There's definitely something wrong with my elf

Chapter 291 H186 Reselling is really profitable!

Chapter 291 H-186 Reselling is Real Money!

Fang Che naturally took Miaowahua's "deal" request very seriously.

A few boxes of energy cubes were exchanged for a large group of nectar from the Heavenly King-level Frog Flower. If this deal is announced, others will probably die with envy.

After all, the nectar of the Heavenly King-level Frog Flower is not weaker than some high-quality secret treasures in terms of practicality, and it is even better in terms of taste and variety of uses.

With this big nectar, the energy cubes and elf food that Zhao Wanxi will make in the next year will be particularly delicious.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi smiled beautifully, and Miao Frog Flower also smiled happily. For it, the nectar that has no effect can be exchanged for so many delicious things, and it feels that it may not have woken up from the dream.

"Miao Frog Flower, do you know the King's Guard?"

After the transaction was completed, Fang Che asked Miao Frog Flower.

Logically speaking, the Heavenly King-level Miao Frog Flower should be the overlord of this area. The existence of the King's Guard should be known to the elf overlord, right?

However, in response to Fang Che's inquiry, Frog Flower just shook its head in bewilderment. It has never heard of the King's Guard.

However, if Fang Che still wants to make a deal, it can introduce Fang Che to the big needle bee family in the nearby forest.

With it as an intermediary, it can ensure that the Big Needle Bee Clan will not attack Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

Lucario told Fang Che about Miaowahua's idea, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi decided to continue the deal after thinking about it.

Although looking for the treasures left by Geng Gui is also very interesting, but now that the treasures can be traded peacefully with energy cubes, this opportunity should not be let go.

Especially the large needle bee group, the large needle bee group in the wild will hide good treasures. After all, they are the tyrants of the forest, occupying a lot of precious resources, and at the same time they will attack the passing pedestrian trainers and seize the resources from the trainers.

It is really difficult to snatch food from the mouth of the large needle bee colony.

Guided by Miao Frog Flower, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to a dwarf forest in the Imperial Garden.

Before Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi got too close, the sound of flapping wings was heard in the forest. It was obvious that the group of giant needle bees living in the forest had already discovered the two "uninvited guests" Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

The Frog Flower stood in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. It just roared towards the forest, and the sound of its wings flapping in the forest disappeared the next moment.

Not long after, three big needle bees appeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. When they saw the leader of the big needle bee, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were all stunned.

Because, this big needle bee actually appeared in the form of MEGA!

"Super Big Needle Bee (Female)

Level · 88 (Tianwang level)

Attribute · Insect, Poison
Traits Sniper, Bug Premonition, Adaptability

Special Ability Ancient Blood: Can permanently maintain MEGA form

Props · Poison Needle (Advanced)
Moves Double Needle, Random Attack, Anger, Chase, Venom Impact, Malicious Pursuit, Missile Needle, Poison Strike, High Speed ​​Movement, Reckless, Deadly Acupuncture, Tailwind, Bug Bite, Straight Drill, Grid, Abyss Thrust, Grinding
Special Moves: Shoot Down, Ultimate Absorb, Clear Fog, Sword Dance, Destroy Light, Sun Flame, Poisonous, Shadow Clone, Sleep, Hold, Sludge Bomb, Bluff, Power Awakening (Flying), Cross Cut, Sunny Sky, Splitting Tile, Swallow Return, Rapid Turnback, Acrobatics, Wild Swing

Intimacy · 0”

This is a heavenly king-level needle bee with a higher level than Miaowahua, and it also has the almost impossible special ability of ancient blood.

Although Fang Che knows that the mega evolution of most elves is to enter the ancestral state, but he has never seen a permanent mega evolution like this big needle bee.

Zhao Wanxi tugged at the sleeve of the RV, "Ache, does the leader of this big needle bee have an owner?"

In Zhao Wanxi's impression, only elves with a trainer can complete MEGA evolution, even if wild elves have obtained MEGA evolution stones, they cannot complete MEGA evolution on their own.

Does this big needle bee have an owner?

Fang Che shook his head, "This big needle bee can maintain the permanent MEGA evolution form for special reasons. If it is possible, it is best to exchange for a little big needle bee slough or blood when it is exchanged immediately."

