Chapter 154 Astapor's Knowledge
The city of Astapor, located at the mouth of the Worm River, ushered in another peaceful morning. Most of the people in this city were the same as usual, without any special changes.

The slaves are still in the corners of the city, fighting or working for their own survival, while the civilians who can be called a "person" are eating bread covered with grease and are accustomed to abusing their own bodies. slaves.

As the rulers of this city, the great benevolent adults just got up from the dying woman who was still a baby last night, and began to enjoy today's good time refreshed.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with this, because the good lords are the characters standing on the top of the pyramid of the entire Astapor society. This is something everyone knows, and the residence of the good lords is also in the pyramid .

Standing in the middle of the city, on a huge platform called Pride Square, Clay was holding a piece of Astapor's special breakfast in his mouth, um, it was probably a piece of oil cake or something.

For some reason, Astapor, from top to bottom, likes things rich in oil, of course, this does not include slaves.

Daenerys' big ship was still more than a day's voyage away from here, and Clay did not wait for her. He wanted to see the city first, and he landed a little farther south of Astapor.

As for Gelesos, he asked this guy to find food for himself first. As long as he doesn’t eat people, he can take care of the rest. Anyway, this piece of land will be his own in the future, so there is nothing wrong with paying in advance.

There is no danger for him to enter Astapor now, even if there is, Clay believes that although this guy is a foodie, he has a very smart brain and will come to escort him in time.

Before leaving, I asked Daenerys for some gold. Although the little queen is also poor, she still has some family background, or the same sentence, anyway, it will be her own in the future, and Clay is not polite to Daenerys at all.

Once the Alder seal overturned two slave traders who wanted to capture him as a slave and sell them to Astapor for a good price, Clay asked about the situation with the Axi seal, and wiped the two slaves neatly. human neck.

The equipment on his own is still a typical White Harbor style. This is in the border of Astapor, which is to tell others clearly that you are a foreigner who doesn't know anything.

But it doesn't matter, the generous Astapor slave trader will give everything Clay wants to the respected Lord Clay Manderly without reservation.

You see, the two lying on the ground don't have any complaints. They agree with Clay's behavior of taking away their equipment and letting them walk the birds in broad daylight. They agree so much that they don't even have a word...

Ever since, Clay, who smelled of blood and was full of ferocity, swaggered into the gate of Astapor wearing a typical Eastern Continent costume.

The defenders who originally wanted to kill Ke Lei were fooled by Clay's cryptic Axis to think that they had got a large piece of gold, and they were grinning foolishly.

He didn't know that he had let in a living hell king for his beloved good lords, and the good lords didn't know how to repay the behavior of the city defenders.

Randomly hooked up a few greedy thieves and came to the alley, knocked them over neatly, Axii asked for information with a blank face, and then sent them to meet the harpies he admired.

A set of operation is smooth and smooth, and it looks very professional. It seems that it is often done. How should I put it, it is very bad.

Clay, who picked up the equipment all the way, came to Pride Square, he was already a rich man in Astapor, and he was going to visit the city.

Although it was morning, as the largest slave trading center in Astapor, Pride Square was still very lively. Clay could smell the pungent perfume here, and...the unconcealable smell of human flesh.

He was very emotional about this, sometimes it's not a good thing to have a developed sense of smell, in this crowd of fat people, everyone sweating, he was so smoked that he died on the spot.

He tossed a small cloth bag in his hand. This was the spoils he took from the two slave traders. Inside were more than 20 gold coins circulating locally in Astapor.

The cast of this thing is not bad, with a huge pyramid on the front and an ugly carved harpy on the back, a bit like the golden mark that circulates in Yunkai next door.

This place originally belonged to the territory of the ancient Ghis Empire, so it is understandable that the coinage style is not bad.

I just don’t know what’s going on with the purchasing power. It’s impossible for Clay to keep doing zero-dollar purchases in the city of Astapor. Sooner or later, he will be targeted by the men of these benevolent lords, although he doesn’t care much.

Today seems to be a day when slaves are traded in Pride Square. A high wooden platform was set up in the center of the square, and a group of people stood there chaotically, commenting on the slaves on the platform.

However, Clay roughly observed it, and most of them are just joining in the fun, and those who really want to buy will not stand here.

On the left side of the high platform, there was a row of black and purple chairs made of unknown species of wood, covered with soft cushions, and five guys with fat brains were sitting on them, chatting hypocritically with each other.

It seemed that they were the real customers of this slave auction, and Clay decided to observe first to see if he had a chance to chat with these people.

A political system, no matter how absurd and brutal it looks to outsiders, as long as it has been operating in one place for a long enough time, it must have a reason for its existence.

The so-called existence is reasonable. There must be a group of vested interests in this political system. Obviously, these overnourished guys are such people. If you have the opportunity to chat with them, it will be easier for Clay to understand the operating logic behind this city.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, a guy in a toca robe stepped onto the stage like a dog, without even looking at the crowd below, directly bowed deeply to the five nobles, and then shouted in an exaggerated tone road:
"Free folk bathed in the glory of Lord Good Lord, at the trade fair this morning, there were Dothraki women snatched from the Dothraki sea. These girls on horseback are very hot. I want to ride them on my crotch. Be their khal, free folk?!"

This guy's obvious opening remarks, coupled with his exaggerated tone and movements, directly raised the atmosphere of the scene. Many men whistled, obviously knowing a lot.

This guy should be the auctioneer, and he introduced the "goods" that will be sold this morning in a similar way. After hearing this, Clay couldn't help but secretly stunned.

This gang of slave traders is really wild. They can get any kind of slaves. They have all of the nine major trading city-states, regardless of gender.

There is also a guy called the exiled knight of Westeros by this guy. Clay is skeptical about this, and is going to look at the family crest before talking.

