Chapter 17
Great idea, but the question is, how did Clay leave?

Although as a nobleman, Clay will not suffer from prison, especially under the protection of the Stark family, but it also makes it very difficult for him to get out of prison.

The logic here is complex and complicated, and simple and simple. In the final analysis, it is a matter of face.

For example, if Clay is now imprisoned in Casterly Rock, then he kills the jailer, kills the Lannister guards and escapes back to the north. Not only will he not be punished by the kingdom's laws, but he will be welcomed as a hero.

But unfortunately, Duke Ed is his lord, and Clay stays in his prison. Once he escapes, it means that he has cut himself off from the northern aristocratic system, which is a very serious matter.

In the language environment of the northern border, this is called trampling on honor, and it will never be forgiven.


The next morning, Sir Roderick hurried into Clay's cell with a frosty face.

Early in the morning, he heard the report that the jailer had been knocked unconscious, and the weather-beaten old knight immediately realized that it was aimed at Clay, because there was no one in the dungeons of Winterfell except him. value target.

Along the way, the jazz's mind was full of thoughts. He was afraid that he really saw Clay's murdered body, because it meant that Lord Ed would completely tear himself apart from the queen.

Although he knew that with his master's prudence, it was impossible to fight the queen when the king was around, but from now on, the wolf and the lion, who had originally disliked each other, began to bark their fangs at each other.

While chanting, Sir Roderick's feet felt windy, and he soon saw the young jailer standing there with a big bruise on his neck, who was at a loss.

"Is Master Clay alright?" Roderick asked with his mouth open.

The jailer shook his head, the old knight heaved a sigh of relief, and glared at the jailer, Roderick rushed into the prison.

Through one candle after another, Roderick came to the best and quietest cell in the deepest part of the dungeon.

Clay was wearing plain clothes and was leaning against the wall, holding a copy of "Stories of the Old Gods in the North" borrowed from the Winterfell library and reading it with gusto.

"Master Clay, are you injured? Have you seen who the assassin is?"

After all, Roderick let go of his hanging heart, and then he was a little confused again. Clay didn't look like he had been assassinated at all, and his brows were all relaxed.

"Huh? Sir Roderick, what are you talking about? Assassin?" Clay had a puzzled look on his face. He gently closed the book and walked to the door. Sir Roderick took it from the jailer following him. Key, opened the cell door and walked in.

"Master Clay, this idiot was knocked out last night, are you... all right?"

Sir Roderick's mind was a little confused. Clay had never seen an assassin, which was really beyond his expectations.

This is really evil. Someone sneaked into the dungeon and knocked out the jailer. He didn't come here to assassinate Clay. Then what did he come for?Came here specifically to beat people up?
Assassin, let's call it that, there must be such a person. Sir Roderick, who has been practicing martial arts all year round, can tell at a glance that the wound on the jailer's neck is definitely not something he can punch.

"Are you sure you didn't see anyone last night?" Roderick asked again in a mess.

Clay shook his head in bewilderment and innocently. Roderick couldn't be punished now. In his subconscious mind, Clay would never lie, and someone wanted to kill him. Why would he lie?

Sir Roderick, who had been around for a long time, couldn't figure out a clue from this seemingly weird thing, so he played the fine tradition of his subordinates: find a leader!

When he described the whole thing to Ed Stark in detail, there was an obvious look of thought on the expressionless face of the middle-aged Lord of the North.

After Sir Roderick finished speaking, Ed Stark fell into long contemplation. After waiting for a long time, Sir Roderick didn't stand or leave, so he could only bite the bullet and call out: "My lord?"

"?" Duke Ed raised his head, and immediately reacted. He frowned and ordered:

"Go and bring Klein to me. Remember, dress him well so that the queen's people can't see him."

The bewildered Sir Roderick led away. Half an hour later, Clay in a Stark coat stood in the hall of Winterfell again.

Duke Ed sent Sir Roderick away, leaving only the two of them in the huge hall.

His gray eyes sized Clay back and forth, as if he wanted to get to know him again, and he asked after a long time:
"Clay, is that your first time killing someone?"

When asking this question, Duke Eddard looked carefully into Clay's eyes.

Clay nodded without thinking too much.

"Yes, my lord the Duke."

"What do you feel?"

"Uh... didn't think that much."

Ed Stark just nodded, as if he was not satisfied with Clay's answer, he sighed slightly, and pointed to the chair beside him.

Clay was not pretentious, and sat in directly.

"As your lord, your elder, I can only tell you that anyone who uses a sword lightly will eventually die by the sword. Human life has weight."

Ed Stark turned on the blazing fire, looked at the thoughtful Clay, suddenly smiled, and said softly:
"I know, you are right. Honor cannot be tarnished. This is why you are standing here now."

He stopped Clay from speaking, paused and continued:
"I know, the assassin must exist, but you don't want him to exist, do you?"

Glancing at Clay's suddenly stiff face, Duke Ed stepped forward and patted Clay's stiff shoulder.

"You don't need to explain. It's good that the assassin didn't threaten you. You did the right thing. Although you don't want to, it's really not appropriate for the Stark family to conflict with the queen now, but you have to understand, kid..."

He looked into Clay's eyes and paused every word:
"Wolves can never be afraid of lions. Courage is the foundation of our northern people's survival."

"I'm very glad that you have more wisdom from the gods than your father. Use this wisdom to assist Rob in the future."

After speaking, Ed Stark strode out of the hall, leaving Clay still in a daze.

Clay was too surprised. He didn't expect Duke Ed to see through him at a glance. He thought he could make everyone look like a fool, but he didn't expect that his dream would be shattered immediately.

When the old wolf lord was speaking, he was deeply impressed by the wisdom in his eyes.

This is definitely a smart guy, so why did he perform so poorly in King's Landing later?

Clay felt that what was about to happen in the southern capital of the Seven Kingdoms was far more complicated than he had imagined...

 The status has been changed, you guys can invest, just comment more if you have ideas about the plot, this is the first time I write, some of your ideas may also help me avoid some poisonous points.

(End of this chapter)

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