Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 185 A place further north than the North

Chapter 185 A place further north than the North
Not surprisingly, Clay once again had all the cavalry forces in the north, and no one objected.

The last time I won it was clean and tidy, so this time it will be much smoother to take over the military power.

Although some families are already worried that the Mandalay family's power is too large, coupled with Clay, a general on the battlefield who holds military power, there may be some unexpected situations in the future.

But for most nobles, they must first ensure that most of the troops they bring out can come back alive.

The interests of the family come first. For the loyalty of the Stark family, most of the time, they must make concessions for the interests of the family.

The northern border is sparsely populated. If tens of thousands of people were killed or injured in the First World War, it would be considered traumatic for the entire northern border. You must know that these are strong laborers who play an irreplaceable role in the production process of this era.

If all the troops pulled out by a small noble were wiped out, it would not only be a matter of pensions for these people, but it would also mean that the strength of this territory would seriously decline in all aspects.

Taxes, public affairs, security, war potential, etc., all of which must be supported by mature men. There are not enough men, and in this era, it is impossible to even think about it.

Therefore, they don't care about your Mandalay family, as long as Clay Mandalay can lead their soldiers to defeat all opponents and bring back most of their soldiers, it is best to carry a full load of soldiers like last time. full of loot.

Such a commander-in-chief is what all soldiers dream of.

Under such a major premise, Clay's position as commander of the cavalry cannot be shaken. Anyone who dares to object will be in trouble with everyone.

This war has two meanings of blessing. The first is the revenge war of the Stark family. It is more just than the last time. This problem does not exist.

Also, after hundreds of years, Robb Stark once again took the crown of King of the North, which has different meanings for the whole North, as the whole of Westeros, and Dorne go hand in hand The birthplace of the two major separatisms, the pursuit of independence in the northern border has always existed objectively.

For Rob Stark, if this battle is won, the southerners will not have the power to interfere with the independence of the northern border. What are the Baratheons?
Two days before leaving Ba, Clay, who was patrolling the camp outside the city, was suddenly stopped by Winterfell soldiers who came on horseback. Clay went in without knowing it, and the Earl of Deepwood Castle who followed him directly frowned and asked:
"What's the matter, tell me quickly, the adults still have to patrol the camp, and the soldiers' equipment must be carefully checked."

"Master Clay, Sir Rodrik has sent a message that His Majesty wants you to return to the city now, saying that there are people coming from the Great Wall, do you see?"

"The Great Wall? Alright, I understand. Now go back and tell Sir Rodrik that I will return to the city immediately after I arrange the affairs."

Clay nodded, it was not difficult for this Stark family soldier in a direwolf hood, waved him away.

Earl Glover was a little strange, and said doubtfully:
"Someone from the Great Wall, the Night's Watch Legion came to find us? Wouldn't it be Lord Ed's younger brother Ban Yang who has returned? Moreover, even if Ban Yang returns, it is a matter for their Stark family. what is the relationship?"

What Earl Glover said was exactly what Clay wanted to know, but it was inconvenient for him to talk about it, so he could only say:

"I don't know, let's go and see it first. In this way, you continue to patrol the camp and make a statistics on the equipment of the soldiers. I have to know what the situation of the soldiers under my hands is. The generals on the battlefield don't know the soldiers, but they have to go out." questionable."

After Clay explained to Earl Glover, the Earl of Deepwood Motte is still under Clay's command this time. After all, he is an old acquaintance from the last war.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Clay pulled the rein of his horse and drove towards Winterfell. He suddenly realized that besides the valley, he had neglected a more critical place.


When Clay stepped into the main hall of the Winterfell Castle, he saw two people, one old and one young. He didn't recognize the old one, but the young one. He still remembered the thin face.

"Jon? Why are you back?"

Clay was very surprised. How could the wind from his little butterfly fan blow to the isolated Great Wall?Shouldn't Jon be on the Wall forever?what 's wrong?
"Clay, I'm... very glad to see you again. I've heard Rob talk about your achievements in the last trip to the south. I really admire you."

