Chapter 296

"Danny, you can't make a mistake when you say that."

Clay did not deny Daenerys' words, after all, this is an option in itself.

The so-called killing one is a crime, and killing all is a hero.If 900 million are slaughtered, you will be the hero among the heroes.

Who cares, kill to the end, kill him Haiyan Heqing.

But as cruel as the conqueror Aegon I Targaryen, he did not just kill blindly when he was not in war.

If this is not the case, then Merasis and Queen Rhaenys Targaryen killed Dorne, Aegon would never have compromised, the feud of killing his wife is irreconcilable, and the Iron Throne will fight with Dorne with all his troops It's up to you.

"The thing is, you showed them your majesty, and it was just a temporary problem."

"Let me put it another way, do you think how many people you burned to death and hundreds or thousands of people alive, how deterrent is it to those who oppose you?"

"Don't underestimate the power of time."

"This is not a manifestation of dominance. On the contrary, burning people is an extreme method to maintain the crumbling rule."


Clay shrugged and said with a smile:
"We haven't talked about governance yet. Now, it is right to try to unite as many people as we can, to get more people who like us, and to deal with our fewer and fewer enemies."

"As for the future, when your black-bottomed red dragon banner and my golden halberd mermaid banner can successfully pass through every castle in Westeros, who you want to deal with is up to you."

The topic stopped here, and Daenerys didn't continue to pester her. She just felt a little unhappy. After all, in theory, the first people to raise the flag of rebellion were the northerners.

The little queen doesn't like this group of people from the north who are full of their own lives every day, but can't do without the blood transfusions from the south.

Although in theory, her husband is also from the north.

But... people are different.

Early the next morning, Clay continued his journey with Daenerys.

Everyone in the north knelt down, but the Lord Stark family did not kneel.

But this can't be blamed on them, after all, Robb Stark is the only member of the Stark family in the army.

Once he died, no one knew about it, and it was impossible to perform the Gaul military salute in the air.

Therefore, the purpose of Clay's trip, in addition to returning Rob Stark's body, is to take this opportunity to show him prestige.

Although it has a bad reputation, because it is bullying Catelyn Tully's orphans and widows, but unusual times do extraordinary things.

Clay can't wait until Bran Stark grows up.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I contacted that crow, and the threat beyond the Great Wall is approaching every second.

Winter is coming, and the troubles in the land of eternal winter are getting stronger every day.

Clay knew that he had to face those things, so he went to the northern border this time, so let's check the situation by the way.

If he didn't send the dragon in anger, the Great Wall of Desperation should be able to withstand it for a long time.


The dragon's speed is very fast. Although it is impossible to fly to the Great Wall in the blink of an eye, it should be no problem to reach Winterfell today.

Although he was familiar with it, Clay didn't want to keep a dead body behind him.

Send him to the tomb of the Starks of the past as soon as possible, and just bury him.

The family sword of the Stark family, Ice Clay, was also brought.

He didn't want this thing, and he captured one when he was fighting the Corbray family.

After looking at it, Clay mainly regards this thing as a research object.

Things that cannot be mass-produced are actually useless.

"Clay, don't we have to go to White Harbor or the Twins first?"

On the way to rest, Daenerys asked Clay a question.


Clay didn't respond.

"Well... I mean, not going to meet your family?"

Daenerys actually seems to have met Clay's family. Although Clay's Dragon King blood was obtained in an unexpected way, it is undeniable that Mandalay's surname is still passed on to them.

They are also considered Daenerys' relatives.

The little queen is very clear that her relationship with Clay, in this life, even if there is a relationship quarrel in the future, it will not come to the scene of separation.

There is no reason for the last two dragon warriors in this world to separate.

Since the death of her brother Viserys, the concept of family, especially elders, has always been absent for Daenerys.

She didn't know why she felt this way, but she really wanted to meet Clay's family.

"Not for the time being, there will be quite a long time in the future, don't rush this time."

"Furthermore, in the family, only my grandfather knew about my ability to control dragons. He also participated in the whole process of Gelesos's growth. For the rest, due to the need for confidentiality, I did not tell them."

"If we rush over, we may not get the effect you want."

Clay shook his head, vetoing Daenerys' proposal.

Moreover, they took Rob Stark's body to visit their family members, which might not be a good choice.

Now that Clay said so, Daenerys didn't insist anymore.

The two ate something hastily, and it was impossible to expect to find anything good in this wilderness.

Neither of them knows how to cook, so they can only make do with it.

After resting, the two dragons flew into the sky again.

Soon they were crossing the narrowest Neck between north and south of Westeros.

