Chapter 138 H-033 My heart is beating~
At the school gate, the "full load" school bus was heading towards the city center. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were sitting in the back seat, and they were very happy looking at the scenery outside the window.

The three students other than Lu Hui gathered together and whispered. They were discussing what kind of elves they should subdue after they entered the secret realm.

Before setting off, they were all called out by their homeroom teachers to briefly reveal information about the secret realm. I heard that there are quasi-god elves inside!

"For me, I want a Heart Scale Treasure. After all, I'm in the fighting department, and the quasi-god of fighting and dragon department is probably the most suitable for me."

Wang Kai from Class [-] of the trainers scratched his head shyly. Hearing his "proud words", Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, who hadn't participated in the discussion, couldn't help but raise their heads to take another look at Wang Kai.

Good guy, this little boy who looks like a weak scholar is actually a trainer specializing in fighting?

"Hey, Wang Kai, you're thinking too much. However, if I can really subdue the quasi-god, I want a round land shark even more. Then I will have the main force of my sandstorm team."

Wusa from Class [-] of the trainer squeezed his fist, his eyes full of yearning.

He is a trainer who specializes in ground-type and rock-type elves. According to the information given by Lu Hui, Wusa's initial elf is a sand-moving mouse. Reached the top four of the campus competition.

It is worth mentioning that because there is Fang Che, the leading brother, this time the campus competition was only held to the top four, and the competition after the top four was not held. After all, everyone knows the real newcomer of Liuli No. 1 High School Who is the king? If he insists on deciding the No. [-] in the campus competition, he is trying to irritate others.

"I said Xiao Sa, you can dream more than Wang Kai!"

The only girl in the top four, Chen Yue from the eighth class of the trainer snorted with some disdain, thinking one by one is too good to be true, return the treasure of the heart scale, return the round land shark.

Not to mention whether the school will take out these elves to invest in them, even if there are such elves in the secret realm, they probably cannot afford to raise them.

According to the alliance's official breeding manual, Xinlinbao has to eat one fighting gem and one dragon gem every day. Wang Kai's family is only in the timber business, and he is responsible for the cultivation of Xinlinbao. The house collapsed in two months.

Not to mention Wusa, although his family is a large agricultural family, but basically all assets are transferred in the field, and there is not much funds for activities.

Round land sharks have to use a good keel to grind their teeth. Can Wusa afford this thing?

"For me, it would be best if I could tame a lucky egg. If it's not possible, I want to tame a fat egg."

Chen Yue is a general-type trainer. Her family conditions are not too outstanding, and she can only be regarded as a petty bourgeoisie. She cannot afford the cultivation of those popular attribute elves, so her initial elf chooses a Bobo.

However, relying on Bobo's evolution of Bibi Bird and Chen Yue's second elf Kentaro, she easily entered the top four.

After all, not everyone can resist Kentaro's impact, and not all elves have anti-air means.

"Are there lucky eggs in the secret realm?"

Fang Che was a little puzzled. Didn't the elves like Ji Li Dan evolve from Xiao Fu Dan?

Hearing Fang Che's question, Chen Yue nodded. She had communicated with her teacher.

"In the secret realm, there is a family of lucky eggs who are responsible for taking care of the elves inside. Except for happy eggs, lucky eggs and little lucky eggs can be subdued, but I think lucky eggs with a calmer personality are more suitable for my team."

Looking at the eloquent Chen Yue, the corners of Fang Che's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Why, no one told him about the secret realm!
It's fine if his mother doesn't say anything. After all, Su Ya hasn't gone in for more than ten years, and she doesn't know much about the situation inside.

But why didn't Gu Song tell him!

Anyway, he is also the leader of the first class of trainers. He is about to enter the secret realm. He doesn't even know the situation in the secret realm. Is this reasonable?
Just when Fang Che doubted the purity of his homeroom teacher, Lu Hui, who was sitting not far from Fang Che, suddenly coughed twice. He handed over a piece of paper in embarrassment, and then his eyes became a little erratic.

"Well, Teacher Xu asked me to give this to you. I saw you taking Zhao Wanxi with me just now. I forgot about it for a while."

Somewhat speechless, Fang Che took the note from Lu Hui's hand, and Fang Che opened it. This is a simplified map of the distribution of elves in the secret realm!

In addition to the auspicious egg family that Chen Yue mentioned just now, what Xu Yanyan can know now is the mountain mouse family and the Longlongyan family in the mountainous area. In addition, there is the wonderful frog seed family in the plain, which is the only royal family in the secret realm. three.

In the only water source in the secret realm, there are more than [-] kinds of water-type elves living in the central lake, and the top of the mountain where the mountain mouse family lives is densely covered with ice-type elves.

Four years ago, someone saw an ice six tail on the top of the iceberg and tamed it. At that time, it was considered a small news that caused a sensation in the school.

"Well, there really is the elf we are looking for."

Looking at the map in his hand, Fang Che subconsciously touched Zhao Wanxi's arm, Zhao Wanxi moved her head closer, and saw the name of the elf Fang Che was pointing at at a glance.

"It's almost a doll? But why does it live with the lucky egg family?"

Zhao Wanxi was a little surprised, she really wanted to tame a doll, but she didn't have much hope for this trip to the secret realm.

After all, almost dolls, like Lucky Eggs and Magic Wall Dolls, are good helpers for the home and are very sought-after elves. Generally, although there are a lot of them in circulation, there are not many high-potential ones.

In the secret realm, if you want to find a doll with high potential who is willing to leave with you, it is no less difficult than taming a timid Lalulas.

"Looking at the notes above, it seems that this almost doll was adopted by the lucky egg? No, a lucky egg adopted a almost doll?"

Several question marks appeared on Fang Che's forehead.

First of all, there is no group of almost dolls in this secret realm, so how did this almost doll enter the secret realm.

This is definitely someone who "put" the doll in the secret realm!

That being the case, why is it a lucky egg adoption?

You can't persecute people because of their innocent temperament, so that they like to be parents!
"It seems that there is something in the secret place of the school, but not much."

Fang Che snorted softly, this almost doll might not be easy to bring out.

(End of this chapter)

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