Jon Snow's tone was quite serious, but he was obviously a young man who wanted to show his maturity and stability and made it deliberately. Clay's impression of Jon was not how he spoke.

"It's alright, alright, it's really cold at the Great Wall, it froze your tongue, Jon, so you can't speak well, can you?"

Clay walked towards him with a smile, then looked at the other two people in the room, the old man, and Rob Stark sitting in front of the fireplace.

Pulling up a chair and sitting down, Clay took off his gloves, looked at Robb Stark, who was in the main seat, with an ugly face, and asked directly:

"Rob, why did you call me back?"

Rob opened his folded palms, pointed to the gray-haired old man in black night watchman's clothes beside Jon, and said:

"Clay, let me introduce you. This is Jeor Mormont, the 997th commander-in-chief of the Night Watch Corps. He brought Jon here."

Jeor Mormont?Isn't this Old Bear?My God, why did he, the commander, follow him? What happened to the Great Wall?
In Clay's impression, counting the time, it won't be long before this respected commander-in-chief of the night watchmen will be successfully backstabbed by his subordinates and eventually die outside the Great Wall. changed.

"Hello, Commander-in-Chief, I am not Stark, and I cannot welcome the Night Watchmen on behalf of this castle again. However, White Harbor welcomes the Night Watchmen at any time. If I need soldiers, I will contact my Uncle Willis and let him cleared the dungeons of the airport."

In the northern border, the treatment of night watchmen is much better than in the south. It can be said that the treatment of night watchmen dressed in black walking on the land south of the Neck is not much different from that of demon hunters in another world.

Fear, contempt, swearing at each other, the elder brother doesn't laugh at the second elder brother, it's really the same, but the night watchman is an official at any rate, and the real ordinary people don't dare to do anything.

In the northern border, the night watchman has always had a good relationship with the major families in the northern border, because in fact the night watchman is guarding the gate for the gentlemen. If they fall and the Great Wall falls, then the threat from the north will have to come The northern nobles came to resist.

Everyone in the northern border still recognizes the title of the kingdom's strong shield. Therefore, all castles in the northern border welcome the arrival of the night watchman, and they will probably not refuse the support of the personnel.

"Then I won't be polite. The Great Wall really needs support now. My visit this time doesn't bring any good news."

Lord Commander Jeor Mormont had a helpless look on his old face. There was a glass of water on the long table in front of him, but he obviously didn't have time to drink it, and it was completely cold now.

"Well, Clay Mandalay, right? Sorry, I haven't paid attention to the news from the south for a long time. In fact, if it weren't for your prestige on the battlefield, I wouldn't even know you existed."

There was a gentle smile on Jeor Mormont's face, and Clay noticed that sitting next to him was Jon Snow, who was also dressed in black, with a long sword hanging from his waist. It should be the inheritance of the Mormont family, the Valyrian steel sword "Longclaw".

"Commander-in-Chief, let's talk about these things later. I want to hear what you mean by "bad news". After all, I don't think the situation can be that bad when the army gathers."

In fact, Clay has vaguely understood the meaning of the bad news. After all, northerners listen to ghost stories about things like wandering ghosts, but Clay knows that they do exist.

As the representative of the magical side of the world, the White Walker is actually the most difficult to grasp. Combined with what the Three-Eyed Crow told himself at the beginning, the purpose of the old god faction he represents is to maintain stability, and the purpose of supporting Clay is to prevent the Helo's power is overblown.

"Okay, it seems that the young general thinks I'm a long-winded old man, then okay, I'll tell you."

"Clay, have you heard the rumors of the White Walkers?"

The commander-in-chief's tone suddenly became serious. Of course Clay knew it, but he couldn't know it now, so he could only follow along with the performance. He froze for a moment, and asked in an uncertain tone:

"White ghost, isn't this a legend? I have always listened to this kind of thing as a story."

