Chapter 36 Mission
Since returning from Winterfell, Clay seems to have become busy all of a sudden. No, he and Sir Marlon are going to inspect the port area again in the afternoon.

Unlike King's Landing, you won't lose your life accidentally patrolling the streets here. Earl Wyman has established a very complete monitoring system here during the decades he has been in charge of White Harbor.

There is even a force here that resembles the Golden Robes of King's Landing, only on a much smaller scale.

However, for the sake of safety, Sir Marlon still took Earl Wyman's warrant and mobilized a 50-man White Harbor Guard to guard Clay, so that Clay, who originally wanted to see life in the city, failed to do so.

After lunch, Clay ate a full stomach of delicious sea fish and barbecue, and was dragged out of the castle by Sir Marlon before taking a break for 2 minutes.

The Newcastle on the high hill itself is located in the city, so Clay and his party followed the road, crossed the inner castle wall, and entered the bustling outer city of White Harbor with a lot of effort.

As soon as he walked to the Fish King Square, Clayburn wanted to go around the bustling square, but he didn't expect that just as he was about to step forward, he saw a guard riding his horse to Sir Malone's side and said, A few words.

Sir Marlon calmly listened to the guard's words, and turned to look at Clay. With just one glance, Clay had a premonition that his travel plan around the port today might be sent.

Sure enough, his intuition was very correct, because Sir Marlon's voice came over the next second:
"Clay, Lord Wyman informs you that the candidates have been selected, and they have gathered in the Newcastle campus. Please return to Newcastle immediately, Your Excellency."

My old man didn't tell Sir Marlon what these people were going to do, but just asked him to step up the screening, and reject all those who were unfaithful or overly active.

The old jazz didn't know why he was so strict, because after the preliminary screening, the rest of the screening was done by the old man himself, and he didn't participate in it. As he was completely loyal to the old man, he naturally didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, how about patrolling the city this afternoon?" Clay's meaning was obvious.

"Well, you go, I will finish it for you, but this week was originally twice, this time it will be voided, and one will be added on the weekend."


Riding on horseback, he was followed by half of the 25 guards, and Clay returned to Newcastle. The gate guards under Mermaid's flag saw that his young master had returned, and opened the gate graciously, without asking a word. Grab Clay's bridle.

Clay, who has become accustomed to these things for the past few days, just nodded to the guard whose name was not named, and led the guards towards the school grounds.

In the huge and empty school grounds, compared to last time, the number of people standing here this time has been reduced by half, only twenty people.

Seeing Clay's figure appear, these people immediately stood up straight, and the 22 candidates who disappeared sent them an obvious signal that this young master Clay was much more demanding than the average person.

After walking around them, Clay was quite satisfied, at least there were no people who were too tall or too short, because both of them would affect their mobility, and the work they would do in the future, the slightest lack of mobility might be of great concern. is fatal.

He waved his hand, indicating that the guards of White Harbor who followed him could go to rest by themselves. Clay no longer needed them to stand behind him as a pretense. The guards who were wearing armor and ran a big circle with the young master breathed a sigh of relief. After saluting Clay's back, he left.

When the last guard disappeared from view, and only Clay and these remaining Mandalay offshoots remained on the school grounds, Clay started his own question:
"Do you know what you were chosen to do?"

After waiting for a while, someone answered cautiously:
"Time to be your bodyguard, as the Kingsguard guards His Majesty the King."

Clay immediately looked at the Mandalay offshoot who answered, and the sudden look made the boy shrink his neck, not daring to continue to look at Clay.

But Clay didn't let him go, and walked over directly, without giving him time, and asked directly:
"Then what do you think is the most important thing as my personal guard?"

In fact, Clay's tone was not harsh, but it still frightened the young man enough, and he stood there with his head down as if he had been muted.

Seeing that no one answered, Clay gave his answer directly, poking his forehead with one hand, and said seriously:

"I don't doubt your loyalty, I trust Sir Marlon's judgment, but here, what I need more is your brains, in other words, I want you to use your brains to think."

Knowing that these people must not understand, Clay continued:
"My personal guards must be able to judge the situation on the battlefield by themselves, not just idiots who can only carry out my orders. If so, I can hire a group of people in this city with a few copper stars. What do you want?"

I feel more and more that I am admonishing people, but Clay can't help it. The common people of this era have a deep respect for the nobles, even if their ancestors were once the core members of the Mandalay family just like Clay. .

If Clay spoke to them in a peaceful manner, they would not take it seriously, and it would have no effect.

"Do you understand?!" Clay shouted at them. For the first time, only one or two voices answered, the voices were so small that they could not be heard at all.

"Answer me! Do you understand?"

After going back and forth several times, Clay finally heard a uniform roar answer:

"I understand!"

"Very good! I know that none of you can read, but it doesn't matter. From now on, you will all be incorporated into the White Harbor Guard. In addition to daily training, I ask you to write at least one letter within a month. "

"I will personally test you in a month. If you pass, stay, if you fail or cheat, get out, you are not welcome here!"

Seeing them looking at each other with embarrassment written all over their faces, Clay knew that it would be unreasonable for a group of honest farmers to learn basic writing within a month, but what Clay wanted was their learning ability.

In Clay's plan, these people who can endure and achieve something, after becoming the first batch of demon hunters in the future, will be positioned as vanguards on the battlefield. The role of more people.

Sword skills and physical fitness are of course important, but first of all, what Clay needs is brains that can function on their own, rigid brains, and send them to the rear of the battlefield. Once they lose their organization, their thoughts will kill them.

Rather than lacking, even if Clay can't get enough people, he must ensure the quality. As the future first-generation demon hunter group in Westeros, Clay Manderly's personal guard is by no means mediocre.

The typo is posted first and then corrected, the dog's head will save your life!
(End of this chapter)

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