Chapter 134 The First Hand Chapter 32 Pre-Battle Negotiation
The safest and most reasonable place is in front of the positions of both sides, in the open field, where no conspiracy can spread.

There are only three people from both parties who come to the meeting, two negotiators, and one security guard. If there are more, it will be regarded as sabotage of the negotiation and can be directly drawn out with a knife.

Clay and Robb Stark brought Jory Cassel, who escaped from the dead, the captain of Ed Stark's guard, who was responsible for the past quarrel, and he was the witness of Lannister's pursuit , has the most say.

After handing over the command of the army to Earl Glover, Clay rode alone towards the center of the battlefield.

Horseshoes trampled on the green grass. Although this place was at the front line of the war, it was not affected by blood and fire. At this late summer and early autumn, the environment here is still very good.

But no one standing here has the heart to appreciate these beautiful things. Everyone's eyes are looking at the six people who are close to each other as much as possible. The fate of the west and the north, their fate, Will decide soon.

"Rob, they didn't bring Lord Ed."

Clay, who met Robb Stark first, and walked with him, reminded in a low voice that there are two possibilities for this situation. The first is that Lannister has no sincerity at all, or else, Ed Stark Tucker's current state is not suitable for meeting at all.

In any case, this is not good news, and Rob quickly understood what Clay meant.

The young leader of the northern border nodded. After a sleepless night, his mood calmed down a lot. At least, he had made his father and left him forever.

However, deep down in his heart, he still hoped that his father would stand in front of him in a healthy state, and that he would welcome him back, and proudly tell him that he was no longer a child.

But now, from the very beginning, things are developing towards the situation that Rob least wants to see.

The northern border began to become tense, and Tywin in the western border was full of bitterness. During the pursuit and killing, those idiots under him didn't even know Eddard Stark's identity, and they were quite aggressive in attacking him. Heavy.

After Ed Stark was recognized and carried back immediately, he was immediately rescued by hemostasis and bandaged, but the soldier's attack still caused him huge trauma.

This morning, when Tywin Lannister went to see him again, his face was as pale as a rock, his breath was barely audible, and his whole body was hot but shivering. This was the Ed Stark that Tywin saw.

This kind of Ed Stark is one step away from death. Duke Tywin is also used to seeing life and death on the battlefield. He is very sure that in Ed Stark's current state, go up and kick him. The last kick would have directly killed him.

He originally wanted to take Ed Stark and let them confirm that the old wolf was still alive without handing it over to the northerners. This would at least ensure the continuation of this negotiation, but now, this idea is doomed to bankruptcy.

If you bring Ed Stark like this to negotiate, then it is not for negotiation, it is clearly to intensify the conflict and turn the table. The little wolf cub saw his father like this, why didn't he just draw his sword?

Therefore, only three people came to the western border, Tywin himself, his younger brother Kevan, and a villain who became famous in the Seven Kingdoms, Gregor Clegane, and he has another name: The Magic Mountain
Tywin brought him here, thinking that he couldn't do it directly. According to the information he learned, the people from the northern border, except for a guard who escaped from death with injuries all over his body, the rest of them were both A young man shouldn't be able to deal with an experienced fighter like The Mountain.

If they had to do something, and they could kill one or both of them on the battlefield, then the northern army would collapse without a fight, and the wolf pack that lost its leader would be just a mob.

However, Duke Tywin would never have imagined that the Clay Manderly whom he thought he had valued enough would be no match for him if swords were to be confronted.

This is also the reason why Clay dared to come here with a seriously injured Jory Cassel who had no combat effectiveness. He didn't believe in the character of these nobles at all. The higher the title, the lower the bottom line. This law has been tried and tested.

"Clay, is that big guy the Magic Mountain? I recognize the dog's head crest on his body."

Rob's voice rang in his ears, there was no fear, it was all eager to try.

Clay's gaze also stayed on the Mountain, and he repeatedly compared the advantages and disadvantages between himself and the Mountain.

In terms of body size, the name of the Magic Mountain is not wrong at all. This two-meter-long man is wearing heavy armor. Judging from his exposed parts, it must be that his brain is full of muscles.

