Chapter 279 H-174 Encounter!


There are no fun people in the world, but when there are more people watching fun, there will be fun people!
Gong Xin's childhood sweetheart Sun Rui has always wanted to find Gong Xin, and even wanted to use Zhao Wanxi's relationship to enter Tianjian Mountain, but who would have thought that Gong Xin was dating a girl here?
Fang Che rested his chin on one hand and looked at the dining table where Gong Xin and the others were. The two cups of coffee were very close!
"Gong Xin, what are you doing in Tianjian Mountain?"

Dongfang Xue glanced at Gong Xin with great interest, and then looked at the tea-haired girl inside the coffee shop. Even in the Imperial Elf Academy, it would be hard to find a match for that cold temperament. Moreover, Dongfang Xue found that the other party's His eyes were on Gong Xin all the time, and he just glanced past them.

Hearing Dongfang Xue's question, Gong Xin spread his hands, "Senior Dongfang, as you can see, I'm here to explore. There is a secret realm in Tianjian Mountain. As the backbone of the elite of the alliance, it's okay for me to come and investigate, right?"

After finishing speaking, Gong Xin pulled his collar away, revealing the elite badge inside the coat.

Both Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao were a little surprised. Gong Xin was just a freshman, and he already got the elite badge?
This is not slower than their progress back then. Gong Xin's family situation is not bad, but there is no comparison with them. It seems that Gong Xin has gained a lot from running the secret realm for the past two years.

"Compared to you, I'm more curious about who that girl is from, is she from our school?"

Dongfangxue lowered her voice and asked Gong Xin. The relationship between her and Gong Xin and Sun Rui was very ordinary. They just knew each other. Sun-ri, now Gong-shin is drinking coffee with another girl right in front of them.

Moreover, the two of them are sitting side by side, even the distance between the coffee cups is very close!

Comparing their side, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were sitting on one side, and the coffee cups were near the center line. This was very abnormal for Fang Che, because this position was not where his dominant hand was.

The same goes for Ye Mao and Dongfang Xue, so it can be seen that the relationship between Gong Xin and that girl is absolutely extraordinary.

Gong Xin scratched his head, he sighed, and looked back at the girl who had left his seat and walked towards this side, "This is Ai Lin Yuan, my... partner."

The words from Gong Xin's mouth stunned the four people present. Fang Che looked back and forth between Gong Xin and Lin Yuan'ai, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

With the atmosphere of the two of you almost bursting with pink bubbles, you told me that she is your partner, is it that simple?
"Hello, I'm Ai Lin Yuan, 19 years old, an intern researcher at the Research Institute of the Imperial Capital Alliance Headquarters."

Lin Yuanai introduced herself generously, and Fang Che and the others immediately nodded at her self-introduction.

At 19 years old, two years older than Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, and one year younger than Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao, it is not something ordinary people can do at this age to become an intern researcher at the Research Institute of the Imperial Capital Alliance Headquarters!
"Intern researcher, you came this time to collect specific information about the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain. Which senior is your teacher?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at Lin Yuanai with some doubts. She and Fang Che didn't seem to have seen Lin Yuanai when they were on Tianjian Mountain.

All the researchers who can participate in the collection of information on the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain are already waiting on the mountain. Although Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi didn't make contact deliberately, most of them have already met. They have to act together with the exploration team, and at the same time they have to rely on Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, two guides who are familiar with the overlord of the secret realm, Geng Gui.

Lin Yuanai's eyebrows were slightly adjusted, and her voice softened, "My teacher is Miss Zhao, your father, Teacher Zhao Qiansun."

"Eh?" Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che made surprise sounds at the same time.

"Uncle Zhao has accepted apprentice?"

"When will my dad accept disciples?"

The two looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

If Fang Che remembers correctly, Zhao Qiansun half a year ago was just a half-hearted scholar, right? He can accept apprentices in the past six months?

