Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 348 The foundation of the Great Wall, the fall of Eagle's Nest Castle

Chapter 348 The foundation of the Great Wall, the fall of Eagle's Nest Castle

Clay did not choose to pursue the Wild Hunt's retreat.

The first is that he currently does not know the movements of the Wild Hunt army.

Secondly, he has more important things to do now.

For example, first find a way to restore the Great Wall node.

After making sure he had driven back the Wild Hunt, Clay ordered his troops to re-garrison Castle Black.

He also ordered someone to deliver a message to the Nightfort, requesting Lord Commander Jeor Mormont to return with the Night's Watch.

He doesn't want to keep showing people the Great Wall here.

Clay was not afraid of Jeor Mormont's disapproval.

In fact, the Night's Watch values ​​honor above all else.

If Jeor Mormont still wants to remain safely as Commander-in-Chief, he must bring people back here.

"Go, send someone back to Winterfell, and tell Bran Stark that my horse's hooves have stepped into the gate of Castle Black. Now, it's his turn to do what he should do."

Clay ordered to the messenger beside him.

He didn't care whether the guy understood what he was saying or not, it didn't matter.

As long as Bran Stark, that is, Brynden Rivers, knows what it means.

Anyway, this gardener's job of re-assigning a new weirwood node is not his own.

There are specialties in the art industry, so let the three-eyed crow take care of this matter.

This guy is obviously good at this.

Clay was not afraid that he would not cooperate. Now, he was probably more anxious than himself to rush in and seal the hole.

If the northern border is lost, you can go south of Neck Lake.

If that doesn't work, you can go directly to Essos and rebuild the Valyrian Free Fortress.

But Brynden Rivers, the old crow who was tied to death in the north, could not escape easily.

As the agent of the old god's will, the old god's territory now only belongs to the north.

If you throw it to the cold god, will you get any good fruit from him?

Don't even think about it.

Reactivating the node of Castle Black sealed this hole.

Although the new nodes are relatively fragile, they can still interrupt the invasion of the Cold God's power.

As long as this time, the nodes are heavily defended, the White Walkers will not be able to set foot in the northern land.

Of course, if they can build a boat and float it across Seal Bay...

Thinking of this, Clay suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He suddenly thought that Eredin had a huge warship named Najirfa.

There are cold magic on both sides, maybe the White Walkers can get on the ship... wouldn't be so exciting.

Clay hoped this was his delusion, but now he wasn't sure.

For him, there are more important things now.

For example, look at the foundation of the Great Wall.

The two times he came to the Great Wall before, he was either in the army and had no chance to do this.

Otherwise, he is alone, but rushes out of the wall to save this old thing, the Three-Eyed Crow.

He never made a good stop at the Great Wall.

Now that he is stationed here as a king, he finally has this opportunity to take a closer look.

This "Long-Legged" creation is one of the nine miracles in the book "Man-Made Miracles".

After the army entered, it was obvious that quite a few hound paw prints were found.

Clay here also felt the remaining cold magic.

That's what the navigators left behind after opening the portal.

Following the path, Clay came directly to the only tunnel that could pass through the Great Wall.

Then, I saw the scene where the demolition work was forced to be suspended.

Obviously, the quality of the work done by the night watchmen to seal the city gate was quite high.

Clay pulled out the long sword from the soldier's waist beside him, and with a little force, he struck the frozen soil with the sword.

Boy, don't talk about parting the dirt.

Clay felt as if he had struck a stubborn rock, and where the sword blade collided, a series of sparks were thrown up.

He finally understood why the Wild Hunt didn't dig the tunnel before he arrived at Castle Black.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I really don’t have the ability.

He had finally experienced the hardness of frozen soil.

It is estimated that the only way to speed up the progress of the project is that Galesos comes over and shoots down the dragon flames.

"Tell Lord Jon Umber to guard every location in Castle Black and check if there are any remaining enemies."

"You don't need to follow me, I'll take a look here myself."

Clay said to his guards.

The guards did not hesitate, bowed and exited the tunnel of the Great Wall.

They knew very well that as their king, they did not need to listen to their own words of concern for his safety.

In terms of force, this one can knock them all down.

Therefore, people like you just need to be obedient.

