Chapter 51 There Are Too Many Foyles Here
Sure enough, as Clay expected, the sentinel who brought them close to the Twins belonged to a faction of the Frey family.

According to the captain of the guard who rode his horse back to Clay, if he didn't ask, Clay and his party would be taken directly to see Ser Aenys Frey.

According to the information on the Frey family that Clay consulted in White Harbor, this Aenys Frey is the third son of Walder Frey, the current Lord of the Twins.

Following Clay's wishes, the captain of the guard followed the sentinel all the time, and when they were completely within the sight of the tower of the Twin River City, a heavy horn rang through the river banks on both sides.

The cavalry is coming!

Although he didn't directly close the city gate, Clay, who had excellent eyesight, still observed the city gate. Farmers and businessmen who were busy entering the city rushed into the city gate like crazy, obviously very afraid of the sudden appearance of the cavalry.

As the old head of the Frey family, Marquis Walder, who had firmly controlled the Frey family for decades, he knew of Clay's arrival immediately.

Marquis Walder, who was pulling the back of the hand of his unknown great-granddaughter and chattering, heard the flag of the Manderly family appearing outside the city, and immediately realized who it was.

He immediately let go of the female palm that he was stroking carefully just now, stood up from the soft chair happily, and ordered to the housekeeper:

"It's our White Harbor guests here, go, give them the best reception, the heir C...Clay, is that his name? Ask him to come and see me."

"Yes, my lord." The butler saluted, and was just about to leave when he heard the Marquis stop him:

"Remember, don't let my stupid sons or grandchildren take away the heirs of White Harbor first, and tell them to settle down."

As a powerful riverland nobleman, the Frey family made their fortune by relying on this bridge over the Green Fork River.

Whether merchants or farmers, if they want to cross the bridge, they have to pay a considerable toll. That's why the Frey family can become the second largest noble in the entire riverland.

To put it bluntly, without this confidence, he, Walder Frey, can't be a "late Frey", because if his family's strength is low, he has no right to choose at all.

With personal experience, the Marquess of Walder Frey knew how profound the background of the Manderly family sitting in a port city was. This family was not known for its force, but no one could underestimate them.

As we all know, with golden dragons, there will be soldiers. Even if the soldiers are not capable of fighting, can three fight one?As long as there are golden dragons, the army is not a problem at all.

Originally, Willis Manderly of White Harbor had never had a male heir, so the Frey family moved their minds and tried many times in a row, wanting to marry Willis' eldest daughter Wilfield.

Of course Earl Wyman knew what they were thinking, but he didn't point it out, and told them to leave after refusing.

Originally, the Marquess of Walder Frey temporarily extinguished his thoughts of coveting White Harbor, but when he heard of Clay's return, and he did not have any engagement with him, his thoughts suddenly became alive.

Although it must be the daughter of the Frey family who married to White Harbor, who said that women have no chance to get their hands on White Harbor?Look at Jon Arryn's good wife, Lysa Tully, who is now holding the new guardian of the valley, Robert Arryn. Doesn't her son hold the power of the valley?
Although this power seemed unsafe at all, it was Lysa's own problem. Walder Frey believed that with the level of his family, he might be able to do much better.

So Lord Walder Frey, who was inquiring for good news, flew to White Harbor one after another without saying a word. Now, his efforts finally paid off, and the Mermaid Banner finally appeared in the Twin Rivers City.

Of course the butler understood what the Patriarch meant, and promised to turn around and leave. By this time, Clay's army had already arrived outside the city.

Because the Twin River City itself is too small, the Frey family's own troops are stationed outside the city, and Clay has no way to let all 200 cavalry enter the city. After some discussion, the captain of the guard led 50 people and followed Clay. Bridgehead of the Twins.

Just entering Twin River City, the sentinel who was leading the way couldn't bear it anymore, and said directly what was in his heart:
"My lord, I will take you to Lord Aenys first. He is the third son of Lord Walder Frey. It must be easy for him to take you to see Lord Marquis."

Seeing that the sentinel stopped pretending, and Clay didn't want to act with him, just as he opened his mouth to refuse, a knight in light armor with the double bridge coat of arms of House Frey drawn on his chest galloped over.

It could be seen that this guy was very confident in his riding skills, he rushed all the way between the sentinel and Clay, and was stopped by the White Harbor Guards who had already touched the hilt of their swords.

The knight saw that everyone in Baigang looked unfriendly, and there was an ugly smile on their ugly face. He reported his family name:

"Who is Lord Clay? I am Petyr Frey, and my grandfather is Ser Stevron Frey, the eldest son of the Lord Marquess."

Well, this is Frey's great-grandson, and the name, to be honest, doesn't endear Clay to him at all.

He took a closer look at the knight in front of him, and found that he was actually not that old, probably about the same age as himself, but his ugly pimple face and dark skin made him look much older.

According to the information, the grandfather of the person in front of him, Sir Stevron, is the first heir to the Marquess of Walder Frey. So, he came on behalf of the eldest son of the Frey family?
After asking this sentence, Petyr Frey lashed at the sentry with a whip. The sentry, who knew that his mission had failed, didn't dare to resist, and left in despair amidst Petyr's ugly words.

After cleaning up the sentries, Petyr didn't seem to see the disgust and disdainful eyes of everyone in Bai Harbor, and asked what he just said again:
"Is Lord Clay here? I am Petyr Frey, and my grandfather is Sir Stevron Frey, the eldest son of Lord Marquess. I will take you to my grandfather, and he will take you to the Marquess." grown ups."

Clay doesn't understand. He was directly invited by Lord Walder Frey. Why do you all think that I have to go through you to meet him? Who do you look down on?

But it's not the same thing to stand here and ignore people from the Frey's eldest son faction. Clay's requirements for himself in Twin River City this time are both right and left, and he can be fooled as much as he can.

After thinking for a while, Clay rode out from the crowd, and calmly answered Petyr Frey's question:
"I'm Clay Manderly, Petyr of House Frey, hello."

He didn't say that he agreed to see Stevron Foyle, and he stayed put.

He actually didn't want to see this Stevron at all, even if the other party was the first heir to Lord Walder Frey.

While hesitating, an elderly voice broke the deadlock:

"Petyr, get out of the way, Lord Marquis wants to directly invite this Lord Clay to climb up the tower, you can go back."

Seeing Petyr Frey's suddenly ugly face, Clay thought to himself, there are only three or four Foyles who can only see and hear at once. The concentration of Foyle in this city is really a bit high.

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(End of this chapter)

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