Chapter 315 Cardinal Chance

The buildings in the school city are not grand, or in other words, they did not deliberately pursue this style.

In their opinion, the towering tower of the Hightower family next door is tall enough. If they choose a similar style, it must be taller than this white tower.

First, the Hightower family may not agree. The school city was founded with their strong support. Moreover, the Hightower family is the manager of the entire Old Town.

You still have to give them some face.

Second, what if they painstakingly study construction technology and build a tower higher than the Towering Tower?It will only make others feel that the guys in the school are trying to compare.

Bachelors also want to save face, how can they accept such accusations?
Therefore, the buildings of the school city did not put much effort on the appearance, but on the inside of the entire building complex, they tried every means to show their excellence.

As for how much Golden Dragon was spent?

Gee, when it comes to scholars, isn’t it too vulgar to talk about golden dragons?


When we arrived at the location where the cardinal meeting was, we rarely saw some guards guarding it.

After all, it is the real core of the entire school city. The high-ranking doctors are precious little ones. If they encounter assassins...

Well, after all, it’s a loss for the whole of Westeros, right?

It’s not that doctors are afraid of death.

Seeing that it was Steward Theobald, the guards all bent down.

According to regulations, even if you are a steward, if you want to enter the Cardinal Hall, you still need to undergo inspection.

But the question is, do these guards really dare to do this?

Steward Theobald, the title of "Steward" means that he has the power to take charge of all affairs of the city, except for the Cardinal Council.

It's not easy to kill a guard like them.

There is no need for the manager to do it himself. With a hint or a look, someone who is eager to be promoted will naturally handle these matters for Manager Theobald.

"Doctors, are you all here?"

Steward Theobald asked.

"Master Manager, we are all here. The doctors are all here and waiting for you."

The guard replied hurriedly.

Frowning slightly, Chief Theobald didn't like the look of the guard.

However, since they do not have their own armed forces, these soldiers recruited from outside can no longer change their inner nature of flattering those in high positions.

He himself has a bad temper. In the past, he would have been severely scolded, but now, he has no such intention.

"Get out of the way."

he said deadpan.

The guards quickly stepped aside to clear the way to the Cardinal Council for the head of the Academy City, their immediate boss.

When he came to the door and pushed it open gently, a strong smell of burning plants, mixed with a few coughs, hit Chief Theobald head-on.

No need to ask, it must be Dr. Angwa, who is trying his tobacco research again.

Many doctors couldn't stand the smell, but no one could prove that his research was useless. After several arguments, they had no choice but to let it go.

"Theobald, I'm waiting for you."

Cardinal Chief Dr. Nolen said lightly.

Nodding, Theobald found the chair left for him.

Every Ph.D. in the Academy City is eligible to attend the Cardinal Council, as long as they are willing.

As the general manager of the school city, he naturally has this power.

This is the heart of the school city, and the so-called manager is just an elected executor.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Dr. Nolen coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, the theme of this meeting should be very clear to everyone, right?"

Although it was a question, the tone was very calm.

Obviously, those who can make it here know what they are here to do.

After looking around and seeing that none of the weird-tempered doctors came out to argue with him, Dr. Nolen continued:

"The latest news is that two dragons appeared on the battlefield of Harrenhal. Tywin Lannister suffered heavy losses and his army collapsed. He led part of the remaining army to escape."

As soon as these words came out, there was a buzz in the venue immediately.

In fact, most of the doctors in the Council of Cardinals are the kind of guys who "only read the books of sages" and are responsible for studying one aspect of knowledge. Their access to news from the Seven Kingdoms is very backward.

In their minds, Tywin Lannister is a combined version of a conspirator and an iron-blooded soldier.

Even his army was unable to fight back in front of the dragon.

Now, everyone started to get nervous.

Everyone's reaction was not at all contrary to the expectations of Dr. Noren and Chief Theobald. In fact, the chief cardinal said so on purpose.

Although the Citadel is rich, it cannot compare to the Iron Bank of Braavos.

Every year, a lot of research funds are given to these doctors. If they don't exaggerate the imminent threat of the dragon, how can the two of them pull the golden dragon out of the mouths of these old guys?

