Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 196 The Beginning of the Battle of King's Landing

Chapter 196 The Beginning of the Battle of King's Landing

Time in this world will not stand still because of anyone.

While Clay was busy dealing with a large group of hungry and thirsty guys in the north, a big drama was also going on in the city of King's Landing thousands of miles away to the south.

The news that Lannister was about to fail, like a gust of wind, instantly reached the ears of the two brothers Baratheon.

It's impossible to say that I don't feel itchy in my heart. The current situation is that, the two Baratheons, Stannis and Renly, it doesn't matter whether they can catch the false king Joffrey, whoever puts his ass first In that chair comes first.

Therefore, Stannis, who has been staying at sea without moving his nest, finally landed from the shore near the Mud Gate with 1 people.

It's not that Stannis doesn't want to bring more people, but that he only has so many people. Dragonstone itself is sparsely populated, plus some nobles from the Stormlands, a small number of royal nobles to support, and people from the original royal fleet, Stan Only then did Nice get together 1 people.

Facing Renly's [-] army, Stannis is naturally at a disadvantage, but it doesn't matter, because once he successfully sits on the Iron Throne, the vassals of the original Baratheon family will not treat him hands-on.

The facts are there, Robert is dead, Joffrey is a villain, so no matter how you look at it, it is Stannis' turn to take the throne of Baratheon, the law of succession is clear, and everyone knows it.

It's just that Renly was named the Duke of Storm's End by Robert, and became the lord of the entire Stormlands. In addition, he is a Baratheon himself, and he is also very charming, so everyone followed him.

But now, the real heirs have all entered the city, sitting on the Iron Throne and becoming king. They, the vassals of Baratheon, hold up the banner of Baratheon to attack another Baratheon on the throne, Isn't this a bit of a rebellious taste?

"Your Majesty, the old lion Tywin is probably not doing well. We made a charge yesterday and persisted on the dragon gate for a long time. We almost took it down, but then the old lion went crazy. , we just withdrew."

The person who spoke was an earl leading troops under King Renly Baratheon. When the news of Lannister's failure reached Renly, the itchy Renly sent someone to step up the siege. strength.

And Lannister's defensive strength is indeed getting weaker day by day. Renly can see it standing in the camp and observing the battle situation, but it is helpless. After all, Lannister still has an elite army of more than 2 people. It is impossible to destroy them.

But at this moment, Stannis arrived. There was no way, Renly was forced to stop the attack, and sent 2 people to block the south to prevent Stannis from making a surprise attack on his camp.

Renly didn't send people to camp near the Mud Gate at all, because not far from the Mud Gate is the wharf of King's Landing, and the entire Blackwater Bay is under the control of Stannis. Right between Lannister and Stannis.

Although Renly didn't know how to fight, his men were not fools. Lord Randall Tarly held firm objections to this matter, and convinced everyone present with a topographic map of King's Landing.

Therefore, the current form of King's Landing has changed. Lannister is in the city, but the defense line is gradually shrinking. Moreover, many of the defense weapons at the top of the city have been smashed and cannot play a role in defending the city.

Without these things, as soon as Renly's army reached the top of the wall, it would be a brutal hand-to-hand combat, fighting for consumption. Lannister would not dare to play like this with Renly, and he would be exhausted to death.

Renly's army surrounded the entire west, north, and southwest of King's Landing. Renly's army surrounded six of the seven gates, leaving only the Mud Gate to belong to Stannis' troops.

Renly never took action against Stannis, because he knew very well that the vassals under him would not agree. It would be easy to say that Lannister had been wiped out, but now, there is no such possibility at all.

As for Stannis, he didn't have such concerns, it was just that his own strength was too weak. Renly sent 2 people to stop him.

When the three sides confronted each other, things suddenly changed, because the Lannister defenders at the Mud Gate seemed to have some communication with Stannis outside the city.


"So, what Duke Tywin means is that he abolished Joffrey's damned throne, and then opened the mud door to let me enter the city to become king, and he bowed his knees to me, on the condition that he spared their entire family and guaranteed their western border Guard position?"

In the camp, Stannis stared at the little dwarf in front of him, shaking the letter on his hand with a strange look on his face. He didn't quite understand what Tywin Lannister was doing.

"Dwarf, tell me, what on earth was your shrewd father sending you to me for? If you really want to surrender, why don't you ask my good brother Renly? He has a much better reputation than my brother. "

In terms of prestige, Stannis Baratheon is still self-aware. He is very aware of his character flaws, so he can't understand why Tywin Lannister chose to surrender to himself.

Tyrion, who was slightly higher than the long table, was wearing luxurious clothes embroidered with golden warriors, but his messy beard spoiled the beauty. He looked at Stannis with a relaxed expression on his face.

"You have two questions, my lord."

Tyrion shook his finger, even though Stannis still called him Duke, which was the title of Stannis in Robert's time. Everyone around him glared at Tyrion, but Stannis's face remained unchanged .

"To the first question, my answer is that my beloved father might want to use your hands to kill me, Lord Duke. After all, he doesn't want to be charged with kinslaughter."

"The second question, um... this is what my father said, let me learn it for you, ahem..."

Tyrion adjusted his posture, walked towards the center of the tent with his hands behind his back, imitating Tywin Lannister's pace and tone, and said slowly:
"Stannis is the stinky stone in the latrine, but no matter how stinky the stone is, it will be heavy and will not be repeated easily. Renly is like the clouds in the sky. One moment is blue sky and white clouds, and the next second is dark clouds overwhelming the city."

After imitating his father's words, Tyrion spread his hands and filled himself with half a bottle of wine in Stany's glass on the table. He took a breath and drank all the sour wine in one gulp.