"Yes, most people are like this, and I used to be like this too, but now, I don't think so. I'm here this time to tell everyone in Winterfell that the White Walkers really exist, and they ,came back."

Clay's heart moved. Sure enough, because of his own influence, the news of the White Walker's attack spread to Winterfell, the capital of the northern border. However, if Clay remembers correctly, isn't there a magic barrier on the Great Wall?
If there are no unexpected circumstances, such as Daenerys's mindless behavior of sending the dragon angrily, the Great Wall should not collapse. As for him, the commander-in-chief, will he go there in person?

"Commander-in-Chief, I completely believe in you. Although this may sound like a child's prank, but if you tell me, then this matter must be an established fact. I believe in the existence of ghosts. You continue to say .”

Clay's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. When Rob Stark heard the news, he repeatedly checked with Commander Mormont to see if he was wrong, but Clay accepted it directly. .

"Hmm... Thank you Lord Clay for your understanding, then I will continue."

"The beginning of this incident was our three ranger brothers who went north from the Great Wall, led by a kid named Waymar Royce. They were chasing the wildlings, and then lost the news."

"When we found them, they had turned into stiff corpses, and there was another one, who should have been a deserter. King Robb told me that he died at the hands of Lord Ed Stark."

"Yes, I also participated in that execution at that time."

"Later, their frozen bodies were brought back to Castle Black, and then, one night, they opened their ice-blue eyes, and the bodies, alive."

Clay frowned, these words would be pure nonsense to anyone who didn't know, but Clay knew very well that this must be true, and the threat of the White Walkers did indeed exist.

"We have to raise our swords against our former brothers. However, our steel swords can't kill them. We cut off their arms, and it doesn't affect their actions at all. They are no longer human."

"In the end, it was the Valyrian steel sword that killed the thing."

Jon Snow added that he knew this very well, after all, he had seen it with his own eyes.

Clay frowned and said nothing. He vaguely remembered these things, but the total strength of the Night Watchmen was 1000, so everything should be resolved. It should not be enough for Winter City to ask for help.

The memory of Lord Commander Mormont was still going on. He finally realized that he was thirsty, and regardless of the temperature of the cold water, he directly raised his head and drank it, took a breath, and continued:

"We killed them, and after that, the savages in the north, led by their king, a guy named Mance Rayder, kept approaching the Great Wall. After we realized the danger, we ordered the chief ranger Ban Yang Stark led 300 men out of the fortress."

"They came back at last, but only a dozen or so, brothers who escaped death, brought us news that the White Walkers did exist, and they said, Our brothers were killed by things that were cold as ice After death, it will become a corpse that can move."

"Also, a brother who rushed to the forefront following Banyan Stark told us an unexpected news with trembling. He told us that there are more than two enemies in the north, white ghosts, wildlings, and There are... some guys in hideous armor."

Hearing the news that was completely changed beyond recognition, Clay fell into deep thought. In his impression, shouldn't this expedition be led by Commander Mormont to find the missing Benjon Stark?
It turned out that Lord Commander Mormont sent Banyan Stark north to expel the wildlings, but he encountered the White Walkers, and the dead were almost the same. What's going on?
Moreover, Clay noticed the Commander-in-Chief's last words, something wearing hideous armor, this is definitely an accident.

The White Walkers themselves are not mindless shadow creatures. Rather than saying that they are ghosts, they are more like intelligent creatures built by cold magic that live in a icy and snowy environment.

The opposite of them is a giant dragon made of fire magic. Clay understands this, but the problem is that in his impression, the White Walkers don't have any settings such as hideous armor.

Shouldn't their pale bodies be covered with ice armor formed by cold magic?There is no way to make steel in that place, so how could it be possible to build any kind of armor? Moreover, the White Walkers don't need armor, isn't that superfluous?

Suddenly, a picture of the White Walker in the north of the Great Wall, swinging a sledgehammer under the eyes of Hanshen, lighting a fire and striking iron, automatically printed in his mind.

