Chapter 156 Daenerys: I think, Clay: No, you don't want to
Blinking his eyes, Clay's long reflex arc finally connected. Clay chewed on the subconscious sentence of Barristan just now, um... the key word has been obtained.

Clay is not a vegetarian. He has kept to himself for so long, mainly because he knows too well that in this world where there are no small hats, it is not a wise choice to eat meat without any scruples.

Even though he later became a demon hunter and his immune system was already desperate for ordinary viruses, this habit has been formed.

Moreover, he is highly skilled and good at walking narrow roads. As for the busy and spacious avenues with heavy traffic, he is still very grateful...

In all fairness, the little queen still grew up on his aesthetic point, but she was a little shorter, but it was understandable given her age.

Clay does not exclude himself from experiencing the taste of being Drogon's father now, but this matter is not in a hurry. Now Daenerys' vigilance and rejection of himself is definitely greater than acceptance.

Sometimes, the spear can make them love it, but it can’t make them feel good. It’s still the same sentence, the first thing Clay wants to get from Daenerys is not this, but the golden thing .

Of course, if Clay got what he wanted, such a good thing like icing on the cake, he would only object if his brain was caught in the door.

Shaking his head, Clay poured himself another glass of Astapor-flavored craft wine, and said with a smile:

"No, that was not the primary purpose of my visit today, Ser Barristan. I'm sure you know what your queen is here for."

"Apart from the well-known Unsullied, there is nothing in Astapor that can attract an avenger like Daenerys Targaryen who is determined to restore the country?"

Barristan was speechless. In fact, in his heart, he was against Daenerys. Westeros has abolished slavery for quite a long time, and everyone from top to bottom regards slavery as unforgivable crime.

This is especially true for someone from a big family like him with a barely passable sense of justice.

"What about you? Clay, what do you think of these Unsullied, this city of Astapor? With your giant dragon, you will easily conquer this city."

Barristan stared into Clay's eyes. He wanted to know what Clay was thinking. The young man in front of him was full of mysteries. The closer he got, the more doubts he had in his heart.

Regarding Barristan's question, Clay showed no serious expression on his face. He was shaking the silver wine glass that was reflected in the moonlight, and a slight playful look climbed up the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm... Reasonably priced consumables, a little pruning is a good rear."

Clay said two short sentences, and Barristan understood that they were answering the two questions he had just asked. His gray eyebrows were raised. Obviously, Clay's answer exceeded his expectations.

While Barristan was still contemplating, Clay turned his gaze to one side, because he heard small footsteps.

Sure enough, it was Daenerys, but she obviously didn't expect Clay to be here. The moment she saw her, there was a very obvious daze on her fair face.

"Clay... why are you here? How did you get in here?"

The little queen was obviously very surprised. She glanced at this place, and saw Astan who had come to his senses, stood up and gave up his seat, and respectfully stood aside.

Then, she saw the wine bottle on the table...

The good-looking eyebrows twitched slightly. Obviously, these two guys have been here for a while, and they are all drunk.Daenerys suddenly had a bad feeling, why everyone around her had such a good impression of this guy.

I just stayed in my room, lying on my big soft bed, whispering to my maid about women's whispers, and the little maid expressed her love for this guy between what she said and what she said.

Daenerys knew that look, so it was even more painful to see this scene, how long has it been...

The little queen's face was a little ugly, it's because she didn't hear how Clay called Barristan just now, otherwise she would explode now, thinking that Clay had discussed with Barristan to lie to her .

"Astan, you are no longer needed here, you can go to Belwas."

Daenerys' tone was cold and unhappy, and she gave Barristan the order to evict him. The latter shrugged his shoulders slightly, glanced at Clay and Daenerys, and turned his palms towards the wine bottles on the table without a trace. stretched over.

Then, he was caught by the smiling Clay.

Looking at Barristan who left with a smile on his face, Clay said in his heart that he had been here for so long, and today he finally tasted something drinkable. The food in the hotel was full of pot water, and he couldn't drink it at all.

