Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 375: Lions are also powerful and sometimes they fail to catch them

Chapter 375: Lions are also powerful and sometimes they fail to catch them


Casterly Rock.

It was still the same table, with two people sitting on both sides of the table.

Jaime Lannister and his father, Tywin Lannister, now Lord of the Westerlands.

However, the expressions of the two people are very different now.

Tywin hid his figure in the thick darkness, and the indifference on his face made people shudder.

James, on the other hand, had a somewhat embarrassed expression, as if he had done something wrong and was caught by his parents.

Although he is already 30 years old.

"Father... you are just a woman... you..."

Jaime Lannister wanted to explain, but it seemed that one word ignited Tywin's long-suppressed anger, and the helmsman of the Westerlands rarely broke through his defenses.

He slapped the table and shouted angrily at his son:
"This is not a woman's problem, it's you! It's your stupidity!"

Tywin stared at his son with hatred, panted heavily, and continued to roar:
"Did I tell you that I wanted you to forget Cersei and you to forget Joffrey?"

"Don't you care about women? Why can't you listen to what I say?"

Tywin Lannister suddenly felt some pain in his chest.

"If you had told me early in the morning that you had not touched Margaery Tyrell, and if you had told me immediately after she left, then your uncle and our army would have returned to the West by now!"

Tywin sighed, with obvious fatigue and uneasiness in his tone.

"Margaery is here, and we have a hostage. Although this hostage is not big enough, we still have it."

"She ran back to the Reach. Come on, use your smart brain to think about why."

Jaime Lannister is not stupid, he understands what his father means:
"Um... aren't we allies now? Didn't the news about Randyll Tarly cutting off the head of the Prince of Dorne just come back?"

The heir to Casterly Rock sounded confused.

Because he really thinks so.

Tywin Lannister felt like he was about to fume with rage.

He discovered that his son was simply brainwashed by the chivalry he learned from who knows where, and he turned out to be terrifyingly childish in politics.

But he had no choice but to have only one son. Tywin had no choice but to patiently explain:
"The Dornish people are finished, so tell me, who should we deal with next?"

Jaime Lannister replied subconsciously:

"Clay Manderly of King's Landing."

Tywin sneered, his tone mocking:

"Why do they, Tyrell, come with us to fight against the two dragon kings? There is no Targaryen blood on their hands. Even if it is Clay Manderly, they have no hatred in it."

"Why can't these calculating Roses of Highgarden become Clay Manderly's most loyal ministers and turn against us?"

Jaime Lannister was stunned. To be honest, he had never thought about these issues before.

Political sensitivity is difficult to cultivate. If no one guides it deliberately, this is the manifestation.

"Aren't we... going to use the Reach, the Western Territory, and the captured Stormlands as bargaining chips to get Clay Manderly to agree to our honorable surrender?"

Tywin gave him a strange look:
"You are Clay Mandler, are you willing to accept this result?"

"This is a bet. Winter is coming, and Clay Manderly plans to quickly end the war across the country. But now, Tyrell has a better choice. Why aren't we careful?"

Jaime Lannister already understood what his father meant, and he asked:

"What about Uncle Kevan?"

"By the time you think about it, Kevan has been buried long ago."

Tywin sneered.

"I have ordered him to take the army, wait for an opportunity to leave the front line, and head towards the west."

"As for whether he can come back, I guess even the gods can't give me an answer."

"Now, we have to prepare for the worst."

Jaime Lannister's face also turned ugly. For his father, who never revealed himself easily, to say this showed how bad the situation had become in Tywin's heart.

"If Kevan's army cannot return to the West, then I will order the disarming of the Golden Teeth City, let Clay Manderly's army come in, and tell him that whether he kills me or lets me go to the Great Wall, But House Lannister must be preserved."

Tywin said.

"Clay Manderly is stronger than you, and even stronger than me. His [-] troops are blocking the Golden Teeth City and are not attacking. What is he waiting for?"

