Chapter 116 There is an ambush here!
When the news came that Kingslayer led two thousand troops from the Western Region to chase and kill them in the Valley of the Virgins, the entire Western Route Army in the Northern Territory erupted.

So far, their commanders have all judged the enemy correctly, and they quickly led by various nobles to ambush into the designated position on the height of the Maiden Valley.

They will wait here for a day, recharge their batteries, and wait until the exhausted Lannister pursuers enter the ambush circle, condescending, and their own side will crush them with the iron hoof of the north.

Clay's layout of the entire Virgin Valley is actually well thought out.

In this battlefield with special terrain, arranging troops reasonably will maximize one's own attack capability and end the battle as soon as possible.

Ending the battle quickly means that the losses on my side will be minimized. I only have more than 5000 to less than 6000 people. This is almost half of the cavalry in the northern border. I don’t know when I will be replenished. up.

A few hundred people served as reserves, and the remaining 5000 people, Clay divided them into four parts.

Because of the special terrain of the Virgin Valley, when the Lannister army enters here, the team will definitely be stretched.

But there is a problem, if the forward is about to pass the exit, but the tail has not yet entered the Taniguchi, then the dumplings carefully prepared by Clay will be exposed.

Therefore, the most important thing in this war is not the war within the Virgin Valley, but how to put the 2000-strong Lannister Legion into Clay's dumpling wrappers.

Based on this, Clay made a two-pronged arrangement. First, the time to do it should be delayed as much as possible. At the last moment when the Lannister army is about to rush out of the valley, a large number of cavalry will rush out to push them back to the Virgin Valley.

The process of marching at full speed was blocked, and the troops behind the Lannisters were still constantly advancing in, which would definitely turn the original long line into a bottle with a thick waist.

At this time, Clay's second move, the thousand cavalry ambushing around the entrance, will launch from all directions, with a very clear purpose, not seeking to kill, as long as all the Lannister troops are driven into the Virgin Valley.

The front and back doors were closed, and the two thousand Lannister troops huddled together at the lowest point of the Virgin Valley. At that time, it was time to close the door and beat the dog, ah no, it was time to close the door and beat the lion.

A total of 500 people were used for the front and rear gates, and the remaining 500 people were divided into two halves and arranged on the high places on the east and west sides of the Virgin Valley.

When the northern army responsible for closing the gate completed the task, they would complete the rest of the Lannister slaughter.

What Clay wants to create is a state of encirclement. This is not a rout battle. He can't encircle all three and lose one. Even if that happens, his own losses may be even smaller.

In this battle, no matter what, Clay will wipe out all the Lannister cavalry, because as long as a single Lannister cavalry escapes back to Riverrun, it will be a big deal.

Jaime Lannister brought 2000 men after them, and 1 people remained behind the city of Riverrun. Once the news of Clay's attack was sent back to the Lannister camp in Riverrun.

As long as the nobles in the camp are clear-headed, they will know that on the great plains of the Riverlands, the infantry will definitely not be able to outrun the cavalry, so these 1 people will choose to form an army in place.

Once the infantry is in formation, with the advantages of Lannister's elite equipment, the losses of Clay's charge will soar rapidly.

He couldn't guarantee that the defeated Hejian army in the city would still have the courage to go out of the city to fight back at this time, and prepared for the worst. When they stayed on the city wall to watch the show, Clay's army could only come by themselves.

Using 5000 people to rush the prepared 1 people, Clay's IQ does not allow him to do such a thing.

"Lord Clay, everyone is already in place, just waiting for Sir Brynden to lead the Lannister cavalry over."

Earl Glover, with his long sword hanging from his waist, climbed up the high slope where Clay was located step by step. This is the highest position in the Virgin Valley, overlooking the entire battlefield.

In fact, Clay's keen witcher's hearing had already told him that someone was coming, but he still waited until Earl Glover walked in before turning around to greet the general responsible for putting Lannister in the cage.

"Master Earl, you have worked hard, you have done a good job."

