Chapter 148 The dragon flaps its wings, and the sky over the Strait Sea

Many years later, Mr. Lune Leslie, who has become a senior captain, proudly bragged to his friends countless times that the largest dragon in the empire, the sea god Gelesos, must have been discovered by himself first.

However, although no one believed his words, because such bragging was already too common in the empire ruled by Emperor Clay Mandalay, no one knew that, in fact, what he said was right.


When Clay was woken up by Gelesos's scorching body, it was already after nine o'clock in the morning the next day. There was no way, the dragon was actually a lazy sleeper in the standard sense just like its master. If you have the opportunity to sleep late, no one can stop you.

Cleaning himself up a bit, Clay came in front of Gelesos. The huge blue-gold creature looked at its master stupidly, probably not too awake, and its eyes were full of confusion.

"Gilesos, get down, I'll take you to an interesting place, this broken island, are you tired of staying?"

Clay waved down at Gelesos, signaling the dragon to get down. Gelesos is not too big now, but if Clay wants to ride it, it is no longer as easy as getting on a horse.

Gelesos was stunned for a few seconds, obviously he didn't understand the master's meaning, don't ask how Clay knew, the recognizable expression on the dragon's face can explain everything.

There's no way, it's not their instinct to be ridden across the sky by someone, so it has to be taught the day after tomorrow. Unfortunately, Clay's High Valyrian is obviously not up to par, and what other than "Dragon Flame" came out? Nor will it.

So, for the next half an hour, Clay tried his best to let Gelesos understand what he meant. Finally, the big blue-gold guy folded his wings and bent down on the ground.

Don't think it's because of its docile temperament. Dragons are only docile when facing their own masters. When facing their prey or enemies, they will show the demeanor of the king at the top of the food chain.

Stepping on the left wing of the dragon, Clay used his strength to lift his body, and sat firmly on the back of Gelesos. The dragon's back was very warm and the scales were smooth, but the protrusions in the north could provide a good Grab place.

After adjusting his posture, Clay patted Gelesos on the back and said softly:
"Fly, Galesos."

After all, it is a giant dragon belonging to the sky. After hearing the master's order, it straightened up instantly, its strong and powerful legs suddenly exerted force, and it took its body forward and began to run up.

At the same time, the huge wings began to wave, and between the up and down flapping of the membranous wings, a huge wind was brought up, providing a strong lift for the dragon. At first, Galesos was not used to it because there were suddenly more people on his back, but Soon, it gets used to it.

So Clay finally drove his dragon, left the ground, and came to the air.

The sound of howling wind is all around my ears, the speed of the giant dragon is very fast, and the roar of the dragon's mouth is full of excitement.

It was finally able to leave this place. The previous owner did not let it leave. The instinct derived from magic allowed it to carry out this order. But the dragon yearns for freedom after all, and it wants to see a wider world.

"Gilesos, let's fly higher."

The dragon knight who stepped on the dragon's back had a connection with his dragon. Now there is no need for Credo to say anything, Gelesos has already understood his meaning.

The dark blue scales looked round and fine under the sun, and the golden stripes dotted on them showed a brilliant color under the sun.

With a flutter of wings and the dragon's head up, Gelesos took Clay up quickly and rushed towards the clouds in the sky.

In fact, Clay did this because he was afraid that he would fly too low, and let his own fleet on the blockade mission in Bite Bay discover the existence of Gelesos. In the same sentence, the dragon will definitely be known by the Seven Kingdoms, but it will definitely not now.

Sitting on almost the fastest vehicle of this era, Clay flew out of the sea of ​​Bite Bay and entered the blue narrow sea in less than half a day.

The first stop he plans is Pentos across the narrow sea, there will be some interesting people waiting for him, for example, Illyrio, the governor of Pentos, who is a good friend of the octospider. The Lord Governor, who has been supporting the false Aegon Targaryen, doesn't know how he will feel when he sees a grown male dragon warrior landing in front of him.

Daenerys' current location is either in Slaver's Bay, or on the way to Slaver's Bay, if Essos is not affected by the war.

