Chapter 398 It's Our Time
The initial offensive went well.

In fact, even if there are hounds who do not care about death, the group charge launched by them will not be able to defeat the elite human troops formed in formation.

But a big problem is that they forgot that this place is no longer a place that the eyes of the old gods or the Seven Gods can look at.

This means that this Skagos Island has been shrouded in the magic of the Cold God and is their opponent's home court.

At the sound of the officer's horn, small phalanxes began to charge forward.

Their goal was to capture the mountain ridge ahead where hounds were constantly rushing out.

This is an uphill climb, and according to Skagos Island records, this is probably the highest point on the island.

As long as you capture a piece of land nearby, you can overlook the entire battlefield from a high position.

This is very useful for commanding the entire battlefield.

However, as the army marched, the sound of turning soil suddenly sounded from the land they had just stepped on behind them.

Before the soldiers could react, the cold hands of their just-dead comrades had already grasped their ankles.

The White Walkers released by the Wild Hunt rushed to the battlefield.

Although they had been imprisoned by the Wild Hunt for so long and were filled with anger, they knew very well that only by recovering enough servants of the dead in their hands could they avenge their previous revenge.

Therefore, they still came to the front line.

"Damn, it's these dead people again!"

Shirley kicked away an arm that was grabbing at her and took two steps back.

Her ancient blood has gradually begun to revive, but this cannot switch her attack mode from physical to magical attacks.

It doesn't mean that an assassin can be used as a mage once he has a full set of magical equipment.

She could already feel that the Wild Hunt was definitely targeting her.

But she didn't back down.

The reason for participating in this war is to cooperate with Clay Mandler to completely solve these troubles.

"Get rid of them, cavalry, charge forward and kill them!"

The officers in the rear had discovered the minor trouble on the battlefield and immediately ordered the [-] cavalrymen who had just landed to carry out the task of clearing the battlefield.

These cavalry equipped with dragon crystal weapons are the best way to deal with these dead people who have not had time to form a group.

Amidst the sound of the horn, the phalanx quickly got rid of the entanglement of the dead and pressed towards their target.

The White Walkers could only retreat.

There are only a few of them. If they are surrounded by humans, they can be chopped into pieces with just one sword or the other without using dragon crystal weapons.

Of course Eredin and the others also know the situation of the battle ahead, after all, this is their territory.

"Illerith, go and take our soldiers to slightly block the human advance. Jiviel is not deep enough and we cannot open the portal to her."

In fact, it can be done, but the problem is that now Ciri is surrounded by groups of heavily armored soldiers. Isn't it just looking for death to open the door and go through?
Only when the formation behind them was scattered could they wait for an opportunity to take action.

Eredin and his friends have made up their mind to grab Ciri and leave immediately. The water in this poor place is too deep, and they have shed too much blood here, and the results are still there. They've hit their old nest.

If they are lost here again, they will have no choice but to stay outside the Great Wall.

There will no longer be a place for them to stand south of the Great Wall.

A band of Wild Hunt soldiers followed their general Illerith.

This reckless man planned to attack the invading human soldiers in a small valley behind the hill.

On the frontal battlefield, after all the dead were eliminated, the vanguard successfully occupied the commanding heights of the island.

"Sir, no enemies have been found. It seems they have all retreated into the woods."

Duke Tytos Blackwood frowned and looked at the large pine forest in front of him, feeling a little headache.

Skagos Island is quite large, so it’s not surprising that there is such a large forest in the center.

But the problem is, this is a considerable disadvantage for the offense.

This means that the army entering the forest will have difficulty maintaining its original intact formation.

Clay has already warned the front line that this time they should be careful of enemies appearing from the portal and attacking.

But at this last moment, I was trembling, and it was impossible to retreat.

"Can you go around?"

Lord Tytos Blackwood asked his sentry.

"It's difficult, sir. We don't know how to get around it, and even if we can get around it, it will take at least more than a day."

The terrain is clearly like this.

After the main force landed from the northwest, other roads also landed one after another.

