three were seriously injured, which will affect our actions."

When he came to Clay who had replaced his blood-stained armor, Sir Marlon said something in a low voice.

Although he already attached great importance to Clay in his heart, when Clay really led several personal guards to open the city gate, and all of them were safe and sound, Sir Marlon, who had experienced countless wars, had to feel the heroism of his heir .

"Well, they are all warriors. Bury them properly. Don't pass the news back. When the war is over, let's go home together."

Clay nodded. This loss was within his tolerance. In fact, if the cavalry in White Harbor didn't have the full armor that Earl Wyman spent a lot of money on, the loss this time might have tripled.

At this time, a Stark soldier wearing a direwolf-style burqa quickly walked up to the two of them, and said in a reserved voice:
"My lord, Lord Rob invites you to the Wei River Tower."


Ser Malone asked.

"I... I don't know my lord."

The soldier shook his head, and Clay waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave. He smiled and said:
"It's okay, the city was taken by my Manderly family. No matter what happened to him, Rob Stark, he must seek my opinion on how to deal with this city and the Frey family."

"Well... then, have you thought about these things?"

Sir Marlon admitted that Clay was right. This was a real feat on the battlefield. Except for the cavalry unit of the Patriarch of Mandalay, the remaining 7000 people in the northern border actually made soy sauce in this war. .

Clay suddenly smiled mysteriously at Sir Marlon, and then said something in an extremely weird tone:

"Sir, what do you think of the Manderly family in the Twins? It seems a good choice to put the entire north coast of Bite Bay and most of the west coast under the same banner."

Suddenly startled, Sir Marlon stared at Clay, what is his master going to do, is he going to eat the entire Twin River City?
Clay left, leaving him alone in a daze.

I don't know why, although he knows that the young master's words are mostly in jest, but he always feels that he can inadvertently smell a smell called ambition in the young master.

He had smelled this smell on a person on the usurper's battlefield, and that person's name was Robert Baratheon.


Since the buildings on the east bank of the Twin River City were damaged to varying degrees, the nobles in the northern border decided to discuss matters in the Weihe Tower in the center of the Twin River City.

This solitary tower is the best place to monitor the entire north-south flow of the Green Fork River.

Under the nourishment of enough water vapor, layers of moss covered every brick and stone of the tower, and there were more or less dark green ferns in every crack of the stone.

This Weihe Tower looks much older than the Twin River City itself.

When Clay came to the gate, a huge running wolf flag was hung directly above the gate, declaring the Stark family's authority over this place.

The guards didn't check on Clay, they all knew who Clay was.

In the hall, all the nobles from the north were discussing in low voices. Seeing Clay's arrival, Rob Stark, who was sitting in the innermost part of the hall, pointed to an empty seat.

"Sit down first, and wait a moment, Lord Karstark."

Nodding his head, it seems that he is not the last one to arrive.

After finding his own seat, next to him was Harris Hornwood, the Earl of Hornwood City. Their family's fief was just north of White Harbor, and they were regarded as neighbors.

The earl looked very happy, his fingers in leather gloves were tapping back and forth on the table, and the beard at the corner of his mouth was upturned, obviously in a very good mood.

"Master Clay, you did a great job!"

He started the conversation first, and then continued:
"After taking down the Twin Rivers, our total strength will reach 3000 after accepting the surrender of more than 1000 Freys. Now our chances of winning will be even greater!"

It can be seen that the earl is a very optimistic person, especially for the current battle situation.

Clay didn't want to disturb his interest, so he didn't point out the objective fact that Lannister had at least [-] well-equipped troops waiting for them in the south.

Following the Earl of Hornwood's agreement, Clay changed the subject:

"Lord Earl, what has Earl Karstark been doing?"

"He, he is going to take some people to deal with some disobedient Frey soldiers. After all, these people were disarmed as soon as they woke up. There are always a few unconscious ones who want to make trouble."

Clay understood that Karstark had brought people to suppress the rebellion. Well, it was not accurate to say it was a rebellion. They were all disarmed and carried two sticks, saying that the rebellion really flattered them.

It didn't take long before the figure of Earl Karstark appeared in front of everyone.

Obviously, the disobedient ones have been dealt with. As for whether to chop off their heads or hang them on wooden stakes to dry, that's beyond Clay's control.

Besides, he didn't want to care.

When they were all there, Robb Stark coughed.

"My lords, first of all, we need to consider the issue of the Frey family. The statistics have just been completed. Many of the Frey family died in this war. The current heir is a mentally handicapped man named Aegon Frey."

"So, what should the Frey family do? What do you think, my lords?"

(End of this chapter)

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