Chapter 158 The Good Lord Is Not Kind
Are the Unsullied expensive?Of course it's expensive, to buy so many Unsullied probably cost Clay out a hundred thousand gold dragons, if converted into Westeros currency.

What is this concept?Probably Baigang, which is earning a lot of money by making war fortune, just spits out all the tax revenue for two years, which is probably this amount.

In the past, Clay gritted his teeth, and this matter was settled, and it was still possible to get it out. The Mandalay family's wealth accumulated for thousands of years is still very strong.

But that was before, before Clay left, he spent a large part of the money on expanding the army, building ships, building equipment, and training horses, all of which were big money burners.

Now, it is estimated that the sale of Newcastle will not be able to make up the money.

However, Clay felt that this was a very good deal, because he knew how the trained Unsullied lived on the battlefield.

Equip them well, and they will be a group of peak infantry that locks morale. In the confrontation on the frontal battlefield, they can give a great gift to the Westeros army who has never seen them.

With them in hand, Clay can experience the joy of micromanaging without having to worry about a lot of trouble.

In fact, as the commander-in-chief of the first army, Clay is still leading the northern army with fewer things to do. Just like this, big and small things still keep him busy.

And the Unsullied will minimize such troublesome things, allowing him to spend a lot of time fishing, ah no, thinking about the battle situation and making plans.

Daenerys doesn't understand these things, she only values ​​the number of these Unsullied and their names, but it's not his fault, she hasn't led soldiers before, so she can't get in touch with these situations.

Clay's question was quickly answered, but this attitude was not very pleasant.

"Westeros is really a rural place, don't you know such things, how stupid!"

Krazni mo Nakroz, a fat good lord of Astapor, complained to Missandei who was a little bit at a loss.

Although it is early in the morning, the temperature in Slave Bay is very high. The heat has passed through the soles of the shoes, baking the soles of the feet of everyone present. The fat slave trader now looks like a fat head pulled out of the water. pig.

"People in this world, as long as they have a chest or something to ride on, they all know that the Unsullied are good at using spears, shields and short swords!"

The slave trader took a step back and stood back in the shadow of the umbrella of the maid behind him, but he was still hot, with local Astapor swear words, free from his yellow-toothed mouth pop up.

Impatiently, the slave trader slapped the maid's plump buttocks hard, telling her to fan the wind a little faster.

The maid who was beaten was gritting her teeth, and the ninja's heart-piercing pain caused her to speed up her movements desperately.

Here, the slave is just a commodity. If she just called out, or the speed of her hand was slower, she might not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning.

Missandei, the little translator, turned a blind eye to her master's atrocities, because she was also a slave. Although she was angry, she was more afraid of death.

"Tell these two uneducated Westerosi savages about our goods, and make them spend all their money on them, preferably even their clothes."

Krazni mo Nakroz wiped the sweat from his forehead, and unscrupulously glanced at Daenerys' exquisite body with eyes that men could understand.

What he was thinking, Clay couldn't be more clear, because Clay himself had thought the same way, but he could think about it, but others couldn't!

Clay carefully memorized this guy's appearance. From the looks of it, the Pride Square isn't hot enough today. Need to light up a small fire to cheer everyone up?
Missandei used her own processed lingua franca, which is still intelligible, for the training process of Clay and Daenerys Cope's Unsullied, of course, mainly for Daenerys.

Clay is too aware of how such abnormal fighters are trained. In terms of values ​​alone, Clay will certainly not support this approach, but the ass determines the head.

Now, he is Clay Manderly, a great nobleman whose roots are thriving, especially now that the queen is by his side and the dragon is in his hand, he has officially entered the poker table, but the other poker players don't know it yet .

At this time, his primary interest is to ensure that he defeats other opponents and wins the game. As for the process, that is a secondary issue.

Only having a moral bottom line that can be adjusted at will is the only correct approach, and everything else can only be evaluated as a fool.

"This is a bunch of lunatics!" Barristan strained to listen to every word the little interpreter said, but the production process of the Unsullied was a little hard for him to accept, and the old knight could only curse in a low voice.

Following Daenerys, the Dothraki who had long been overwhelmed by Clay's dragon, especially her bloodrider, didn't care about it and didn't say anything.

The living environment is different, and the values ​​​​of course are also different. The Dothraki have done a lot of massacres in history. Killing innocent people does not make them think that they should be condemned.

"We don't think it's madness, because this madness is controllable, so it's called obedience."

The slave trader grinned. From his point of view, the little queen and the handsome husband he had never seen had shown enough interest in this business. The old man might have jumped out to lower the price.