Tywin Lannister's tone was melancholy:
"It's ridiculous. I guess if we keep jumping around here, we won't be able to escape that kid's eyes. I'm afraid he has already figured out what we will do. This is giving me the last chance."

It is obvious that the Western Territory is currently empty of troops. No matter how dangerous Golden Tooth City is, it cannot withstand the attack of [-] troops without anyone.

Once captured, the interior of the Western Territory will be undefended and open to exploitation.

The old lion has been nervous, worried about the attack of the legions below Golden Tooth City.

But now, through one incident after another, he was vaguely aware of Clay Mandler's thoughts.

"I hope Kevan can escape."

Tywin Lannister muttered.



Crow's Nest.

Kevan Lannister is here now.

Along with his [-] troops who had no losses.

This joint attack, to be honest, is more like a march of force.

Because the Dornish people had no intention of fighting them head-on, they fled quite decisively.

In the end, the troops were divided, and the desperate resistance was futile, and was easily disintegrated by the coalition forces.

Kevan, who had just finished the battle, was very proud. After all, there had been very few happy battles like this in the Western Region since the war began.

This time I felt proud.

Not to mention, he was even happier when he heard that Randyll Tarly chopped off Oberon's head with one sword.

Now it's good, the people of the Reach will fight Dorne to death, this is really a double blessing.

However, this good mood disappeared without a trace after seeing his brother's letter.

He immediately ordered the main force stationed in Stonehelm City to return to Crow's Nest Castle overnight.

There are currently [-] troops in the Reach, [-] are on the front line of Blackport City far away from the battlefield, and the remaining [-] are all nearby.

There are [-] in Mistwood City and Rainhouse City, [-] in Falcon's Nest, [-] in Storm's End, and another [-] in the castles in the north.

If he really did this, he would be surrounded immediately.

To say that the terrain of this storm land is indeed like this, there is no battlefield depth, and the encirclement is accurate. "Quick, speed up, we must leave the range of Crow's Nest before tonight."

Kevan Lannister shouted from his steed.

An inexplicable sense of crisis lingered around him.

Although all the intelligence told him, Tyrell had not yet reacted, and there was no abnormal movement.

But he just felt uneasy.

This is the intuition from a veteran on the battlefield!

In fact, what he felt was correct. Indeed, before Tyrell could react, the order to attack the lion had just been sent to Garland Tyrell.

But this kid is now south of Stonehelm City. He was previously a vanguard chasing the Red Viper.

I won't be able to come back for a while.

He did issue an encirclement order to the troops at Eagle's Nest and Storm's End, but it was definitely too late.

Because before that, Kevan Lannister had already led others to run away.

As a professional air fighter, when Garland Tyrell hurried back to Stonehelm City, what was left to him was an empty city with nothing.

The Lannister left him nothing.

After cursing, Garland Tyrell could only ignore his fatigue and continue heading north. After passing through the rain forest, he would see if he could bite Lannister's tail at Crow's Nest Castle.

The meaning in his grandmother's letter was very clear. Since they were now locked in a feud with Dorne, they must embrace Clay Manderly, otherwise, the future of the Tyrell family would be in jeopardy.

If Lannister is allowed to run away like this and His Majesty the King has to deal with it personally, then Tyrell's value in the new dynasty will be far lower than Tyrell's own expectations.

As mentioned before, the current imperial meeting is still empty, these are just fragrant cakes hanging there.

Tyrell is not greedy, that is a lie.

The queen is a no-brainer, but what about the next king’s queen?
Clay Manderly is a Westeros, and he will definitely not accept all Targaryen customs.

If the Tyrell family wants to enter the center, it depends on this deal.


Garlan Tyrell shouted the exact same words as Kevan Lannister.

They are still quite far away from Crow's Nest. The 3 people from Storm's End have moved and are approaching to the west. Although Eagle's Nest is close, due to terrain problems, there will definitely be only [-] people left at Crow's Nest. Eaten into ashes.

Moreover, there are pure infantry with poor short-distance mobility.

If you go into a ravine like this, you can easily be ambushed by a backhand attack.

"I don't know where Matus Rowan's 3 people are now. It's really worrying."