Clay felt that the battle situation in the Seven Kingdoms should not affect Daenerys's trajectory on the continent of Essos for the time being.

He came here not only to talk to Daenerys about counterattacking Westeros in the future, but also to build his own strength in Essos.

To be honest, the Unsullied is a very good choice. Apart from being good infantry on the battlefield, these guys are simply excellent for guarding the palace.

The Slave Bay, which is rich in Unsullied, will become his Unsullied production line, providing him with a strong reserve force. If these slave traders are wise, Clay will buy Unsullied at cost price. If they are unscrupulous, then Let them experience what is the wrath of the dragon.

After flying out of Bite Bay, Clay ordered Galesos to lower the altitude. After all, flying at high altitude for a long time is not a very comfortable thing. The dragon's back is completely fixed by his arms and legs The body is too fast, and there is no joy of racing a dragon at all.

However, the speed and altitude have dropped, which means that the situation of self-exposure has greatly increased, but it doesn't matter, it is already out of the traditional range of Westeros, and I can't be contacted if I'm discovered Clay Mandalay on the head.

Flying and flying, the energetic Gelesos began to look for its breakfast today on the sea. It was too strenuous to kill a large whale, and it would be troublesome if it accidentally dropped its owner.

Therefore, this giant dragon, who was as greedy as its master, could only settle for the next best thing and choose those relatively small and easy-to-catch foods.

Clay also knew what this foodie was going to do. He was quite helpless and could only follow Gelesos to descend and fly close to the sea surface. The speed of the dragon slowed down, and he was free to let go of his hand and take out the water sac. He took a hard gulp for himself.

The long and slender neck of the dragon plunged into the water suddenly like some kind of sea bird, and when it lifted up again, it had a big fish with long tail struggling wildly in its mouth. Clay's face on the ground, causing him to slap Gelesos annoyedly.

After a little supply and recovery, Gelesos was ready to move forward in the direction given by the owner, but not long after flying out, it told itself about a small black spot that appeared in its sight the master.

As the distance kept getting closer, Clay finally saw clearly what it was. If he read it correctly, it should be a Braavos-style merchant ship.

When Clay traveled in Essos, he had been on this large merchant ship with a large displacement many times, so he could confirm the identity of the other party at a glance.

It doesn't matter to Clay, but the sailors and captain on the ship are not like this. The deck is in a state of complete confusion from top to bottom. I can't believe my eyes, and I suspect that I didn't sleep well last night. Now hallucinating.

It was just Lune Leslie, a first officer, with his mouth wide open, staring intently at the huge monster flying towards him at sea.

Speaking of the size of Gelesos, it was a little bit worse than this huge Braavosi merchant ship, but it also brought enough shock to these sailors.

"Lord Neptune bless you, what is that?"

Lu En heard his captain muttering to himself, in fact, everyone on board has the answer, no matter how absurd the answer is, anyone who sees the figure soaring into the sky knows that this legendary creature identity of.

"Dragon, Captain, it is a dragon, without a doubt."

Lu En replied firmly, although he still can't believe his eyes, everyone knows that the dragon has disappeared from this world for more than 100 years, and now, their merchant ship just returned from Westeros, Actually saw a giant dragon on the sea?
"Captain, what preparations do we need to make? We... have never had experience with dragons."

Knowing that his captain was still in a state of sleepwalking, Luen, who came to his senses first, asked his captain loudly. shook his head:
"Stop talking nonsense, Lu En, we don't even have ballistas on our ship, so we expect to pose a threat to the dragon?"

He looked at the huge figure approaching him with a complex expression, and said with a wry smile:

"Now, we can only kneel down and pray devoutly that this giant dragon who doesn't know where it came from will not pour its dragon flames on top of our heads."

It's not that the captain is timid. If a pirate ship came to rob them, the captain would not hesitate at all. For this voyage, he specially hired a group of guards who are proficient in swordsmanship. If he really wants to fight with pirates, it depends on whose sword is sharper up.

But for the giant dragon, an enemy that obviously exceeded the upper limit of the current version, apart from directly raising the white flag, maybe the giant dragon has no interest in him at all, and just looks around and walks away, and he can survive by chance.