Such a person, if you start a fight with him, you definitely can't compete with him. Although Clay has experienced the mutation of a demon hunter, he is still not an opponent of this muscular monster.

He must use his weakness of poor flexibility to harass. Refer to the example of Oberon bullying the Mountain. Although Oberon killed himself, Clay will not. He will never cut off the head of the Mountain. give up.

The two sides finally approached. Someone had already set up the simplest long table with nothing in it and four chairs in the middle. This was the highest-standard negotiation between the northern and western borders. The guards had no seats.

Clay's first impression of Tywin Lannister was not about the lord of the west, his domineering aura, but...Look there, a bald head is walking towards him!
He had seen Kevan Lannister before. The Magic Mountain was so recognizable in size, so the remaining man on the white horse must be Lord Tywin Lannister, Lord of the West.

The old lion looked tall, and his height on horseback was slightly shorter than that of the Magic Mountain. Also, his shoulders were very broad, and he might have been a good swordsman when he was young.

A thick, blond beard grew on his cheeks like a lion's mane, and his eyes were pale green, which wasn't a pleasant color, Clay thought anyway.

The two sides were stationed at a distance of twenty paces, and they would have to talk at the top of their voices if they were farther away. Obviously, this is not such a decent behavior.

Tywin had never seen Clay and Robb Stark before. The two young men were riding on horses, and there was no order. If it weren't for the family crest and flag planted behind the two horses, Tywin really wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

First, he glanced at Robb Stark under the direwolf banner a few times, and then Tywin's sharp eyes fell on Clay Manderly under the mermaid banner.

If it weren't for this genius on the battlefield who came out of nowhere to disrupt the situation, his son might have taken Riverrun and dragged that old fellow Horst Tully out of his sickbed.

He caught the old wolf again on his side, and now the situation in the western border is much better. What else does he need to sue for peace, and it is possible to directly force the northern border to surrender.

But now, with this unexpected variable, the situation has turned into a sudden turn for the worse, and it has become what it is now. It is equivalent to being forced to the negotiating table by this kid.

"You are Clay Manderly, grandson of Lord Wyman?"

Tywin Lannister first asked Clay. He did this on purpose. It has been like this since Kevan visited Clay. Young people rarely see him, and they are most likely to accumulate conflicts on such small details.

Now, the Cavalry Legion in the North is like an unstoppable sharp spear in the hands of Clay Manderly. Tywin must avoid its edge, and he has to find a way to make this spear self-destruct.

Civil strife and mistrust are obviously the fastest and easiest way to take effect.

"Yes, but the name doesn't matter, you can call me anything."

Clay felt that his speech was full of Jia Kun, but Clay really thought so. If he relied on the surname of Mandalay, it would be impossible for him to hold the army and Tywin Lannister in front of him now. negotiation.

Respect is not given by others, but by him.

"Tywin Lannister, what have you done to my father? I want to see him, otherwise, there is no need for us to talk."

After all, Robb Stark was young and energetic, and he couldn't hold his breath at all. He froze the situation as soon as he opened his mouth, but it was understandable, after all, he was his father.

Of course Tywin had something to say in response to this request from Robb Stark, he said coldly:
"My father is fine, but I want to see my son, which is a fair reciprocal request."

The old lion knew very well that Clay would not bring James here directly, and he was just delaying time by saying so. He had already ordered the Grand Maester Pycelle in King's Landing to come here within two days, no matter what medicine he took , making sure that Eddard Stark looks like a normal person during the handover.

As for how long Ed Stark can live after the handover, under Pycelle's tiger and wolf medicine, what does that have to do with him? Tywin Lannister, the deal is completed, James is back, the North The dumb is sure to suffer.

The two sides stared wide-eyed for a long time. Obviously, each of the two sides could fulfill the other's request. So, after 5 minutes, the four sat on both sides of the table and remained silent.

"Stark, let's be more practical. How about we return Eddard Stark to you, and you return Sir Jaime and the other adults from the West?"

Kevan Lannister broke the silence, hopelessly stupid to keep having bigger eyes than anyone else.

