Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 282 The King's Gamble

Chapter 282 The King's Gamble
Blood dripped down Krissen's visor.

Just now, his war horse had rushed away from the guys blocking the gate of the North Camp of the Western Territory Army.

He himself brandished a long sword, cut off a human head, and entered the camp.

So far, the western border army's attempt to block the remaining 400 people outside the wall of the village has completely failed.

The other Mandalay family cavalry who followed behind rushed in through the completely opened gate.

The guy who guarded the gate of Maiden Spring City just got into formation, but when he saw the northern cavalry rushing towards him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in his heart.

Now, I might really not be able to live.

Gritting his teeth so hard that blood came out, the jazz from Maiden Spring City yelled, wanting to embolden himself, but he didn't realize that the other people behind him were already trembling.

Then, these people screamed strangely and dispersed.

The jazz of Maiden Spring City was extremely angry, but his face turned pale in an instant. Just as he was about to say something, he realized that his perspective seemed to fly into the sky.

After turning around in the sky a few times, he found himself falling on the ground, and a familiar headless corpse fell not far away.

He seemed to understand something, but immediately after, his world was shrouded in darkness.


In the middle of the North Camp, the king without a throne, and his queen mother, who also has no throne, have been locked up here by Duke Tywin Lannister.

The only role of the two of them now is to represent the fact that the Lannister family claims the throne, otherwise, without these two idiots here, Tywin Lannister's battle would lose its legal rationale Base.

King Geoffrey Baratheon, who just got into a rage because a maid accidentally knocked over the water bowl, took a stick and beat the poor woman to death, was sitting panting Mother Cersei Lannister.

His Majesty the King felt extremely wronged.

Originally, he was aloof, inheriting the position of his father Robert Baratheon, sitting on the Iron Throne, ruling the legal king of the Seven Kingdoms, but he didn't understand why, since the moment he ascended the throne, Everyone seems to dislike him.

His two uncles had already fled King's Landing before his father died, and after he became king, they raised the rebellious flag immediately, and the reasons they gave were that they were not his father's sons .

At that time, his uncle Jaime was away, so the angry king ran to ask his queen mother who was still not aging, but what he got was Cersei Lannister's firm denial and cold gaze.

The foolish king firmly believed that his bloodline was indisputable, and anyone who talked about his bloodline was an out-and-out rebellion, and should be dragged to him by his loyal dogs and suffer the most painful cruelty in the world. penalty.

However, his loyal dogs, whether it is the Mountain that he fears or his uncle Jaime Lannister, have repeatedly failed the expectations of his great king, causing his army to be defeated and his dishonored honor.

Only one year later, he, the only legitimate king of the Seven Kingdoms, would be forced to flee his capital and leave his favorite Iron Throne.

This was a shame that Joffrey Baratheon regarded as his life.

After that, he was imprisoned in the small and isolated camp before Harrenhal by his grandfather, Duke Tywin Lannister, this hateful old man who did not obey his king's orders at all.

Unable to do anything every day, Joffrey felt that he was about to be crushed to death by the gloomy sky.

He could walk out of his tent, but he absolutely couldn't walk out of the heavily guarded North Camp of Harrenhal.

Joffrey Baratheon tried countless methods, whether it was threats or begging for mercy, he could not let him step out of the camp.

Neither could his mother, the theoretical queen mother.

Joffrey knew that his mother hadn't smiled for a long time, and her temper was getting worse every day.


The tent was slammed open, and Sir Sandor Clegane, the Hound that King Joffrey thought was no longer loyal to him, appeared in front of the gloomy Hound holding his iconic Hound Helmet.

"What's the matter, my dog? If nothing else, your king doesn't want to see you!"

Joffrey Baratheon's tone was full of disgust, although the guy in front of him might be the only one who had been by his side since he was brought out from King's Landing.

Ser Sandor Clegane, knowing what kind of quality the king in front of him is, has long been familiar with it.

He saluted the evil king sitting in the tent, and the queen mother Cersei Lannister who was pretending to read a book, and said calmly:
"Your Majesty, the people from the northern border broke through the gate of the stronghold and are now raging in the North Camp. Lord Taiwen took away all the main forces early this morning. Now, I am afraid that there is no force in the North Camp that can stop this tyrannical Northern camp." border cavalry."

"I hope your Majesties, as I leave here, this place is no longer safe."

The words are very euphemistic, but the actual meaning can be summed up in a concise way:

"The goddamn northerners are here, Tywin has no soldiers to control you, run away with me!"

