Chapter 263 The Scene of Hell
The appearance of Gelesos made the originally peaceful Star Shuttle City feel as if it was facing a formidable enemy.

Although this giant dragon did nothing to this castle in the Reach, no one doubted that it could turn this city into a burning hell at any time.

Lord Titus Peake basically lost control of the entire city the moment the dragon descended.

Because, now no one listens to him.

The whole city was filled with the screams of panicked crowds.

Mixed with the cries of children, the strange screams of livestock, and the sound of things being knocked to the ground, in short, it was a mess.

People seem to have forgotten that there is a nobleman in the tall castle of Star Shuttle.

This group of ordinary people with little culture and no one to tell them the history of the Seven Kingdoms still wanted to hide in the lord's castle.

As everyone knows, the lord inside is now full of thoughts about the crooked towers of Harrenhal that were burned by dragon flames.

As the saying goes, people outside want to get in, but people inside want to get out.

Just now, Gelesos circled Star Shuttle City twice, causing almost all the horses, cattle and sheep in the entire city, including dogs, etc., to lose control of their back half, or lie on the ground trembling, or panicked. , on a rampage.

To them, the breath of the giant dragon is like a poisoned dagger, hitting the main artery on the left side of the neck.


Gelesos glanced at the situation in the city and didn't think it was strange.

When it flew to every city in Dorne, the reaction in the city was similar. Those little snacks that he regarded as food were incontinent and panting on the ground.

Anyway, after waiting outside the city for a while, the people in the city will hand out these snacks to it with trepidation, since they themselves have no interest in people.

Not tasty, although it has not eaten.

However, this time, Gelesos felt that this city, which looked colorful and would collapse at the touch of a touch, looked much more panicked than the previous cities.

The soldiers standing at the top of the city were trembling, and some of them actually wanted to run towards the ballista resting on the corner tower.

Hey, the gleaming crossbow bolt on the wooden shelf is quite big, much larger than those small toothpicks fired by human archers.

Galesos thought.

It's no wonder that the dragon has never seen the world. In fact, Clay raised this guy very well. Except for letting him hunt for a while in the Three Sisters Islands, the rest, when did Dun Dun give it to him? It is full?
Clay also didn't tell it that human beings have any weapons that can hurt it, because it grows so big, only in Astapor, the gang of slave owners who wanted money and life drew knives in front of it .

At that time, when it swallowed the dragon flame, people were burned to ashes.

So, this time, it didn't feel it at all. When these human beings with chattering teeth dared to control the city crossbow to aim at it, Gelesos didn't feel it at all.

It's like watching a child playing with a toy, that's pretty much what it means.


"Team...Captain, are you aligned?"

The soldier wearing the coat of arms with the emblem of the three towers of Star Shuttle City had a pale face and a trembling tone.

And in front of him, the captain of the guarding army who smelled of alcohol, his eyes were blurred, his mind was not clear, and he was hiccupping non-stop, was staring at the giant dragon outside the city with a frantic expression.

There are words in the mouth:

"Hiss... what a beautiful thing... I've never seen such a... big... hiccup... such a big bird in my life."

"Grandpa, I just saw it fly above my head, and now, it... landed, watch Grandpa take out a big gun, nail this thing... to the ground... for you bastards... to kill I want to eat meat!"

There is a saying that wine is strong and cowardly, this is not false at all.

Alcohol sometimes can make people who are greedy for life and fear of death become so courageous that they dare to do anything, just like the team leader in front of them.

This guy is usually in Xingshuo City, and he belongs to the typical bullying and fearful person who trembles at the sight of blood.

The reason why he was able to catch up with the commander of the city defense army, who had to deal with blood, was because of some methods that could not be put on the table.

If the time could be restarted, then the group of people who promised him to be in the position at the beginning would not let him do this job again no matter how much Jinlong was paid.

Because it was such a small person who sounded the death knell for the entire Star Shuttle City, including the Peck family in the city.

As for the reason...

It's very simple, a person drank too much, and under the paralysis of alcohol to the nerves, he lost the ability to perceive the distance and size of objects.

He regarded Gelesos entrenched on a low hill as a beautiful flying bird that had always been a little bigger.

Therefore, the captain set up a city defense crossbow, ready to show his subordinates his bird shooting skills.

Following behind him, the ordinary soldier whose calves were trembling, stared at the back of his captain with a feeling of not knowing what to expect.

They gestured at the crossbow that was thicker than their arms, and looked outside the city at the giant dragon that was just at the limit of the crossbow's range.

Some people wanted to run in the opposite direction like other colleagues, but they were stopped by this drunk bastard Captain [-] who pulled out the long sword from his waist.

The captain cursed drunkenly:
"Anyone who dares to run away, I will kill him right now!"

Originally, everyone was frightened by the giant dragon so that they had no guts, but now that the shining sword edge was dangling in the hands of a drunk guy, no one dared to move now.