But their topography of Skagos Island is high in the center and low on the edges. No one can do anything about it.

All have to climb mountains.

"Where is your Majesty? Can you please search for traces of enemies in the sky for us?"

Lord Tytos Blackwood still didn't want to venture into the woods so rashly.

"I don't know. The dragon flew south. We don't know where His Majesty is."


"This time, I have arranged a bait, which will definitely delay our enemies."

This is on a beach on the Isle of Scayne.

No one expected that the king and the Duke of Winterfell, commanded by the former enemy, would secretly meet here.

"Why are you so sure? You know better than me. Those guys can escape from here at any time, as long as they want."

Brynden Rivers glanced at Clay in surprise.

In fact, he disapproved of this attack from the beginning.

In his opinion, mobilizing the whole country's strength to come to such a far place is simply a thankless effort.

The valley was so solidly surrounded at first that those guys were able to escape. Why should we be exception this time?

He didn't believe that Clay Mandler went to war to regain an uninhabited island of Skagos.

It's just that he never had a chance to talk to Clay about this matter.

"Don't worry about it. The reason why I'm looking for you is to ask you to go to the island now."

Clay didn't want to explain so much to Brynden Rivers, it would be useless.

"Bait? One is enough. What can I do up there?"

Brynden Rivers didn't understand what Clay meant.

"When I flew over the island before, I saw other weirwoods there. Now, do you know what I want you to do?"

The Three-Eyed Crow understood it, and he understood it as soon as he mentioned the Heart Tree.

All the emotional offensives now are feints, including the bait sent up.

The real killer move is here.

As long as the front line can hold those guys back so they don't realize that someone is planning to steal your home, then it'll be perfect.

Once again supporting a new node, the power of the old gods enveloped Skagos Island, and those guys couldn't escape.

Their warship, the huge warship I heard was called Najirfa, is now feeding fish on the bottom of the sea.

Just cut off their portal.

That means there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

"I can't say no can I?"

Brynden Rivers smiled bitterly.

"If you don't go, I will tie you up. Now you want to run away? There is no way."

Clay laughed too.

As a result, the last green prophet also experienced a feeling that his predecessors had never experienced before.

Yulong Feitian.

Clay knew very well that now that almost all the defensive forces were concentrated in the mountains in the northwest, the southeast would inevitably be empty of troops.

This is your chance.

He is no longer needed on the front line for the time being. Now, he has to protect Brynden Rivers from surprise and get things done.

As a result, the two people quickly arrived at the southeast of Skagos Island.Looking at the bare beach, Clay ordered Galesos to descend.

Just fly a little further and you can find a huge and ancient weirwood tree.

Obviously, this weirwood tree without the magic power of the old god had slipped through the net.

The Wild Hunt's original negligence has now become the prelude to their death knell.

"How long it will take, I'm not sure those guys will feel it."

Clay said.

He believed that the landing figures of himself and Galesos must have been seen by the troops landing nearby.

There will definitely be troops coming to support.

But how long it will take, no one knows.

This is not the fertile plains of the Reach. There are smooth roads everywhere.

"As soon as half a day, this tree is in good condition."

Brynden Rivers gave a limit time, and he also knew that as long as it was done this time, not to mention these guys who could open the portal.

As long as the White Walkers on the island are completely annihilated, Cold God's offensive will be considered a failure.

And He, as the agent of the old gods, is considered safe.

Therefore, He has to come even if He does not come.

"Let's work, Galesos will assist us in heaven."

Clay didn't want any more nonsense.

Now, it's time to compete with your opponent.


"There is no other way. Let's go into the forest and ask the soldiers to stand as close as possible, with the shield bearer in front. We must ensure that the formation is not chaotic."

Unable to wait for a higher-level decision, as the commander of the frontline army, Duke Tytos Blackwood could only grit his teeth and stamp his feet, letting his army enter the woods, which at first sight was not a good place.

He knew very well that if the other party's commander was not stupid, there must be quite an ambush there.

But now there is no choice.

This is a valley that is not too deep, but you can't get around it on both sides.

