Chapter 39 The Wolf's Den
Wolf's Den is the oldest castle in White Harbor, so old that it has a history of almost 1000 years.

When the Stark family was still the king of the North, a king named Jon Stark built this fortress to resist pirate invasion at the mouth of the White Knife River, which is about the same place as White Harbor today. .

The original occupants were the youngest sons, brothers, and uncles of the Stark kings, and their descendants formed offshoots like the ones chosen by Clay, and these offshoots formed a race called the Gray Starks.

This offshoot of House Stark occupied the castle of Wolf's Lair for five centuries, but when the Red King of the Dreadfort and the Stark Wolf King came to war, they were on the wrong side.

While most of the Starks are generous, they clearly cannot tolerate rebels, especially if they are offshoots of their own family.

After the death toll, the castle lost its master as the Red King of the Dreadfort bowed his knees.

After several twists and turns, it was successively occupied by the Fettering family, the Locke family, and the Slater, Lang, Holt, Ashwood and other families that were enfeoffed by Winterfell. In the end, this castle came to the Mandalay family. hand.

With the establishment and expansion of White Harbor, the Mandalay family has transformed into the richest family in the entire northern border. Of course, the small wolf den is not worthy of this prominent family.

As a result, a new castle was established on the high hill in the city, and the huge white city wall protected the city and the fortress inside, and the wolf's lair, which was located alone outside the city, also had the name of the old castle.

Today, this is the prison of the Mandalay family and the base camp of the entire White Sea Guard.

Clay has been here before, but only on the outskirts, because there is a very old godswood here. Unfortunately, the only heart tree in the ever-shrinking godswood no longer has much magical power.

Mounted on his horse again, under the protection of several White Harbor guards, Clay followed Sir Bartimus into the ancient fortress.

Entering the raised iron gate, for some reason, Clay felt that the knight relaxed, as if he had just gone to Newcastle to see his old man, which made him very uncomfortable.

Clay noticed that the soldiers here, or the jailers, were not wearing the silver-white armor normally worn by the guards of White Harbor, but a gray-black uniform.

The silent guard stepped forward and grabbed the reins of Clay and the others. Although Batimus had a broken leg, he jumped off the horse very freely and handed the reins to a scar-faced guard. hand.

After this, for the first time, Clay heard the voice of Sir Bartimus, which was hoarse and unpleasant, like ceramic rubbing on gravel, and he said:

"Master Clay, welcome to the wolf den."

The dry welcome speech was not warm at all, but rather cold. He pointed to some surrounding buildings and continued:

"What you see now is the prison part of the entire Wolf's Lair. All guilty people will be judged here, and we are also responsible for sending him to meet the old and new gods."

Clay wanted to go and see, but Sir Bartimus stopped him. He leaned on an oak cane and looked at Clay:

"After you hand over to me, you can see everything here anytime you want, but now, Master Clay, we'd better do the handover first."

Regarding this, Clay has nothing to refute. Although he has only been a noble young master for a short time, his ears are used to flattery words, and his eyes are used to seeing flattering smiles. When he suddenly met Sir Bartimus, Clay Ray was somewhat uncomfortable.

Passing through the old and dilapidated buildings, Clay realized that there must be a lot of space below. For such a large population base in White Harbor, it is afraid that the prison can hold all the prisoners. It must not be small.

The two's goal is behind these prison buildings, where is the tallest building in the entire Wolf's Lair, a tall and thick gray tower.

Near the building, Clay saw a lot of gray-clothed guards. Based on the posture of walking and the posture of holding weapons, Clay judged that these people would fight up to five by themselves. Of course, they would fight together.

Stepping on the stone stairs, Clay entered the tower that had lasted for nearly a thousand years.

Originally, I thought that the inside would be like the mouse tower in the world of the witcher, full of cobwebs, rotten wood, dark and closed, but I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly clean.

The torch was inserted on the wall and burned quietly. Although the wooden structure inside was mottled, it was obvious that someone had maintained it for a long time. The old and new wood were intertwined, so the color was uneven.

There are many windows in the tower, and bright spots fall on the table or the floor, making the interior brighter.

There are a few people here, or how many people are in the room Clay is in, about three or four, and they are recording something around a table. There are many notes neatly placed on the long project table, and Clay can recognize them. It was the letter strapped to the raven's leg.

Now Clay understands why this place is so heavily guarded. Just such a large amount of Raven information must not be leaked.

Knowing what Clay wanted to ask, Sir Bartimus, who already had the duty to answer questions, said:

"Here is the information reported by the White Sea Guard in 34 places in the northern border, the riverlands, the western border, the king's land and some valley areas. They are summarizing here."

Good guy, this is the number of big nobles with names and surnames in these places. This is basically a catch.

Secretly stunned, Clay nodded calmly on the surface. Although he didn't know how useful the information was, the deployment of manpower in so many places showed White Harbor's financial strength.

Clay was taken by Sir Bartimus to a place similar to a conference room. A long table stood in the center, a larger chair stood in the center, and some ordinary chairs surrounded it.

There were other people in the room, five people to be precise, watching Clay in silence.

Clay was led to sit on the largest chair, and he didn't refuse. He was about to take over here, so he couldn't put on a weak posture at this time.

"The five of them are the general managers in charge of the five regions just mentioned. They are also responsible for the distribution and execution of specific tasks. Compared with me, they are more suitable for answering your questions."

After speaking to Clay, Sir Bartimus took off a somewhat dull ring from his finger, pushed the ring to Clay with his fingers, and said to the five people:
"The ring has been handed over. From now on, Clay Mandler, the grandson of the Earl, will become the new commander of the White Sea Guard."

(End of this chapter)

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