Speaking less is what His Majesty likes.
After everyone exited, Clay came to the side of the wall.

This is the root of the Great Wall of Despair.

As for the lower layer, the part buried in the soil, he could not touch it.

With his palms pressed against the bottom of the Great Wall, Clay could feel the obvious chill even through his thick fur gloves.

Obviously, the ice on the Great Wall of Despair is not pure.

Perhaps when they were watered and frozen by the night watchmen, it was indeed ordinary ice.

But as the magic power erodes from the roots, things become different.

"Tsk, cold magic, the smell of the old gods, and some of R'hllor's violence, the magic foundation of this Great Wall is really a hodgepodge."

Clay realized that the Three-Eyed Raven still had reservations about him. If he remembered correctly, this was what the boy told him when he was in Winterfell last time.

The Wall only has the power of the Old Gods and R'hllor.

So what's going on with the cold magic I feel here?
Clay didn't quite understand. There was no need for Brynden Rivers to lie to himself.

Everyone can feel the magic. What kind of magic is there in the Great Wall? As long as you come there once, you will know it clearly.
By deceiving himself, wasn't he making Brynden Rivers miserable?

"Now it seems that the foundation of the Great Wall is quite solid, and the nodes are indeed replenishing it with magic power. But now that it is broken, the stored magic power can still last for a while."

Clay carefully felt the complex magical structure inside the Great Wall.

He now understands why the Corpse Dragon was able to blow down the Great Wall.

The magic power stored here was in fierce conflict with the corpse dragon's magic.

The Great Wall was not destroyed by the zombie dragon, but by the collapse of the magic within itself.

Just like the Three-Eyed Crow is afraid of Clay.

His body, which is full of magical power, will collapse immediately if it is touched by external magic power like Clay.

Same thing with the White Walkers.

"The White Walkers can't get in. It's probably because their body structures won't be able to withstand being enveloped in this kind of magic."

"What a great design. What other identities did Brandon, the builder of the city, have? It's a pity that we can't see it now."



Roland Clinton, and his hapless brother Raymond Clinton.

Now their hands were tied behind their backs and they were pushed down on the muddy ground.

Opposite them, Jon Connington, holding a blood-stained sword, was staring coldly at the two scum of the family in front of him.

"You can still remember me, it's really not easy."

Jon Clinton was not that close to the two people in front of him just because they were members of his own family.

In fact, he felt ashamed for these two guys, both named Clinton, and for the family.

There was no other reason. He couldn't stand the battle that just ended. As an opponent, he couldn't stand it.Some of the dishes are really outrageous.

It's simply a stupid pig-like command.

Although he obviously knew that there were more people on his side, he actually dared to charge forward with a small number of light cavalry.

That would be enough if all the heavy cavalry fell.

Moreover, who told them that light cavalry should use frontal charge tactics to deal with infantry phalanxes?
Does the opponent have enough archers, and how thick is the infantry line?

Are there any cavalry from the other side ambushing me?
Ignoring all of this, I just charge with bravery!
Such a guy is actually the leader of the Clinton family.

Jon Connington was truly devastated.

Just now, after easily wiping out Raymond Clinton's less than a thousand vanguard cavalry.

Jon Clinton immediately ordered that his cavalry immediately surround him from both sides.

The main force of Roland Clinton who was marching was caught off guard.

The infantry are actually the weakest when they are moving.

Because they can't maintain a tight formation.

Therefore, with only a small number of cavalry, Jon Clinton defeated this infantry team without cavalry protection without much effort.

Although the number on our side is too small, it is impossible to annihilate them all.

But just defeat them and drive them back to Storm's End.

It was originally meant to be a show of strength to Renly Baratheon, but now, his purpose has been achieved.

After dealing with this group of people, it would take at least one to two days for Renly Baratheon to gather his troops again.

With this gap, it is enough for Jon Clinton to take back the castle in a leisurely manner.


Looking at the two idiots captured at his feet.

Jon Clinton just sneered.

He couldn't kill these two bastards.

He himself has no descendants, so the Clinton family must rely on what these two people have for inheritance.

But if you expect him to have a good look, that is absolutely impossible.

"Remember, I am now representing King Aegon VI Targaryen to recover the long-lost Eagle's Nest."

