Chapter 145 Behind the Wedding
Although he didn't quite understand Clay's approach, Sir Marlon decided to accept Clay's request completely. Earl Wyman had done similar things back then, but he was not as radical as Clay.

In fact, in the hands of Earl Wyman, White Harbor has been expanding its fleet. When the previous Earl of Mandalay was in power, White Harbor only had a few small sampans, and three or four decayed ships. old ship.

Up to now, the White Harbor Fleet, which already has more than 20 warships, is the result of Earl Wyman's hard work for so many years. However, this is not obvious, and there is no fanfare.

Sir Marlon had a faint feeling that the Patriarch of the Manderly family and his heir were probably planning something bigger. He, an old guy who had served the family all his life, naturally couldn't hold back.

After explaining to Sir Marlon, Clay basically ended the arrangements before leaving. Now, all that is left is to attend a not-so-pleasant wedding tomorrow and deal with a few not-so-popular people...

In the evening, Juventus came to the Sea God Tower again and sent the arrangements for tomorrow's wedding. Clay, as a noble lord, will be a witness for the common people. This standard is quite high and must be arranged in advance.

In this matter, Juventus and his younger brother Eli are deeply involved, but his new wife, Mana, has nothing to do with it. Clay understands Juventus' thoughts. In any case, he doesn't want Mana to know about it.

This kind of thing is up to the owner, and Clay naturally agrees. Besides, what's the use of telling the poor woman about it, it's just adding trouble, although it's not Clay's own trouble.

Early the next morning, Clay took his guards and headed straight for the godswood outside the wolf's lair. This godswood, far away from the city and rarely visited by people, became the only one for the new couple who believed in the old gods. A place of oath witness.

Clay had already given the order to put the man named Eli under custody immediately after Juventus and his new wife left the residence. Clay didn't want any accidents at this last step.

When they arrived at the scene, Juwen and the relatives and friends of the opposing family, a total of more than ten people, were already standing in the middle of the godswood, under the tree that Clay once talked to the three-eyed crow and obtained the heart tree of Gelesos. and await the arrival of their lord.

As far as Mana is concerned, she still can't believe that she, a commoner from a small family, was able to invite the heir of the family when she got married, the hero of the northern border, Clay Mandler, as the host. .

When she heard the news from her fiancé, she was always in disbelief, as if she was floating on the clouds, but when she walked into the godswood, she was always very nervous, afraid that Clay would never come .

It wasn't until the neighing of the horses reached the ears of the crowd at the scene, and the majestic figure in fine attire appeared in the sight of the crowd, that Mana's heart was relieved.

To be honest, Clay has been in Westeros for a while, but he has never seen a wedding in its entirety. His childhood memories are too vague. For the few wedding banquets, his main memory is the banquet. Food on...

Therefore, he can't play too much at the wedding, and can only follow the rules and traditions. Fortunately, this is a new couple who believe in the old gods. The wedding process is simpler than that of the seven gods believers in the south.

Clay dismounted, and as the host of the wedding, Juventus immediately greeted him. He performed well, and the expression on his face did not appear sad because of his brother Eli's affairs.

However, maybe he is really happy, just because of his own marriage. Under normal circumstances, the marriage of common people has nothing to do with nobles, but hundreds of years ago, when commoners got married, the first night of the bride belonged to the nobles. It's called Chuyequan.

Until the reign of Jaehaerys I, the king followed the advice of his beloved wife, Queen Alysanne, and abolished this terrible custom that was hated by countless nobles and applauded by countless civilians.

The arrival of Clay, to this couple, is a supreme honor, which will be seen by others as a blessing from the old and new gods, the best gift for a newlywed.

"My lord, thank you for coming."

Juventus lowered his body and saluted Clay. Behind him, all the guests who came to attend also saluted. Clay stood there and accepted the courtesy of these people frankly. Noble, he has long been used to all this.

"What I promised you, I will naturally do."

Clay smiled and glanced at Juventus. The latter was wearing a blue embroidered dress today, with gold trim sewn on his wrists. Obviously, this suit was not something that Juventus, an ordinary guard, could afford everyday.

