Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 246 No successor?Mad Monarch

Chapter 246 No successor?Mad Monarch

The current Tyrell family has reached the cusp.

Ever since the Tarth family messed up, the illusion of harmony created by the original marriage with Renly has been completely shattered. Renly never spoke to Margaery Tyrell again, nor Did not meet Loras Tyrell.

Renly still needs the power of House Tyrell, but doesn't trust them anymore.

After all, it is impossible for Renly to pass on his own orders and let his vassals intercept and kill the heirs of Stannis.

The disgusting thing about the Tyrell thing is that they did it, things turned upside down, and Renly had to take care of them.

How else could it be done?

Could it be that he turned against the entire Tyrell family and the entire river bend because of this?

Renly can now see the Red Castle of King's Landing from St. Baelor's Cathedral every morning. At such a close distance, he must unite all the forces he can theoretically unite, and it is impossible to cut off his limbs.

But the impact of this incident is too bad. Although the war between nobles is in many cases life and death, everyone still abides by certain rules on the surface.

For example, if the family members of the other party do not move, at most they will be held hostage, and their lives are rarely injured.

But this matter, in the eyes of outsiders, is that you Renly violated the rules, and there is another point, although Stannis is your enemy, he is still your brother Renly, the missing Celine Bay Isn't Latheon your niece?
This is your family, can you do it too?

Who dares to follow such a master with confidence and boldness?

What if one day something like this happens to my family?
So this incident was very disgusting. In order to unite the Tyrell family to help him fight for the throne, Renly had to choose to cover up the matter and calm down. He didn't listen to the explanation of the Tath family at all, and quickly completed the sentence and punishment.

The nobles below didn't know the filth of the upper class. They only thought that Renly Baratheon was mean and ungrateful. He didn't even let anyone say a word, and directly judged a big nobleman.

Moreover, even a normal person understands that without an order from above, who would dare to go beyond you, King Renly Baratheon, to attack Stannis' relatives?

Who can mobilize the army of House Tarth except you, Renly Baratheon?
Although Renly vehemently denies it, even the reason for punishing the Tarth family is not an attack on Stannis' relatives, but a very funny charge of poor defense of the defense zone.

I don't know who he wants to protect because of his disadvantage as a guard.

The lower nobles could only sigh a long sigh about this matter, and their perception of Renly Baratheon had become very bad, and they couldn't do anything extra.

After all, it was the housework of the Baratheon family, so what reason did they have to talk more?
And the big nobles who know a little bit about the inside story understand that Renly's Baratheon family, and even the entire Stormlands in the future, have already fought with the biggest hero in this war (if Renly can win), the Tyrell family. , resulting in a non-healable crack.

The Tyrell family planned this incident, and they could easily stay out of the matter if they refused to admit the last sentence. While making Renly dirty, it also kept Stannis and Renly alive.

This is forcing Renly not to compromise with Stannis, and must fight to the end. In order to realize their Tyrell family's ambition for the Iron Throne, they will do everything possible.


In a way, they did succeed.

Because when Stannis, who was sitting on the Iron Throne, heard about the accident on Dragonstone Island, he immediately thought of his good brother Renly.

"How dare he! How dare!"

Stannis couldn't believe it. Before, he had never thought that Renly would lay hands on his family.

Before his eldest brother Robert left, although Renly ridiculed himself as a stinky rock, he was still very good to Celine.

Moreover, wars between men never harm female relatives. This is also the tacit understanding between the two brothers since they started the war.

But now, Stannis is once again paying the price for his self-righteousness.

As the sea minister of the entire Seven Kingdoms for quite a long time, Stannis knew all too well what the naval power of the Seven Kingdoms was like.

Renly's side said it was pirates, and the gossip that came out was that Renly's vassals, the Tarth family, were behind it.

Of course Stannis knew who did it, and was even angrier at Renly's denial.

"I want to know where my daughter is! If that bastard Renly dares to do anything to Celine, I will cut off Renly's head and avenge my daughter!"

Stannis, who was sitting on the Iron Throne, slapped the armrest angrily, and was cut by the sharp blade on the Iron Throne, and the blood flowed out immediately, but the gray-haired king didn't seem to feel it.

The bright red blood flowed on the pitch-black throne, and under the light of the candle, there was a strange beauty.

"Go and find out! Go and ask Renly, where is my daughter! Tell him, if I don't hand over my daughter, I will fight him to the death, and then burn this criminal place to nothing!"

Stannis growled angrily at the loyal nobles standing in the throne room.