After chattering and whispering for a while, the impatient doctor had already shouted to Dr. Nolen:

"Hey, Nolen, what do you mean by this?"

Having been wrangling over the Cardinal's Association for so long, these guys obviously know what the Chief Cardinal's plan is.

But they had to admit that the cardinal was not talking nonsense.

The dragon did burn the Star Shuttle City, indirectly preventing the Battle of King's Landing, and Renly Baratheon's success fell short.

Now, Tywin Lannister's army has also dispersed under the dragon's flames. It seems that in all of Westeros, the only ones left who can stand on the stage are the Northern Territory and the Northern Territory led by Clay Manderly. The Riverlands allied forces.

"It's not interesting. I just want to remind everyone that the dragon is back again. In our school city, how will we stand in line this time? I'm afraid we have to discuss a result."

No force likes allies who join last.

Everyone likes to provide help in times of need, but not the guy who is the icing on the cake in name but is actually here to share the cake.

They were not worried at all and the results of the discussions at the meeting would be spread.

It is easy to add sand to the city, but it is even more difficult to add sand to the Cardinal.

An ordinary bachelor can be a Targaryen, a Lannister, or a Tyrell.

In their opinion, whether the surname is more important or the bachelor's oath is more important, I am afraid only they themselves know clearly.

But if a doctor can obtain this title, it means that his knowledge in a certain field is called a "master", and he will be awarded the ring, scepter and mask corresponding to this field.The cost is too high.

Moreover, who can guarantee that the person he sent out can successfully obtain this title?
If not, wouldn’t the initial investment be wasted?

Therefore, this cardinal's meeting, without any deliberate counter-intelligence efforts, turned out to be abnormally clean.

For the doctors attending the cardinal meeting, which family should they serve as lackeys?To collect trafficking information?

Isn't this nonsense?Where is the fun in researching knowledge?
Although the former Grand Maester Pycelle of King's Landing seemed to be an exception, that was because he went to the cesspit of King's Landing himself. Well... it was shameful to be associated with him. Anyway, no one except him wanted to be that unlucky Grand Maester.

"I went through the materials I studied before. It has been 100 years, and no one has seen those things, and many of them have been damaged to a certain extent."

Another prestigious Dr. Perestan spoke up.

He is good at history and likes to find answers in the past.

Encountering such a big event such as the return of the dragon, he thought that the ancestors of the Academy City, who had studied the Targaryen dragon for 200 years, must have gained something.

However, what he didn't expect was that with the disappearance of the last dragon, the study of dragons had become a dead knowledge of no use in the past 100 years.

I study dragon slaying every day, but there are no dragons in this world.

As a result, these manuscripts, records, and books were shelved and sealed in dust. After 100 years, a considerable part of them were destroyed by insects, rats, leaks, and water.

It is still unclear what role the school city played in the dragon's demise back then.

"How could this be? Who is responsible for maintenance?!"

Dr. Nolen became anxious immediately. This is not a trivial matter. It is not about the giant dragon data, but it shows that there are a lot of materials in the school city, and they have disappeared quickly without knowing it.

What does the Citadel rely on to become so popular in the entire Westeros continent?
Isn't it because they claim to protect the human knowledge of the entire Westeros that they can transcend the entire aristocratic system? The gentlemen who hold worldly power have no choice but to hold their noses and admit it.

But now, once it is known to the outside world that knowledge is stored in the library of the school city, just like it is stored in the castle of a nobleman, how much of the aura of the school city can still exist?
Do you really think that these gentlemen have no opinion on maesters, these special groups who possess knowledge, ravens, and medical treatment?

There are so many things involved here that no one, not even the king, can bear the responsibility of destroying the entire treasure house of knowledge of human civilization.

But now, once this window paper is pierced, do you think there will be anyone brave enough to directly destroy the school city?

That's why the cardinal would be so out of his mind.

Those who can become the chief are all sensible people, unlike other people who only know how to do research in their own field.