From the air, all that could be seen was the swampland, and the dilapidated towers of Moat Calim were barely visible.

Daenerys surveyed the strange land in front of her. For some reason, the moment she crossed Cailin Bay, she always felt a little uncomfortable.

This is not pathological discomfort, such as the discomfort caused by a cold and fever.

But a sense of disorder all over the body.

She wondered if Clay felt that way.

Drogon below him also roared, obviously, he was not feeling well either.

Gelesos flew ahead of her and Drogon, but said nothing.

At first, Daenerys just felt that she couldn't explain the cold air in the north, but seeing that Clay didn't respond, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

But after a period of time, she found that she could no longer accept this sense of disorder.

She felt the world spinning in front of her eyes, and the blood in her whole body was agitated.

After realizing that something was wrong, she immediately ordered Drogon to shout at Gelesos in front as a signal, and then controlled Drogon to gradually descend the height.

She landed on a snowfield next to a forest of sentinel trees.

Of course Clay noticed her strangeness.

So Gelesos also carried himself down to Drogon's side.

He also felt something unusual, and Galesos told himself it felt the same way.

Jumping off the back of the dragon, and coming to Daenerys who was sitting on the stone, holding her head and taking a deep breath, Clay frowned and asked:
"What's the matter, Dany?"

The little queen resisted her dizziness, looked up at Clay with a calm expression, her voice was trembling:
"I felt very uncomfortable, like someone had completely messed with my mind."

"It's the same with Drogon. He said it feels like a powerful enemy has been lingering around him."

After hearing this, Clay was a little confused.

Why did he feel so different from Daenerys?
Should not be ah.

They are all human, so what's the difference?

He reached out to catch a snowflake that fell on his palm, and watched it slowly melt into a small drop of water under the temperature of his palm.

He realized something was wrong.

"Did you have this feeling as soon as you crossed Cailin Bay?"

Clay asked.

Daenerys clutched her forehead with a pained expression.

"Yes... that's right. After I saw that swamp, I soon felt uncomfortable."


Clay got it.

Like him, he also had a strange feeling of being out of place after entering the northern border.

how to say……

It was as if the entire northern territory did not seem to welcome his arrival, and was repelling him slightly.

It was slightly uncomfortable, but compared to Daenerys' reaction, it was almost negligible.

what 's wrong?
Clay couldn't figure it out.

This is very unreasonable. Before Beijing followed me last time, I didn't seem to have heard of any major changes. Why did it suddenly become like this.

Something must have happened.

Looking around, Clay noticed the quiet and serene forest next to him in the snowstorm.

and many more……


heart tree.

That old clapper of the Three-Eyed Crow?
Clay seemed to understand something.

He came to a sentinel tree and spread out his palm.

Slightly closing his eyes, he communicated with the magic in his body.

The magical power that had been static in the body began to move.

With this movement, Clay saw the problem.

Sluggishness, a very obvious sense of stagnation.

It's like a machine running, lacking the lubrication of engine oil, the steel is directly bitten together abruptly.

He understood why Daenerys felt that way.

His face instantly became serious.

Clay understood that the root of all this must have come from the Three-Eyed Raven in the cave beyond the Great Wall.

But he couldn't understand, when did His power become so strong?
This is already covering the entire northern region in the standard sense. People like Daenerys who have fire magic in their blood will be regarded as... um... heresy, and they will disturb her. magic.

What is this bastard doing?

Clay's face became ugly.

He returned to Daenerys, stretched out his hand, his magic power resisted the obstruction, and slowly covered the surface of Daenerys' body.

It wasn't much of a drain on him, after all he'd had the power of a witcher for so long.

Sure enough, when his magic power isolated Daenerys from contact with the outside world, Daenerys' expression suddenly became much more relaxed.

But the aftereffect of the dizziness was still there. She held Clay's arm and stood up unsteadily.

"Klay... what did you do, I feel better."

"Okay, let's not talk so much first, let's go back to the south of the Neck, I have something to tell you."

"……it is good."

The two climbed onto the dragon's back again and turned south.

Anyway, it's just crossed the neck and it's not far away, so it's just a matter of kicking the accelerator.

Ten minutes later, Clay and Daenerys landed on the Kingsroad near the Neck.

This time the experience was very obvious.

As long as he leaves the northern land, this uncomfortable feeling will quickly dissipate.

Her complexion improved visibly, and Daenerys didn't have to take deep breaths like she was suffering from altitude sickness.

Clay withdrew his magic.

Something is wrong with the North.

This is a big problem.

He looked at the gloomy sky in the north, and his heart couldn't stop sinking.

(End of this chapter)

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