If a permanent MEGA evolution method can be developed, the strength of the Eastern Alliance will directly surpass other alliances and become the strongest Elf Star!
After all, a lot of elf MEGA evolution and no MEGA evolution strength are completely different things.

Once the restrictions on props can be removed and MEGA evolution can be carried out at will, the existing battle environment may be destroyed instantly.


Miaowahua took a step forward and started talking to the leader of the Big Needle Bee group. The leader of the Big Needle Bee group flew in the air silently. Its compound eyes stared at Fang Che, as if trying to distinguish something from Fang Che.

After a long time, Miaowahua took out an energy cube and handed it to the leader of the big needle bee. The leader of the big needle bee was not polite, and directly pierced the energy cube and put it in his mouth.

Although it is the taste that the grass-type elves like, the big needle bee can taste the deliciousness of this energy cube and the energy it contains.

Even though it's only such a big thing, the energy contained in it is more than ten berries!

This is the creativity of human beings. With the unremitting efforts of several generations of people, one energy cube is as strong as six.

Mixing one berry with another can produce two to ten energy cubes, but the power contained in one energy cube is comparable to two to ten berries.

This time, the energy difference can even reach a hundred times!
The secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has not been entered for thousands of years. Even in the past, no one in the ancient kingdom studied energy cubes. Therefore, this is the first time Big Needle Bee has come into contact with energy cubes, and it is normal to be shocked.

After tasting the energy cube for sure, the leader of Big Needle Bee couldn't wait to make a deal with Fang Che.

It asked the two big needle bees behind it to get honey. The frog flower has nectar, and their big needle bee group naturally also has honey.

In order to exchange enough energy cubes, the leader of Big Needle Bee is even willing to exchange his treasured royal jelly!

Different from the nectar of the Frog Flower, the royal jelly of the leader of the squirrel bee is a genuine "secret treasure", and it is also a precious treasure that is priceless in the outside world.

Soon, two needle bees brought over a small earthen jar. Even though the earthen jar was sealed and far away, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could still smell a refreshing aroma.

After the fragrance entered their nostrils, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi only felt their bodies lighten up, and all the fatigue they had accumulated so far today was swept away.

The leader of the big needle bee sent the royal jelly to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che helplessly. She didn't have many energy cubes that insect-type elves liked.

"Let's distribute some Genesect energy cubes to them. Anyway, we are well prepared, and we will just find the materials and do it later."

Fang Che smiled slightly. Bug-type energy cubes are still very popular outside. After all, ordinary trainers will more or less subdue some bug-type elves no matter whether they want to enhance their own strength or improve their status as soon as possible.

And they are not too willing to prepare special energy cubes and food for the bug-type elves, so the sales of the alliance's bug-type energy cubes are still very good.

It's a pity that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's insect-type spirits are only Giant Pincer Mantis and Genesect.

The Taste of the Giant Pincer Mantis tends to be steel-type. It needs to purify the steel-type energy in its body so that its fists will be more beneficial.

Genesect never refuses anyone who comes. It has a good appetite and can eat anything, but maybe because the energy in its body is too "mixed", or maybe because it is the king of bugs, it needs to replenish more bug energy to suppress other forces.

Just for Genesect, Zhao Wanxi made a lot of special insect energy cubes.

Use these energy cubes to exchange royal jelly. To be honest, Zhao Wanxi doesn't think they are very profitable.

"Turn the appetite of the big needle bee first."

Fang Che blinked at Zhao Wanxi, wanting to drive the leader of Big Needle Bee crazy, how can he not let him taste some sweetness!
Zhao Wanxi took out a box of energy cubes and put them on the ground, Miao Frog Flower looked at the small box in a daze, this is not right.

Its nectar can be exchanged for a lot of delicious cubes, so how can the royal jelly of the big needle bee be exchanged for less?
Fortunately, Miaowahua didn't say how many energy cubes it changed, otherwise, before Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi explained, the leader of the big needle bee might run away and wipe them out.


The leader of the big needle bee came in front of Zhao Wanxi. It gently opened the lid of the box with its acupuncture arm, and the crystal clear cyan energy cube inside was extremely dazzling.