However, Joffrey, the tent king, and Cersei, the book queen, reacted very differently to the news.

The king himself was taken aback for a moment, and then his whole body began to tremble. Clegane thought he was afraid, but unexpectedly, the king's next words were:

"Great! These damned northerners, I was going to personally lead the troops through the Neck in the future, and go to Winterfell to catch those Starks from their filthy wolf den."

"Now, they dare to knock on the door. They really don't know what to do!"

"Hound! Come, put on armor for your king, and pick me the best sword. I will be invincible on the battlefield like my father!"

Joffrey Baratheon's emerald green eyes were full of excitement and bloodlust.

The corner of the hound's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to speak, he was shut up by the extremely cold eyes of the Queen Mother.

The blond and blue-eyed and beautiful Queen Mother spoke coldly, with a trembling that only she could not hear.

"Sir Clegane, I think you have to explain to me why the northerners came here and what the troops outside are doing!"

"Then I suggest you ask them in person, my queen mother."

Clegane couldn't understand Cersei very much. Before, when the latter gained power and was showing off her power in King's Landing, Clegane had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow her orders to act recklessly.

Now, he knew very well that for King Joffrey Baratheon, as long as Tywin Lannister did not fail, the boy's political life would not end.

After all, he is the sole royal of House Lannister.

But Cersei Lannister, the so-called Queen Mother, her political stage, completely collapsed from the moment she left the throne room.

Even later, Tywin Lannister was so brave that he conquered the Seven Kingdoms in the South and North, and this charming Queen Mother would definitely be used by the cruel and ruthless Duke Tywin to marry the Lannister family political allies.

This is her last value, and it is impossible for Tywin to allow her to stay in the court and dictate to Joffrey Baratheon.

So, the current Sandor Clegane doesn't give Cersei Lannister any face at all.


Cersei Lannister's face was ugly, she was just a beautiful woman with a heart like a snake, but she couldn't do anything about the man in front of her who was as strong as a bear, who didn't like oil and salt.

She turned her eyes to her son, and now, that is, her king's son, this guy still listened to a word or two.

But Geoffrey Baratheon, completely addicted to fantasizing that he can wield his own weapons like Robert Baratheon, run amok on the battlefield, and finally smash the incoming enemy with great joy , to win the approval and admiration of all.

A typical child's thinking is to talk about his own victory or defeat in the eyes of others.

In normal times, Sandor Clegane wouldn't care about anything, he was very clear about this perverted boy, no matter how ineffective he was, the future throne would still belong to him.

Therefore, I can't make him unhappy.

But when is it now?
The cavalry of the northerners is less than 500 meters away from here. This is still the escape time for all the wounded and disabled guys in the camp, and their lives are exchanged for escape.

If you don't go now, when will you wait?
"Your Majesty, although your father, King Robert, was the number one warrior of the Seven Kingdoms back then, his success on the battlefield would not have been possible without the help of an army under his command capable of recruiting and fighting."

Sandor Clegane was sweating all over his forehead. He decided that if he couldn't convince the stubborn little king within 2 minutes, he would just knock him out and take him away. As for whether he would be retaliated in the future, let's talk about it if he survived until then .

He made a very helpless gesture, and sighed pretentiously:
"Your Majesty, Lord Tywin has taken away the most powerful soldiers under your command, and is now fighting against the false king raised by the northerners. If you want to prove your bravery on the battlefield, I think you should take your loyal soldiers with you." Soldiers from the north, go to Harrenhal, capture that false king, and then make these northerners who broke into the camp kneel and surrender, this is the king!"

Sandor Clegane, who usually speaks concisely and looks gloomy due to childhood events, rarely had such a long phone call, exhausting himself.

Coaxing this kind of brat is really not his forte as a warrior.

"Enough! Sir Clegane, Your Majesty does not need a dog to teach you how to be a king!"

Cersei Lannister glared at Sandor Clegane. From her point of view, the most important thing now is to get out of this dangerous place. How can you go to such a terrible place as Harrenhal for some shit honor?
Although, this stupid woman didn't realize at all that Sandor Clegane was trying to trick this bastard, Joffrey Baratheon, out of the Peking Camp.

If the mother is so stupid, how smart can the child be expected to be?
Sure enough, as soon as Cersei finished speaking, she was interrupted by her own son's voice:

"As you said, my dog! Now, let's go to Harrenhal. I will lead my army to rush into Harrenhal and fight to the death with Robb Stark, the false king."

"Remember! Go tell my grandfather, Duke Tywin, this is the king's game, and no one can interfere!"

(End of this chapter)

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