Just like this, you old boy still wants to rob me, how can this work? !
When the sound of Barristan's footsteps disappeared, only Clay and Daenerys were left in the small yard, staring at the bottle of wine on the table and looking at each other speechlessly.

After being stiff for a long time, Daenerys pulled an awkward smile, pointed to the urgent bottle of wine that Clay grabbed, and said softly:
"Is it good? I don't like alcohol since I was a child. Every time my brother gets drunk, he will look... Well, a little grumpy and not so friendly..."

Speaking of the latter, Daenerys' voice was much lower, because she realized that she shouldn't mention this to Clay, an outsider, but just to ease the embarrassment, she said it out of her mind.

Staring at Daenerys' evasive eyes, Clay understood what Daenerys' unfinished sentence was. Viserys Targaryen, to some extent, is very worthy of sympathy. .

He is different from Daenerys. When he was alive, he was the undisputed heir of the Targaryen family. He witnessed the tragedy of the family when he was a child, which also paved the way for his later ending.

In Clay's view, Viserys never knew what he really wanted. His whole life was a life kidnapped by an illusory throne.

Everyone around him told him what kind of national hatred and family hatred he was carrying, how noble his blood was, and how vast the land he claimed.

In short, like the fake Aegon Targaryen who was lucky enough to be alive, he lost himself in the constant indoctrination of others, and he couldn't see clearly what he wanted to do and what he could do.

He didn't die wrongly at all, but he didn't deserve to be laughed at.

"Your brother probably won't do anything to you seeing you now, after all, you are the mother of dragons, Daenerys."

Clay smiled and signaled Daenerys to relax and just sit down and chat. After that, he thoughtfully found an empty glass and served Daenerys half a glass of wine.

Frowning slightly, the little queen stared at the dark red wine and wanted to refuse, but she glanced at Clay who was staring at her from the corner of her eye, struggled a little, and put it to her mouth to take a sip.

"It doesn't taste good."

Daenerys commented.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that alcohol relaxes you, Daenerys."

Clay slightly bent his fingers and flicked the wine glass, making a crisp sound.

There was another awkward look at each other. After all, Daenerys' patience was not as good as Clay's, so she couldn't help but said:

"You came to see me, it's so late, what's the matter?"

After saying this, her face suddenly became a little unnatural, apparently thinking of a possibility, and her originally regular breathing gradually became a little short.

Don't blame her for thinking about it, any woman would involuntarily think in this direction under such conditions, and Daenerys can't be blamed for this.

"Daenerys, do you want these Unsullied from the hands of the Good Lord of Astapor?"

Clay's voice interrupted his fantasy, and for some reason, a subtle disappointment filled his heart, but Daenerys quickly adjusted it, because she knew that this guy was going to talk about something serious.

"Yes, you are right. I need these warriors. My ancestors conquered the original kings of the Seven Kingdoms, and they did not rely solely on three giant dragons."

"Very well, then can you tell me, how do you plan to buy so many Unsullied, believe me, I came a day or two earlier than you, I'm not idle, you don't have the money to buy the army you want .”

Looking at Daenerys who fell silent, Clay suddenly realized one thing. The barbecue party for the good lords of Astapor was probably a temporary play by the little queen.

What happened later was not the product of the plan at all, but rather a smooth sailing. Daenerys, who was only here for a visit, changed her mind and became the liberator of Slave Bay.

"Then what do you think? Clay Manderly, your queen needs your advice."

Clay was amused by the little thought in Daenerys's words, good guy, I don't call you queen, but you forced me to arrange it.

"Daenerys, you are not my queen, but I can give you a piece of advice."

However, Daenerys didn't intend to let Clay go just like that, she puffed up her face and chased after him and said:

"I am Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and the only heir to the Iron Throne. As the lord of White Harbor, you must bow your knee to me."

Clay didn't respond to Daenerys' words, he just continued to taste the delicious food in the wine glass, and after a long time, he said quietly:
"Perhaps your father Aerys thought so when he burned those two Starks to death."

