Chapter 3 To Winterfell

"What are you going to Winterfell for?" Earl Wyman scratched his chin covered with a gray beard, and asked his granddaughter suspiciously.

Seeing the astonished expression on Willfield's face, Clay knew that Willa hadn't told anyone before.

"Didn't Clay go to see Lord Ed, maybe he could make friends with Lord Ed's sons, so I'll go and make friends with Miss Sansa." Vera plausibly said.

In fact, she was right. Her elder sister, Wilfield, was taken to Winterfell several times by Earl Wyman a few years ago. She heard from her elder sister that she and the eldest lady of the Stark family, Sansa Stark, We became good friends, and even embroidered together.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart. It is estimated that this idea has been brewing since the moment he heard Clay's return.

"Add to the chaos, be honest!" Vera's father, Willis, blew his beard and scolded his daughter. This big bear-like man seemed to have no idea how to communicate with his daughter.

Seeing Vera pulling her braids and holding her mouth, Clay thought it was funny, and was about to say a few words to support Vera, but when his eyes fell on the old man's thoughtful face, he held back the words mouth.

Seeing that the Patriarch was silent, everyone stopped eating and drinking, and the huge mermaid palace was silent.

To everyone's surprise, Earl Wyman, who had always been against girls running around by themselves, agreed after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, Clay, you take her and take good care of her."

Clay was stunned for a moment. Although he was surprised, he nodded quickly in order to avoid another injury to his feet.

He couldn't figure out what Earl Wyman meant. In such a family of great nobles, it was very particular about which family heirs, especially women, appeared in, because it often meant the marriage intention of the great nobles.

Earl Wyman has been in charge of the family for decades, and no one can tell what is on his mind, but there is one thing that everyone knows very well, the Wilfield sisters who have already experienced menstruation will definitely not marry someone whose status is lower than the Mandalay family.

Is the old man planning to let Vera show off in front of Rob?
If you say that, you probably had the same intentions when you brought Wilfried to Winterfell, did you not give up?

Clay wasn't sure, but that wasn't something he could worry about just yet.


Two days later

White Knife
"You take this wine, and bring it to Sir Rodrik, the chief coach of Winterfell, for me, and say that I will pay his gambling debt."

Wendell Mandler waved his big hand and patted his son on the back, explaining to his son who he knew in Winterfell.

Clay took Vera and ten brightly armored guards all the way north along the White Knife River.

If the journey goes well, they will arrive at Seven City in half a month, and then set foot on the King's Road, and they will reach Winterfell in half a day.

The river is gurgling, like a silver belt in the sun, and under the decoration of the vast turquoise plain, the northern border in midsummer is still very worthwhile to visit.

On the back right of Clay, on the back of a snow-white horse, Vera who left the castle was yelling, not at all as dignified as her older sister Wilfield.

"Sit tight, don't fall off the horse," Clay reminded.

"Oh, oh, I got it, Claire, don't babble like a nanny." Vera didn't care, her silver-like laughter echoed by the empty riverside.

Clay smiled and simply ignored her.

His eyes were on the family guards defending them in the center. These family guards with the mermaid coat of arms painted on their shields were the plate cavalry of the Manderly family.

Although most soldiers in the northern border were basically equipped with mail armor, most of the time it was because the economic capacity of the northern border was poor and they could not be armed with expensive full-body plate armor.

But the Mandalay family, which owns the fifth largest city in Westeros, has no such concerns. As far as Clay knows, the family's arsenal can equip more than 1500 fully armored cavalry in an instant.

When he heard the news, Clay didn't quite understand why such a huge force became invisible in the subsequent Battle of the Five Kings.

Earl Wyman would rather let one of his two sons be imprisoned as a prisoner, and the other die with Robb Stark in the Scarlet Wedding, even when Jon Snow counterattacked Winter City. Power, what is he planning?
You must know that if this force joins the battlefield, when Tywin Lannister is dragged by Robb and cannot move in the river, the iron cavalry of 1500 northerners is fast enough to move south and go straight to King's Landing, maybe the war will be over , Where did the whole lot of things come from?
Clay realized that including his own family, the things hidden under the water by these great nobles who have been inherited from Westeros for hundreds of thousands of years may be much deeper than he imagined. Make arbitrary decisions.

One thing Vera was right about at the dinner party, Clay did want to meet the Eddard Stark family during this trip to Winterfell.

Since he is the third generation heir of the Mandalay family, he has inevitably been on the chariot of the northern border.

The bitter cold in the North and the belief in the old gods have given the Stark family a gritty character, but it is obvious that they seem to lack sufficient political vigilance.

Look at the series of mind-stopping operations of Ed and Rob and his son. The good situation in the northern border was ruined, and they have an inescapable responsibility.

But then again, although this family is poor in politics, they are still qualified to be the boss. At least Clay doesn't want those perverts from the Dreadfort who like to skin people to be the guardians of the North.

It wasn't something that was in a hurry, and with Vera wandering around, the original 20-day itinerary took [-] days.

When the No.20 sun set, they finally saw the gray-black castle standing on the horizon in the golden sunset.

From far away, a melodious horn sounded.

Accompanied by the sound of rolling hooves, three knights in mail armor supported by three horses, led by a direwolf flag waving in the wind, came in front of everyone.

Of course, the leading knight recognized the mermaid flag of the Mandalay family, and asked loudly without any precautions:

"Friends of White Harbor, welcome to Winterfell."

This is actually asking what Clay and his party are going to do. This is the responsibility of these Stark family rangers.

This person is also a very accurate reader, and at a glance, he can see that Clay and Vera, who are guarded in the center and dressed in luxurious clothes, just looked at the two of them.

Clay knew it was time to speak for himself, so he pulled his horse forward, and the guard consciously made way for him.

"I'm Clay Manderly, and I want to meet Lord Stark, the Guardian of the North."

Although I don't remember that there is such a young man in the Mandalay family, no one in the northern border dares to use the banner of the Mandalay family indiscriminately.

The knight nodded, clamped his horse's belly and said:
"My lord is in the city, I will take you there, follow me."

Following the direwolf banner, Winterfell gradually approached them, and before the last rays of the setting sun disappeared, Clay and his party passed the gate of Winterfell.

(End of this chapter)

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