Chapter 120 The Vanquisher

"My lord, what about Tengshi Hebei Daying? There are still more than 3000 people there. Wouldn't it be a pity to let them go?"

Earl Glover raised doubts, although in the plan, he was going to take a thousand cavalry to go south quickly tomorrow morning, and go straight to the position between Golden Tooth City and Riverrun City.

He will wait there for an opportunity to attack Lannister's rout, after the remaining northern army breaks through the three camps in Riverrun.

Clay smiled, waved his hands, and answered Earl Glover's question:

"Lord Earl, I never said that we would let them go. Our goal is to keep all the 1 Lannister troops in the plains of the riverlands. I have not changed this point until now."

"At first, I attacked the Peking University Camp first because I was worried that the Peking University Camp was too powerful. If we don't defeat them, the 1000 people you lead may not be able to stop them, Lord Earl."

"But now, there are only more than 3000 people left in the North Camp, which is almost the same as the Southwest Camp. I believe that with your military strength, Lord Earl, you will definitely be able to crush them in one fell swoop. This is the first reason."

Clay raised one finger, and then he raised a second:

"Secondly, from the perspective of the entire battlefield, the Tengshi Hebei camp is the least likely to escape back to Golden Tooth City. They are the farthest from there, and there is a rolling Tengshi River in the middle."

"As long as we are fast enough to directly destroy the entrance for them to cross the river southward, they will not be able to cross, and they can only stare blankly at the other side of the river."

"It doesn't matter if they run away knowing that nothing can be done. After we finish the remaining 7000 people, the remaining 3000 people, we can do whatever we want."

"And all of this is based on the Earl, you must bet on the Golden Tooth City, and you can't let me pass even a single soldier."

"Remember, no matter how many people you lose, I won't blame you if you kill all 1000 people. As long as you can keep all 1 people here, it will be a great achievement!"

The voice is loud and loud.

The northern nobles gathered around the map, carefully drawing on the map. They used their fingers to outline the attack arrow drawn by Clay, and they immediately understood it at a glance.

Their commander expanded the battlefield of this second attack from the point of Riverrun City to the vast area of ​​Riverrun City and the watershed on the west side of the Tengshi River.

Relying on the help of the impassable mountains in the western region, Clay insisted on using 5000 people to form a huge encirclement that could contain 1 people.

Killing every step of the way is to put this ten thousand army to death.

"Okay! As Master Clay said, we listen to you, please lead us to a second, bigger victory!"


In the middle of the night, the moon is above the treetops, and there is silence in the northern military camp.

Rarely, Clay suffered from insomnia and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

He simply dressed and got up, and went to the camp for a walk.

The bodyguard Chrissen wanted to keep up, but was stopped by Clay. Here, no one dared to harm him.

Five thousand troops are tied to him, here, he is the uncrowned king.

Passing by one tent after another, and hearing the heavy snoring inside, Clay smiled, very good, these soldiers in the northern border are in a good mood, and they will embark on a new battlefield tomorrow, and the quality of sleep tonight is pretty good.

When I met a passing night patrol soldier, I stopped the other party's salute, and pointed to the tent next to me, signaling to be quieter.

He patted them on the shoulder, and in their excited eyes, Clay walked towards the back of the camp.

Anyway, if I can't sleep, it's better to let others can't sleep, but because I will go to the battlefield tomorrow, this person must be the most suitable person who has no effect on this battle.

It is you, my captive, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer.

He knew where the kingslayer was being held, and he walked towards the north side of the camp without anyone leading the way.

Passing by the stables where the war horses were stored, Clay randomly checked the condition of several war horses. Fortunately, in this battle, his side was waiting for work at leisure, and it was a superior force, so the loss was very small.

According to the losses reported by Earl Horwood, the casualties plus one would be less than 200 people, which is not a loss at all for a team battle of 8000 people.

This is a loss that the Northern Army Corps can fully accept. If it has less than 1000 people, it will not be injured.

Clay soon arrived at his destination. Seeing James Lannister guarded by more than a dozen soldiers, Clay couldn't help but think of Edmure Tully in the camp at Riverrun.

It is estimated that he is just like this bear now. It is really funny. This war has just started, and the two heavyweight heirs of the two sides are imprisoned by each other.

Knowing that this is the real world, but not knowing, I thought that someone was watching behind the scenes, cutting off whichever side was stronger, and forcibly ensuring the balance between the two sides.

"Master Clay!"

The light from the torches illuminated the faces of the soldiers, instantly waking up the drowsy soldiers. After this battle, Clay gained a very high prestige in the army.

The thinking of the soldiers at the bottom is very simple. Whoever can lead them to victory is a good boss. It would be best if they win every game.

Therefore, when they saw Clay, they all showed excitement, and couldn't help but stand upright, so that they could behave better in front of adults.

"Well, it's all hard work, leave for a while, I will chat with the kingslayer, you can rest outside for a while, and perform your duties after I leave."