Clay smiled and nodded to show that he already knew. He reviewed his plan over and over again in his mind, thinking about possible omissions in that part.

Following Clay's gaze, Glover knew that he was looking at the battlefield he had carefully designed.

The count looked at Clay's back with a complicated look in his eyes.

This is really an amazing young man. At the age of sixteen or seventeen, when he first came to the battlefield, he got the command of an army of [-] so quickly, and let the old guys on the battlefield obey him post.

He was alone, without anyone's help, when his people were helpless against the city walls of Twin Rivers, he entered the city alone, broke through the city and killed people with his own strength.

Under his control, the Mandalay family easily ate a piece of fat that was as big as the Twin River City, and even the adults in the northern region who were present were speechless.

Now, facing the enemy's 1 army, he was completely at a disadvantage in terms of strength, and he didn't have the frizz that young people should have.

Under the watchful eyes of his own people, the young man showed his astonishing appetite. He wanted to use 5000 people to swallow 1 people in Lannister whole in one gulp.

At first, people like myself didn't believe it, but now, as the news of Sir Brynden came back, I couldn't help but not believe it.

"Master Clay, why are you so sure that the Kingslayer will definitely come after him, won't he return halfway?"

Clay didn't turn around, his gaze was still on the Virgin Valley. He already had an answer to Earl Glover's question.

"Count, I've always been worried that Lannister's cavalry would stay in the vicinity of Riverrun. In that case, all our plans would be in vain."

"You have to know that we are fighting against the proud Jaime Lannister. For a nobleman like him who has attracted much attention, he either treats us as if we don't exist at all, or sends troops to chase us. He will not give up on a head that matches his identity."

"He is Jaime Lannister, and the hair on his head is as brilliant as gold. What do you think he will do when faced with the provocation of the remnants of the Riverlands like us?"

Earl Glover understood, and he took up Clay's words:

"For the honor of him and his family, he will not let Ser Bryndon and the others go."

"That's right. I'm betting on him. Even if I tell him my name, he will at least be careful, but it's his choice to rush over and beat us all to the ground."

"Proud lion, don't allow us ants to sweep away his prestige."

Not wanting to talk nonsense on this, Clay withdrew his gaze, turned to Earl Glover and said with a smile:

"Let's go, let's go down, Lord Earl, please return to your position, the most dangerous front, I will take the lead in charging to block Lannister's soldiers, and you must complete the task of closing the door, don't let anyone go. A Lannister."

"Don't worry, Master Clay!"


James Lannister felt faintly uneasy. They had been chasing for a day and a night, and this annoying cavalry was always within their sight.

When the Lannister army stopped to rest, they also stopped, and when the Lannister army was about to continue chasing, they immediately mounted their horses. In short, the two sides kept a distance of about a mile or two.

Some of the seriously wounded among them fell off their horses during the one-day and one-night escape, but it is a pity that until now, they have not left even a single prisoner who can speak.

Maybe it was because the injuries were too serious, and he fell from the high-speed moving horse. By the time Jaime Lannister led his men to rush forward, he was already dead.

Just keep chasing, on the evening of the second day, this mysterious river cavalry led them into a narrow valley.

Moreover, Jaime Lannister has keenly noticed that this cavalry seems to have reached the end of their strength, because their horse speed has involuntarily slowed down.

Although the horseshoes were still galloping, it was obvious that their war horses were already overwhelmed.

"Boys in the western region, those Hejian people who are about to go to the seventh level of hell are going to die, catch up and tear them apart!"

Thinking that he had found a fighter, James Lannister shouted, and under the protection of a group of Lannister guards wearing red cloaks and gold and red armor, he rushed into the valley first.

Behind him, the two thousand Lannister army also burst into excited shouts.

Grandma's, I've been chasing him for two days, and it's time to catch these annoying Hejian idiots.

The soldiers' anger, which had nowhere to rest, finally saw the possibility of venting. Some of them had already drawn out the long swords around their waists, and followed their commanders into the narrow canyon entrance.

