Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 385 The war is not over yet

Chapter 385 The war is not over yet
The enemy in the north was indeed blinded.

Jon Umber was stationed at Castle Black, and in cooperation with Brynden Rivers of Winterfell, he had completely wiped out all the Wild Hunt's strongholds in the north while Clay was dealing with the chaos in the south.

Finally, Hearth City and Kaho City were all recovered, and the nodes were all re-covered.

Only the distant island of Skagos is still shrouded in the mist of the Cold God.

There was no way, across a Seal Bay, the White Harbor fleet was transferred south by Clay to confront Aegon Targaryen's fleet.

People can't fly across the sea, and they're not dragons.

Therefore, after retaking all the land on the continent, Jon Amber explained the situation to Clay who was busy in the south.

Then, according to the king's request, multiple strongholds were established on the coast of the north.

This kind of thing is similar to a beacon. There are not many people. As long as you see an enemy landing, you don't need to resist, just light it and run away.

The troops stationed nearby will naturally get the news.

The east coast of the northern border is covered with plains, making it easier to mobilize troops.

However, they thought that everything would be safe, but unexpectedly, their enemies were not willing to fail.

Due to this time and space, there is no possibility of damage to the Great Wall of Despair, and it has been standing tenaciously on the northern frontline.

Clay Mandler, on the other hand, carried out Gou's spirit to the end. No matter what the situation was, the dragon would not leave the Great Wall and would not give the enemies outside the wall a chance.

With no other choice, Han Shen had to use his own power to try to freeze the sea near Eastwatch, hoping to bypass the Great Wall.

However, since they were supplemented by some of the White Harbor fleet's large ships, the night watchmen in Eastwatch have been doing nothing but laying on the broken ice all day long.

Although the cold god's magic power was powerful, it could not freeze the entire sea surface near Eastwatch at once.

Otherwise, why would the White Walkers stay outside the wall to watch the show?
They know very well that their existence has been more or less exposed.

In this case, it is necessary to land south of the Great Wall as soon as possible and hunt more humans in order to expand the number of ghouls. In the end, it will snowball and crush the human resistance with absolute numerical superiority.

Otherwise, when the decaying machine of the human kingdom starts to operate, their current power will easily be completely locked north of the Great Wall, and then fall into silence again amid the endless hunting of humans.

After finally waiting for the magic power to recover, Han Shen continued to have power for thousands of years, just waiting for this opportunity.

So, when Caranthil bit the bullet and set foot on the land outside the wall, he was immediately welcomed.

The dead welcome the living, which was simply not possible in the past few thousand years.

But now, everything is possible.

Najirfa, this incredibly powerful warship, will help the dead pass through the barriers erected by the living and enter their land.

In return, the dead will help the living who cooperate with them get what they want.

In this tide, the Cold God did not initially intend to swallow all of Westeros in one bite.

That might really wake up the sleeping god of red fire.

No one is willing to do something that is not worth the gain, and as a servant of the Cold God, the White Walkers are certainly not willing to do it.

They would be satisfied if they could swallow the entire north and transform all the creatures here into the most humble servants of the Cold God.

However, now, this goal cannot be achieved, and is replaced by a more radical goal.

For example, invade a land that is not ruled by the old gods, but is protected by the weak Seven Gods.



Snakewood City.

This small town located at the northernmost point of the valley should have been the most undisturbed one.

However, their good days ended on a snowy afternoon.

Since the Seagull Town fleet and the White Harbor fleet are both in King's Landing in the south, the sea here is almost unattended.

There are only some fishing boats from Snakewood City on the sea, and they are working hard to catch some while they can.

Don't worry about pirates.

The former White Harbor Fleet and the current Royal Fleet have made this area an absolute restricted area with blood and fire.

As long as you dare to come, leave your head and leave.

Therefore, Snakewood City has been using the nearby sea with peace of mind.

Until, the fishermen saw the dark shadow of the huge sail behind the thick fog on the sea.

The shadow of the sail was so big that it was like a black wall, pushing the bone-chilling cold fog towards them.

"Father, is that the King's warship?"

The young man who had just joined the fishing life pointed with trembling fingers at the huge shadow that was getting closer and closer.