Clay smiled and waved to them, indicating that they could leave.

Some soldiers were still worried about Clay's safety, and said loudly:

"Master Clay, let me stay. I heard that the Lannisters will turn into lions and bite people. You have to be careful!"

Glancing at this extremely serious soldier with a strange expression, Clay realized that the other party might really think so, and he was not to blame. For him, an ordinary soldier in the north, he might have been a young farmer in a remote area before. In terms of.

The young master of the Lannister family, the Kingsguard in King’s Landing, the Kingslayer who backed up the king, etc., are all strange symbols. Moreover, people in the north never wait to see Lannister, and a word has been passed down through word of mouth countless times. It is very understandable that the distorted words spread to his ears and turned into this appearance.

"Don't worry, boy from the North, Lannisters don't eat people, and they won't turn into lions."

Jaime Lannister's voice came from the wooden cage in which he was kept, and apparently he was not asleep either.

"My lord!" The soldier wanted to insist, but Clay didn't want to chat with him anymore.

"Don't worry, I captured this guy on the battlefield. He doesn't even have a sword now, so how can he hurt me? Don't worry, go outside to rest, he still has a night to go."

The worried-looking soldier was forcibly dragged away by other winking colleagues. Here, only Clay and James Lannister are left.

"You...are the one who defeated me before?"

Obviously Clay's words made James Lannister realize that Clay was the physical monster who humiliated him on the battlefield and was extremely aggrieved when he lost. For such a mysterious northerner who came to him, James Lannister Nestor let go of his embarrassment as a prisoner for a while.

"Yes, is it a surprise? Kingslayer? I am the one who defeated you, and all the two thousand cavalrymen under your command died at my hands. Isn't this a bit unacceptable for you, a big man who stands at the top of the Seven Kingdoms?" ?”

Clay asked slightly sarcastically, he wasn't showing off his achievements, it was just that there was no need to be polite to the enemy and the loser.

James Lannister's eyes narrowed. He only knew that the young man in armor in front of him must be the core heir of a great noble family in the northern border, but he never expected that he would be the commander of the northern army. official.

He had met people from the Stark family in Winterfell, and he knew every child of Ed Stark. He could be sure that the person in front of him was definitely not a Stark.

He couldn't understand, since it wasn't Stark, why did the northern border hand over so many cavalry to such an unknown young man from all over the Seven Kingdoms?
He didn't doubt Clay's words at all, because at this time, what's the point of deceiving himself as a prisoner?

Ever since he was arrested until now, the most unacceptable thing for him is that he was so stupid that he didn't know the division of troops in the northern border, and he didn't see through the lure scheme of the cavalry that annoyed him, and he didn't think of it in time There will be such a big ambush waiting for me.

From the very beginning, he, Jaime Lannister, was counted to death, and step by step he made himself pay the price of two thousand elite cavalry for his stupidity.

"Who... are you? I don't seem to have seen you before."

It was a bit difficult to say, because no one knew who had lost the losing streak, which made Jaime Lannister even more unacceptable.

But he couldn't control his curiosity, he wanted to know Clay's identity too much.

"Clay Mandalay, I am such a small person, how can I have the honor to attract your attention? We met in Winterfell, but you are so arrogant that you refuse to look down at me at all."

Clay answered James Lannister's question expressionlessly. He knew how proud he was, so he hated people who were prouder than himself even more.

"Mandalay... Mandalay in White Harbor?"

Good heraldry education made Jaime Lannister immediately realize which family it was after chanting the surname.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if my surname is Manderly or Targaryen, it doesn't matter, here, you are just my defeated opponent."

Clay didn't want to discuss his family history with him, so what was there to discuss?
After a moment of silence, James sneered, not knowing whether he was laughing at himself or someone else, he sighed, and leaned his muddy and blood-stained body against the wooden cage with a relaxed face.

"Yeah, you are right, Clay Manderly, you are very powerful, you defeated me in one battle, you know, Edmure, the heir of Riverrun, could not make me lose many people with 2 people .”

His tone was quite melancholy, as if he was recalling the brilliance of his successive victories when he came out of Golden Tooth City.

"But you are different. I'm not mistaken. You have at most 6000 people. I still know how many families there are in the northern border. With these 6000 people, you can eat 2000 of me in one go."

"It's not enough, you're short, my lord, it's 1 people."

Clay reminded him coldly.

These words made James Lannister stunned, but at this moment, he was outside the situation, his mind was spinning quickly, and he knew what Clay wanted to do after a little thought. Pale one point.

"No, no, someone will escape and report to Riverrun. Lord Westerling knows what to do..."

The voice was a little trembling, and there was a very obvious taste of uncertainty.

Clay didn't give him extra time to fantasize, and directly punctured his hope.

"Unfortunately, Kingslayer, none of your two thousand cavalry escaped."

Looking at Jaime Lannister who suddenly shook the wooden cage violently like a mad lion, Clay's face seemed to be condensed with ice.

(End of this chapter)

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