Therefore, I had to bite the bullet and rush in.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a battle to break out ahead.

The screams shook the white snow accumulated on the leaves to the ground.

Being suppressed and beaten all the time made the grumpy Ileris furious.

Now, he could finally use Bai Shuang's power freely. A huge hammer as tall as a man cut through the air in his hand and hit the shield of a heavy shield hand from Horn Hill.

There was just a click, and the shield made of hardwood was broken directly in the middle.

The right arm of the shield hand at the back was completely broken.

Obviously, this shot did a lot of damage.

"Attention, there is a dangerous guy here!"

The soldiers who saw this scene immediately shouted.

In fact, there was no need for them to remind him that Illerith's tall figure was not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

"Come, come with me to deal with this guy!"

The soldiers spontaneously gathered together and raised their shields to block.

No matter how awesome Illerith was, he wouldn't be able to smash seven or eight people away with just one hammer blow.

Their attack was truly unexpected.

However, after the initial panic, the humans began to gain an absolute numerical advantage.

Yes, you do rely on the portal to appear and disappear, but no matter where you are teleported to on the battlefield, you are still my people. If you teleport, it means you have not teleported.

Of course Eredin knew about this scene, but he had been enduring it.

Caranthir has already captured Ciri's position, he just needs to go deeper.

"Remember, I can give up Ilerith and his people, but the ancient blood must be obtained."

The tone of the Wild Hunt King was already very angry.

This is a waste, and for them, the loss is very great.

The curse of fertility difficulties has always hung over their tribe.

Every time one dies, it takes a considerable amount of time to get it back.

Caranthil, who was holding the cold magic scepter, nodded, but for some reason, he always felt that this was a bit too simple.

Doesn’t the other party know that he can leave at any time?
It's a pity that he forgot about the guy who re-erected the nodes when he was in the north.

Time wears away everything, including memories.

After some soldiers fell, the army finally crossed the valley.

This guy Illerith was also knocked away directly by a war horse, and then was killed after being pierced through the chest with a sword.

The one hundred Wild Hunt soldiers he brought were almost wiped out in this seaside area.

"Those servants of the Cold God ran in that direction. I can feel their direction."

Wiping the sweat from his face, Soros pointed to the southwest.

Ciri nodded. He had killed many Wild Hunt soldiers just now. She had never felt so happy before.

"Then let's keep chasing."

Soros naturally didn't say anything.

Anyway, as a priest of R'hllor, he wanted to be the enemy of the Cold God.

As a result, they deviated from the large force that continued to pursue the Wild Hunt soldiers and ran in the direction where the White Walkers escaped.

There were only more than 100 soldiers following them.

For the Wild Hunt, who has been paying attention to the ancient blood, this is of course a perfect opportunity.

Just wait until they completely leave the main force, and then you can take action.


After a long time, Wild Hunt finally chose to take action.

As a result, portals from all directions suddenly appeared in all directions of Xili.

Only then did Jeviaire realize that he had been ambushed.

She could just leave, but after staying here for so long, she didn't want to give up on the people around her easily.

"Givier, we finally have this opportunity."

Caranthir walked out of the portal.

Behind him, Eredin's figure with extremely poor aesthetics also stepped out of the portal.

"Seize Jiviel!"

Taking advantage of Ciri's daze, Caranthir's magic attack had already arrived in front of Ciri.

Subconsciously he raised his sword to block, but was still knocked away by the huge force.

Countless hounds and Wild Hunt soldiers jumped out of the portal and rushed toward Ciri, who was getting up from the ground with a cough.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The portal behind all the Wild Hunters suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and disappeared within two seconds.

The soles of several feet that had just stepped in were cut off directly.

This is not bad, but what is even more unlucky is that he came first.

"No! I can't open the portal anymore!"

Despite the thick mask, Ciri knew very well that Caranthir's face must be very exciting now.

She knew that it was time to completely eliminate her opponent.

 I've had some problems with my studies in the past few days. I'm sorry everyone, but I haven't updated.

(End of this chapter)

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