Chapter 15 Imprisonment and Assassination
No matter how beautiful a woman is, when she screams piercingly, she is only ugly, more like a degenerated monkey.

The artificial scream was interrupted by Robert's growl:

"Shut up, woman!"

Queen Cersei stopped screaming and glanced coldly at her husband, with imperceptible resentment and disgust flashing in her eyes, she said coldly:

"Your Majesty, the Stark family has trampled on the power of guests, and they should be cursed!"

The queen's generalization is obviously well learned, and she is very good at focusing on the key points, but this is a crime that no one can afford and cannot be established.

The inexplicable Duke Stark froze for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, Robert slapped him, knocking Cersei into a stagger, not caring how the slap would make other people think of the royal couple.

"Don't talk about guest power, Tywin didn't teach you how to speak, did he?!"

The king wanted to reprimand, but Duke Ed stopped him.

"That's not necessary, Your Majesty." He glanced at the stunned royal guards, and finally someone came to his senses and supported the queen who was covering her face.

Robert didn't want to be here anymore, but Cersei stood in his way, her emerald eyes blazing with anger.

"My lord, my father would never have allowed a Lannister to be killed and the murderer unscathed!"

"Don't use Tywin's old lion to crush me!" The king shouted angrily, glanced at Clay who was standing there silently, and ordered irritably: "Then lock him up until I leave. Remember I want him to live, Ned you take charge, that's all!"

The king gave an order, and no one could raise any objections. The king's fat body disappeared. The queen sneered and left with her guards. She never looked at Clay again from the beginning to the end.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Duke Ed who stayed behind. He looked ugly and serious, sighed in a low voice, and walked to Clay:
"Boy, you don't have to kill him."

"Don't be embarrassed, Your Excellency, just do what you should do."

"Lannisters don't play by the rules."

"Don't worry, my lord, they can't kill me."

Looking at Clay, who was grinning and pulling out a smile, Eddard Stark didn't know where he got his confidence, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The Duke of Winterfell felt deeply helpless. He could not protect his vassals, even on his own territory, so he felt even more disgusted with the Lannister family.

He ordered Sir Roderick to take Clay to the dungeon and take good care of him. At the same time, he asked people to take Vera and everyone in White Harbor into the main castle, where this huge northern border really belonged to him.

He specifically told Sir Roderick to personally inspect every meal of Clay and send someone to guard him day and night.


In two lifetimes, this was Clay's first time in prison, and honestly, it wasn't much different than he'd imagined.

Although he was a nobleman, and the jailers of the Stark family prison sympathized with Clay, but a prison was a prison, and Clay was taken to a slightly larger dark room by Sir Roderick.

"Just stay here, this is already the best cell in Winterfell, shit Lannister." Roderick did not forget to curse, and then carefully told some details of the prison.

He can't be here all the time, and if something really happens, it must be judged by Clay himself.

Clay carefully wrote down what Sir Roderick said. Even though he was a demon hunter, he could not be poisoned by the demon hunter's potion, let alone ordinary poison. To put it bluntly, a high-end product like tears is not worthy of Clay.

If the assassin came directly, then Clay would not be afraid. Although his sword, that is, the tool of crime was confiscated, Sir Roderick gave him a dagger.

As long as he wasn't using a crossbow or a pitchfork, Clay figured he'd be fine.

And all of this is based on the fact that the woman Cersei will really send someone to kill herself.

Clay doesn't think Cersei is so stupid. Although she is not very smart, she will do such an obvious thing again. Clay can't figure out how she has slept with James for so many years. Robert just didn't notice it at all. of.

Clay spent two days quietly in the cell. On the second night, Clay, who was dozing off in bed, suddenly heard faint footsteps coming from the door.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. Although it was already very light, under the sensory detection of the Clay witcher, it seemed to be walking forward.

Clay woke up instantly, but he didn't move. He lay on his side on the bed, his eyes narrowed in the darkness, and he stared at the door.

Not long after, the thin figure in black quietly opened the door in the flickering candlelight. Clay recognized the key, which should be on the jailer's waist. If the jailer of the Stark family did not rebel, then He is probably unconscious by now.

Really come to assassinate, how did Cersei's brain grow?Just this level?

Clay was relieved to see the assassin preparing for a close-up assassination, but at the same time, countless question marks emerged.

Wait, what if the assassin wasn't a Lannister?
The thought was like lightning, and Clay instantly gave up his plan to kill violently. This is when he heard the whisper of the assassin:

"Lord Clay, Lannister sent greetings!" A voice pierced through the air, and Clay suddenly rolled aside, avoiding the fatal blow.

The assassin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the sure knife was empty, and Clay dodged it!
There was no extra time to be dazed. He received the mission that Clay must die, so he immediately mentioned that he was going to pursue Clay. Just as he raised his head, a palm was held in front of him.

It is a strange gesture with the thumbs apart, the index and middle fingers together, and the ring and little fingers bent.

In a daze, the assassin seemed to see a light green inverted triangle flashing past.

"Axis," Kramer read.

The blade that the assassin was about to slash suddenly stopped in mid-air, his dark yellow pupils dilated, his eyes were empty, he stood there without saying a word, like a zombie.

Fortunately, it worked, and Clay was already ready to swing the dagger immediately if Axi didn't work.

The reason why he did this without directly killing him with a dagger was because Clay suddenly thought of a possibility:
Almost everyone thinks that Lannister did it when he was assassinated, so what if some people want everyone to think so?

It is not impossible to kill himself on Stark's territory and blame Lannister.

Clay leaned against the wall and asked:

"your name?"

"Hall Leko."

Clay didn't remember who this person was, maybe it was just a minor character.

"Who sent you here?"

This question seemed to make the assassin extremely painful. His facial features under the black cloth were twisted together, but after all, he couldn't resist Axi's magic power.

Then Clay heard a name:
Petyr Baelish!

 The treatment of assassins in the next two chapters may surprise everyone. (If not, thank you, Mr. Reader), please be more patient. I have a key point to use this character in the later wars, and I may not be able to write it for the time being. Too clear, I will explain clearly later.

(End of this chapter)

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