Stannis understood what he meant. He was saying that he had a hard ear, and once he agreed to Lannister's surrender, he would not move them easily. Renly was a capricious guy, even if Lannister opened There is no guarantee that there will be no Targaryen disaster.

What they did themselves will happen to them again after more than ten years. It is impossible to say that they are not afraid. The isolated city is not guarded. Generals with a little experience know this.

Nodding thoughtfully, Stannis continued:
"Tyrion Lannister, it's not because you can't hold on to your troops. You can't hide this trick from me. As long as my brother and those delicate roses are capable, Tywin will not be forced to surrender. To the extent that there are other reasons, right?"

Tyrion grinned and didn't answer half a word, but he had to sigh in his heart that Stannis's judgment was accurate. Indeed, the reason why Lannister could not persist in King's Landing was not because of the military at all.

Rather, it lies in how to feed the hundreds of thousands of mouths in this city.

Yes, while Clay was busy running around in Slaver's Bay, Dorne, the Northern Territory, and beyond the Wall, Lannister, who had been standing firm, finally reached the end of his rope... Well, in terms of food.

All the granaries in King's Landing will soon be sold out, and a little bit of food in the city can be sold for sky-high prices. People are starving to death.

Under such circumstances, the cost of Lannister maintaining law and order in King's Landing suddenly became unacceptably high.

Think about it, every patrol, there may be a hand stretched out from the shadows, and this hand holds a stained blade, and the owner of the hand has a pair of hungry green eyes.

In a very short period of time, the order in most places in the city was out of control. The people of King's Landing did everything they could to get a bite to eat, while the gold robes who had been transferred to the city could only keep the rich and the nobles to live. The people here still have food in the area, so the order is pretty good, but that's all.

Every night, standing on the high platform of the Prime Minister's Tower, Tyrion can see sparks in the city of King's Landing, because he is far away, and if he is close, it will be a raging fire.

It can be said that King Joffrey has actually lost control of King's Landing, most of his capital, except for a few main roads and wealthy areas, the gold robes dare not take a step to other places.

That is because more than 2 people like Tywin Lannister, who murdered without batting an eyelid, were in the city, and the hungry mob still had brains, and they didn't have the guts to attack the army directly, otherwise, the city would be in complete chaos.

"I didn't say anything, Stannis, you know better than I what kind of people live in King's Landing."

"Okay, I understand what you mean, I can let Tywin and you guys go, but Lannister must never keep the crown, that brat must kneel at my feet, this is the bottom line."

"Yes, but my elder sister may not agree with it, but my father is clear-headed, and he will probably handle this matter with his head."

In fact, the current situation is the same as when Clay and Melisandre were dealing with each other. The three parties confronted each other, and the party with the initiative could form an alliance with any party, but this party did not dare to say no.

Because once you refuse, it means that you don't want to cooperate with me, then... I will cooperate with your competitors.

"We will open the Mud Gate tomorrow evening and let your army enter the city. However, after that, all our troops will try to break through. Since Joffrey is no longer the king, the Lannister family will not stay here any longer." It is necessary to go down."

Stannis was silent for a while, and the staff next to him were also silent. Frankly speaking, this actually created a problem for them, because if Lannister ran away, Stannis with only 1 people, why Defend King's Landing City?

But the reverse is still the same sentence, can you refuse?

No, you, Stannis, don't agree. This is killing the Lannister family. They turned around and formed an alliance with Renly. Anyway, they kneel down. Whoever gives me my life will kneel down.

"Yes, I agree, but you must ensure that our army fully controls the city defenses and breaks through after taking over the seven city gates of King's Landing."

"That's okay, we're all planning to go, what are we still doing here?"

"Then I hope you will keep your promise, otherwise, I will put aside the conflict with Renly for the time being, and drag you Lannisters out of the Red Keep and slaughter them first."

"You kill it, anyway, the Lannisters in the Red Castle, you can kill whatever you want, except for my brother, and the rest are up to you."

"...Stop making wisecracks here, Tyrion Lannister, and stay with me till my army enters the Mudgate."

"One condition, give me enough good wine, don't want Donne's horse piss! Oh yes, find me another woman, or I will suffocate to death!"

"Wine can be given to you, but women, sorry, there are no women in my army."

Tyrion Lannister left under the leadership of the soldiers, the moaning voice still remaining in the empty tent.

"Old-fashioned and stubborn Stannis, not knowing how to be flexible is really the biggest shortcoming of your life..."

Going outside the tent, looking at the King's Landing wall crouching like a giant beast at the end of his line of sight, Stannis's black eyes reflected a little bit of fire.

"Stubborn? As long as I can ascend to the throne, I am not stubborn. Tyrion Lannister, if you can see me alive, this is my concession to you. All those who stand in my way to be king, Shouldn't they all die?"

The low murmur was shattered by the wind by the Blackwater, and Stannis looked forward to his right, at the Red Keep on Aegon's High Hill, brightly lit, glaring against the dark night sky.

A year ago, his brother had died in this castle that looked glamorous but was actually dirty inside. Today, as his heir, Stannis has never felt so close to his brother's chair.

Stannis thought of Renly. In fact, what pained him most was the fact that Renly was wearing the crown.

He couldn't forgive Renly's betrayal of himself. When his brother Robert died, he spent the rest of his life to ascend the throne, but his own brother stood in front of him.

Stannis Baratheon, His Majesty the King who was about to go to the most important battle in his life, did not know how to face his younger brother.

If Renly fought with him, would he order him to be killed?
Stannis didn't want to admit it, but a voice, a voice that bothered him, kept telling him.

He has to!

 Orz, organize your thoughts. Recently, the pressure from school and work is really a bit heavy. The author's time management is still not in place, so just try your best to write!
(End of this chapter)

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