Although Westeros seldom has such a saying, as long as you don't run around with a certain golden crown, no one can do anything to you.

But civilians still seldom wear slightly more expensive clothes, which will cause them some unexpected troubles, because it means that you have a few golden dragons in your pocket, and many people will stare at you.

Today is a wedding. It is estimated that Juventus rented such a set of clothes from the tailor shop in Baigang, together with the white fur coat worn by his wife Mana, it should be regarded as a wedding dress.

When southerners get married, the woman may choose an ivory white silk dress, which Margaery Tyrell wore when she got married, but northerners will not do this, because the northern climate does not allow them to do so.

Under the Heart Tree, under the gaze of the Three-Eyed Raven's nailed eyes on White Harbor, Clay made a brief opening speech, which had no meaningful practical content, but everyone present listened with gusto.

As the elder of the woman, Mana's father sent Mana to Juventus with a face full of bitterness and hatred. Mana put on a short dark brown cloak, which in Westeros tradition is called "Girl's Cloak".

If she is the daughter of a nobleman with a family, then her "maiden's cloak" will be embroidered with emblems representing the family, such as direwolves, roses, etc., but Mana is only a commoner's daughter, her "maiden's cloak" "There is nothing on it, to put it bluntly, it is just a piece of dark brown cloth.

If such a cloth were draped over the shoulders of any noblewoman, she and her family would be ashamed, but that was not the case for Mana, who loved her cloak.

Looking at the two people standing in front of him with eyes full of excitement, Clay sighed silently in his heart and continued his work as the host. He said:
"Ms. Mana, are you willing to marry Mr. Ewing?"

There are no fancy questions, and the northerners are simple and straightforward in everything.

"Yes, I chose him."

This is Mana's answer, a standard northern bride's answer. Hearing this sentence, Clay's keen hearing told him that Juventus was suddenly relieved. He finally heard this sentence. This reaction is understandable. .

"Please hold each other's hands tightly, and kneel at the foot of the heart tree under the witness of the gods."

Juventus and Mana knelt down as promised, holding hands together, and Clay went on to the next step, he said:

"Bow your heads, you who are blessed by the gods, and show them your humility."

"Pray, and make your vows to each other to the gods..."

Listening to the two chanting in a low voice, Clay moved his lips silently, and added the last sentence of the prayer part of the wedding under the heart tree:

"One body, one heart, one soul, now and forever..."

The wind blew, and the heart tree's thousands of purple-red leaves rustled, no one spoke, and the godswood seemed quiet and lonely. However, in Clay's eyes, when the two of them were praying, there seemed to be a faint feeling around the heart tree. Ruowu's magical ribbon suddenly became active.

It seems that the prayers of the newcomers have some kind of special power, which makes this old god's power node, which was originally weak, get some kind of supplement.

This is another very interesting thing. Clay stared at the scene in front of him thoughtfully. He couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. One thought after another slipped through his mind, with a myriad of thoughts.

At this time, a small wind sent a low whisper to Clay's ears, and he said:

"The oath of the pious has extremely powerful power, agent of the gods, I have never felt pious in you, you should be pious, this is a gift from the world..."

The murmur dissipated, or drifted away with the wind again, but it didn't matter. Clay carefully understood the words the Three-Eyed Crow said to himself, the truth behind this world, from these words, perhaps Peek into the tip of the iceberg.

He knew that holding a wedding here would definitely attract the attention of the Three-Eyed Raven. He was a witness, calmly watching everything that happened under the heart tree.

The prayer was over, and the vibration of the magic ribbon gradually subsided. Juwen took his wife's hand and stood up. Next, it's time for him to take off the previous "girl's cloak" for his wife, and put on the cloak he prepared for his wife .

Although he is the bodyguard of the Manderly family and once served Earl Wyman, he is still not qualified to use the cloak of the Manderly family. In Westeros, the management of surnames is quite strict.

