Chapter 71 Conspiracy
As the heir of White Harbor, the well-informed Clay could tell at a glance that this was the mark left by a powerful crossbow. The short crossbow bolts were fired by a crossbow machine and could penetrate steel plates at close range.

The tiny soil hole caused by the crossbow bolts was buried under a blood-soaked mound, which is definitely not something a caravan can do.

As a low-key ordinary caravan, it is impossible to carry a crossbow that is complicated to make, expensive and difficult to maintain. This crossbow can only come from an attacker.

As attackers, they raided the White Harbor caravan at night near the King's Road, where people may appear at any time. If the crossbow to which this crossbow belongs was carried by them, then the disappearance of the crossbow meant that they were careful. Carefully cleaned the battlefield.

But the problem is that in the dark night, not only did they not rush to leave in the carriage after killing people, but they cleaned the battlefield contrary to common sense, and even found the crossbow bolts buried deep in the soil.

Are they so bold?This is not the mentality that the attacker should have at all. Moreover, since the crossbow arrows are used, the longbow will not be absent. After besieging a caravan of more than 50 people, they can completely retrieve all the arrows?
What's more, Clay asked the knight before if everyone died from sword wounds, and he answered categorically, only sword wounds, so what happened to this crossbow bolt?

All in all, there is only one explanation, the knight was lying, and he hastily buried the bodies of the other caravan members in order to conceal the truth about what kind of weapons they killed.

Was this what the Freys had instructed him to do?This idea popped into Clay's mind, but he immediately denied it. At this time, the Frey family had no reason to do anything against White Harbor. Besides, he was in White Harbor himself, so it was too risky to do so.

So who is this knight lying for whom?Clay really wanted to rush up and press an Axii seal on his face, making him spit out all his words, but unfortunately, the current situation did not allow him to do so.

Clay immediately figured out that the appearance here must have been cleaned up by the knight, which meant that he at least knew about the attack a long time ago.

He and the gang of attackers calculated that the corpses were rotten and smelly when they came, so they deliberately picked out three corpses that had only suffered sword wounds to mislead themselves, and those who were shot by crossbow arrows had already Already buried in the ground.

There was no carriage loaded on the scene, and the people were only wounded by swords. This was done to guide Clay and others into thinking that they were poorly equipped bandits. Clay could already guess that the messy horseshoe prints on the ridges on both sides were probably similar. masterpiece.

Standing up from the ground, Clay pretended to be nonchalant and threw away the dark red dirt in his hands, clapped his palms, and quietly walked towards the place where his family's cavalry gathered.

Just in case, he didn't want to repeat what happened four days ago here, although now he has 200 well-equipped cavalry in his hands.

Just as he walked to his own cavalry, a guard had already brought Clay's war horse in front of him, touched the cheek of the white steed, and Clay got on the horse.

At this moment, the captain of the guard galloped down the hillside on his horse, heading towards the direction of Cree's horse team, and rushed forward. The captain of the guard pulled the reins and stopped the horse in five steps in front of Clay.

"If you have any gains, just tell me directly."

Clay took out the water bag from the saddle and threw it to the captain of the guard. The latter took it, took two gulps, took a breath, and reported to his young master:
"There are indeed carriage wheel marks and human footsteps on the ridge, but it has been four days, and it seems that it has been raining a little in these two days, and many marks are not very clear."

"There are a lot of horse footprints. I roughly estimated that there are about 20 horses. My lord, this is probably the number of pack horses in our caravan. The difference is not big."

The captain of the guard frowned and reported the information, but after staying with him for so long, Clay knew that he had something to say by looking at his twisted expression. The captain of the guard kept looking behind Clay intentionally or unintentionally. He knew that the captain of the guard probably didn't want the Freys to hear what he said next.

He took a few steps forward with the horse between his legs, away from Aenys Frey who was asking about his own cavalry, and when no one could hear the two of them talking, the captain of the guard immediately whispered:
"Master, something seems wrong!"

"What do you mean?" Clay narrowed his eyes.

"There are many things, I just don't feel right. First of all, I know the carriages made by us in Baigang. The craftsmen who make the wheels are used to making the wheels bigger than those in the south, because we have a lot of rain and snow in the north, and the land is rotten. It's not easy to go."

"However, when I checked the ruts, in addition to our wide wheel tracks, there were also a few narrow wheel tracks. Where did this come from? If they were bandits, did they prepare the carriage in advance?"

"Also, the number of horses is wrong. There are indeed footprints of more than 20 horses on the ridge going east. However, after this battle, is there not a single horse that was killed or injured? I read it just now. The footprints are all solid, not a single shallow footprint of a lame leg."

"Finally, what about the west side? Why are there no traces? This place can only be wiped out if it is surrounded on both sides. Why are there only human footprints on the west side, but why are there no horse footprints?"

Several questions in succession proved that the captain of the guard had seen something unreasonable.A complete logic cannot be spelled out for each question, but it doesn't matter.

After Clay knew that the knight lord was lying, he knew that everything here was prepared for him to see, and it must be fake. So where is the truth?Just do the opposite.

He tried his best to create that the attacks came from the east, so the question is, where does the west lead?
The answer is, the manor of the knight lord!
There was already a hazy feeling in Clay's mind. All of this was probably done by the knight lord with his arms down and the mysterious power coming from the east.

Otherwise, how could he have the strength to wipe out a caravan with a small property knight?

As a local snake, he may have informed the other party of the whereabouts of this slow-moving caravan, and then he led people to ambush on the west side, while the mysterious force was in the east. After the attack began, he blocked the ridge on the west side , to prevent the caravan from escaping, and that force will complete the final slaughter.

Clay now eagerly wants to know what is loaded on the carriage of this caravan. If there is a formula for the witcher's green herb decoction, it will delay his big business.

But apart from directly looking for opportunities to attack the knight with Axis, the doubts that Clay currently has are not enough to be used as evidence. As the heir of White Harbor, he now has two things to do:
The first is to pay homage to the dead, and the second, of course, is to find out the murderers who did this, and then chop off their heads!
(End of this chapter)

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