"If you can kneel under the red dragon flag on a black background, then there will always be a place for you in the Eagle's Nest Castle."

"Otherwise, everyone here will have a reason to kill you two traitors."

Jon Connington's allegiance is to Aerys II.

The current king, Aegon Targaryen, claimed that he was Rhaegar's son, so to him, these two boys were traitors.

After all, they were loyal to the usurper's younger brother.

Without any hesitation, the two Clintons, who had lost their troops, immediately obeyed:
"Uncle, spare our lives. We are willing to work hard for Your Majesty."

Jon Connington scoffed.

"Then get up and go to the Eagle's Nest with me to make the remaining people stop resisting."

As soon as these words came out, the two Clinton brothers looked bitter.

This cousin, whom I haven't seen for many years, is now a ruthless character through and through.

He knew very well that his so-called verbal promise was of no use at all.

He must surrender his name, and the name certificate is exactly what he said just now.

Once he, the two masters of the Clinton family, went to Eagle's Nest Castle to recruit other members of the Clinton family who were resisting.

Then this news will soon be known to the entire storm land.

By that time, it would be impossible for him to be quite loyal to Renly.

No king likes a guy who jumps repeatedly and wavers in his position.

Jon Clinton is really ruthless...

But he looked at the sword stuck in the mud, only two steps away from his neck, and the blood on it had not yet dried.

The two brothers looked at each other and decided that the one who knows the current affairs is the hero.

Maybe, this Aegon Targaryen can really make it happen?
By then, I will be the first to join the group in all of Westeros.

Maybe there will be some good opportunities then.

Is it a war? It is normal for some nobles to die and some castles to be vacated.

"Okay, cousin, let's go right away..."

The two guys gritted their teeth and finally agreed to Jon Clinton's request.

In exchange, it was another sneer from Jon Clinton.

His loyalty to the Targaryen never wavered.

Therefore, he looked down upon these two people who were willing to do anything to survive.


When Roland Clinton and Raymond Clinton appeared on the front line between Aegon Targaryen's army and the remaining army of Falcon's Nest led by Ronald Storm.

All resistance collapsed in an instant.

Ronald Storm is the illegitimate son of Roland Connington and is currently the acting city lord of Eagle's Nest.

He was very puzzled.

That's why His Majesty surrendered first.

But there is no way, this is a society with family as its core.

Both Clintons in the Clinton family chose to surrender. It doesn't matter what he, the Clinton without the Clinton surname, thinks.

His men wouldn't listen to him either.

The two Clintons were too embarrassed to meet Roland Storm, so they simply disappeared.

But in any case, Eagle's Nest's resistance was over.

The red and white griffon flag is still there, but now it has to lag behind the black and red dragon flag.

It's also interesting to say.

People flying red and white gryphon flags hacked and killed each other.

Then, from the west and east of the Stormlands, two teams came to attack with the Targaryen black and red dragon flag.

Moreover, these two forces are obviously not the same thing.

Things in this world are very interesting.

Jon Connington entered Eagle's Nest and announced that House Connington was fighting for a new dynasty. News quickly spread throughout the Stormlands.

It wasn't that the news spread so quickly, but that this guy released all the ravens in the castle and broadcast the incident to the entire Stormlands.

At Storm's End, Renly Baratheon overturned the table in anger.

Most of the thousands of men and horses he entrusted to Brother Roland Clinton were lost.

Less than one-third escaped.

This is equivalent to a slap in the face by the Clinton family.

The military generals sent out could actually surrender to the enemy so quickly.

Even the Eagle's Nest Castle, which was still resisting, fell instantly.

Now, once Eagle's Nest is lost, Aegon Targaryen has a stable landing place.

There are deep waters nearby, which is very suitable for large ships transporting troops to dock.

Only the Seven Gods knew how many men Aegon Targaryen had.

At this moment, Renly Baratheon lost his position.

Not caring much, he once again summoned the nobles who were still at Storm's End Castle to discuss countermeasures.

But this time, no one spoke.

What else can be done?

Storm's End is next to Falcon's Nest.

In other words, this is the front line now.

If you can't surrender, you can only defend.

If all the more than 1 people in hand were sent to recapture the Eagle's Nest Castle.

Oberon Martell, rolling in from the west, would make you laugh in your dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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