"Sheep are the most obedient, as long as a well-trained shepherd dog can keep them in check."

Barristan said something in a mocking tone, but was immediately countered by the slave master:
"As long as the sheep obey orders, they can trample the shepherd to death."

The little interpreter repeated the malice from the slave master, but filtered out the annoying tone, but it also made Ser Barristan very angry.

"Okay, now let's talk about the price, I hope you can make a reasonable offer again."

Clay turned his head to look at Barristan Selmy, shook his head slightly to signal him to shut up, and then, with a smile on his face, said to Krazni mo Nakroz.

The fat slave trader listened to the little interpreter's words, the fat on his face trembled, but he was not angry. Unless he was taken advantage of by someone who didn't understand anything, it would be strange not to bargain.

"Tell the savages of Westeros that the current price is very reasonable. I will at most provide them with armor and a short sword, um... let's equip these Unsullied with shields, that's all."

"No, I have also traveled in Astapor. The price you sold to the governors of the trading city is not at this price."

Clay shook his head and rejected Krazni mo Nakroz's proposal. His homework for the past two days was not in vain, and he knew how big a hole this greedy guy had dug for himself.

Although it was just information obtained through some tricks, it didn't prevent Clay from pretending to be an understanding brother.

Krazni mo Nakroz patiently listened to Missandei's translation, and when he arrived at the negotiating table, he completely forgot about his hotness. He didn't comment on what Clay said, but said instead:

"The noble governors are not the same as you, the beggar king who doesn't even have an army. Let him understand this, and translate the original words."

The last sentence was addressed to Missandei. Obviously, he understood that he met someone who knew the market, and it was meaningless to argue that Clay knew the wrong price, which would increase the risk of the deal falling apart.

After Missandei finished speaking, Clay didn’t object. This group of people didn’t know who they were. To a certain extent, he was right. Although he had an army, they were all in Westeros. In the slave bay of Essos, there is really no soldier.

It's okay, I have other things, I'm afraid that all the Unsullied will come out and they won't be able to change them...

Clay said something softly in his heart. Seeing that he didn't speak, Krazni Mo Nakroz thought he had nothing to say, so he grinned ugly and shouted at Missandei:
"Now, tell him, the great Krazni mo Nakroz wonders, what can the barbarians of Westeros pay for these Unsullied?"

"Master, they don't seem to say how many Unsullied they want to buy."

"Idiot, they will definitely buy it!"

The irascible governor seemed very angry at Missandei's rhetorical question. The weather was getting hotter, and it was difficult for him to control his temper.

The little translator got kicked, but he should be used to it. He staggered and quickly stabilized his body. There was no fear or panic on his face, he was just used to it.

Resistance would only lead to more pain, Missandei knew all too well.

Enduring the pain, he finished translating the slave master's words to Clay, and then took a low air-conditioning aside.

"Tell your master, ask him what he wants, such a good price, I can't carry gold around."

Clay pretended to be interested, and said to Missandei.

Daenerys, who had been silent for a while and listened carefully to the conversation between Clay and the slave owners, was also thinking about the current situation.

Clay didn't let her directly flip the table with the slave owners. She thought about it for a long time last night, but she couldn't quite understand why Clay would do this.

In the eyes of the little queen, Clay controls Gelesos, as long as she uses the name of her descendant of Targaryen, with such a powerful Gelesos by her side, it is not difficult to conquer Westeros.

Although many dragons died in wars in the history of Westeros, in Daenerys' heart, dragon flames are the most powerful weapon, especially when she saw the figure of Gelesos, she became more convinced own judgment.

She must have an army, but it is only auxiliary. To truly conquer the Seven Kingdoms, she must rely on the roar of the giant dragon.

But now, he found that Clay never seemed to put the dragon in an important position, and Daenerys had a feeling:
This guy seems to have been planning to have no dragons.

It's not her fault, she didn't know there would be a lot of ghosts and monsters behind Westeros, who would come up with amazing anti-aircraft weapons, Night King, Qyburn, etc., all of which are representatives of technology and hard work.

After listening to the question translated by Missandei, the greedy look on Krazni mo Nakroz's face was not concealed at all, and he shouted:

"Listen, savage of Westeros, I hear your woman has three dragons?"

Sure enough, things have come to this point, yes, this is the only bargaining chip that Daenerys and herself can exchange on the bright side.

Clay smiled, as you wish.

"Tell your master, I will give him a dragon, a giant dragon, how about it, are you satisfied?"

With a meaningful smile, Clay raised his right hand.

 Look, the second watch!
(End of this chapter)

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