Dare to scream, a mouthful of dragon flames came down, and now this wooden boat, on this vast sea, the whole boat counts as one, even if it is not directly burned to slag by the dragon flames, it will eventually fall into the sea to feed the fish.

Clay doesn't know the specific location of Pentos, but only a general direction. Whether he has the ability to create a global positioning system in this world, so he can only rely on the general direction.

Coincidentally, I met a free guide on the road, and Clay decided to go up and ask. Anyway, he had prepared countless vests, and no one could contact the young master of the Mandalay family in White Harbor.

All in all, a solid batch!
However, when Galesos switched from fighter mode to helicopter hover mode, Clay glanced at the situation on the ship, and something seemed wrong.

What is the situation with these two kneeling on the ground with their heads in their hands? Are they holding some strange ceremony at sea?
Clay knew that sailors had some strange customs on board. He had heard about it a long time ago as the young master of White Harbor, and he had personally experienced it during his travels in Essos. It's really the first time.

Clay waited on the dragon's back. The whistling wind brought by the dragon's flapping wings made all the crew members below tremble. In the descriptions of the Braavosi, the dragon is generally not a positive image.

Finally, Clay realized that this might not be some kind of ceremony at sea, but that the crew had been frightened by his Gelesos. He shouted helplessly:
"My Braavosi friends below, please look up, rest assured, there is no danger!"

Hearing these human words suddenly, Lu En's first reaction was to retaliate viciously in his heart:
"Who are you? Let me raise my head as soon as I raise my head. The dragon wings are all over my face. If I'm not careful, everyone will be finished..."

Before he finished spitting out the slot, Lu En's face facing the deck froze suddenly, then, he raised his head at an incredible speed of light, and looked at the source of the young voice in shock.

The one who reacted with him was the captain and a few brave sailors who were not scared to pee their pants. It turned out that they all thought it was an unowned wild dragon. After all, everyone knew that Targaryen, the last dragon king family, had died It has been destroyed for more than ten years, and there should no longer be people in this world who can control dragons.

And now, there is actually someone on the back of the dragon, how is this possible!

What does this represent? Anyone can use their ass to know. The nine free trade city-states on the eastern side of the Narrow Sea have lived tremblingly for thousands of years under the rule of the giant dragon. Finally, the Valyrian Empire collapsed. The surviving Targaryen family still used the giant dragon to overwhelm them.

Now, the dragon and the dragon knight on the dragon's back mean that the Dragon King family still exists, which is an incredible thing!
Luen struggled to look at Clay's face on the dragon's back. He didn't recognize this person, and he didn't see the silver-haired purple eyes of the logo, but this didn't affect Luen's respect for Clay in the slightest. Dragon knight, this man It is what all men in this world want to do in their dreams.

Seeing that someone finally raised his head, Clay breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay, and the few brave ones left finally had some tongues left.

He ordered Galesos to lower the height a little more, and stepped on the hardest side of the ship with his feet empty, so that the dragon could also rest, and at the same time it was convenient for him to ask questions.

There was an unpleasant sound of boards creaking, and the entire dragon of the solid-eyed Gelesos was crushed on the side of the huge merchant ship. Fortunately, the bottom of the ship was filled with goods from Westeros, otherwise the ship would have been destroyed by just one stroke. It has to be turned over.

After searching for a long time, Clay saw a calm bearded man, pointed at him, and asked directly:

"My friend of Braavos, I think you'd be more than happy to tell me where Pentos is, won't you?"

Lu En, who was named, trembled all over, and nodded frantically after listening to Clay's words. The speed of the nodding made everyone around him amazed.

Loon Leslie said to himself:
This mysterious dragon knight is going to Pentos, heh, I don't know if their governor will lose control immediately when he sees the dragon.

Anyway, for him, a veteran who has been floating on the water for so many years and is used to strong winds and waves, all he can do now in front of the dragon's might is to fight his bladder hard. As for the others, he has already I can't control it anymore.

 A new chapter, I have been under a lot of pressure from study and work recently, so try my best!
(End of this chapter)

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