Zhao Wanxi was also surprised at this point. Although she spent a lot of time at home, Zhao Qiansun rarely talked about work after returning, so even she didn't know that her father had been promoted.

"No, if my dad got promoted, why didn't he celebrate it?"

Zhao Wanxi tilted her head, and then she and Fang Che met each other's eyes, and they nodded in a sudden realization.

Celebration should be celebrated, but I'm afraid Zhao Qiansun and Lan Ying went to the world of two to celebrate!

Thinking of this, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi couldn't help sighing. After all, the parents are true love, and the children are accidents!
Whether it's Zhao Wanxi's family or Fang Che's family, it's the same.

"That's not right, I remember that Uncle Zhao couldn't justify it?"

Ye Mao looked at Lin Yuanai with some doubts. He had already made preparations when he came to Tianjian Mountain this time, and he had collected all kinds of information, even the first batch, the second batch and even the third batch. Everyone who entered the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has already remembered it in their hearts.

He knew very well that Zhao Qiansun couldn't come to the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain because of an important research, and as a teacher, he didn't come. Could it be that he was going to entrust Lin Yuanai, an intern researcher, to collect information with the group?
It's not that Ye Mao looks down on Lin Yuan'ai, it's just that she is too young. Internship researcher is the end of many people's life, and after that, they are researchers, scholars, and doctors.

The promotion of each level requires a large amount of research materials as a foundation, and various papers as support.

These papers are not water-filled papers, but papers that can really promote the progress of the Elves.

It's like Zhao Qiansun published some papers in the past six months, all of which are full of dry goods, which makes other trainee scholars jealous.

There is no way, Zhao Qiansun's leading teacher is Sun Qian, and Sun Qian has a certain influence. In addition, the research work that Zhao Qiansun has presided over in the past six months and the samples he can get are all other researchers have all their lives. Things that may not be accessible.

The body tissue cells of various gods and elves, the first attempt of a new system... Each of these can make a trainee scholar promoted to a scholar, not to mention that Zhao Qiansun is almost rounded.

The other scholars couldn't help but feel jealous, because Zhao Qiansun was able to get these materials and projects largely because he was Zhao Wanxi's father and Fang Che's future father-in-law.

Anyone else want the tissue cells of the god-favored elves for research?

Just wait, when Boss Kedora pulls them to fight and break their nails or something, Fang Che may dislike taking up space and throw these materials to the alliance for disposal, and then they will be able to study them.

It can be said that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi owe much to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi for Zhao Qiansun becoming an official scholar and even a trainee doctor.

"Miss Lin Yuanai, may I ask what your research direction is?"

Dongfang Xue was very curious. It was really rare for such a cold girl to choose to become a researcher. It was like civil engineering. Girls would subconsciously ignore this direction.

Lin Yuanai stretched out her hand and brushed her hair, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, "The in-depth research on elf cells can control elves to grow inversely or grow at a super speed."

Hearing Lin Yuanai's research direction, even Fang Che, who didn't know much about research, couldn't help but gasped.

This topic is too awesome!
Control the growth rate of elves?

Putting these words in the past, they would be whipped by the old dogma!
Elves are partners of human beings, family members of trainers, and comrades-in-arms during battles. Humans can give all kinds of help to the growth of elves, both good and bad.

The only thing is that human beings cannot interfere with the growth rate of the elves, unless they use the gene cloning technology banned by the alliance to interfere.

Some people think that using secret treasures to increase the strength of the elves can be regarded as stimulating the growth of the elves, but it is not the case. The secret treasures only play an auxiliary role, allowing the elves to reach the "future point" at this point in time. That's all.

If human beings can really control the growth rate of elves, then in the future, maybe everyone can have a quasi-god!

After all, the reason why quasi-gods are rare is because of the management and control of the major alliances. It is understandable not to want these rare elves to fall into the hands of non-alliance trainers. The front line deserves special privileges.