"Do I need to remind the two of you? So far in my northern border, I have captured a total of twelve nobles with names and surnames in the western border, including the kingslayer. Lannister, don't you think your suggestion is Is it too cheap?"

Clay was expressionless, fingers crossed, and asked coldly. On the way here, he asked Rob to try not to talk, and he would act as Rob's mouthpiece.

There is no other way, the little wolf is eager to save his father, if he accidentally agrees to it, it will be bad. Isn't the negotiation just for the lion to open his mouth before the two sides make a counter-offer?
"We have Eddard Stark."

"Kingslayer we're still in the cage."

"He is the Duke of Winterfell!"

"The Kingslayer is also the heir of Casterly Rock City!"

As soon as Clay said these words, Kefeng held back. As a younger brother, he understood his brother Tywin's thoughts very well. In Tywin's heart, James was the only heir. He could deny this, saying that Tilly Is Ang the heir?

Seeing Clay with a half-smile, playful expression on his face, Kefeng looked at his brother in desperation.

I can't handle it, let me replace you...

"Although Jaime is my eldest son, he is the king's Kingsguard. Do you need me to tell you the rules of the Kingsguard, Mandalay boy from White Harbor?"

After a moment of silence, Tywin spoke slowly, his gaze always looking for Clay's, as if he wanted to use this method to suppress Clay.

Tsk, don't you admit it?Clay sneered in his heart, Tywin treated him like an ignorant country boy, can this be tolerated?

"Really? Lord Tywin, I've never heard of a father serving as the Kingsguard for his son. It's the first time in Westeros for so many years for you three generations. I've seen a lot."

Sure enough, Tywin's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his voice seemed to be mixed with coldness like ice balls:
"Speak carefully, Mandalay, it's not your turn to question His Majesty's parentage!"

How could Clay be afraid of his language threats? He is too fashionable and has the face to criticize others?
"Really? Maybe you don't know that Sir James and the Queen Mother did a lot of outrageous things when Robert was stationed in the north. This is something everyone in Winterfell knows. Otherwise, you think Why did Cersei kill our King Robert?"

With a sound of bang, Tywin Lannister raised his eyebrows. Thanks to his self-cultivation, his face was scary dark at this time. Without him, Clay's words just now were too vicious and terrifying.

First of all, there is no conclusive evidence for the matter of James and Cersei in the Seven Kingdoms. It is just rumors. Tywin Lannister, as the Duke, can completely ignore the rumors.

But what Clay said is true, that is to say, the northern border and the courtiers who followed Robert to the north all know about it. Although the two sides are now at odds, this fig leaf is still needed.

Also, the most terrible thing is Clay's last sentence. Robert's death was arranged by Cersei and the Lannister family. This is a top-secret matter, and even Tywin only knew about it after it happened.

But now, this matter was said in an understatement by a son of a northern nobleman, which would be a big deal.

Tywin Lannister didn't think it was Clay's guess, and all of a sudden, his brain turned sharply.

Although Joffrey's throne is supported by the Lannister family, legally speaking, his crown is inherited from his father from the Baratheon family. He still has no surname Lannister, right?
Once the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms knew that Joffrey's throne was obtained by murdering his father, in that case, even if Tywin had an army of one hundred thousand, it would not be able to calm the chaos in the Seven Kingdoms.

Rob's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but look at Clay, who was on the sidelines. Where did he hear these explosive news?

Kingslayer and Cersei are doing business in Winterfell, and there are still screams?How come I don't know about this?
Even though he is still worried about his father, the vigorous young man is still good at grasping the key points.

"How about it, Lord Tywin, have you sorted out your emotions? Do we need to give you some more time? After all, you are old, and since Sir James is not your heir, you have to go to see the Seven Gods earlier Otherwise, your heir who lies on a woman's bed every day may not survive you."

In Tywin's almost angry eyes, Clay smiled and turned to Kevan Lannister, who had completely shut up, and said softly:
"By that time, Lord Kevan, you will be able to inherit your brother's title, um, Duke Kevan, what a nice name!"

(End of this chapter)

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