Chapter 150

Governor Audro is very fortunate that he didn't spend long time cultivating on women last night. As a pampered Governor of Pantos, he has already tasted all the beautiful women on both sides of the strait. Now, in order to live longer, He chose to restrain his desire.

Because he was not a deep sleeper, he could hear the butler risking offending his taboos and slamming on the wooden door of his bedroom. The noise woke up the governor from his dream.

The angry governor was like a raging bull. He was about to go out and kill the lowly person who disturbed his sleep, but he didn't expect that the first words the steward saw him made him dispel all thoughts.

"My lord... Dragon! Dragon! The living dragon has landed in Governor Illyrio's mansion!"

The panting butler obviously knew the seriousness of this matter. If he waited for his master to wake up before reporting, he knew his master's temper, and he would surely die. Wake up the master.

Sure enough, he made the right bet. After a short moment of stupefaction, Governor Audelo grabbed the butler by the collar, his eyes stared like copper bells, and he shouted and asked:
"You read that right? Are you sure it's a dragon, not some big bird?"

The steward pointed to the soldiers following the night watch, and hissed:

"My lord...they...they can all testify, and the whole city has seen it."

Audro looked at the people behind, and after seeing everyone nodding, he let go, and the thin butler fell to the ground panting, Audro almost crushed him to death just now.

After hesitating for less than two seconds, Audelo issued his governor's order:

"Go, call the guards, let's go to Illyrio's house immediately, not to mention where this dragon came from, even if it crawled out of the grave, we can't let him eat alone with that fat man."

Soon, Huhula's guards were assembled, and under the leadership of Audro, they rushed directly to the gate of Governor Illyrio's luxurious courtyard.

Coincidentally, at the door, he also met another governor of Pentos. Obviously, both of them were quick-responsive and had the same purpose. Illyrio must not be allowed to meet the dragon alone.

Although they don't even know that Clay exists or has any connection with Illyrio, this does not prevent them from bringing troops to the door immediately. A balance must be maintained among the governors of Pentos. Whoever dares to surpass will attract the cruelty of others. hit.

Governor Illyrio's guard was taken aback by the sudden appearance of these soldiers. Everyone was the governor's guard. Although they were not the same master, they were all in the same system, and they were old acquaintances.

At that moment, someone opened his mouth and asked:

"Governor Audro, what are you doing here?"

Of course they knew that the giant dragon had landed in the courtyard of their governor, but this time could be delayed for a while. This group of guards fed by the governors still had a certain degree of loyalty to their master.

"Get out of the way, or you will definitely die here today."

Governor Audro's clothes were disheveled, but he didn't show any sympathy. He took a huge long knife and directly stuck it in the face of the Illyrio Guard soldier.

Just as the soldier was still hesitating, Governor Audelo, who couldn't wait for a moment, slashed down with a knife, and blood splattered all over the place.

Seeing that he made a move, the rest of them naturally followed suit immediately. Therefore, all the guards outside the carved gate fell into a pool of blood within 1 minute. The gate opened, and Governor Audero and another governor rushed in. In the courtyard of Governor Illyrio.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the two saw the huge blue-golden dragon nestled in the center, with a pair of reddish clear dragon eyes staring at them, with a dangerous light shining inside.

Gelesos was waiting for Clay's order. If it was the only one here, and greeted it with a mouthful of dragon flame, how could it still be so hesitant and cautious here?

Seeing that the eyes of the intruders were all attracted by Gelesos, Clay glanced at Governor Illyrio with a strange expression on his face, and said without waiting for him to speak:

"Friends who came here, why not come here to talk, I think Governor Illyrio is a hospitable host, right, my lord governor?"

Hearing this, Illyrio cursed vaguely in his heart, but with an extremely ugly smile on his face, he nodded and said:
"Yes, my lord, all visitors are welcome in my mansion."


Five minutes later, Odlo and another governor sat on three sofas, staring at each other, and the meaning in the eyes was very clear:
Get the hell out, Dragon Knight is mine!
Clay leaned on the sofa, tasted a piece of Pantos fruit, and watched the performance of the three governors in front of him. The arrival of these two made Illyrio's deception plan completely bankrupt.

