Chapter 188 Nothing to say
Mance Rayder's stubbornness has once again refreshed Clay's understanding of the four words of life and death. It turns out that a person's ignorance and arrogance, as well as the so-called self-esteem that doesn't make sense, can really make him do anything. can not see clearly.

After seeing the negotiators sent by Commander-in-Chief Mormont for the last time, deprived of weapons and equipment, and driven back in embarrassment, Clay knew that there was no way to talk to these people.

There is nothing to talk about, so let’s fight. Anyway, Clay believes that only those who are beaten are real. It is really possible to expect these tens of thousands of savages to sincerely obey the management of the night watchman who only has a few hundred people and bears a blood feud. It's not big.

At night, Clay used the human elevator of the Night Watch Corps to climb to the top of the Great Wall. He wanted to see the situation of the wildling camp with his own eyes.

It has to be said that the height and thickness of the Great Wall can indeed be called a miracle. Such a large amount of engineering, if there is no magic involved in it, it is impossible to build such a majestic city wall with the manpower and material resources of the northern border. .

On the other hand, if the Northern Territory really relied on human wisdom to cast such an awesome building, then why, most of the castles of the nobles in the Northern Territory that Clay saw were as shabby as a small courtyard? of?

You must know that under the current social system, the core, the absolute core, of any place is the aristocratic manor or castle of this place, because this is the most important node of social order.

Therefore, if the northern border really had the technology to forge the Great Wall, the castles of each family would definitely not look like this.

Wearing a thick fur cloak, without the sunlight, the unscrupulous snowflakes have changed from white to a kind of gray-black, recklessly sneaking into the gaps in people's clothes.

"Clay, look, that's Mance Rayder's camp, and even the trees in the Haunted Forest can't stop their fire."

Jon Snow led Clay to the top of the Great Wall. At this time, he was pointing at the outside of the wall made of ice, in the endless forest of ghosts, the dots of fire revealed.

That was where the savage army was stationed, and every bit of fire almost represented the smallest tent, with at least ten people.

But at this time, in Clay's eyes, the flames were like husks scattered on the ground in the valley, and he couldn't count them at all. He understood why Lord Commander Mormont told him that Mance Rayder was bluffing.

If people were really counted under all the torches, then the savage legion pressing outside the city might have exceeded 10 people.

Among other things, as far as the social form of savages is concerned, he will never be able to develop an organization that can organize a hundred thousand troops. This is not as simple as drawing a line on the map to level A.

10 people, not to mention all the army, what do you do with the logistics alone?What about camping?What about the flow of information?
There is no solution at all, there is a vast snowfield outside, if there are really 10 people here, then it means that there must be a huge herd of livestock behind, or a huge food reserve.

If it wasn't like this, just expecting the various tribes who came to bring their own food, hehe, without waiting for Clay to come, this huge camp would be messed up by itself due to various problems.

Clay estimates that the number of enemies he faces is at most 5 to [-], and there may be only [-] adult males who can truly be called combat effectiveness. "Soldiers" who hold weapons that can threaten the lives of their soldiers may Just a few thousand people.

Therefore, Mance Rayder claims to have an army of [-], which looks scary, but in fact, there are not many soldiers to fight at all. Of course, he can't be too harsh. People who are qualified to challenge the Great Wall still have two brushes.

"Mance Rayder, the king of the savages, is very courageous. This camp is almost on your face. This is because you don't have enough troops to go out of the city to attack him."

Clay puffed out white gas, and grabbed a handful of fresh snow on the battlements with his leather-gloved palm. The gray-white snow was deformed and shattered in his hands, leaving a small ball in his hand.

"Just because of his audacity, I have the obligation to teach him what a real war is. I must smash him into his camp like a kid playing house."

When he heard this, Jon Snow beside Clay secretly observed his expression. There was no wave on his face as young as himself. It seemed that he was just saying that something was about to happen, and there would be no surprises. inevitable result.

Jon Snow was shocked. When he left Winterfell to be a night watchman, he saw Clay for the last time. At that time, the other party gave him the feeling that he was a high-spirited young man.

After all, being the heir of the Mandalay family is equivalent to Rob's status in the Stark family.

But now, Jon Snow feels very strange to Clay, and his disregard for human life between words makes his back slightly chill. There are tens of thousands of people. According to him, is this going to be done directly? ?

"Clay, they didn't do anything wrong, they all want to live..."

Before Jon Snow finished speaking, he was interrupted by Clay raising his hand. He glanced at Jon Snow without warmth, and said with a sneer:
"Jon, I consider you a brother, but I am not your father, and I have no obligation to teach you to be smart. I will only say this once, and you will remember it."

He looked Jon in the eyes, and said slowly:
"Put away your pity. If you want to stay in this place, don't say what you just said. Use your brain to think about it. Most people in this place don't hate wildlings to the bone?"

"How long have you been here? How many of their sworn brothers have fallen to wildlings' battered weapons before this?"

"Besides, after they disobeyed discipline and let go of the Great Wall, what will our people in the northern border do? At that time, they will scatter to various places in the northern border, plunder, rape women, kill, destroy, what they do outside the Great Wall, Can you imagine what would happen on northern lands?"

Seeing that Jon Snow was silent, Clay gave the answer directly, he said:

"At that time, the angry adults in the north, such as the Umber family, the Karstark family, and your Stark family in Winterfell, will send troops to hunt them down directly, and Lord Bolton of the Dreadfort, They will take their skins off and hang them on the walls to dry."

"It's not like that, let our people in the north pay their tears and blood, and then catch and kill these savages, it's better to just give them a pot now."

Clay turned around, no longer looking at Jon Snow's dejected expression, he said to himself, as if whispering softly:

"I also want to thank you Mance Rayder, thank you for helping me gather these people together, just wait, tomorrow morning, I will use my own sword to repay your dedication."

The young man in the gray and white cloak looked out of the city wall with deep eyes at the camp with flickering bonfires. That was his prey, he understood.

And the young man with a black cloak and black hair covered with snowflakes, almost blending into the night, stared blankly at the brazier flickering in the cold wind at his feet, speechless.

In just a few months, no matter how long it takes, the two young men who were drinking and bragging in the dungeon of Winterfell have become speechless.

Their lives, perhaps after this incident, never intersect again.

Clay will return to the south and continue to complete what he should do, while Jon Snow will freeze in the loneliest corner of the world along with the big ice lump of the Great Wall.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here, I hope the people outside the wall can sleep well tonight and dream about everything they want."

Clay walked towards the elevator, the remaining voice was shattered by the fierce cold wind:

"Because many of them will no longer be able to see the sun after tomorrow, and of course, dreams will no longer find them..."

(End of this chapter)

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