Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 174 Lannister's Wisdom

Chapter 174 Lannister's Wisdom

"I don't want to listen to your difficulties, but what to do. Don't worry, you will not starve to death before starving to death. After all, the gods punished me and made you the son of Lannister."

Right now, these people are sitting in a sad city, and they really don't have any reinforcements.

In the north and the riverlands, there is no reason to support him. Tywin doesn't even know if Ed Stark is dead. After being besieged in King's Landing, Lannister's external information exchange is almost completely blind. Only at sea can occasionally run out a little.

As for the Stormlands and the Riverbend, they simply took the army to grab the throne that their family had painstakingly arranged, and the fundamental contradictions between the two sides could not be reconciled.

Then, there was only one left that was disabled, which was the last hope of the family. Now James closed the gate according to his own requirements, defended it with all his strength, and drove away the pirates of the Iron Islands who kept looting.

There is also a Dorne, so there is no other way. Tywin knows too well what the Red Viper Oberon and his brother, Prince Doran, want, and that thing is his head.

Although Tywin put his family's position as extremely important, he didn't go crazy now, chopped himself off, and sent his head to Dorne as a gift to let them support Lannister.

The current King's Landing, as long as he is not around, can rely on these two things in front of him to hold down these more than 2 arrogant soldiers?At that time, the power of Lannister does not know which family will fall into the hands of it.

In Tai Wen's heart, he never considered sitting on the throne, the flamboyant King Joffrey. To him, he was just a child, and there were no more words to describe it.

"If you don't want to die here, otherwise, we have to find a way to fight Renly, beat him until he hurts, and force him to withdraw."

"Or, let's find a way to collude and let Stannis land quickly. We might as well show weakness and say that King's Landing can't last for a few days. We failed. Renly will enter the city and become king, let's see what he will do."

"The last option, of course, is to take our good king and go directly out of the city to break through. As long as we are determined enough, I don't think Renly will fight us. After all, he still has an older brother, Stannis, to deal with. It doesn’t matter if we fight it out.”

"This is Joffrey's throne, you can't do that!"

"But pull it down. Tomorrow I will ask the blacksmith in the flea nest to make me an iron chair. That can also be called a throne. If he is really a king, where his beautiful ass is, that is the throne, my stupid sister. !"

Instead of looking at his sister Cersei, who couldn't say anything nutritious, Tyrion turned his huge head back to his father, Duke Tywin, and continued:

"But there is a problem. If we flee back to the western region, we will definitely suffer a lot of losses along the way. If we go south, we will be threatened by Renly's army at all times. If he takes care of his brother quickly, we may not be able to escape."

"If you go north, you have to pass Riverrun. I can't say that, my wise father, do you think that boy Edmure Tully will let us leave unscathed?"

Unscathed?If Ed Stark is really dead, if the matter of drugging Ed Stark is leaked out, then the wolf cubs in the north will throw an order to Edmure Tully, and people like myself, Maybe it really won't be possible to go back to the Western Territory.

Tywin Lannister couldn't be more clear in his heart. In order to get rid of Eddard Stark as soon as possible, he used some extraordinary means, but he also planted a major hidden danger for himself.

If Ed Stark really died, even if they couldn't find out that he did it, the wolf cubs in the north would position their hatred on themselves.

Every time he thought of this, Tywin Lannister could hardly help kicking his daughter and son, he couldn't control the bastard between his legs!

If it weren't for the two of you messing around, causing Joffrey's appearance to be different from any Baratheon, would there be such a terrible situation where there are enemies on all sides?
Although the two Baratheons are eyeing Joffrey's throne, the probability of rebellion is still very high, but Joffrey's background has been questioned, which is the direct trigger, and the legitimacy of the royal blood cannot be tarnished.

Although everyone knows a lot of things, sometimes, they really just need a reason, and my precious son and daughter just gave the careerists of the Seven Kingdoms the best excuse.

"If we want Stannis to go ashore, we will have to pay something. Stannis is not stupid. The reason you just said is not enough to make him stand directly on our side against Renly."

Tywin stared at his dwarf son coldly, waiting for his answer.

