Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 352 The late winter, the door is wide open

Chapter 352 The late winter, the door is wide open
Winter is coming, which has always been the clan language of the Stark family.

It has been talked about every day by members of the Stark family for generations.

But now, the line of snow has almost crossed the southern part of the Riverlands and is approaching the royal territory.

In view of this, the doctors in the city have been busy exporting personnel and technology, and charging high "technology transfer fees" from various noble families.

Finally, I remembered that I also worked for the Westeros Weather Bureau.

So, at the cardinal meeting, the doctors responsible for this aspect discussed it for a long time and finally passed the proposal.

White ravens fluttered in groups from the sky above the school city.

Their target is all the nobles in Westeros.

Of course, excluding the area ruled by Clay Manderly.

The doctors already knew that the dragon-hunting crossbow they had made was of little use against Clay Manderly's dragon.

They wanted to improve, but the materials limited them.

Double the cost and get a pitiful increase in power.

Therefore, within the school city, this project was shelved.

But the cold and reserved cardinals still chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Admitting failure is sometimes more difficult than killing them.

The proud nobles are much stronger than them.

At least, the responsibilities, family, territory, honor, etc. of the gentlemen are all real.

But the big shots in the city.

Sorry, no one in this world can restrain them.


The raven flew and flew, bringing the news that winter had arrived to only half of Westeros.

After all, the Vale, the Riverlands, Dorne, and the North are not places that the Academy likes now.

But how could such news be concealed?
Soon, the news that winter had arrived, coupled with the unfairness of the school and the obvious behavior of taking sides, spread to every corner of Westeros like the fiercest north.

The other nobles who had not received the news were furious.

The city doesn't trust them. In their opinion, this is a very damaging issue to their honor.

Along with this, the bachelors who served them were also in bad luck.

How could the nobles allow such a group of people to continue to be around them.

More or less knocking, must be there.

Otherwise, replace them with people they can use, and strengthen supervision for those who cannot.

After all, the Academy's behavior as their enemy was clearly extremely stupid in their eyes.

Arrogant and arrogant, they feel that the whole of Westeros cannot function without them.

It serves no purpose other than angering the nobles in these areas.

Only these nerds in the academy could think of such a mindless behavior.

Clay was originally from the North, and soon learned about this from the old man. It was not a new "news" to him.

As early as when he was conquering the valley, he had already realized that the school city was on the opposite side of him.

To be precise, they, like the lords of one party, have to deal with any force that has the ability to subvert their status.

It's just that I can't see the situation clearly.

"Go and tell Maester Aemon to send ravens to all our lords in my name. If there are not enough ravens, let Winterfell and White Harbor forward it."

"say what?"

Jon Umber asked.

"Tell them that winter has arrived, but we will survive the harsh winter smoothly, but our opponents, I think they promised that if they do not surrender, then their blood will not last until spring s arrival."

Clay glanced at his handy general and sneered:

"Remember, this order requires our lord to reveal something to the poor people in the south, so as not to make their lives too easy."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jon Umber nodded.

Warring is not very helpful to the military, but sometimes it is indispensable.

"I'll take the people south first, and I'll leave this place to you for the time being."

Clay patted Jon Umber on the shoulder.

"Are you dissatisfied that you were not allowed to personally participate in the operation to retake your castle?"

Clay asked.

Although he was shaking his head, Jon Amber could not hide the bitter expression on his face.

Of course he wanted to lead the cavalry himself and rush into the City of Last Hearth.

But the current conditions really don’t allow it.

The Night's Watch is a completely remnant army. Together with the Shadow Tower and Eastwatch, there are only 500 people.

This also includes the support staff.

With this small number of troops, it is impossible to defend the Great Wall.

So keeping people here is a must.

Now, Clay is the king, plus Bran Stark is staying here.

It's really too much of a bed frame, it's unnecessary.

Therefore, he chose to personally coach the main force and go south.

When he regained the Last Hearth City, he would let Brynden Rivers come over in a big way. He must let the Wild Hunt link the node recovery with this guy.

In this case, we can launch a trapping plan for the end, under the city of Kaho.

Make enough preparations in advance.

After staying in Castle Black for three days, everything was prepared.

