Chapter 30 Personnel, Supplies, and Golden Dragons
Great idea, but with it comes a whole bunch of problems.

Bearing the brunt is the issue of candidates.

This is not a small problem. In fact, this problem is the most important of all. The number of people can be large or small, but they must be loyal.

Before new demon hunters emerge on a large scale and can form an army on the frontal battlefield, this team must do dirty things on the battlefield or in peacetime.

This puts high demands on the quality of the team's personnel, which must not be sloppy.

As a man matured, Earl Wyman quickly realized what Clay called him to come over today, which meant that suitable candidates should be selected from these Mandalay offshoots.

In terms of cost control, the social relations of these people are all in White Harbor or the subordinate villages, and it is relatively easy to control after becoming a demon hunter and joining the army.

Although it is disgraceful, this method is indispensable. With the blessing of hometown ties, it will be much more convenient to cooperate and manage.

To put it bluntly, wives, children, or parents are under the control of Clay's grandson and grandson, and the lower limit of these people's resistance to corruption and solicitation will be slightly higher.

Squinting his eyes, Earl Wyman asked Clay bluntly:

"How are you going to screen them?"

He thought that Clay would talk about force, sense of honor, and loyalty, but he didn't expect Clay to hesitate without any hesitation, and directly said a word he had thought of a long time ago:

"Learning ability."

"Ability to learn?"

When he said this word, what Clay thought was full of guerrilla warfare conducted by ordinary soldiers of a certain party in another time and space behind enemy lines, and Clay's squad would assume a similar role in the future.

It is impossible for him to command them directly, and only by breaking them up into parts can they exert a strong execution force, and this kind of thing is simply impossible for those who are illiterate and can only carry out orders to recruit peasant soldiers, don't even think about it!
The system endowed him with a complete seal ability, potion knowledge, and even swordsmanship of various schools, but it is impossible for him to directly grant these things to future new demon hunters, so the requirement of learning ability is the result of his deliberation.

After chewing on this word, it has not been connected with the word warrior for the time being, but this is not important, Earl Wyman fully respects his grandson's opinion.

"You have your own ideas, and I won't interfere. You don't need to intervene in the selection of candidates for the time being. We old guys will screen out some suitable ones for you first, and you can choose according to your requirements later."

That's how smart people are, they don't need to forcibly interfere with things they don't understand. This is the technical knowledge brought by Clay, and Earl Mann, the final decision authority, will not compete with him.

Seeing that his old man helped him complete the most difficult step, Clay put the sword stuck on the ground back to his waist, and the smile on Clay's face was undisguised.

If he did this step by himself, he would have to understand the family background and conduct of these people one by one, which would be a time killer for him who didn't know much about the folks in Baigang.

"Okay, we've finished talking about the candidate, now let's talk about the next one, what do you need to make a fighter like you."

Clay must answer this question, but it is actually not easy to answer, because it involves the issue of magic power, and explaining magic power to the old man is undoubtedly a risky project.

Therefore, Clay intends to avoid the problem of magic power and leave the trouble to himself. Anyway, in order to maintain a stable physical state during the mutation, he must be present.

With his chin resting on his palm, Clay thought for a moment before giving his answer:
"Transforming ordinary people into such warriors requires a potion, one lizard venom gland, an adult swamp leech, sentinel bark powder, ghost grass and copperplate grass."

"Well...except for the first one, the others are not too difficult. What about after you buy it?"

"The final synthesis steps are handed over to me. I didn't do this on purpose. If someone with a heart finds out that we bought these things in large quantities, I'm afraid there will be guesses. Therefore, at this stage, I don't want to make any paper-based production steps. That would be too risky. gone."

Clay's statement was affirmed by the old man. They are doing something that has never been done in the history of Westeros, and they can't be too cautious. Earl Wyman is also very pleased that Clay thinks so.

"Is there any more?" Earl Wyman continued to ask, what Clay reported just now could be fully borne by White Harbor's financial resources.

After thinking about the whole process, Clay recalled the scene where he rolled around in pain in the mud under the weirwood in the godswood, and his body instinctively felt uncomfortable.

"If possible, ask the bachelor to prepare some painkillers. This transformation is not something that can be easily passed."

Clay only gave the materials needed to transform into a demon hunter, and he didn't need to worry about the specific collection, purchase and transportation.

I believe that with the old man's experience, there should be no problems in handling these matters. Clay placed the order and just waited for the delivery.

In fact, the most critical keel is missing here, but it is too difficult to obtain this thing. There are only two places in the whole of Westeros, and that is the skulls of the dragons of the Targaryen family under the King's Landing Throne Hall. It's the dragon's lair on top of Rhaenys Hill.

As the place where Targaryen once raised giant dragons, maybe the remains of that year can be found.

But no matter which one, the risk of doing such a thing in King’s Landing is too high. Even if Clay or the Manderly family staged a robbery and successfully obtained the keel, but the keel contains a lot of metal elements, and the hardness is even stronger. is higher than steel.

Therefore, it is impossible to cut and segment on-site, and there is no chainsaw in this world...

I came to the conclusion that even if I got it, I couldn't ship it out, so let's not think about them for the time being.

"Grandpa, how many golden dragons can Bai Harbor draw for this matter?" Clay wanted to know the old man's budget in advance.

Hearing that his grandson was actually asking him how much money he had, Earl Wyman, who was sitting there contemplating, suddenly regained his energy.

He stretched out a thick, thick palm and spread it before Clay's eyes, with five carrot-like fingers standing up.

"Uh... five hundred?"

Clay guessed the number, but immediately realized that he was too petty, because his old man's contemptuous expression had already been written on his face.

"Five thousand!"

"Heh." Clay was answered with a sneer from the old man. He didn't want to let himself, the grandson who really embarrassed the Mandalay family, guess, and gave the answer directly.

"Starting at [-] Golden Dragons, I will supply you with whatever you want. The commercial tax of this port alone is more than this amount for a quarter. Can you make some progress!"

From this sentence, Clay felt the arrogance of the local tyrant grandpa that almost touched his face, and he couldn't say anything, he could only sigh:
It's nice to have money!

Clay understands why the family can give 1500 people a complete armor worthy of all people and horses, no money?Go dreaming.

The typo is posted first and then corrected, and the dog's head will save his life.

 Well, I'm sure I got the recommendation, thank you for your support, I will write well, and I will fully respect the opinions of the readers.


(End of this chapter)

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