Everyone who doesn't know who, Illyrio supports Aegon Targaryen's ascension, although they don't know that little Aegon is Illyrio's son, but the support of this matter itself can't be hidden from these many eyes and ears. .

An awkward atmosphere filled every inch of air in the courtyard. Originally, if any of them had had a private conversation with Clay here, the conversation would have been full of enthusiasm and some practical progress had been achieved.

But now, Clay is looking at the three of them alone, and beside him is a blue-gold dragon staring at them like a barbecue steak. None of the three powerful governors of Pentos dared to speak first. .

Clay is not in a hurry, since this place is not his home anyway, if he gets bored, he can just ask Gelesos to open his mouth a little, and the three of them can force the three of them to reveal Daenerys' current whereabouts.

As for what other things he wants to get from these three?Heh, of course there is enough gold and troops, but unfortunately, these three are not yet on the same front as him.

It's not quite accurate to say that, Illyrio will definitely be replaced. This person who supports the fake Aegon Targaryen to compete with Clay for a woman and the throne is simply unbearable for my uncle, and even more so for my aunt.

Clay is keeping him now, but he doesn't want to over-excite Pantos up and down. After all, he just came to Essos as the heir of the Dragon King family. It would be great if he brought blood and fire directly, but he wants to have What you do is difficult.

"Why, do the three have any concerns? Don't worry, Gelesos is full today, and he has no interest in you. Dragons are generally only interested in people when they are extremely hungry."

Clay spoke extremely calmly, but it sent chills down the backs of the three governors present. Could it be that they have already tried this speech with such firmness on the dragon recipe?Reminiscent of the sentence just now that I have eaten enough today, the three of them glanced at Gelesos without any trace.

It's better not to irritate this ignorant dragon knight, what if the dragon moves around a lot and gets hungry again?Too dangerous!Our lives are very precious, we cannot just be eaten by dragons like this.

"I see it this way, the three of you may not be able to talk if you stay together, so you can only come over to talk to me one at a time, so it's okay, right?"

Clay's tone was very light, as if he was discussing, but with a comprehensible roar of anger from Gelesos, the three governors immediately agreed to Clay's order.

The first one to stay was naturally the owner, Lord Governor Illyrio, who just had time to say hello to Clay.

The governor, who was dressed in a bright yellow loose robe, was now pulling his dirty golden beard with a big fat hand. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he looked very nervous.

Clay looked at the old boy who had already entered his list, and sneered in his heart, but on the surface he still had the haughty expression that deserved to be beaten. He asked contemptuously:

"Governor Illyrio, how many fleets can Pentos pull out? Please think carefully about the answer you gave me. If it is lower than the number in my heart, I will represent my family and ask Pentos to replace one of them." A more capable governor."

The words were serious nonsense, but it scared Illyrio a lot. It wasn't that he didn't have a castle and his level was too low, but that there was a big guy nestled next to him, staring at him, who would replace him? Everyone has to panic.

"Master Nori, we, Pantos, I don't know about the other guys. Anyway, I can provide you with fifty elite ocean-going warships."

Good guy, he is indeed the wealthy landowner of the trading city-state, a governor in the middle ranks, and there are [-] warships in his mouth. It seems that the strength of his own fleet really needs to be strengthened.

Clay nodded calmly. He looked at Illyrio's complicated eyes, and still had that cynical expression on his face. He opened his arms and said with a smile:
"Your Excellency is indeed a good friend of my Belleris family. Then, as a friend, I can answer two questions for you as a reward for offering your fleet."

Don't think this is nonsense, because Clay is pretending to be a tiger, and made up a non-existent Dragon King family for the governors, making them feel that Clay is an advance team. If he dares to refuse Clay's request, the next moment Just more dragons coming and burning houses down.

The dragon kings of the ancient Valyrian Empire did this, as did the Targaryen family that ruled the Seven Kingdoms.

"My lord, do you mean that you are from the Belleris family? Can you introduce me?"