Garlan Tyrell thought.

Matus Rowan, Earl of Golden Tree City, whom he was talking about in his heart, was also hurrying on his way at this time.

From Crow's Nest, two roads to the west and north can lead over the mountains in the southern part of the Stormlands.

The north side leads directly to Fort Felwood, and to the west, you will go out from the north side of Summer Hall and reach Green Valley City, the territory of the River Bend people and one of their logistics bases.

The Earl of Golden Tree City judged that Kevan Lannister would never dare to go north, otherwise he would run into him and the 1 people from the north. A total of 2 troops would definitely be enough to hold back the [-] Lannister troops. .

By that time, 4 people from the south will arrive and 8 people will complete the encirclement, and the main force of Lannister will be finished.

Therefore, he believed that Kevan would definitely choose to cross the mountains from the north of Summer Hall and escape to the now equally empty Reach.

If this is really the case, Matus Rowan can only say that it is hard to say whether he can catch up.

This is not a matter of calculating straight-line distances on a map.

If he wanted to intercept Kevan Lannister, he would have to be at least half times faster than him, and he could barely intercept this guy under the walls of Green Valley City.

There is no way, the traffic situation in the Stormland is like this. The King's Road is only the main road, and when it comes to real fighting, it is all country roads.

"No, it's too slow to go on like this. Order, all the cavalry gather in front, ignore the infantry, we go to Green Valley City first!"

Looking at the endless 3 people behind him, who had only moved a few miles away in the morning, Count Matus Rowan immediately gave an order.

If he wanted to bring all 3 people to Greendale City, he would probably abandon their baggage and go to Highgarden, a Lannister army with a higher quality than his own.

That won't work!

So, he decided to go first with the cavalry, even if there were few people, it didn't matter. Reinforcing the empty Green Valley City first was the focus.

"Inform Highgarden and ask them to give Greendale City a warning. They must not take it lightly. Even the entire city east of the river bend must be careful. Twenty thousand Lannister troops can fight better than us."

Count Matus Rowan ordered.


"Damn it, these Tyrells are really taking action."

After all, the news couldn't be hidden. Three days later, Tywin of Casterly Rock learned the news that the people of the River had officially turned against each other.

For the first time, the news that the situation was over filled the heart of the Duke who would never admit defeat.

Clay Manderly holds half of Westeros, four dragons, and 6 to [-] troops.

Now, the richest guy in Westeros, with 10 people, stands on his opposite side.

Tywin Lannister does not regret the massacre of the Targaryens in King's Landing. He would have made that choice no matter what. After all, it was all for the family.

There is actually no way to break this situation. Clay Manderly is overwhelming, but he just won't budge, and Tywin Lannister has no choice at all.

But for the necessary goal of the survival of the Lannister family, he decided to give it a final try.

Tyrell betrayed them, so these rose words must be prepared to be bitten black and blue by the lion's fangs.

There are not so many things on this continent that don't come without paying the price.


In three days, the situation on the battlefield changed.

In Highgarden City, the Queen of Thorns openly displayed the banner of Clay Manderly and expressed her willingness to submit to the new king. She made no demands and kept her attitude very low.

The furious Prince Doran Martell in the south almost vomited three liters of blood when he saw this news.

With Tyrell's surrender, theoretically speaking, he had to become an ally with the family that had tricked his entire main force and beheaded his younger brother.

This made Prince Doran feel as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

However, now Dorne is licking its wounds from top to bottom, and the power of the Martell family has also declined significantly, and they are unable to slap the people of the River.

In desperation, I can only pretend that I can't see it.

On the Stormlands battlefield, Kevan Lannister ran very fast.

In three days, he actually climbed over a hundred miles of mountain road and arrived directly on the west bank of a large river in the Stormlands, leaving Garland Tyrell far behind.

It seemed that he had escaped the pursuit, but a piece of inquiring news made this guy feel cold all over.

A giant blue-gold dragon appeared to the northwest with an army of [-] people.

It seemed that they were here to take his life.

(End of this chapter)

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