Clay allowed him to use the cloak of the Mandalay family guard, and he was still the family guard, at least for now, so he was qualified to use the cloak, and Clay would not care about it with him, anyway, it was the last time.

It wasn't ruthless. From any point of view, Clay, as the lord, would never allow such a person to serve as the family's internal guard, even if Juven himself was ignorant of this matter from the beginning to the end.

He didn't know because he didn't know. To a certain extent, he was stupid, and stupidity is also a deadly original sin in this world. Clay didn't kill him directly, and let the family information leak. Existence is already his kindness.

"Put on your mantle for your wife, Mr. Ewing."

After Clay said this, this was also the final part of the whole wedding under the heart tree, and the subsequent things had nothing to do with him as the host.


After Clay presided over the wedding, he followed the jubilant crowd and walked towards Juventus's house next to Yuwang Square, and the next step was to visit that Mr. Eli.

After staying at Juventus's house for a while, Clay quietly left Juventus's house after dealing with a few businessmen who heard him coming and wanted to cling to him.

Clay didn't call Juventus over, so there's no need for the brothers to meet and let the younger brother know that it was the elder brother who betrayed him. Although Juventus did the right thing from the perspective of Bai Harbor, but from the perspective of the younger brother, this is still a betrayal. Betrayal is the word kinship.

Eli's house is not far from his brother's house, but it is in the deepest part of the alley, and the surrounding environment is very poor. It's not that the sewage is flowing, but there is such a strong sense of discomfort.

It's a good hiding place. As a spy, the surrounding area looks like there's nothing luscious about it, and thieves seldom come to patronize it. It's a qualified choice.

"My lord, you are here, and you are inside. The brothers are all watching. They have checked, and there is no danger. This kid never thought that we would come to him, and he still doesn't know what happened."

When the leading guard at the door saw Clay coming, he came up to introduce him graciously. Clay nodded. He did not object to someone performing in front of him. This at least shows that this person is self-motivated and much better than those who lie flat .

"Take your people and watch the door for me. No one is allowed to come in. Moreover, the ears are all facing outwards. Don't I need to remind you?"

"No, no, don't worry, my lord, the brothers won't hear anything."

"very good."

Clay glanced at the man, nodded, and the latter immediately moved out of the way, and Clay walked through the open door and into Eli's room.

Sure enough, Juventus was right. Eli's room was indeed quite messy. If Clay was a little obsessive-compulsive and cleanliness, he would have hanged Eli directly.

Frowning and stepping over the rickety miscellaneous furniture, Clay walked into the bedroom on the right. Although the climate in White Harbor is cold and the general smell is not easy to disperse, Clay still smelled a strong smell of corruption. Finished food.

There was a person lying on the bed facing the door, and beside him stood a guard who was staring at him closely. When he saw Clay coming in, he straightened up immediately and saluted Clay.

Clay waved his hand, indicating that he had worked hard and could go out to rest. This person also followed Clay all the way south, and was deeply impressed by the commander's orders and prohibitions. He walked out without any hesitation.

Eli, who had his eyes closed, heard the movement, and opened his eyes to look at the person coming. He stuttered after seeing the person:

"Big... lord?"

He never thought that it would be Clay himself who came to see him. When the White Harbor Guards came to find him, although he was nervous, he didn't admit anything, and wanted to yell a few times to attract Neighbors take note.

But obviously, his popularity is not very good, coupled with the credibility of the White Harbor Guard, even if someone heard his yelling, they would not respond to him.

But now, seeing that the young master of the Mandalay family actually came here in person, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Apart from the things he had done, he had no right to attract the attention of the young master. He was not worthy.

Clay didn't talk nonsense with him, he directly raised his left hand, and the magic power gathered towards his palm.

For such a person, he only needs results, and has no time to listen to his clumsy excuses.

With a flash of green light, the Axii runes were reflected in Eli's pupils.

"Tell me, when did you start to betray your hometown?"

 Today's update is late, I'm currently in class, meow, today is Saturday, I'm crying to death.

(End of this chapter)

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