Chapter 27 Sword Skills
After listening to the registrations of a total of 42 people, to be honest, Clay didn't remember a few, but this is not the purpose in itself, but strengthening this affiliation is.

I say, you listen, and then you do it, but only if I make you feel that your efforts have something to look forward to.

Clay listens to their names, not their family backgrounds, and the signal to them is that I don't care what you did before, you are all the same now, and I remember you, work hard.

Sir Marlon, who was standing aside, looked at Clay in surprise. He thought that Clay would not know how to speak in front of so many people. Now it seems that Essos has been tempered after two years of traveling.

Walking back from the person who said his name at the end, Clay returned to Sir Marlon and asked in a low voice:
"Sir, is there anyone you like, recommend it to me?"

Clay knew that these people were selected by Sir Marlon one by one, and Clay had to thank him, but he didn't know if there were any people that Sir Marlon wanted him to choose, so he asked this question.

"No. It's up to you who you choose and how much you choose." Sir Malone's words were as hard as a rock.

Shrugging slightly, since he said so, Clay doesn't care.

Today, he had originally made up his mind to find his old man to show off his abilities as a demon hunter, but now, someone unexpectedly helped him prepare the candidate in advance.

In that case, he would not be in a hurry to examine the abilities and conduct of these people first.

"Sir Marlon, could I trouble you to bring my grandfather here?"

"Just try them, the Earl will see for himself later."

Sir Marlon thought that Clay was not sure, so he called Lord Wyman to check.

Clay waved his hand, smiled and said:
"No, it has nothing to do with them."

Without saying anything, he nodded, and Sir Marlon turned and left without arguing with Clay.

Clay was the only one left on the field, and 42 pairs of eyes were fixed on him alone. For some reason, Clay recalled his military training, and he was probably the same as the instructor back then.

These people were tall, short, strong, and thin. During the time Clay waited for Earl Wyman to come, he was idle. Why not try his sword skills with them.

"Among you, who has the best sword?"

After asking, the Mandalays in formation looked at each other, but no one moved.

Somewhat unexpected, Clay thought that someone would jump out, but he didn't expect that everyone he could see avoided his gaze.

There was some silence, but Clay didn't care, he knew the psychology of these people very well, in fact, everyone was eager to express themselves quickly.

"I will tell you in advance that it is impossible for me to choose all of you."

"Besides, what I want to choose is a personal guard who can charge horses and kill enemies with swords. If you don't even have the courage to draw your swords, then don't stay here and leave Newcastle as soon as possible. "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of these people changed a little. At first they came here, they just told them that there would be a screening, but they didn't know what it was.

Sir Marlon Manderly hadn't told them anything, but that wasn't really his fault, because he didn't know what Clay's standards were.

But now, Clay's two sentences gave them a hint, which is equivalent to the exam delineating the scope of the exam, and these people immediately became motivated.

Clay was not kept waiting for too long, just as he was counting the number of scales drawn on the tail of the mermaid banner stuck beside him, a voice came.

"My lord, I can use a sword!"


After hearing Sir Malone's report, Earl Wyman Manderly turned the wine glass filled with Dorne's summer red in his hand. He didn't know what Clay wanted for him.

Originally, he still had some doubts about Clay, but after the trip to Winterfell, he made up his mind to train Clay. In his own words, even if Clay didn't drink at all, he would use all the good things of White Harbor to cultivate him. Alcohol turned him into an alcoholic.

Anyway, there was nothing wrong, Earl Wyman sat on a soft chair, and several servants carried him towards the school grounds.

When he came to the school grounds, what he saw was this scene:
Clay was only wearing half armor, and a samurai in full armor was raising his sword when they bumped into each other. Their swords intersected and they held each other forcefully.

His grandson's opponent looked taller and stronger than him, with his thick arms wrapped in armor like two stone pillars, the Earl couldn't help but feel a little worried about his grandson.

But Earl Wyman, who had also fought in battle, soon discovered that the strength of the two was actually equal, and even Clay was more relaxed.

The next second, Clay suddenly pushed his opponent's sword aside, and used the "rolling sword" move. Before everyone could react, he handed the tip of the sword to the opponent's throat.

Simply, efficiently!
This is the direct feeling of Earl Wyman. From the intersection of the weapons of the two sides to Clay's victory, it is just a few breaths. Whether it is holding the sword steadily or attacking with the sword at a fast speed, it is not muddled at all.

Earl Wyman noticed that there were already several Mandalay offshoots standing there dejectedly by the sidelines, and he, who was mature and mature, could tell at a glance that they must be the previous losers.

Noticing the figure of Earl Wyman, these side branches hurriedly saluted, and shouted loudly:
"Lord Count!"

Reminded by the voice, Clay, who wiped off the sweat from his forehead, turned around, nodded to his grandfather with a smile, and said:
"Grandpa, you are here."

This is not a formal occasion, and there is no need for him to salute so much to his old man in his own home, and these side things are not enough.

Seeing the patriarch coming over, these offshoots looked at Clay's back, and their eyes became even more fiery. Just now Clay knocked down 10 of them with a sword alone, and didn't let any of their swords touch them. to his body.

Although some people's sword skills are indeed poor, they know very well that some of the ten people can really use swords after more or less sword fighting.

However, their results are no different from those who can't use them. They are all won by Master Clay within three moves, or they are disarmed, or they are directly hit to the vitals, just like this one just now.

He waved at these people and signaled them to leave, and he pulled the foolish ones with interest and quickly disappeared. Earl Wyman didn't care when he saw this scene, he pulled a wooden block and sat down, stroked the gray beard chin, smiled and asked:
"What's the matter, Clay, what's the matter calling me here?"

Although Clay's face was full of a triumphant smile, he was actually very nervous at this moment, because he was about to confess his biggest hole card to his grandfather, although it was only a part of the surface.

But before that, he was going to say another thing.

 I will try my best to write about the sword technique, but if it is not the same as your impression, then the information I read may be different. After all, I have never really used a sword to draw (laughs). As for the famous (bainian) sword technique, I am sure I will write it, but... emm is not now. In addition, I have passed the most uncomfortable flow, but now the whole person is very weak, just like the feeling after Yang, my mind is dizzy, please support me, chapter I try my best to guarantee the quality, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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