As soon as they entered the mouth of the valley, sure enough, the cavalry from the river seemed to be unable to run anymore. Realizing their fate, they stood not far in front, turned their horses to face themselves, as if they wanted to make a final fight.

All the guards around Jaime Lannister thought so, but as the commander, the Kingslayer had two skills.

Although he was still galloping forward under the lead of the horses, he had already noticed the same narrow exit behind these river cavalrymen.

Why do you want to fight to the death with yourself in this place?

This kind of place, this kind of terrain, is not conducive to their escape at all, unless...unless they have no intention of running away at all!

The thoughts in his mind suddenly became clear, and he finally understood what he had faintly felt was wrong, and where exactly was the wrong feeling.

This place is basically a narrow valley in front and back. In other words, if there is an ambush on the mountain, this is the place where 2000 people like me will die!

Realizing that something was wrong, before Jaime Lannister could give the order to retreat, his vanguard was strangled with the cavalry.

Immediately afterwards, huge horns sounded from all directions, and Jaime Lannister watched helplessly as a cavalry force he had never seen poured in from the exit of the valley.

Although he didn't know the cavalry, he recognized the flag that was fluttering first.

It was a snarling gray direwolf!
At this moment, Jaime Lannister's hair stood on end, cavalry in the north?It's an ambush!
However, on the battlefield, the leading northern cavalry had rushed to a place less than 20 meters away from him, which meant that he had to fight for his own survival.

"My lord, this is an ambush, we will send you out!"

The guards around him were covered in sweat, and they shouted anxiously to their master. They had already pulled the reins of Jaime Lannister's horse, and were about to lead him away from where he came.


James Lannister pushed the foolish guard away, pointed at his back, and shouted:

"There are all our cavalry behind us, can we run against them?"

The guard was silent, but soon, he asked:

"My lord, what shall we do then?"

Jaime Lannister didn't answer him, but rushed out of the exquisitely crafted sword at his waist with a lion's head inlaid on the hilt.

Now, the only way to survive is to blaze a trail!


"Quick! Blow the horn! Attack!"

Standing on the position on the south side of the Virgin Valley, Earl Glover realized that there must be a battle ahead when he heard the heavy horn sound from inside the Virgin Valley.

Standing in his position, one can clearly see that the Lannister army of 2000 people is outside the Valley of the Virgin, and there are about 300 people with a lion's tail sticking out.

Thinking of Clay's arrangements for himself, he could only lament how savage Master Clay Manderly used soldiers, although this word was not commensurate with his age.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about anything else, and it was only reasonable to complete the mission assigned by Master Clay with a thousand ready-to-go cavalry under his command, and completely close the last link of the encirclement.

Therefore, outside the Valley of the Virgin, the Lannister army, who heard the sound of the horn and did not know what was happening ahead, was still crowding into the narrow valley mouth.

At this moment, a heavy and hoarse horn suddenly sounded from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, in the dense forest on both sides, the sound of horseshoes sounded like thunder, and a huge fan-shaped cavalry formation attacked and killed them from behind.

"Cavalry! There are enemies!"

A calm Lannister officer responded, but the trouble was that the cavalry was different from the infantry, and when they were crowded together, it was almost impossible to get them to turn immediately.

Thus, a slightly funny scene appeared. The owner on the horse jumped up and down, trying his best to control the horse and wanted to turn it over. However, when the northern army rushed to the front, most of the Lannister war horses still used their horse buttocks. against their enemies.

Even though they were well-equipped Lannister cavalry, they had no chance of resisting the wolves and tigers of the northern cavalry in such an upside-down posture without speed.

Soon, the small golden-red island guarding the entrance of the Virgin Valley was overwhelmed by the gray army rushing towards it like waves. When the last golden lion flag with a red background outside the Virgin Valley fell into the dust, Glover The count laughed.

Because he knows:
this battle,
The big picture is set!

 The work unit is crazy busy today. I have a meeting all day. I’m going to do my job, I’m going to save it. It’s going to be a big job in two days. I’m sorry, gentlemen, trust me!

(End of this chapter)

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