"Chief, I think there is no point in pursuing it. It has been more than 100 years. When did it happen? How many people were involved in it? Pursuing the person who is now responsible for maintenance will not help. It is not his problem. "

Dr. Perestan sighed and expressed his opinion.

Although he is a historian, he studies the history of the Targaryen Dynasty and the earlier Ancestors and Andals. These historical materials are much more popular than the "Dragon Knowledge" that no one reads, so naturally he will not No one maintains it.

Steward Theobald said:
"The situation is very clear. Otherwise, we will once again surrender to the dragon, ask the dragon king to come here, and dedicate all the knowledge here to the new king."

"Or, if we choose not to kneel down to the evil dragon, then we have to find a way to deal with the dragon based on what Dr. Perestan found. Otherwise, the destructive power of the dragon flame will inevitably Everyone still hasn’t forgotten the history lesson they learned at that time.”

This is considered to have set the tone. If you resist, you guys who don’t know where to spend your research funds every day, you have to restrain yourself and concentrate your efforts to deal with the threat of the dragon first.

If you don't resist, then everyone will be embarrassed together. When the time comes, everyone will have to hold their noses and accept what the Dragon King wants to do with the school city.

That's what Steward Theobald means.

Obviously, the silent Chief Nolen also very much agreed with the suggestion of the Academy Steward.

The meeting, which was noisier than that of the Junlin Women's Branch, lasted for several hours, and the elderly doctors were tired of the noise.

The few people sitting at the front were obviously used to this scene.

Pointless quarrels are one of the basic rules by which the cardinal will continue to operate.

After all, in a place that is considered to have the highest concentration of human intelligence, if people are not allowed to freely express their opinions, it seems a bit unworthy of its name and nondescript.

After coughing a few times and looking around at the doctors who were blushing and thick-necked, drinking water and preparing to continue output, Chief Nolen felt that time was almost up.

It's already late at night, and if we delay it any longer, who knows who will write a paper tomorrow who studies life extension and blames himself. As the chief, he didn't control the length of the meeting, which led to his shortening of life.

At that time, there will inevitably be another verbal dispute, which is very boring.

"Okay, now that everyone has fully exchanged opinions, this meeting is beneficial. Now, let's vote."

In fact, more than [-]% of the decisions made by the Cardinal Council are made by the final voting process.

Otherwise, it may take a year and a half before the cardinal can accomplish anything.

Everyone had no objection, after all, it was a tacit repertoire.

As a result, delicate notes were sent to the hands of the doctors.

And the thick-skinned one who wanted to poke his head out to see the answer of the person next to him.

After a lot of confusion, everyone's opinions were finally gathered together with Chief Nolen.

The number of people was not large, and the count was completed in 10 minutes.

Knowing that all the doctors were waiting for him to announce the results so that he could go back to sleep, Chief Nolen did not waste any time and said directly:

"According to everyone's opinions, in the end, the cardinal will give the answer:"


After reading this conclusion, the corners of Dr. Noren's mouth twitched.

These people, really don't know what they are fighting against?
But this is the operating rule of the school city, and as the chief, he cannot change it.

The decision made by the cardinal basically represents the will of the city.

In other words, from now on, the school city will start preparing to deal with the dragons of the Targaryen family.

After reading, the meeting was announced to be over.

A bunch of guys who didn't seem to take this matter seriously at all, just cheered and left.

This is why the school city gave them a false sense of comfort.

Because no matter what the conspiracy, the change of dynasties, and the bloodshed all over the place, it has nothing to do with a golden dragon in the academy.

Dr. Nolen knew that many people wrote this choice of resistance simply because they thought it was domineering, and they did not want to kneel down to Targaryen.

Although he knows how risky this decision is, as the guardian of this system, he must support the decision that the cardinals will vote for.

Everyone was gone, leaving only Chief Theobald and Chief Nolen.

As the heart of the school city, the two of them now have to have a good chat.

"Chief Sir, I also received a message here that there are actually two Dragon Kings."

Theobald said.

ps. I am still recovering these past two days and my energy has been very low. I will basically be able to return to a normal rhythm next week.

(End of this chapter)

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