Chapter 33 Spy
"King Robert has led his new prime minister, Lord Ed, to the south of the Neck. Since all the nobles received the letter, Lord Ed's eldest son, Rob Stark, will be the lord of Winterfell, and he will exercise the power to protect the north."

This was the whole content of the letter, because Earl Wyman had already put the note on the table, and the old man looked at the note, frowning silently.

Because the tragedy of the previous Duke of the North and his son being burned alive after going south is still there, many nobles in the North who heard the news were actually not very willing in their hearts. Into the stinking powerhouse of King's Landing.

But they, like Clay, can't control their beloved Guardian of the North, just like it doesn't matter what Eddard Stark himself thinks, because he can't control the king's will.

Now, following in the footsteps of Duke Eddard himself and the king's drive through Greywater, leaving the land of the North completely, the vassal families in the North must consider whether to contact Robb Stark, the young heir. .

"Clay, tell me, what kind of a young Stark is Robb?"

The old man took a sip of the golden-red wine, and he was a little thankful that his grandson had contacted Stark's younger generation in advance, so that he had the opportunity to get a more real opinion than those boring praises and comments.

Hearing the old man's question, Clay thought of the young face on the Winterfell school grounds, how would he evaluate him?That's not a problem for Clay.

"He is not much different from his father, or the object of his admiration since he was a child is his father. The only difference from his father is that he is younger and more impulsive."

This was Clay's answer. The old man nodded after hearing this, and commented: "Young people's common problems, and you are the same."

Clay knew what the old man was referring to, so he could only giggle and pretend to be stupid, but the old man didn't intend to say anything, instead he asked Clay another question:
"Our King Robert chose Lord Ed to be the honorable Hand of the King. Do you think it is a good choice?"

This is a bit of a test, because this question is not something that Clay should worry about or judge at this stage, but the old man has already asked it, so Clay has to answer it, so he can't say he doesn't know, right?

After thinking about it, although Lord Ed's fate in memory was very bad, what is happening now can never be deduced from the bizarre scenario of the king dying and the prime minister being beheaded by the queen.

"King Robert himself is a warrior king, or in my opinion, he is more of a pure warrior than a king. I am not surprised that he chose to be with Lord Eddard, whom he has a deep friendship with."

"What else?" The old man asked him with a smile.

"Furthermore, since the usurper war, the alliance of the four major families of fish, wolf, eagle and deer has always been the basis for maintaining the stability of the kingdom. After the death of the old prime minister, Jon Arryn of Eagle's Nest City, except himself is the crowned stag. Besides King Robert, Duke Hoster Tully has been ill for a long time, so Lord Eddard is his best choice."

After listening to this passage, Clay saw his old man showing a satisfied smile. He pointed to the wine cabinet and motioned Clay to get a bottle for himself, but Clay was not polite.

He doesn't know how to pick wine, but this doesn't prevent him from drinking. He chose a bottle of summer red that was exactly the same as the old man's, grabbed the knife on the table, knocked off the cork, and took a sip.

"You're basically right, but you're wrong about one thing. Sir Ed is not his best choice, but his only choice."

The old man shook his hand and corrected Clay's statement. Seeing his grandson's cooperative expression of interest, the old man stroked his chin and said slowly:

"You also saw it in Winterfell. Our Majesty the King has the same attitude towards Lannister as we do. However, His Majesty has stayed in King's Landing all these years, and there are far fewer people around the Crowned Buck than Those Lannisters."

The old man gulped down a big gulp of wine, and continued with a half-smile:

"If our Lord Ed forcibly rejects our Majesty the King, in addition to completely offending our Majesty, there will also be an incidental consequence, that is, forcing His Majesty to leave Winterfell for the Western Region. That old lion has gone to King's Landing to become prime minister, think about the consequences."

"The balance of power between the king's family and the Lannister family in King's Landing will be out of balance, and the king himself probably won't be able to sleep peacefully."

"That's right, that's what happened. Our King, the gods gave him the talent on the battlefield, but forgot to give him the ability to manage the country. He knows it very well."

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case. What the old man said is right. I have considered more historical factors before, but ignored the political balance at this stage.

However, Clay heard a bit of implication from the old man's words. After hesitating for a moment, he still asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Grandpa, how do you know the attitude of the King of Winterfell towards Lannister, and the situation in King's Landing?"

After saying this, Clay didn't see any surprised expression on the old man's face, as if he had guessed that Clay would ask this question a long time ago, Earl Wyman smiled and flicked the wine bottle with his finger , making a light "ding" sound.

"Because there are eyes of our Manderly family in the team going to Winterfell with you, and in the big cesspit in King's Landing, but you don't know it."

Seeing the astonished expression on his grandson's face, the old man waved his hand and continued:
"Don't be surprised. It's not a rare thing. In fact, our good neighbor, the old Skinner in the Dreadfort, has a force doing the same thing. Haven't you heard a word? The spy in the flea nest in King's Landing, Probably more than the poor inside."

My God, I don't know how many of you old and refined aristocrats there are!
He was extremely shocked. For a while, Clay actually felt a sense of strangeness about the world he thought he was very familiar with in A Song of Ice and Fire.

Sure enough, none of these families that have stood on the continent of Westeros for hundreds of thousands of years is easy to want to be with. It is really terrible, per capita conspirators.

Thinking about it, Clay drank the wine in sips, the sweetness of summer red became tasteless in his mouth, and the old man on the side looked at him with a smile, as if waiting for him to digest this information.

After about 10 minutes, Clay almost came to his senses and found that the old man had been looking at him. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the old man's voice:

"Our team is called Bai Hai, how about it, are you interested in becoming their commander..."

The typo is posted first and then corrected, the dog's head will save your life!
 The spy itself is not the end, but obtaining information in time is. The protagonist is far away from the power field now. The existence of spies is a necessary means for him to perceive the current situation. I think it is a reasonable extension for the big family to have their own spy agency. In the original book, there is only the little finger of the royal family. They use spies to make troubles with each other, but this thing doesn't need to issue professional licenses or property rights protection. Who stipulates that other families can't do it?Those who are richer and more powerful than these two are that other families are not stupid, and not everyone is as loyal and honest as the Stark family.

(End of this chapter)

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