Clay left behind a truly elite force of almost 1000 men, and the rest of the main force began to return south.

Last time, Earl Glover's thousands of men were defeated by the Wild Hunt.

It cannot be said to be a matter of combat effectiveness.

In fact, it was because he was not familiar with the opponent and took the initiative to enter the opponent's home court.

Being attacked by a large number of hounds, the organization collapsed, which led to the great defeat.

But the 1000 people Clay left behind had fought against the Wild Hunt's army.

They know exactly what their opponents will do.

Therefore, the Wild Hunt's army is not a fear to them.

In this case, 1000 people will be enough.

If there are more, all the food will be consumed on the Great Wall, which will not have much effect.

The army moved south quickly.

After all, they have walked this road many times.

Just look at the map and you will know that recovering the City of Last Hearth and protecting the safety of King's Road is the top priority at the moment.

The soldier in charge of the logistics line reported back.

As they passed through the section of the King's Road closest to the Last Hearth, they encountered another surprise attack by the Wild Hunt army.

After taking some casualties, the Wild Hunt retreated.

Strangely enough, they didn't take any food with them.

It seems that they came just to eat one of Clay's food transport teams.

Others don't understand, but Clay certainly understands.

With the portal, the logistical pressure on the Wild Hunt army is almost zero.

After all, any supplies can be taken from their rear by asking the navigator to open a portal.

This has never been a problem.

That's why the Wild Hunt doesn't even take a look at the food that the northerners regard as a treasure.

The army moved south quickly, and this time, it was still heading towards the Last Hearth City openly.

Originally, due to the existence of hounds, Clay's main force could conceal his whereabouts no matter how hard he tried.

will be exposed.

It's just a matter of time.

Instead of playing hide and seek with yourself, it is better to speed up your pace and approach directly by taking the main road.

Don't give the Wild Hunt a chance to sneak up on you.



The news of the victory was brought back to the northern capital with the rotation of logistics troops.

The whole city breathed a sigh of relief.

Logically speaking, their northern border obviously has a natural barrier, and the battle line has always been between Harrenhal and Blood Gate Golden Tooth City.

There is no way it will threaten the North.

But this year, the northern border has not been peaceful.First, the barbarian army, led by their king Mance Rayder, put great pressure on the Great Wall.

This forced Clay Mandler, who was still in the south at the time and pretended to be a loyal minister in the north, to lead his army north and send troops outside the fortress. He surrounded and annihilated the main force of the savage army in one fell swoop and eliminated the threat of the savages.

Then, there was the big lethargy incident that came and left without any warning.

Until now, the entire Northern Territory has not received a reasonable explanation.

Everyone said it was the will of the gods.

However, no one has been able to prove that their theory is correct.

Later, Robb Stark died at Harrenhal, and following his body back to Winterfell was the King of Manderly riding a dragon.

I thought the Northern Territory would be able to calm down from now on.

Who knew that enemies who came from nowhere actually landed from the east coast, successively captured Cahor City and Last Hearth City, and even captured Castle Black from the south.

The situation in the north seemed to have become precarious in an instant.

Fortunately, in the eyes of the Northerners, Duke Bran Stark, who had a certain friendship with Clay Manderly, had received his support.

With the defeat of Castle Black.

The atmosphere in Winterfell was relaxing again.

The news of the army returning south made the whole city start to prepare to receive the army again.

If King Robert Baratheon was still here, Winterfell would have to prepare wine, meat, and balls to entertain him.

It's a pity that the king has no interest in these things.

It’s a mixed blessing for people in the north.

Fortunately, this way, the pressure on Winterfell will be much less. After all, a banquet consumes far more materials than usual.

The sad thing is that the king never appears on such occasions.

The people below have no way of understanding the nature of this king.

The giant blue-gold dragon was wandering in the sky above the North, and would appear above Winterfell from time to time.

It seems to be reminding the entire Northern Territory who has the final say here.

Outside the city, at the east gate of Winterfell, the King's Road passes here.

There were many residents of nearby villages, as well as logistics personnel delivering food and grass to the frontline troops.

Come and go.

Although the weather is very cold now, this place may be the most lively place in the entire northern border.