No, his father didn't answer him at all.

The faces full of ravines were all crowded together at this time.

This experienced old man was staring nervously at the opposite sea.


An instinctive intuition kept reminding him.

However, he was never sure.

However, when the sharp angle wrapped in thick ice pierced the cold mist, the old man reacted immediately:
"It's not His Majesty's fleet! Run!"

It's not too late, because the target of this ship is not them at all.

Eredin stood on the bow of Najirfa. Under his feet, in the cabin, were more than 500 dead people with ice-blue eyes.

They are wights, the dead controlled by cold magic.

Now, they used a cheating plan to cross the Great Wall, a magical barrier that they could never cross.

There is another deep-water port near Snakewood City that is large enough for Najirfa to dock.

After it crushed the wreckage of countless small boats, it finally sent its crew to the land of the valley with endless power and coldness.

"I hope you keep your promise."

Eredin's heavy voice came from under the dark skull mask.

Just as he was about to get off the deck, the pale-skinned White Walker turned around and stared at the living man covered in ferocious armor without any expression. Then, with the army of corpses that had already stepped onto the ground, he fiercely headed towards Snakewood City on the shore. Pounced.

The war has begun again.


"Clay, I didn't expect today's meeting to go so smoothly."

At night, Daenerys said to Clay standing by the window.

Early on, they decided on the appointment of the Lord Chancellor, the Prime Minister, and then, with the joint support of the major nobles, the Sea Lord was Theon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands.

Why not his sister?
Obviously, this iron type is not popular with everyone. Xion, the guy who has fought with everyone until now, is the most suitable candidate.

According to the plan, the first combined fleet of the new dynasty is about to assemble on the sea near King's Landing.

For the newly established new dynasty, reorganize the power on the narrow sea.

After this, Lord Lord of Hornhill, Randyll Tarly, became Lord Chancellor of the Law.

This old guy, after losing his heir, could not tolerate sand in his eyes.

Without any worries, he is a candidate that can be recognized by many parties.

As for the intelligence chief... Clay selected a responsible chief from his own White Sea Guards.

At this point, all the imperial meetings have been processed.

Then, Clay began his own expansion plan for the kingdom.

Originally, Daenerys was really worried about this.

Because in her opinion, the nobles would firmly oppose this obvious embezzlement.However, starting from the Riverlands, everyone just glanced at each other and no one said anything at all. Daenerys carefully stared at the faces of the nobles below, and there was indeed no unpleasant look on their faces.

This is strange.

The meeting continued until the end. The area directly under the king's jurisdiction already included half of the Riverlands, the northern part of the Stormlands, and the Reach to the Bitterbridge area.

Except for the last bit, where Lady Olenna wanted to speak but ultimately chose to shut up, everything went surprisingly smoothly.

When she finally had some free time, Daenerys couldn't wait to ask Clay why.

"The eastern half of the Riverlands, except for Harrenhal and Earl Holloway's town, isn't the rest the land of my Manderly family? Incorporating it into the royal territory is just integrating it into It’s just together, who dares to interrupt?”

Clay poured himself a glass of water.

I drank a lot of red wine today, which is really a bit of a stretch, so drink a glass of water and take it easy.

"As for the north of the Stormlands, that place is now in ruins. The nobles there don't even have anyone loyal to them. If they don't seek refuge from me, what can they do?"

"In the end, the Bitter Bridge side was purely a test on my part to use force to overwhelm others. After all, no one objected to these two areas. Lady Olenna just suffered a defeat here, so I bet she won't object. "

"When we completely secure these territories, our power, even when the dragon disappears, will form absolute suppression on other places."

"that's enough."

Clay put down his cup and smiled.

Daenerys nodded.

This is true. The territory is enough. As long as you are not stupid and have integrated the new royal territory, at least four families will need to rebel to pose a threat to the royal family.

Clay didn't believe that someone would be stupid enough to offend almost all the nobles in the country at the same time.

Moreover, after holding the key to the Blood Gate, Gudi would not dare to rebel.

If we lose again, no one can do anything about it.

"Speaking of which, when you announced today that a new region would be defined with Golden Tooth City as the core, did the nobles of the Western Region look at the Earl of Golden Tooth City?"