On the other hand, the rarity of quasi-gods is also related to their growth rate.

Fang Che's metal monster is a freak, other quasi-gods basically take ten to twenty years to complete the accumulation of accumulation, and then finally evolve to burst out their full potential.

Even those with prominent family backgrounds would need at least five years to shorten this world without limit by relying on resources.

It took Fang Xuan six years to evolve the metal monster into a metal monster. Unlike Fang Che, who has the power of data, as long as he has experience, he can upgrade his level, and as soon as he reaches his level, he can evolve and break through.

Every breakthrough of the elves requires the right time, place and people to gather together. The right time is talent, the right place is an opportunity, and the harmony of people is a resource. Just determine the quasi-god you want to cultivate.


Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other, and they immediately thought of the iron thorns in the paradoxical space.

If Hayashi Yuan Ai's research is successful, will the real world, in the future, become like a paradoxical space, full of quasi-gods?

That kind of future is very exciting to think about!
Because Lin Yuanai was Zhao Wanxi's father's student, the relationship between the six became very close at once.

Gong Xin also sat at Fang Che's table with Lin Yuanai directly, and the waiter also brought two cups of coffee again.

Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin put the coffee cups on the center line without any concealment. This position is Gong Xin's left-handed position, and he is obviously right-handed.

"Xiao Ai, how did you and Ashin meet?"

After several people opened the chatter box, Zhao Wanxi asked Lin Yuanai with a hint of curiosity, and the others immediately set their eyes on Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin, they were also very curious!

After all, when Gong Xin was in school, basically only one childhood sweetheart, Sun Rui, would pester him all the time, and the other girls couldn't get close to Gong Xin at all.

Gong Xin sighed, and gently stroked the wall of the coffee cup with his left hand, and Lin Yuanai beside him glanced at him with a smile on his face.

"I met him by chance."

Lin Yuanai picked up the coffee and took a sip. When she put the coffee on the cup holder again, Zhao Wanxi keenly noticed that Lin Yuanai gently moved the cup holder with her little finger!
Well, a cute little gesture!
"It was a rainy night. I stayed in the laboratory until late because I was sorting out the data. When I went out, I found that it was raining heavily outside."

There was a trace of tenderness in Lin Yuanai's eyes, "At that time, I wanted to let my sun elf take me home, but I didn't know where an umbrella was handed over, and this guy just ran away from me ..."


Gong Xin blushed a little and interrupted Lin Yuanai, "You stood at the gate of the experimental area for a full 5 minutes. I thought you were given an umbrella because it was raining hard to leave!"

"Huh? I don't remember standing there for so long. I was just wondering if I missed something. After all, the teacher's project was very urgent in those few days."

Lin Yuanai's expression seemed a little surprised, but the others could see a hint of narrowness in her eyes.

Fang Che rubbed his chin, he found a problem.

What is it that makes an elite of the alliance stand outside the experimental area and watch a girl stand under the eaves for 5 minutes?
Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin both said that it was a heavy rain!

"It was that day, did you know each other?"

Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao glanced at each other. The scene of their encounter seemed a little like a romantic drama?

Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin shook their heads immediately.

"At that time, I was just thinking about keeping her from getting wet, and I didn't even say a word."

"He was running so fast I couldn't even see his face clearly."

The words of the two are like proofread lines, and they have a tacit understanding.

"Later, I got to know him because of an investigation. Several ghost-type elves appeared in the sixth district of the imperial capital. They would play pranks on passing pedestrians at night. The alliance hoped that we could investigate the reason why the ghost-type elves gathered there."

"The teacher assigned me to investigate, and he was transferred from the Operations Department to assist me."

The corners of Lin Yuanai's mouth rose slightly, "During the investigation, a Geng Ghost used praying rain, and he was drenched in the water while he was fighting."

"It just so happened that I was carrying an umbrella that day, the one he gave me."

(End of this chapter)

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