On the King's Road, two people and two horses walked slowly among the pedestrians.

Through the hood that was slightly blown up by the wind, a round face with some saggy skin was revealed.

He is Thoros from Myr.

Beside him, a somewhat thin but extremely capable figure was hidden under a thick gray robe.

"Look, Ciri, that's the Winterfell I told you about."

Green eyes stared intently at this northern castle standing in the wind and snow. The ultimate target of the Wild Hunt, the heir of the ancient blood who could travel through time and space, knew that his destination had arrived.

She comes into this world from the south of Westeros.

But she soon discovered that the talent brought by her ancient blood seemed to be suppressed by the ubiquitous magic here.

And the repression is getting stronger and stronger.

If this question were posed to Clay, Clay would tell him that this was the magic tide brought about by the return of the dragon and the awakening of the Cold God.

Therefore, this result is that no one is allowed to go in and no one is allowed to go out.

But Shirley didn't know.

She knew that when she came to this world, the Wild Hunt would pursue her.

Ciri didn't want to bring more disasters to the world she passed.

However, she couldn't leave here.

Later, he wandered around the south for a while and lived in a village in the Reach for a while.

As a result, she was attracted by the son of a local noble. During a conflict, Ciri cut off the hand that touched her.

In desperation, she had no choice but to flee.

Parallel to this are the continuous wars between the seven kingdoms.

She came to the Westerlands first, and ended up catching up with Jaime Lannister's defeat at the hands of Clay.

The Iron Islands attack the coast of the West.

Under the turmoil, she had to leave here again.

Later, as the war continued, she successively traveled to the entire Seven Kingdoms except the North.

On the way, she met the red-robed monk, and Thoros of Myr discovered the surging magical power in her body.

For a time, Thoros wanted to take the girl to the Red Temple.

He believed that R'hllor would love such a gift.

But his own faith was not too devout. After thinking about it, he finally gave up the plan.

The news of the dragon's return made Ciri interested in Targaryen and other people who could control the dragon.

Ciri and he both agreed that such a person would finally end the unrest in Westeros.

She also wanted to take the opportunity to meet such a king.

If you get the chance, use his power to attack the Wild Hunt hard.

It's also a good thing.

This led to the current behavior of going north.

Anyway, I can’t go back for the time being, so I might as well experience this world.

This is what Ciri thinks.

"Come on, let's go to town."

Ciri said to Soros.

As soon as he finished speaking, the horse he stepped off began to scream restlessly.

They sense danger.

Huo Ran raised his head and looked at the northwest sky.

The blue-gold dragon appeared in their field of vision.



Storm's End

Stannis's promise to send troops did not bring much relief to Renly.

Because the defeat of the South and the West made him anxious.

Stannis's fleet is so far away that water cannot quench the near thirst.

Not long ago, when Crow's Nest did not choose to surrender, Oberon Martell who besieged them finally lost his patience.

An army of 5000 was invested with [-] men.

An attack was launched against the four thousand defenders in the city.

Yes, only 4000 people.

After Clinton's brats were knocked out of the 6000-strong establishment in World War I.

The strength in Renly's hands suddenly became stretched thin.

Although not many people died directly on the battlefield.

Jon Connington doesn't have that ability either.

But the army fell apart, and to Renly he was as good as dead.

Because they are all out of his control.

In desperation, the remaining 5000 people could only make arrangements like [-].

Felwood Castle and Crow's Nest Castle each have [-] troops stationed there. Eagle's Nest Castle has been lost, so [-] troops must be left at Storm's End to prevent the main castle from being lost.

However, these 4000 people seemed vulnerable in front of Oberon Martell's [-] army.

Although Dorne is also dominated by light infantry.

But after all, the number of people is here.

More than 1 people took turns attacking day and night.

It only took a week, and after suffering more than [-] casualties, they successfully entered the city.

The Earl of Crow's Nest Castle only chose to surrender at this time.

But Oberon Martell's poisoned spear pierced his chest.


Why did you go early?
Crow's Nest Castle is lost.

Renly's southern front was completely destroyed.

Now, his only hope is for Oberon's army to fight against the Targaryen army in Eagle's Nest Castle.

That way, he would have room to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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