Compared with the energy cubes that Fang Che and the others gave Miaowahua, these energy cubes looked more like high-quality goods.

The leader of Big Needle Bee gently picked up an energy cube and put it in his mouth, then its compound eyes narrowed. From its expression, it is not difficult to see that it is very satisfied!

Miaowahua came over curiously. It is not stupid. It can be judged from the energy alone that the quality of the energy cubes obtained by the big needle bee is better than that obtained by it.

However, there are enough of them here, even if the members of the group divide equally, each Frog Seed or Frog Grass can get two or three energy cubes.

But on the side of the leader of the big needle bee, the number is not enough.

Of course, according to the rules of the Big Needle Bee group, these energy cubes should be exclusive to the leader of the Big Needle Bee. Only other members who have made meritorious service can be rewarded.

The leader of the Big Needle Bee put away the energy cubes. After thinking about it, he looked at the two Big Needle Bees behind him who obviously couldn't suppress their desire, but they were still doing their duty. In the end, he took out two energy cubes and gave them to these two loyal subordinates.

The eyes of the two big needle bees were full of surprises. After they received the energy cube, they became more loyal to the leader of the big needle bee.

"Hey, don't they eat?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at the two big needle bees putting away the energy cube with some doubts. This energy cube is not a secret treasure, and carrying it with it can't enhance their strength or speed up their growth. If you don't eat it, the energy cube is useless.

As if feeling Zhao Wanxi's doubts, the two big needle bees stood in place and shook their heads. The buzzing sound of their flapping wings seemed to be the answer to Zhao Wanxi.

"They said, how can the treasures bestowed by the king be eaten easily? They should be combined with tree fruits, fruit wine and fruit pulp to make a perfect delicacy before enjoying it."

The corner of Fang Che's mouth twitched. He didn't know what to say about the message sent by Ditto.

Genesect bites ten energy cubes, but it is so precious in the eyes of these wild needle bees.

It's true, this world is only full of energy this month, and the big needle bee group probably hasn't recovered from the hard days before.

Moreover, reselling between the two worlds is a big deal. Energy cubes are not very rare for humans, but for wild elves, they are indeed better treasures than tree fruits and some natural and earthly treasures.

If a path can be built between the wild elves and humans, the profits will definitely exceed ordinary people's imagination.

Unfortunately, this path has already been taken.

Fang Che sighed. In order to prevent malicious bidding from destroying the "harmony" of the alliance and the elves in the secret territory, the alliance forbids ordinary trainers from conducting large-scale transactions with wild elves.

It cannot be said that the alliance has deprived ordinary trainers of a way to make a fortune, it can only be said that in order to prevent some vicious incidents from happening, the alliance can only do one size fits all.

Of course, no one cares about your personal dealings with the elves.

"Big Needle Bee, do you want more energy cubes? If you can give me a piece of your slough or your blood, I can give you another energy cube."

Fang Che yelled at the big needle bee, and the leader of the big needle bee turned around in a daze. It didn't expect that its worm slough and blood were so valuable?

After thinking for less than three seconds, the big needle bee stabbed the needle on his wrist without hesitation, a stream of blood gushed out, and then the big needle bee guided the blood to fall in front of Fang Che.

Zhao Wanxi immediately took out a small bottle to collect the blood of the leader of the big needle bee, and at the same time she took out a box of energy cubes.

The leader of the big needle bee narrowed his eyes when he laughed, and then he looked at the two big needle bees beside him, and the two big needle bees rushed into the forest immediately.

Not long after, three unicorn sloughs that looked like works of art appeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. These were the sloughs of the big needle bee in the unicorn period.

Of course, the unicorn slough will not only have three sloughs, but when the big needle wasp has the strength and interest to preserve the slough, it will only have three chances left to slough.

As for the slough that evolved from the iron-shelled beetle to the big needle bee, it has been transformed into its own home by the big needle bee, and it is impossible to trade it.

Zhao Wanxi carefully put away the three worm sloughs, and after thinking about it, she also took out three boxes of energy cubes and placed them in front of the leader of the big needle bee.

The five boxes of Gainosekt's rations were exchanged for the royal jelly, blood, and three sloughs of the needle bee.

I can't say that blood is earned, I can only say that it's numb! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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