Clay looked at Daenerys' face, his voice suddenly seemed a little erratic, and he said:
"The crown, in my opinion, to be honest, it's just a duke title one size bigger, nothing sacred."

Daenerys opened her lips to refute Clay's words, but heard Clay continue:

"The legitimacy of the throne, to put it bluntly, is whoever has the most soldiers and the weight of the gold coins in his pocket is heavier. If your brother Rhaegar won consecutive victories on the battlefield back then, he would have pulled all the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms away." Go to King's Landing and bake, and you won't have any problems."

"So what if the Targaryen family has ruled the Seven Kingdoms for 300 years? The guardian dukes didn't hesitate at all when they rebelled. The safety of the family is greater than the glory of the royal family. I don't need to tell you this truth, do I?"

"But they all swear allegiance to my father, under the witness of the gods!"

Daenerys obviously couldn't easily let go of these people's guilt of rebellion, gritted her teeth and said bitterly, in her education, oath breakers are people who will eventually be cast aside by the gods.

But her anger was met with a merciless sneer from Clay. Immediately, Daenerys' anger shifted. She stared at Clay, who was sipping wine, with a dangerous tone:

"What, am I right?"

"Yes, yes, you are quite right, Daenerys, but what I want to tell you is that the gods never need a human oath, and the oath itself has a price. As long as you can pay the price, anyone They can even break God’s word for you.”

"That's not right! The Sword of Dawn fought to the end for my family. He could have knelt down and begged for mercy. The usurper has already won the war."

"Really? Maybe so, but I remember correctly, he is from the Dane family, right?"

"The Kingsguard have no families of their own."

"Wake up your princess dream, Daenerys, the Kingslayer I once captured alive, do you think he is a Lannister, or a Kingsguard?"

"Let me tell you, the reason why Dawn Excalibur didn't kneel is because his opponent is Ed Stark, a person who doesn't bother to use dirty tricks, so he can fight without distraction."

"If it's Tywin Lannister, he just needs to put everyone in the Dane family in front of the Sword of Dawn, and don't kneel? That's fine! The blood of the Dane family will be cut off from now on. How do you think he will choose?"

"Throw away your innocence, I'm here today to tell you that your experience and thinking are not enough for you to make a correct judgment. None of your people can use their brains."

"Take tomorrow's issue of the Unsullied as an example. Tell me, how are you going to solve this problem so that the good lords will willingly sell you the eight thousand Unsullied?"

The little queen, who was stunned by Clay's words, held back for a long time. Under Clay's aggressive gaze, she finally whispered a sentence:

"The real dragon will never compromise with these people. If they reject me, I will bring blood and fire to them."

Clay raised his forehead, sure enough, who did he learn this impulsive temper, if he didn't agree with him, he would do it, it's thanks to himself, otherwise the history line will end tomorrow...

He looked at Daenerys with a serious tone:
"Remember, don't think that way."


"Can you burn everyone in this world? Dragon Flame is not omnipotent, it depends on this to solve the problem."

Clay reached out and knocked on Daenerys' smooth forehead, not noticing the latter's somewhat unnatural expression, and continued his words:

"Talk to them tomorrow and see what kind of people these guys are. People always have weaknesses. Burning them is the last option."

"Your enemy is not only a few thousand people, they are tens of thousands, or even more than a hundred thousand. If you can't unite some of them, then you are standing on the opposite side of everyone."

"Then, your enemies will have 10,000+ or ​​more, understand now? To restore your throne, 8000 people are not enough."

"Don't tell me you still have a dragon, I have one too, it's pretty big, but how did Meraxes die?"

"Don't worry about Daenerys, time is on our side, why don't we wait until they are weak enough and we accumulate enough strength to defeat them in one fell swoop?"

Clay stood up and opened his arms, as if to embrace the whole of Astapor.

"Don't you think, this place is a good place to start?"

 Oh my god, I finished writing, I'm sorry, it's too late today.

(End of this chapter)

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