Daenerys seemed to have remembered something and said with a smile on her face.

Clay had not communicated this matter to the Earl of Golden Tooth City beforehand. As soon as he brought it up, the Earl of Golden Tooth City was immediately stunned.

However, this guy was also courageous. He gritted his teeth and agreed directly.

This is a perfect opportunity to improve the family's status.

And the Tully family was finally replaced by Clay as the remaining Lord of the Riverlands through Daenerys' mouth.

Earl Blackwood successfully ascended the throne and became the Duke of Crowtree City, commanding the remaining lands.

Several Tully opened their mouths, but in the end they could only accept the outcome sullenly.

In the remaining Western Territory, Clay supported the Lord of Brand City as the temporary Lord of the Western Territory.

Tomorrow's meeting will focus on how to arrange the territory of Arryn Valley and the southern Stormlands. The former is leaderless, and Clay does not want the Grafson family to ascend to high positions.

After all, Seagull Town is already strong and does not need to be strengthened.

But the rest cannot be given to Yon Royce...

Well, it's not impossible.

But that's for tomorrow.

As for the southern storm lands, thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Oberon, who has returned to the embrace of the Seven Gods, the southern storm lands are now basically all unclaimed lands.

How to distribute is actually a big problem.

This is not the same thing as the previous division.

In the past, it was a cut on the stock, which was all meat in the pot anyway.

But now, for other nobles, the Southern Storm Land has no owner. Whoever gives it to them means that the family's power will expand in all directions.

In addition to strengthening their own family, the nobles also have a hidden mission, which is to spread their bloodline to other places as much as possible.

For example, Cray now gives Storm's End to House Tyrell.

Then this branch will be called the Tyrell family of Storm's End.

And Highgarden has invisibly expanded its influence to the Stormlands.

Although everyone's relationship will definitely not be as good as before in the future.

But when something really happens, there is still a lot of help.

Therefore, the nobles are waiting for tomorrow, waiting for Clay to bring the fattest piece of cake in the entire meeting to the table.

Everyone tried their best to meet Clay in advance, hoping to use some method to assign the castle in the southern Stormlands to their family.

However, Clay still saw no one.


The next day, the meeting bell rang as usual.

Yesterday's meeting was still the only topic of discussion among the nobles.

Several people who have already served in the imperial council have received more or less flattery.

After all, power means being able to do something.

And this is definitely what some people want.

But there is no rush, because there is still another half to this meeting.

Obviously, this is the highlight.

The door to the throne room opened again.

This time, the nobles found their place deftly.

What's interesting is that the Earl of Golden Teeth City is sitting quite near the front.

But not many people spoke to him.

Even though they couldn't resist what Clay did yesterday, even though they were ordered by the king, the nobles of the Western Region all had opinions about this traitor they considered.

There were even rumors that Kevan Lannister's main position was found so easily because of the secret report from the Earl of Golden Teeth City.

Clay knew it, but didn't stop it at all.

This is best. Only by relying on the royal family can Golden Tooth City survive. In this case, it is equivalent to the royal family acquiring this important gateway to the Western Territory.

Once there is a problem in the Western Territory, there is no need to detour to the Reach and enter the Western Territory from south to north through the Yangji Hall.

Many people understood it, but didn't say much.

Firstly, this has nothing to do with him, and secondly, it can be seen from this that the king is deeply wary of the nobles.

Despite the smile on his face now, if he really angered the Dragon King, the bones of the 2 horses in the Western Region would still be rotten on the ground in the river bend.

Amidst the compliments, Clay returned to the throne again.

I just wanted to speak and continue today's meeting.

However, the newly appointed intelligence chief hurriedly walked in from outside the throne room and handed a letter to the captain of the Kingsguard, Krissen.

Clay opened it and took a look, his expression changed slightly.

After a long time, he put down the letter and handed it to Daenerys next to him.

As a result, the latter read the contents of the letter carefully, but her reaction was much greater than Clay's.

He exclaimed and stood up from his seat.

"Sorry everyone, the meeting may have to be suspended."

Clay shook his head slightly, and then slowly stood up from the Iron Throne.

"A new war is coming, everyone, obey my orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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