"Heavy news to tell you! Lords of goodness, thanks to your kindness, the treasure that should have entered the pyramid to serve you as a reward, has been rewarded to you by the Lord. This is a descendant of Valyria with silver hair and purple eyes."

"Free folk! The descendants of the Targaryen family have hatched her three dragons. I tell you that she is a descendant of Valyria just like this gift."

"What are you waiting for? Free citizens, use your wealth to buy her back. One day, she will hatch a dragon for you!"

The ignorant people let out a cry of astonishment, which was mixed with an unbearable sneer.

Clay didn't expect that he, who was eating melons here silently, could still hear such an unbelievable sales promotion. He regretted why he didn't bring Daenerys with him. He really wanted to see Daenerys listen to this speech The expression of the words.

Well, this makes Daenerys a female dragon that can lay eggs. It's well said. When Daenerys comes, she must let her know what she looks like in this place.

What kind of shackle breaker is this?Save yourself, you have to eat one bite at a time, don't worry.

In fact, this is bullying these stupid free people, what Valyrians, in Clay's view, this is probably a pure Lysian who happened to be captured.

The ancient Valyrian blood was still strong in that place, and most people had the appearance of platinum-blonde curly hair, which was rare in other places, but commonplace there.

They are the original colony of Valyrian Freedom Fortress and have not experienced conquest, so they retain their own racial characteristics. However, they are the most common low-level Valyrians, not the noble descendants of the Dragon King.

Therefore, they do not have the ability to resonate with dragons, nor are they recognized by them.For Clay, it's of little value.

Under the mobilization of this auctioneer, this slave auction quickly became full of enthusiasm, and there were many shouts, but Clay discovered an interesting phenomenon. Every time he bids, everyone is waiting for the five people to make a decision. Bids will not be made until indicated.

It seems that the status of these guys in this place is quite high, and it seems to be spontaneous, and the citizens have become accustomed to it.

Clay touched his chin, thinking about the meaning behind this phenomenon. Daenerys' rule in Slaver's Bay collapsed so quickly, there must be a reason behind it.

Although there must be the inertia of the old system in it, Clay himself must figure out what the driving force is.

Clay didn't sell at the auction because it didn't make sense for him to buy a few slaves now, his goal was to hook up with the Good Lord and take down their Unsullied.

An auction lasted for about two hours. Clay noticed that the slave trade in Astapor was a typical buyer's market, where supply exceeded demand.

But it is also understandable when you think about it. Slave Bay has turned slave trading into an industry. Naturally, slave traders will catch more and sell more slave traders in such a profitable industry, but the demand for local slaves is so great.


Leaving the auction site, Clay figured out the purchasing power of the small bag of gold coins in his pocket, which was not bad, allowing him to live comfortably in Astapor for half a year.

It's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to talk to these rich people who bought a large number of slaves, but it doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future.

After finding a hotel with purple gauze and silk decorations, Clay opened a modest house as his temporary residence.

When he came to his room, Clay thoroughly enjoyed the depraved life bathed in the light of the good Lord. In this kind of fully slaved hotel, as long as you can afford the room, everything will be done for you by the slaves. of.

Slaves deliver water, slaves serve meals, and slaves who clean up your room also give you massages part-time, all of which are included in your rent.

The bearded boss in a long robe was also serious about promoting the services that the female slaves of the shop could provide to Clay, how much an ordinary female slave would cost per night, and how much a well-trained Dothraki female slave would cost.

The boss winked at Clay and told Clay that as long as one gold tower coin, even the silver-blond haired Reese slave girl Clay saw today can open her legs for Clay.

Seeing that Clay was still shaking his head, the boss understood instantly, saying that more than one is fine, as long as Clay's gold tower coins are enough.

Clay was convinced. With this dazzling service introduction, he was really short of giving him a "menu" to choose from. It really opened his eyes, he knew how to play and played, but he lost.

This also reveals how low the status of slaves is in this poor place. It doesn't matter what you did before, as long as you didn't come here through normal means, then you have only one identity, slave.

Clay thought about it and walked away, not noticing that the boss glanced at Clay's waist with disdainful eyes, then quickly looked away, and began to sell his "collection" in the store to another guy.

What's interesting is that when Clay visited Essos, he had never been to Slaver's Bay, and he didn't know much about the customs here.

Judging from the observations this morning, the entire Slave Bay rule is a pressure cooker that is forcibly held down. The reason why Daenerys was able to conquer these places so smoothly is to release this power at an appropriate time. gas.

But the problem is that the pressure cooker is still a pot after it has been vented. The series of reform operations after Daenerys is tantamount to throwing the pot aside and replacing it with a large vat full of loopholes.

People who are used to living in the pot can no longer find their place in the vat. This will quickly disintegrate the regime without military support, shatter into a piece of scum, and then return to the rule of slave owners.

"This is a bit difficult. I don't have any talents capable of governing the country. Alas, Daenerys' small team is too few capable people. It is not enough to hold up a royal meeting. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. thing."

Lying on the big soft bed, chewing the fruit that the slave girl squeezed into her mouth, Klay was thinking, talking to herself in a common language she couldn't understand.

He is not a person with moral and cleanliness, and he will never shirk what he should enjoy, but he wants more. Daenerys kills the slave masters, takes thousands of Unsullied and runs away, which is called fishing out the water.

But now, he is thinking about how to turn Slaver's Bay into his back garden for producing troops, because there may be many enemies he has to face.

The army of the Mandalay family is limited by the aristocratic system in the northern border, so it cannot be moved easily, so he can only rely on himself.

 It's the end of the month, um...I promise to update it next month, can you give me a monthly pass, my family?
(End of this chapter)

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