Clay smiled, he had already guessed that Illyrio would ask this question, but it was not simple, there was only one mouth, and the story was all made up.The ancestors were suffering, leading the people to escape the catastrophe of Valyria's doomsday, the ancestors were suffering, and they had to go through untold hardships to take refuge on the mainland in the south of the Sea of ​​Smoke.

The Belleris family took in the remnants of the Valyrian Empire there, and intermarried with the local residents. After such a long time, they finally recovered part of the strength of the empire. He, Norrie Belleris, as the pioneer of the family , Returning to the continent of Essos again, I want to understand the current situation of this lost land of the empire.

Perfect and reasonable!It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Anyone is welcome to investigate in the south of Yanhai.

"Second question, I would like to ask my lord, the noble family of Belleris, are you interested in the continent of Westeros on the other side of the Narrow Sea?"

After hesitating for a long time, Governor Illyrio still asked about this matter. The problem of Westeros, even if he doesn't say it himself, this Lord Norry Belleris will still know it from other people.

Rather than that, I might as well propose it in advance, maybe I can take the hands of this lord and the Belleris family, and help little Aegon ascend to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, at worst... At worst, the Iron Throne will become a vassal of the newborn Belleris family Pay tribute, if they really are a powerful family with many dragons.

Clay glanced at Illyrio calmly. He didn't expect this guy to be so bold that he dared to bring up this continent of Westeros that didn't belong to the territory of the ancient Valyrian Empire at all. Of course, Except Dragonstone.

In the original script, the whole of Westeros was regarded as belongings by young Aegon and his son. Now, it is really strange that they would propose to share it with the Bellerys family.

But after thinking about it, Clay understood Illyrio's plan to retreat.

I brought up the place of Westeros first. You Belleris family don’t know about it, right? Even if you want to, someone needs to lead the way. It just so happens that we are familiar with this matter.

At this time, little Aegon, the fake Targaryen, was pushed out, and he knelt in front of the proud Beleris family. Now, the rival family that once competed for the supreme leadership of the Valyrian Empire bowed their heads and surrendered, and only asked to be a remote continent of the empire. A vassal of the king.

Why did the Belleris family, who wanted to restore the territory of the ancient Valyrian Empire, refuse this gift?Unless their strength has long been able to conquer the world.

However, with this strength, why did they come to Pentos to ask Illyrio and the local aborigines to come to help?
It can be said that Governor Illyrio's grasp of people's hearts is quite good, but unfortunately, what he met was a bastard Clay Manderly who was full of words and ran the train, except for this face. All efforts are in vain.

Clay pretended to be contemplative, waved his hand after a while, and laughed loudly:

"I know the place in Westeros. Our lucky old friend Targaryen ruled there for a long time. Now it seems that it is no longer possible. The dragon is gone, and the throne has been taken by the subjects. Let’s fight, it’s useless for us to want that place.”

Hearing these words, Illyrio observed Clay's face that didn't seem to be fake, and the excitement in his heart could not be suppressed. Great, the reaction of the proud Belleris was completely within his expectations.

"Okay, Governor Illyrio, my conversation with you is over, next, let another governor come."

With the same commanding tone again, Illyrio had no choice but to say something more, but when he noticed Clay's extremely cold eyes, he hesitated instantly.


Afterwards, the conversation between Clay and Audro and another governor was not so harmonious. Both governors claimed that Illyrio was the biggest liar in the whole of Pentos. Your Excellency, you are not safe in this place at all. Come to my house, my house is the safest.

Clay didn't know whether to approve these opinions, but he learned from Governor Audro that Daenerys Targaryen had appeared within the scope of Slaver's Bay half a month ago.

Obviously, these governors have been sending people to pay attention to Daenerys' situation, otherwise, it would be impossible to have such timely news.

This governor, who obviously had a grudge against Illyrio, told Clay all about Illyrio's plan to revive the Targaryen dynasty. Of course, it was pieced together from the information he had, and it was still far from the truth. .

But it doesn't matter anymore, because Clay then confirmed the exact location of Daenerys from another governor, and it was indeed near Slaver's Bay, so it would be much easier to handle, start driving (cross out), Let's go, let's go!
 Alas, no more manuscripts, mmd.

(End of this chapter)

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