The nobles below fell silent. They had never seen Stannis like this.

Although the former King Stannis had a bad temper and was as stubborn as a rock, he didn't get angry easily. Just seeing his face that could freeze people was enough to scare the people below.

But this time, Stannis was truly outraged.

His daughter Celine can be said to be his only weakness. He is not a womanizer, he spares no money, and all he wants is the throne.

Such a person is terrible because you cannot use him.

But now, someone has lifted his reverse scales, it is strange that he is not angry, after all, he is his only heir.

He told his men more than once that if something happened to him, he wanted them to assist Celine Baratheon to ascend to the throne.

But now, that last hope was snuffed out, so what if he, Stannis, took the throne?
Decades later, he died alone on the Iron Throne, just like the tyrant Maegor I, who immediately handed over the kingdom he had paid for to others after his death.

Fighting back and forth, I don't know how much blood was shed, but in the end it was all in vain.

Therefore, Stannis' only hope now is that Celine was just kidnapped by Renly, and as long as he can find a way to get it back, there is hope for everything.

Looking at the vassals who looked at each other in blank dismay, no one moved, the blood from the wounds on their hands soaked their robes, making the furious Stannis crazy and terrifying.


Stannis roared again, this time, everyone didn't want to suffer from Stannis' bad luck here, they looked at each other, and filed away.

I don't know who it is, but when he walked out of the gate of the throne room, he said quietly:
"Our Majesty is really like a mad king..."

Hearing the words that were spoken by someone who did not know, everyone turned their heads, and through the long hall surrounded by candlelight, they saw the panting figure leaning on the Iron Throne on the high throne.

Somehow, the elderly nobles gradually merged everything in front of them with a figure that appeared here more than ten years ago.

Alone, hopeless, full of anger, mad.



After news of Dragonstone Island reached King's Landing, the brutal bloody battle that had originally taken place on the Long Street in King's Landing suddenly stopped.

Renly Baratheon gave the order to stop all attacks on the front line, and the army retreated a certain distance, abandoning the occupied blocks.

Facing the angry Tyrell family, Renly stared at them coldly without saying a word.

Later, these guys had a guilty conscience and resigned in embarrassment, leaving behind Renly's rainbow guards to protect the self-proclaimed King of the Seven Kingdoms.

The same loneliness, no one can believe, no one can tell.


"What should I do, my lords, are we really going to send someone to negotiate with Renly as His Majesty Stannis said?"

The adults who came out of the throne room came to the Prime Minister's Tower, where Tywin Lannister loved to stay, to discuss countermeasures.

This is not a good job.

Obviously, if Renly did this, it would mean that Renly had pinched Stannis' only heir.

How big are their faces?Can Renly hand him over just by going there?

I'm afraid the only way to do it is to give up the Iron Throne, His Majesty Stannis take off the crown, kneel down and surrender.

Another possibility is that people are not in Renly's hands at all, so it is useless for them to go, after all, Renly will not change the living.

In the last case, Princess Celine has already encountered an accident, if that is the case...

It seems that it is not impossible to change the allegiance of Baratheon.

This kind of idea is in everyone's mind, it is tacit understanding.

It's very simple, the boss you follow has no descendants, which means that this small group has no future, who will mess with you.

Celine Baratheon was still there before, and although everyone knew that the little girl was suffering from greyscale, she was Stannis' flesh and blood anyway, so everyone recognized it.

But this is not the case now. If Celine Baratheon is really gone, then don't blame the people below for having other thoughts.

"Then what can we do? We are now the vassals of His Majesty Stannis, and it is only natural to rescue Princess Celine. If the princess went to see the gods, it would be pure, but now, we have to go."

A clear-headed nobleman spoke out.

Stannis is extremely sensitive now, and he knows that if there is no heir, his crown as king will be crumbling, and he is not in his 20s.

Now he has fought for half his life and is an old man. It is unrealistic to expect him to have another child.

At this juncture, if they can't get away, Stannis can immediately understand what they are thinking, just like the madness in the throne room today, what if they really learn from the mad king and kill them?
This is not impossible. With Renly's army besieged outside and no successors inside, it is not surprising that Stannis can do anything.

Another explanation for a stubborn and unreasonable person like him is that his personality is extreme. Once he really realizes that everyone is betrayed, the Red Castle may become the brightest candle in the night sky.

If I, Stannis Baratheon, cannot guard my brother's throne, neither can you people!
This is a very well-presumed logic.

"Well, since that's the case, everyone should act quickly. After communicating with Renly, let's see what to do next."

(End of this chapter)

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