The soldiers were about to cry, and their minds were muddled. They probably gave up struggling at this time, and actually gritted their teeth and said:
"What are you afraid of? Maybe the captain will kill the giant dragon in front of you with one arrow. This city defense crossbow is so powerful. I heard from veterans before that when the Dornishmen came over, this crossbow arrow could be shot with one arrow." Shoot a war horse in the opposite direction!"


Standing on the balcony, shouting for a long time, he realized that no one came to take care of him. It turned out that the guards of the Peke family in Star Shuttle City were not fools, and most of them had heard of Harrenhal.

As soon as Gelesos appeared, the group immediately realized that staying in this stone castle was not safe at all. If a mouthful of dragon flame really came down, wouldn't this be a ready-made oven?

So, someone yelled and ran out. The soldiers who woke up like a dream immediately followed the flow of people and ran out of the castle. They completely forgot that they had forgotten a nobleman into the castle.

Titus Peake stood tall, and he couldn't figure out why no one came to him at the moment. He looked at his current body, and there was nothing but towels all over his body.

If this goes out, the elegance of the nobility will be completely ruined.

So, he knew to slap his frightened wife twice, and after waking her up, he pointed her to find clothes for him.

No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't be afraid, face him with a smile, and always be graceful.

thought Lord Peake.

Anyway, the giant dragon in front of him didn't seem to intend to breathe fire for a while.

At this time, he saw the southeast corner of Star Shuttle City, those family soldiers who were manipulating the city defense crossbow and aiming at the giant dragon.

At a glance, the cup in his hand fell to the ground and smashed to pieces with a bang.

He was just stunned for a second, and then, Titus Peake, who was still concerned about the elegance just now, used the loudest volume in his life, and uttered a hoarse cry to those guys who had no strings in their brains:


However, it was too late.

The crossbow bolt left the bowstring, although it was only a soft sound, to Titus Peake's ears, it was no different than the sound of the Stranger knocking on the door.

His gaze, following the flying crossbow arrow, has been looking at the giant dragon that is becoming leisurely.

Since his subordinates have done something stupid, he can only pray that this arrow will pay off...


Gelesos couldn't wait, he couldn't wait, he just didn't see someone get food for himself in this castle.

To be honest, it's kind of pissed off.

Then, he noticed the ballista aimed at him.

The biological instinct made it alert, and when the team leader hit the buckle that activated the crossbow bolt with a hammer, Galesos tilted his neck.

Then, a tearing pain came from its membranous wings covered with beautiful blue-gold scales.

This arrow, the team leader missed, but the powerful force still penetrated the membrane wing of Gelesos and opened a small hole in it.

This time, the bewildered look in Gelesos' eyes lasted for less than half a second, and then it turned into a monstrous anger.

Forget it if you don’t give it to eat!

And hurt myself!
If you are a dragon, you can't bear it!
A deafening roar resounded throughout Star Shuttle City.

A cut the size of an arm appeared on the membrane wing, but it still didn't affect Gelesos' flight, it hurt a little, that's all.

The giant dragon fluttered its wings and soared into the sky. First of all, it flew into the sky as soon as possible. It had to ensure its own safety first.

This roar woke up the wine of the captain who just attacked it. He looked at the dragon shadow flying in the sky, froze for two seconds, and then let out a miserable howl that was not human:

"Ah! Monster! Help!"

I didn't realize it at all, I just shot a thick crossbow arrow the length of a person at this guy.

Lying on the balcony railing, Titus Peake lost all blood in an instant when he saw the giant dragon flying into the sky like a dragon.

He no longer cared about the decency of aristocrats, so he wore a towel, pushed away Lannister's wife who had just found the clothes, smashed open the door, and fled.

He knew that if the giant dragon survived the injury, then the end of Star Shuttle City would come.

Targaryen has had dragons for more than 100 years, and it has never been heard of a dragon that did not fight back after suffering a loss.

Sure enough, his idea became reality in the next moment.

Gelesos flew high into the sky, and after circling a few times over Star Shuttle City, he found that the human had just injured his weapon, and there seemed to be no follow-up, so the arrogance and anger that belonged to the dragon instantly flooded his whole body.

The body temperature increased, and fire magic flowed in the veins.

The blue-gold dragon roared, waved its wings that covered the sky, and rushed down from the sky.

Its first target was the ballista turret that had just fired and injured itself.

The mouth full of ferocious sharp teeth opened, and a thick stream of fire gushed out.

Hearing a heavy bang, the wooden ballista, together with a few people on the high platform, turned into fly ash almost instantly.

The powerful destructive power of the dragon flame caused this huge stone tower to crack inch by inch, and soon began to collapse from the center.

The smell of burning almost spread throughout the city within a few breaths.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Dragons, flames, smoke.

It constitutes a picture of hell!

(End of this chapter)

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