Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 220 Karstark Remnant Army

Chapter 220 Karstark Remnant Army
In the center of the beauty gathering, in a building that used to be a bakery, the soldiers of the Karstark family lit a fire for the head of the house, and the wooden boards for living were dismantled from a building not far away.

After that chaotic and bloody night that countless people don't want to recall, their team got separated from His Majesty Robb Stark's team, and had no choice but to cover the seriously injured and unconscious Rickard Casta Duke fled north.

They dare not take the big road, because any blatant march may be attacked by the cavalry in the valley. This team of more than 70 people went north all the way. Due to wound infection and attacks on the way, they arrived at the beauty market. At the time, there were only more than [-] people left, and almost everyone was injured.

They had no guide, and carefully avoided the enemy. On the way, Lord Rickard Karstark woke up once and told the soldiers to go in the direction of the Twins.

When passing by the beauties, Lord Karstark, who had been suffering from a high fever, woke up, so the team suspended the march and rested for a while at the beauties, waiting for Lord Karstark to recover before continuing north.

The bonfire was raging, and the crackling sound of the burning wood kept echoing in the ears of Earl Rickard Karstark who was sitting next to him.

"My lord... Ivan, I haven't been back for a long time. We sent someone to look for him, but we couldn't find him. I don't know where this kid went."

Rickard Karstark's bodyguard came over and interrupted the earl's thoughts.

Frowning slightly, Earl Karstark came back to his senses and thought about who Ivan was. Soon, he remembered that he was a very young boy from Kahuo City. His father should be a shoemaker in the city.

"What's going on? The Beauty Collection is such a big place, where did you send him to guard?"

"'s at the southernmost part of Beauty Market Town. There is a low bush there. He is there, alerting the situation in the south. We went to see, but the person disappeared, and there was no sign of a fight."

Thick black, dusty brows furrowed, and Rickard Karstark felt something was wrong, but the absence of a fight made him feel no need to overreact.

"Go and have a look again, remember, be careful, this kid has gone somewhere, hurry up and find it, a living person can't just disappear out of thin air."

"Yes sir."

The guard agreed, and just as he was about to leave, he heard a soldier shouting in horror from outside:
"Cavalry! Cavalry! Brigade of cavalry!"

"Go and inform the adults!"

"Damn it, where is Lao Tzu's armor? Quickly, put it on and prepare to meet the enemy!"


In the chaos, Earl Rickard Karstark heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes. He was very familiar with this sound. After all, that night not long ago, this was the bell that killed the northern army.

Earl Rickard Karstark stood up directly leaning on his long sword. It seemed that the gang of bastards in the valley had already chased him. They were planning to kill him. How abominable!

The guards rushed into the bakery, came to Earl Karstark, carried him outside, and kept shouting:

"Hurry up, my lord, go first, we will take you north, this is not far from the Twin River City, Lord Wyman Manderly is there!"

That's not wrong, the old man is indeed there. As the former lord of White Harbor, he, the so-called northerner, has become more and more dishonest.

This is something that the aristocrats in the northern border and the river have tacitly understood. After all, the strength of the Mandalay family has swelled. At this juncture where wars are everywhere, no one will be stupid enough to go mess with them.

Karstark was cursing, but he didn't struggle too much. It's not that he was cowardly, but that he really couldn't be caught by these valley people, because a big noble like him was caught and wanted to be redeemed, and the price he paid not small.

He didn't know how many nobles were captured in the northern part of Harrenhal during the Battle of Harrenhal. It's hard to say, a big defeat, he would rather these nobles die than be captured by Lannister or the people of the valley .

Staggeringly, they ran towards the bridge deck in the northeast direction of Meirenji, where their few three war horses were also tied there. As long as they rode across the bridge, they would have a chance to escape.

But just outside the town, Earl Rickard Karstark stopped in his tracks, because the opponent's cavalry had surrounded them from both sides and surrounded them in this place.

"My lord...that flag seems to seems to be the golden halberd mermaid flag of the Twin it Lord Wyman?"

Rickard Karstark was thinking about how to end himself. Hearing these words, he suddenly looked at the banner tied behind the leading cavalryman. As the guard said, it was the familiar golden halberd mermaid banner.

That is to say...

This is our own?


Twenty minutes later, in the same bakery, Earl Rickard Karstark was leaning on the straw mat, looking at Clay Manderly who stretched out his hands to warm himself, and the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

This defeat was an out-and-out heavy blow to him, a great nobleman who fought with Duke Eddard Stark and went south with King Robb Stark.

During the expedition, almost all the troops of the Karstark family came out, and almost all of the elite supporting the Karstark family were damaged in the battle of Harrenhal. It can be said that the Karstark family's vitality was seriously injured.

Now, this Clay Mandalay, the commander of the younger generation of the northern army, finally appeared in front of him, and Rickard Karstark finally let out a long breath.

In fact, Rickard disapproved from the very beginning of Robb Stark's act of underestimating the enemy and directly leading the entire army south to Harrenhal. According to him, this is called leaving the wolf's tail to the hunter. pull.

However, Rob Stark is the king, and as his vassal, Rickard Stark really can't directly disobey his orders, so he can only bite the bullet and follow the king south.

In fact, before the raid, the northern army had received news that there was a large army mobilization near the Blood Gate, and many nobles asked Rob Stark to strengthen his guard in case of accidents.

But Robb Stark insisted that the people of the valley, his aunt Lysa Tully, could not have betrayed him. battle.

Therefore, I have to say that Rickard Karstark is actually very dissatisfied with Rob Stark.

Again, under this kind of aristocratic system, the prestige of the king or the guardian duke is far inferior to that of a top-down autocratic country. Maybe, if a battle is lost, the king or the duke will have internal problems. problem.

In comparison, an emperor in an empire can take much higher risks than these kings or dukes.

"Tell me, how did you fight like this? Twenty thousand troops were slaughtered like pigs. The aloof King of the North is now besieged by Lannister in Harrenhal. You, a dignified earl, are hiding in a narrow and damp lingering in the bakery?"

Clay threw a handful of firewood into the fire, turned his head and glanced at Rickard Karstark who was sitting dazed by the fire, and asked indifferently.

Rickard came back to his senses and closed his eyes slightly. In fact, he didn't want to recall that sudden attack at all, but there was no way, Clay Mandler asked himself, so he had to say.

"Alas... At that time, our army was stationed at a position not more than fifty miles north of Harrenhal. It was already very late, and we must not be able to reach Harrenhal, so His Majesty Robert ordered the army to camp in place."

"We did as we did. Everyone thought, anyway, we can reach Harrenhal early tomorrow morning. As long as we enter Harrenhal, no one can do anything to us. After all, we have 2 people."

Clay sarcastically said:
"The darkness is the strongest before dawn. It is really stupid to relax at this time."

"Yeah, stupid."

Earl Karstark did not deny it, and nodded a little lonely.

"After the army set up camp, they suddenly heard that Lannister had been driven out of King's Landing. Everyone was very happy and thought victory was not far away."

"Just go south and bite the dying lion, and you can avenge Lord Eddard Stark."

"But... that night, the Valemen's cavalry came..."

Lord Karstark closed his eyes, he really didn't want to recall, but sometimes, he couldn't help it.

With a slightly trembling tone, Rickard Karstark said slowly:
"Thousands of horses are galloping, the whole ground is trembling, their attack has begun..."

(End of this chapter)

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