So, assuming the lucky one alive reads it right, it's interesting because it's something new beyond Clay's memory.

"Later, Mance Rayder, the king of the wildlings beyond the Great Wall, quickly approached the Great Wall in a short period of time. Mance Rayder sent a messenger asking us to let them enter the Great Wall."

"The reason they gave was that there were two things chasing them from the north, the white White Walkers who slew their people and transformed them into ghouls like walking corpses, and the White Walkers, who wore hideous iron armor and rode war horses also in armor. The knights are wantonly arresting their people."

"Mance Rayder said that they have already paid a loss of 2 people along the way, and they can't hold on any longer. Otherwise, they would never surrender to us black crows."

When Lord Commander Mormont said this, there was a hint of disdain and sarcasm, and a little worry.

He knew very well that these savages who called themselves freemen flaunted the so-called spirit of freedom, but they were actually not ready to reconcile with the southerners.

The stubbornness of the wildlings is equal to the character of Stannis, and yet, what fear is chasing after them that can force the king of the wildlings to surrender to the night's watch army they call the black ravens, begging for life.

The ghouls transformed by the White Walkers and them are actually slightly strengthened zombies with superimposed magical abilities, but in fact it is not difficult to restrain them. The large number of dragon crystals contained on Dragonstone Island contain thin fire magic.

Just like why the Three-Eyed Crow is so afraid of Clay, once the magic of different origins breaks into the opponent's body, it will cause the body made of magic to collapse from the inside.

Therefore, for Clay, the White Walkers and the so-called Legion of the Dead are actually not a problem. Even if the creatures outside the Great Wall are all dead, it doesn't matter if they all become ghouls. As long as the number doesn't increase, it doesn't matter. .

"The commander-in-chief means to let these savages in. After all, if these people are allowed to be outside the Great Wall, if they are all transformed into that kind of thing, it will be a huge pressure on us."

Robb Stark added.

Clay nodded, looked at Commander Mormont who was silent, and asked:
"My lord commander, tell me the truth here. If you really don't let a wildling in, they will definitely go crazy. With the current night watchman army, can you stop them?"

Yes, what do you think Mance Rayder would do if the Night's Watch rejected the wildlings knowing that the White Walkers and that mysterious enemy were eating away at them?
If you want to survive, there is only one solution, and that is to take a chance on the Great Wall guarded by the Night Watch Corps. If you can defeat it, it is better to go to the south of the Great Wall, even if it is one person, than to die in the north of the Great Wall.

Hearing Clay's question, Commander-in-Chief Mormont knew that this young general on the battlefield had figured out the key to this question.

There are only 1000 people in the Night Watch Corps, and they have to guard such a long line of defense of the Great Wall. In fact, there are only three castles along the Great Wall that are still active.

Mance Rayder claims to have an army of 1000. Even if there are only [-] of them who can fight, it is definitely not enough for these [-] people to defend. Besides, Clay knows very well that the Grand Canyon on the west side of the Great Wall can be bypassed theoretically. of.

Even if a few hundred people were bypassed to launch a surprise attack on the Night Watch Corps, the price the Legion could not bear, and after so many battles, it is the blessings of the gods that there are only 700 people left under the Night Watch Corps up.

 Here, I believe that some readers already know what I changed and added. Yes, the protagonist’s system has not been activated during this period of time. It seems that the witcher has become a chicken rib, but don’t worry, they will play a role later. When working, after all, demon hunters, demon hunters, must do something that suits their status.

  Don't worry, it's not yet the time when the celestial spheres converge, and the main theme is still the unification war of the seven kingdoms, but there are some things that I have to pave the way in advance.

  The basic logic of the fan stories of Game of Thrones is, civil war, win the civil war, crush the aliens with great strength, and then end or can’t write any more.

  As one of Martin's bosses, I always felt that the White Walkers couldn't be so weak, and they were like zombies in the play, but that's not the case at all.

(End of this chapter)

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