Chapter 58 Rejection
From an emotional point of view, if Clay chooses [-] times, he will not let his family marry into such a family. In this huge family full of intrigues, it is estimated that he will not be able to sleep well at night.

If Clay started from his status as the heir of White Harbor and only considered the interests of the family, then it would be a rare commodity to live in. When he was a child, the old man took his sister Wilfield to Winterfell. It is estimated that Rob hadn't realized it yet.

Thinking about the description of Rob's later wife Jenny Westerling, Clay thought that instead of marrying an unknown Frey, why not try the Stark family?
What the Frey family relies on is that this bridge can block the way for the northern army to cross the Green Fork River in future wars, but if Clay successfully finds a way to open the bridge this time, then Frey The family has no value other than 3000 soldiers.

Therefore, rationally, Clay has no tendency to agree to this marriage, and he also agreed to his sister Wilfield.

As the heir of White Harbor and the undisputed Lord of White Harbor in the future, Clay is qualified to reach a certain intention for the marriage of the women in the family, that's why Sir Aenys Frey came to him.

In fact, before Clay arrived, the Frey family had discussed this issue. In addition to trying their best to get a marriage contract with Clay, they also wanted to reach a marriage contract with Wilfried or Vera, especially their sister Wilfried. Germany.

Looking at Aenys Foyle, who was full of sincerity and did not seem to be fake at all, Clay sneered in his heart.

"Sir, your proposal is very good, but unfortunately, I have to discuss such a big matter with my grandfather and my older sister and younger sister. I respect their opinions."

The same face was full of sincerity, with twisted eyebrows and a trace of complicated expression, trying to convey to Sir Aenys Frey the signal that he really supported his plan, but he really couldn't make the decision.

Somewhat dissatisfied with Clay's statement, Old Foyle, who was over 50 years old, pinched the gray-white beard on his chin, and said with some disdain:

"Clay, as the heir of White Harbor and the most valued heir of Old Eel, why can't you make a decision? This is your right as the heir of the family."

As soon as these words came out, Clay's face sank, no longer the expression just now.

He was very disgusted with the teasing meaning in it. Didn't Clay himself know what he could and couldn't do?Need a Frey from the Twins to teach?
The voice obviously faded, and Clay stared at Aenys Foyle's eyes that were a little red and wet, and said coldly:
"How our Manderly family decides is our own business, so I won't bother you, sir!"

Having said that, Aenys Foyle knew no matter how stupid he was, he would not be able to reach any agreement with Creda, who he thought was a little young and energetic today.

The expression on their faces also became ugly, and they cursed a few vulgar slang words in Hejian. The Foyle who was waiting here left angrily. Only the two of them knew exactly how much of their anger very real.

Seeing Foyle leaving, the captain of the guard who had been paying attention to this place hastily followed over, squinting at the direction of Foyle's departure, and asked in a low voice:

"Master, where were you just now?"

"It's okay, this Inis Frey wants his grandson to marry Wilfield and Vera, and I will not agree to the seven hells! Remember, tell everyone not to talk about our meeting."

Regarding the young master's order, the captain of the guard nodded quickly, but he couldn't understand the barely concealed hostility towards the Frey family in the young master's words.

After all, the Northern Territory and the Riverlands had participated in the war against the Targaryen Dynasty closely. Although Lord Frey was late, these veterans still had a good impression of the nobles of the Riverlands.

Out of concern for Clay, he hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Master, did the Frey family do something that displeased you?"

"It's not that serious...why do you ask that?"

"Then why are you so...well, you don't like people like Foyle, it's nothing else, I just want to say, young master, in Foyle's territory, we still don't want to conflict with them."

Shaking his head, Clay understood the concern of the captain of the guard, but he knew the priorities and would not really quarrel with Foyle.

"I ask you, how many illegitimate children does Lord Walder Frey have?"

"Um... sorry, my lord, I don't know too much, but there are many."

I don't understand why Clay would ask such a question, but the guard captain answered honestly.

Clay smiled. He took his hand back from the wet city bricks, brushed his forehead hair that was blown by the wind, then put it on the guard captain's shoulder armor, and said softly:
"No, you are actually very clear. The word "many" is enough by itself. There are too many Freys, and this surname is not worth a few golden dragons. Send it to this grave-like place."

In fact, Clay didn't expect these fighters on the battlefield to really understand the way. Westeros is a society with extremely rigid classes. If your ancestors were not nobles, it is almost impossible for your life to be like Think like an aristocrat.

Of course there are stupid nobles, and there are quite a few, but at least most of them are smart people.

The hot and humid wind from the Green Fork River kept blowing on his skin, making Clay feel an uncomfortable sticky feeling. In just a moment, he had forgotten about Aenys Foyle.

"Let's go, and then walk around this wall." Said to the captain of the guard who was still contemplating, the latter hurriedly ended his thinking and followed Clay step by step.

Stepping over the moss-covered stone bricks, it seems that it has only rained here not long ago, and some shallow rainwater still accumulates in some defects of the city walls.

The Frey soldiers standing guard along the way didn't know what had just happened, and they didn't care if they knew what happened, because the military power of the Twins City had always been firmly in the hands of Lord Walder Frey himself.

Only the boss, Sir Stevron Frey, has a small guard force, and the other heirs are strictly prohibited by the Marquis himself from having more than 50 armed forces in the Twin River City.

These Frey soldiers standing guard did not stop the people from White Harbor wearing the mermaid coat of arms. They knew that Clay and his party were honorable guests of the Marquis, and they could not stop them.

Walking slowly along the way, Clay climbed the city wall from the city gate, and walked all the way to the south half of the city wall.

When he returned to the city gate again, he made a judgment in his heart. This is an old city wall that is old and its defense capabilities are not amazing, and it lacks maintenance.

As long as Clay is given a certain amount of time, even if it is only hit by a trebuchet, it is not something the castle can withstand. It is just a little troublesome. The Frey family can run from another direction, which is a bit annoying.

How to completely surround the city, or prevent them from running out, is another new question...

(End of this chapter)

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