"Yes, of course not enough. Stannis Baratheon wants the throne of King's Landing, just give it to him."

Hearing these words, Tywin Lannister narrowed his eyes all of a sudden, and the judgment of the dwarf son in front of him once again refreshed his understanding of this son.

If he was a normal man, Casterly Rock must be his.

I don't know why, such a thought popped up in Tai Wen's heart, but immediately, he ruthlessly suppressed it.

When Cersei heard this sentence, she immediately shouted like a lioness with fried fur:
"Presumptuous, Tyrion, no one can take Joffrey's throne away, and I will never allow you to do this!"

Lord Tywin's patience finally ran out, he realized that calling Cersei over tonight was a completely stupid decision, all she could think about was her Joffrey and her Queen Mother position, and she didn't care about anything else. regardless of.

"go out."

Tywin Lannister glanced at his daughter with some disgust, and then said this in a very calm tone.

Cersei was stunned, she couldn't believe it:

"I said, you, get out. Don't make me repeat it a third time."

Tywin Lannister's status in the family is much higher than anyone else, Cersei dare not refute her father's words, in the indifferent eyes of Tywin Lannister, she can only walk away resentfully. He gave Tyrion a hard look.

When only Tyrion and Tywin were left in the room, Tyrion said in an exaggerated tone:
"Hmm... a conversation between men, tsk tsk, I'm really flattered."

Of course Tywin Lannister knew that this was not a good word, but he was not in the mood to care about it now, so he asked directly:
"Tyrion, speak your mind!"

"My idea? Simple, tell Stannis directly, we can't do it, if we don't come, we will surrender to Renly. Anyway, we Lannister and Renly don't have any deep hatred. After all, we are the Guardians of the West."


"Stannis, I've been in King's Landing for so long, and I know him a little bit. This guy's character is really smelly and hard. He thinks it's his own, so there's no possibility of compromise. .”

"If we gave up the throne to Renly, it would be absolutely unacceptable to him."

Tywin Lannister nodded. He had to admit that what the dwarf son said was right. In the current situation, the only way to break the situation was to resort to risky tactics. If it continued like this, it would really be over.

"Very good, but not enough for Tyrion. You know the family's ambitions. Although Joffrey is a stupid kid, he can be on the throne after all. We still have to try to keep him."

"Well...but it's very difficult, we have to make two preparations."

"Trick Stannis here first. As long as his banner appears outside King's Landing, he has already entered our game. Renly must send someone to guard against him. Our pressure on defending the city will be much less."

"We might as well spread this news to Renly and let him know that Stannis came here to enter the city. In this way, we can probably ensure that these two guys will not join forces to kill us first."

"If it's unlucky and these two guys are not fooled, then if we still want to keep the family, we can only take Joffrey and go back to Casterly Rock City, if these two people are not interested in my nephew."

"If it's really what we think, then father, we have to find a way to let their brothers kill one of them in the city of King's Landing. We can even pretend to leave King's Landing first, take people away first, and wait for them The winner is decided, and then fight back."

"Then why don't we go straight back to Casterly Rock?"

Tywin asked calmly. He actually had the answer in his heart, but subconsciously wanted to test his son.

"It's too far from Casterly Rock City to King's Landing. If you don't go to the Riverland, you have to take a detour from the south and wait until King's Landing decides the winner. Even if the news spreads to Casterly Rock City immediately, it will take us no time to gather the army. When we reach King's Landing , they must be ready."

"Stannis has won, at least the Stormlands and the King's Land will support him, and he has a royal fleet, and he is not afraid of our siege at all."

"Renly has won, and the Reach is also our enemy. We don't have to go to King's Landing anymore. Let's prepare to defend against the attack of these roses from the south."

At this point, all of Tyrion's plans were on the table. He looked at his father with an extremely serious tone:

"Father, if we want to be safe, then go back to Casterly Rock immediately. It is best to watch the brothers Baratheon fighting each other. We don't need to stay in King's Landing for a day. But if we want to gamble on a chance of victory, then Father……"

"We have to get ready."

(End of this chapter)

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