Chapter 79 Cray Brand Decoction, Everyone Says It’s Good
According to the news from King's Landing a week ago, Ed Stark has started to look for the king's illegitimate son. As long as he is not a fool, he has seen enough black hair and realized that Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella are the three children. It's only a matter of time before who breeds.

In the past, Clay had been uncertain when King's Landing would become chaotic, and this was the reason for his trip to the Twins. But now that he was back and heard the news of the chaos in King's Landing, Clay knew that this was his last window period.

"If you're nervous, be nervous, first get out a herbal decoction!" Clay said to himself.

Demon hunters' mutation potions are actually divided into schools, which lead to different mutation effects. Clay knows this. Maybe, relying on the system, he can try to improve this mutation potion in the future.

The demon hunter system is now at the second level, how to get to the third level, this very Buddhist system has not given a clear direction, but Clay has a hunch that when he personally creates the demon hunter, the system will change again.

As far as he is concerned, if he can manufacture the improved grass decoction, or some Westeros version of the mutation inducer, Clay would like to try the second mutation. After all, power is such a thing, who They will never despise themselves for being stronger.

"Forget it, let's not think about the future after this, just work and work..."

Clay shook off the thoughts in his head, and selected materials such as keel bones, ghost grass, copper plate grass, sentinel bark, lizard venom glands, and adult swamp leeches that could be used multiple times from the inventory, according to the ratio given by the system It was sent to the location where the medicine was synthesized.

Putting his mind into it completely, Clay could feel the alchemical synthesis of these medicinal materials in an indescribable space that he could feel, and his spirit was also being consumed little by little.

Fortunately, making these potions does not consume mana, or else his mana pool with only [-] points left may not be able to sustain it.

As for the magic power, he has already reached an agreement with the Three-Eyed Crow. At this stage, he can pluck the wool of the Three-Eyed Crow without any scruples, and draw the magic power at will, but it will not be necessarily the case in the future.

The Three-Eyed Crow is now investing in him to attack the south, and then wait for an opportunity to confront R'hllor. To some extent, it is a situation in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Sun Quan supported Liu Bei to fight against Cao Cao, because Sun Quan alone could not deal with Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops, but after Liu Bei entered Sichuan, the Sun-Liu alliance gradually changed and became a tripartite confrontation.

If Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were more aggressive and went directly to the Northern Expedition to take down the Guanzhong area, you can see whether the Sun-Liu Alliance will become the Sun-Cao Alliance, one moment at another.

It's the same in the game of chess in Westeros. Clay's current territory is White Harbor. Of course, this power is not enough to make the Three-Eyed Raven who represents the old gods too jealous, but one day, Clay will have a chance in the south. If he has a foundation, whether he can get the current support is another matter.

It is not yet clear whether people's beliefs are helpful to the existence of gods. Clay has not yet figured out the magic power of Westeros or the specific logic of the gods.

Clay doesn't think people are so important to gods. Otherwise, why the seven gods with the most beliefs in Westeros have weakened like that, but in the North with the least population, the old gods are still strong.

The Three-Eyed Crow has been emphasizing to himself the south, not the people in the south. Clay feels that the land itself cannot be said to be more important than the creatures on it, but it is not ruled out that the Three-Eyed Crow is misleading him.

Competing with this kind of guy whose lifespan is far beyond ordinary people and who can take a bath in the long river of history at will, Clay must raise 1 cautions. Some words can only be kept in the heart, and must not be said. The eyes are staring at myself.


Time passed slowly, and Clay waited quietly. The first time he cooked the herbal decoction seemed to be a friendly service from the system, and it didn't make any demands on his spirit, but this second time, Clay had to Combat this mental drain.

In the not-so-bright room, Clay didn't know how long it had passed. Finally, the illusory sound of popping bubbles and the sound of water came to his ears again. This familiar sound lifted his spirits. He understood that West Luo's second herbal decoction has been successfully cooked.

Sure enough, a pattern he was familiar with appeared in the inventory, and he immediately leaned over with his own spirit, and checked the bottle of... hot herbal decoction.

"Name: Herbal Decoction
Version number: 2.0
Effect: Witcher mutation on normal people

Side effects: large nerve damage (can be offset), extreme weakening of fertility (can be offset), pupil split (can be offset)...

Basic success rate: 40% (can be improved)

Remarks: Higher-quality decoction, drink it, your chance of surviving will be higher than your predecessors, the door of the witcher will be open to you, by the way, I still want to emphasize, stay away from pitchforks and Magical woman, you can't grasp..."

Taking a deep breath, Clay looked at the notes on this thing, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, what do you mean?Has the pitchfork really become a regular weapon for demon hunters?

Also, what is a magical woman, if you want to say a sorceress, just say it, what is being unsure, Clay feels that he has been discriminated against, is there such a creature as a sorceress in Westeros?
Wait... A coquettish woman in a red robe suddenly appeared in Clay's mind. In her words, she can really be regarded as a sorceress, although it is a special version of the world of ice and fire.

Thinking of what the red-robed woman named Melisandre did later, Clay felt that he needed to be cautious. He listened to people's persuasion to eat enough, but the system said he couldn't grasp it. Clay firmly refused to admit it, but being careful didn't work. harm.

Besides, he also wants to meet these people who believe in the red god R'hllor, use his vision of a demon hunter to feel what kind of painting style Rhllor's mana is, and hope that he will not see a walking sun , Clay thought.

But having said that, Clay noticed that the green grass decoction produced this time seems to be an upgraded version of the previous one. Although the basic success rate has only increased by [-]%, it is also a great improvement.

You know, if it was a real demon hunter mutation, with a lot of mages and support staff on the side, Jie's wolf school can barely pull the success rate to 40.00%.

In such a comparison, Clay's witcher system is really a good conscience.

The green grass decoction produced by Clay is really a conscience product. Thinking of those young men who were screened out by the old man, a strange smile appeared on his face.

Don't worry, drink with me, except for a little pain, I will solve the rest of the problems for you, after all, this herbal decoction is so conscientious, right?
 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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